Subaru EH90 User Manual

EH90/ EH99
OHV Gasoline Engine
EMD-EU9099 September 2013
Thank you for choosing a Subaru. Your Subaru engine can supply the power to operate various sorts of machines and equipment. Keep this owner’s manual at hand, so you can refer to it when needed. Due to constant efforts to improve our products, certain procedures and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. When ordering spare parts, always give us the MODEL, SPECIFICATION (PRODUCT) NUMBER and SERIAL NUMBER of your engine. Please fi ll in the blanks below after checking the product number on your engine. (Location of label is different depending on the engines specifi cation.)
Prod. No. EH990DSXXXX Displacement 999.00 cc SERIAL No. F6000005 13028
SERIAL No. F6000005
Serial No. F6000005 13028
Please take a moment to register your product to ensure easy warranty qualifi cation and product updates. Please register online at: You will need the above three pieces of information to complete your product registration.
Subaru Industrial Power Products
905 Telser Road • Lake Zurich, IL 60047 • USA •Toll Free: 800-277-6246 • 847-540-7300
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 7
BATTERY INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................... 8
OPERA TING YOUR ENGINE ................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................... 10
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................. 14
PREPARATIONS FOR STORAGE ......................................................................................................... 15
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 16
EASY TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................. 16
WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................. 17
WARRANTY ............................................................................................................................................ 18
USA and CANADA only
The engine emits
Gasoline is extremely ammable and its vapors can explode.
• Stop the engine before refueling.
• Check for leakage from hoses and ttings.
• Shut o fuel valve when the engine is not in use.
toxic gas that can kill you in minutes. Do not run in an enclosed area.
Hot surface can burn you. Stay away if engine has been running.
The safety alert symbol ( ) is used with a signal word (DANGER, CAUTION, WARNING), a pictorial and/or a safety message to alert you to hazards.
DANGER indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTE indicates a situation that could result in engine damage. Follow safety messages to avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death.
The manufacturer cannot possibly anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a hazard. The warnings in this manual, and the tags and decals affi xed to the unit are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If you use a procedure, work method or operating technique that the manufacturer does not specifi cally recommend you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You must also make sure that the procedure, work method or operating technique that you choose does not render the engine system unsafe.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazards that they indicate. Common sense and strict compliance with the special instructions while performing the action or service are essential to preventing accidents.
Study these RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION carefully before operating or servicing this equipment. Become familiar with the OWNER’S MANUAL and with the engine. The engine can operate safely, effi ciently and reliably only if it is properly operated and maintained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow simple and fundamental rules or precautions.
A running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headache, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea, fainting or death.
• Operate engine ONLY outdoors.
• Keep exhaust gas from entering a confi ned area through windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings.
Engine exhaust and some of its constituents are
known to the State of California to cause cancer,
birth defects and other reproductive harm.
This product contains or emits chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer, birth
defects and other reproductive harm.
• Gasoline is highly FLAMMABLE and its vapors are EXPLOSIVE. Do not permit smoking, open fl ames, sparks or heat in the area while handling gasoline. Avoid spilling gasoline on a hot engine. Comply with all of the laws regulating storage and handling of gasoline.
•Store gasoline and other fuels only in containers designed and approved for the storage of such materials.
• Pressure can build up in the fuel tank. Loosen the fuel cap slowly to relieve any pressure in the tank.
• Add gasoline and other fuels in a clean, well-ventilated area. Wipe up any spilled gasoline immediately. If gasoline has been spilled, let it dry completely before starting the engine.
• Do not overfi ll the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion. If the tank is overfi lled, the fuel can overfl ow onto a hot engine and cause a FIRE or an EXPLOSION.
• Thoroughly inspect the engine for loose or damaged parts before each use. Do not use the engine until adjustments or repairs are made.
• Check the oil level in the engine before each use.
• Inspect the engine periodically. Repair or replace all damaged or defective parts immediately.
• Inspect fuel system frequently for leaks or damage. Repair or replace any damaged or leaking component immediately. Never attempt to change, alter or modify the engine fuel system in any way that might affect safety or compliance with applicable codes and standards.
• This engine requires an adequate fl ow of cooling air for its continued proper operation. Never operate the equipment inside any room or enclosure where the free fl ow of cooling air into and out of the equipment might be obstructed. Without suffi cient cooling air fl ow, the engine quickly overheats, damaging the engine or nearby property.
• Do not smoke around the engine. Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately. Never leave oily or fuel soaked rags around the engine. Keep the area around the engine clean and free of debris.
• Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from moving parts of this engine.
• Never operate the engine (a) in the rain; (b) in any en- closed compartment; (c) if the engine speed changes; (d) if the engine sparks; (e) if fl ame or smoke is observed while the engine is running.
• Never work on this engine or handle any electrical device while standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet. DANGEROUS ELECTRIC SHOCK will result.
• Allow muffl er, engine cylinder and fi ns to cool before touching.
• Remove accumulated combustibles from muffl er area and cylinder area.
• Install and maintain in working order a spark arrester before using equipment on forest covered, grass covered, brush covered unimproved land.
• This engine was designed and manufactured for specifi c applications. Do not attempt to modify the equipment or use it for any application for which it was not designed.
• Engine exhaust gases contain DEADLY carbon monoxide gas. This dangerous gas, if breathed in suffi cient concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. Operate this equipment only in the open air where adequate ventilation is available.
• Do not insert any object through the cooling slots of the engine. This could damage the equipment or injure personnel.
• Do not operate the engine faster than the speed necessary to operate the equipment. Do not run the engine at high speed when not operating the equipment.
Service on this engