Subaru Forester 2001 Owner's Manual

Climate control

Ventilator 4-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heating and air conditioning control system 4-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heater operation 4-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air conditioner operation 4-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Operating tips for heater and air conditioner 4-11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air filtration system (if equipped) 4-12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Move the thumb-wheel up and down or right and left to adjust the air flow direction
Move the thumb-wheel up and down or right and left to adjust the air flow direction
Move the thumb-wheel up and down or right and left to adjust the air flow direction
B Air flow section
Climate control
Heating and air conditioning control system
B Control panel
1. Temperature contr ol dial
2. Air inlet selection lever
3. Air flow control dial
4. Air conditioner button (if equipped)
5. Fan speed control lever
n Temperature control dial
This dial regulates the temperature of air flow from the air outlets over a range from the blue area (cool) to red ar ea (warm).
n Fan speed control lever
The fan operates only when the ignition switch is turned to the “ON” position. The fan speed control lever is used to select four fan speeds.
n Air flow control dial
This dial has the following five positions:
: Air flows through the instrument panel outlets. : Air flows through the instrument panel outlets and the foot
: Air flows through the foot outlets and some through the wind-
shield defroster outlets.
Climate control
: Air flows through the windshield defroster outlets and foot
: Air flows through the windshield defroster outlets.
n Air conditioner button (if equipped)
The air conditioner operates only when the engine is running. Push the air conditioner button while the fan is in operation to turn on
the air conditioner. The indicator light will come on. Push it again to turn off the air conditioner.
n Air inlet selection lever
Continued operaton in the position may fog up the win­dows. Switch to the dusty condition clears.
: Interior air is recirculated inside the passenger compartment. : Outside air is drawn into the passenger compartment.
position as soon as the outside
J Heater operation
B Defrosting or defogging the windshield
To direct warm air to the windshield and front door windows:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Turn the temperature control dial all the way to the right.
4. Set the fan speed control lever to the highest speed.
Warm air also comes out from the right and left air outlets. To stop warm air flow from these outlets, turn the corresponding thumb-wheel to the
Climate control
B Heating and defrosting
To direct warm air toward the floor and the windshield:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Set the temperature control dial to the most comfortable level.
4. Set the fan speed control lever to the desired speed.
Warm air also comes out from the right and left air outlets. To stop warm air flow from these outlets, turn the corresponding thumb-wheel to the
B Heating
To direct warm air toward the floor:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Set the temperature control dial to the most comfortable level.
4. Set the fan speed control lever to the desired speed.
Warm air also comes out from the right and left air outlets. To stop warm air flow from these outlets, turn the corresponding thumb-wheel to the
B Bi-level heating
This setting allows you to direct air of different temperatures from the instrument panel and foot outlets. The air from the foot outlets is slightly warmer than from the instrument panel outlets.
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Set the temperature control dial to the desired temperature level.
4. Set the fan speed control lever to the desired speed.
Setting the temperature control dial fully turned to the red area or blue area decreases the temperature difference between the air from the instrument panel outlets and the air from the foot outlets.
Climate control
B Ventilation
Continued operaton in the position may fog up the win­dows. Switch to the dusty condition clears.
To force outside air thr ough the instrument panel outlets:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Set the temperature control dial all the way left.
4. Set the fan speed control lever to the desired speed.
position as soon as the outside
When driving on a dusty road, set the air inlet selection lever to the
J Air conditioner operation
B Cooling or dehumidifying
ON position
For cooling and dehumidification of the passenger compartment, air flows through the instrument panel outlets:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
2. Set the air flow control dial to the
3. Push the air conditioner button to the “ON” position.
4. Set the temperature control dial to the blue area.
5. Set the fan speed control lever at the highest speed.
B Defrosting or defogging
ON position
To direct warm air to the windshield and front door windows:
1. Set the air inlet selection lever to the
Climate control
2. Set the air outlet control dial to the “ ” position.
3. Push the air conditioner button to the “ON” position.
4. Set the temperature control dial to the red ar ea.
5. Set the fan speed control lever at the highest speed.
Operating tips for heater and air conditioner
B Cleaning ventilator grille
Ventilator inlet grille
Always keep the front ventilator inlet grille free of snow, leaves, or oth­er obstructions to ensure efficient heating and defrosting. Since the condenser is located in front of the radiator, this area should be kept clean because cooling performance is impaired by any accumulation of insects and leaves on the condenser.
B Efficient cooling after parking in direct sunlight
After parking in direct sunlight, drive with the windows open for a few minutes to allow outside air to circulate into the heated interior. This re­sults in quicker cooling by the air conditioner. Keep the windows closed during the operation of the air conditioner for maximum cooling efficiency.
B Lubrication oil circulation in the refrigerant circuit
Operate the air conditioner compressor at a low engine speed (at idle or low driving speeds) a few minutes each month during the off-sea­son to circulate its oil.
B Checking air conditioning system before summer season
Check the air conditioner unit for refrigerant leaks, hose conditions, and proper operation each spring. This check is best performed by your SUBARU dealer.
B Cooling and dehumidifying in high humidity and low tempera-
ture weather condition
Under certain weather conditions (high relative humidity, low tempera­tures, etc.) a small amount of water vapor emission from the air outlets may be noticed during cooling or dehumidifying. This condition is nor­mal and does not indicate any problem with the air conditioning sys­tem.
B Air conditioner compressor shut-off when engine is heavily
To improve acceleration and gas mileage, the air conditioner com­pressor is designed to temporarily shut off during air conditioner op­eration whenever the accelerator is fully depressed. Such as during rapid acceleration or when driving on a steep upgrade.
B Refrigerant for your climate control system
Your air conditioner uses ozone friendly refrigerant HFC134a. There­fore, the method of adding, changing or checking the refrigerant is different from the method for CFC12 (freon). Consult your SUBARU dealer for service. Repairs needed as a result of using the wrong re­frigerant are not covered under warranty.
Air filtration system (if equipped)
If your vehicle’s air conditioning system is equipped with a optional air filtration system, replace the filter element according to the replacement schedule shown below. This schedule should be followed to maintain the filter’s dust collection ability. Under extremely dusty conditions, the filter should be replaced more frequently. Since the filter element is a viscous type, it is unnecessary to clean or wash the element. It is recommended that you have your filter checked or replaced by your SUBARU dealer. For replacement, use only a genuine SUBARU air filter kit.
Climate control
Replacement schedule:
Every 12 months or 7,500 miles (12,000 km) whichever comes first
The filter can influence the air conditioning, heating and defroster performance.
B Replacement procedure
Old filter
1. Remove the filter cover from the cooling unit by removing the two (2) clips with a blade screwdriver and unhooking the hinge. The screwdriver must be inserted into the top of the clip. Do not pry the middle on the clip.
2. Remove the old filters.
3. Insert the front filter assembly in the cooling unit, then install the rear filter assembly.
D Hold the filter tabs to facilitate installation. D The passenger compartment side of each filter is marked with
arrows (indicating “UP” and the direction of air flow). Ensure the arrows point in the correct directions. D Ensure each filter assembly’s tongues and grooves fit the cor- responding cooling unit and matching filter tongues and grooves.
4. Reinstall the cover and secure it using the clips.
Ensure no air leaks from the cooling unit through the cover.
Climate control
5. Fill in the maintenance label with the replacement date and mile­age.
6. Install it on the left hand side of the instrument panel as shown.
D The filter must be replaced every 7,500 mile (12,000 km) or 1 year. D The filter may need to be replaced more frequently in dusty areas.
7. Install the caution label on the left hand side of the instrument pan­el next to the maintenance label as shown above.


Antenna system 5-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation of accessories 5-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Audio set 5-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type A audio set (if equipped) 5-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type B audio set (if equipped) 5-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CD player (if equipped) 5-32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In-dash 6 CD auto changer (if equipped) 5-34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Precautions to observe when handling
a compact disc (CD) 5-37
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Antenna system
Do not use sharp instruments or window cleaner containing abra­sives to clean the inner surface of the window on which the antenna is printed. Doing so may damage the antenna printed on the window.
The antenna is printed on the inside of the left side rear quarter window glass (station wagon).
B FM reception
Although FM is normally static free, reception can be affected by the surrounding area, atmospheric conditions, station strength and trans­mitter distance. Buildings or other obstructions may cause momentary static, flutter or station interference. If reception continues to be unsat­isfactory, switch to a stronger station.
Installation of accessories
Always consult your SUBARU dealer before installing a citizen band ra­dio or other transmitting device in your vehicle. Such devices may cause the electronic control system to malfunction if they are incorrectly installed or if they are not suited for the vehicle.
Audio set
Your SUBARU may be equipped with one of the following audio sets. See the pages indicated in this section for operating details. The audio type code number is found on the lid of the cassette slot.
B T ype A audio set
D Radio operation: refer to page 5-5 D Cassette player operation: refer to page 5-8 D CD player control: refer to page 5-10 D CD changer control: refer to page 5-13
B T ype B audio set
D Radio operation: refer to page 5-16
D Cassette player operation: refer to page 5-21 D Built in CD changer operation: refer to page 5-24 D CD changer control: refer to page 5-29
B CD player (Optional audio unit — if equipped)
D Inserting and removing a disc: refer to page 5-32 B In-dash 6 CD auto changer (Optional audio unit — if equipped)
D Inserting and removing a disc or all discs: refer to page 5-34
Type A audio set (if equipped)
The audio set will operate only when the ignition switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position.
Radio operation
1 Power switch/Volume, Tone,
Balance, Fader control dial
2 AUDIO button
4 Tuning buttons 5 Preset buttons 6 SCAN button
3 BAND button
B Power switch and volume/bass/treble/fader/balance control
n Power switch and volume control (PWR/VOL)
The dial radio is turned ON and OFF by pushing the dial and the volume is controlled by turning the dial.
n Tone and balance control (AUDIO)
The volume control dial This dial becomes a control for Bass, Treble, Fader or Balance when you select the appropriate tone and balance control mode.
1 is used for both power (ON/OFF) and volume control. The
1 normally functions as a volume control.
Choose desired volume level for each mode by turning the volume control dial. The control function returns to volume control mode after about 5 seconds.
To change control modes: Each brief press of the “AUDIO button
2 changes control modes in the following sequence starting from vol-
ume control mode. (When the radio is first turned on, the control mode is in the volume control.)
Volume Bass Treble Fader Balance
The “AUDIO” button 2 is used for selecting the following control modes:
Display Control mode
Turn counterclockwise Turn clockwise
BAS Bass control For less bass For more bass TRE Treble control For less treble For more treble FAd Fader control To increase rear speaker
volume and decrease front
speaker volume
BAL Balance control T o increase left speaker
volume and decrease right
speaker volume
VOL Volume control For less volume For more volume
T o increase front speaker
volume and decrease rear
speaker volume
T o increase right speaker volume and decrease left
speaker volume
B Waveband selection
Push the “BAND” button
3 to select FM1, FM2 or AM reception. The
display indicates which one is currently selected.
B Stereo indicator
The stereo indicator “ST” will come on when an FM stereo broadcast is received.
B Tuning (TUNE)
n Manual tuning (TUNE)
Press the tuning button cy and press the tuning button marked B to decrease it. Each time the button is pressed, the frequency interval can be changed between 10 kHz in the AM mode and 0.2 MHz in the FM mode. Constant pressure on the button causes a continuous change in the frequency.
n Automatic tuning (SCAN)
Press the “SCAN” button this mode, the radio scans through the radio band until a station is found. The radio will stop at the station for five seconds while display­ing the frequency, after which scanning will continue until the entire band has been scanned from the low end to the high end. Press the “SCAN” button again to cancel the SCAN mode and to stop on any displayed frequency. When the “SCAN” button is pressed for automatic tuning, stations are scanned in the direction of low frequencies to high frequencies only. Automatic tuning may not function properly if the station reception is weakened by distance from the station or proximity to tall buildings and hills.
4 marked Y to increase the tuning frequen-
6 to change the radio to the SCAN mode. In
B Selecting preset stations
Presetting a station with a “preset button” station in a single operation. Up to six AM, FM1 and FM2 stations each may be preset.
B How to preset stations
1. Press the “BAND” button
2. Press the “SCAN” button or tune the radio manually until the desired station frequency is displayed.
3 to select FM1, FM2 or AM reception.
5 allows you to select that
3. Press one of the preset buttons for more than 2 seconds to store the frequency. At this time, there will momentarily be no sound from the radio. If the button is pressed for less than 2 seconds, the preced­ing selection will remain in memory.
If the connection between the radio and battery is broken for any reason such as vehicle maintenance or radio removal, all stations stored in the preset buttons are cleared. If this occurs, it is neces­sary to reset the preset buttons.
Cassette player operation
7 Cassette slot 8 Eject button 9 TAPE button Q TPS (Tape Program Search)
E Fast-forward button R Rewind button T Dolby B NR button Y Program button
W Repeat button
D Only use good quality cassettes (cassettes longer than C-90 are not recommended). D Put cassettes back in their boxes immediately after use to protect them from dust and dirt and to prevent the tape from unwinding.
D Never expose cassettes to heat, direct sunlight or moisture. D Clean the tape head (once or twice a month) using a wet-type
cleaning cassette.
B Cassette slot
Insert a cassette with the exposed tape side facing to the right. After insertion, playback starts.
B TAPE button
Press the TAPE button is to be played back again.
B T ape travel indicators
These indicate the direction the cassette tape is moving.
" : Indicates that the top side of the cassette is being played back. A : Indicates that the bottom side of the cassette is being played
B Program button (PROG)
When the program button travel indicators will switch and the player will begin playing back the opposite side of the tape. The same mechanism is automatically acti­vated when the end of the tape is reached. This allows the opposite side of the tape to play, providing continuous playback.
9 when the cassette left in the cassette slot
Y is pressed during playback, the tape
B Fast-forward button (FF)
To fast-forward the tape, press the “FF” button warding, lightly press the
B Rewind button (REW)
To rewind the tape, press the “REW” button lightly press the
B Eject button (
When tape is ejected. The ejection function is also active when the ignition switch is in the LOCK position. Always make certain that you remove the cassette tape.
button 8 is pressed, playback stops and the cassette
8 button.
8 button.
E. To stop fast-for-
R. To stop rewinding,
B Repeat (RPT)
Press the “RPT” button repeatedly. The “RPT” indicator will come on and the song will be played continuously. To cancel the repeat mode, press the button again. Then the “RPT” indicator goes out, and normal playback mode is restored.
W while a song is playing to play the song
B Dolby B NR button (
Press the Dolby NR system*. The cy noise on the tape will be reduced for clearer sound reproduction.
*Noise reduction system manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. “Dolby” and the double-D Symbol are trade marks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
button T when playing tapes recorded using the
indicator will light up and high-frequen-
CD player control (If optional CD player is connected)
An optional CD player can be connected to this audio unit. See your SUBARU dealer for more information. For procedures for loading and un­loading CDs, refer to “CD player 1” in this chapter.
U CD button I RAND (Random) button O RPT (Repeat) button
P Track selection buttons A SCAN button
B T o start playback
n When CD is not in the CD player
Hold a disc with a finger in the center hole while gripping the edge of the disc, then insert it in to the slot (with the label side up) on the CD player and the player will automatically pull the disc into position. After insertion, the CD player mode indicator “CD” will come on and playback will start.
n When CD is in the CD player
Press the “CD” button track number will appear on the display and the CD player will start playback.
U. The “CD indicator will come on, and the
D If the “CD” button is pressed during a radio broadcast, the disc will interrupt the broadcast. D After playback on the last song finishes, the player will auto­matically return to track 1 (the first song on the disc).
B T o select a song from its beginning
Briefly press the “"" button track and briefly press the AA button to skip to the beginning of
the current track.
P to skip to the beginning of the next
B Fast-forwarding and fast-reverse
Press the “"" button
to fast-forward the disc.
Press the AA button continuously for more than a half second to
fast reverse the disc. Release the button to stop fast forwarding or fast reverse.
B Repeat
Press the “RPT” button repeatedly. The “RPT” indicator will come on and the song will be played continuously. To cancel the repeat mode, press the button again. Then the “RPT” indicator goes out, and normal playback mode is restored.
P continuously for more than a half second
O while a song is playing to play the song
B Random playback
Press the “RAND” button all songs on the disc in a random order. The “RAND” indicator will come on and all songs on the disc will be played in a random order. To cancel the random mode, press the button again. Then the RAND indicator goes out, and normal playback mode is restored.
B Scan (a convenient way to become familiar with a disc)
1. Press the SCAN button The display shows SCAN and the track number being
You hear the first 10 seconds of each track.The operation is automatically cleared after playing all pro-
grams. Then, normal playback starts.
2. Press the “SCAN” button again when you hear a track you like. – Normal playback resumes.
B T o stop playback
To stop playback and switch over to the radio mode, press the BAND button. To stop playback and switch over to the cassette player mode, press the “TAPE button.
I while a disc is being played back to play
CD changer control (If optional in dash CD changer is connected)
An optional CD changer can be connected to this audio unit. See your SUBARU dealer for more information. For procedures for loading and un­loading CDs, refer to “In-dash 6 CD auto changer” in this chapter.
S CD button D Disc up/down buttons F RAND (Random) button
B T o start playback
Press the “CD” button disc number will appear on the display and the CD changer will start playback.
S. The CD indicator will come on and the
G RPT (Repeat) button H Track selection buttons J SCAN button
D If the “CD” button is pressed during a radio broadcast, the CD changer will interrupt the broadcast. D At the end of the disc, playback automatically continues with the next disc. D After playback on the last disc finishes, the player will auto­matically return to the first disc.
D If you have loaded fewer than 6 discs, any missing disc is automatically skipped.
B Selection of a desired disc
Briefly press the Y button press the B button to skip to the previous disc.
n Operation with the in-dash CD changer unit
Press the desired Disc select button (numbered from 1 to 6) and the disc will begin to play.
B T o select a song from its beginning
Briefly press the “"" button track and briefly press the AA button to skip to the beginning of
the current track.
B Fast-forwarding and fast-reverse
Press the “"" button
to fast-forward the disc.
Press the AA button continuously for more than a half second to
fast reverse the disc. Release the button to stop fast forwarding or fast reverse.
B Repeat
Press the “RPT” button repeatedly. The “RPT” indicator will come on and the song will be played continuously. To cancel the repeat mode, press the button again. Then the “RPT” indicator goes out, and normal playback mode is restored.
D to skip to the next disc and briefly
H to skip to the beginning of the next
H continuously for more than a half second
G while a song is playing to play the song
B Random playback
Press the “RAND” button all songs on the disc in a random order. The “RAND” indicator will come on and all songs on the disc will be played in a random order. To cancel the random mode, press the button again. Then the RAND indicator goes out, and normal playback mode is restored.
F while a disc is being played back to play
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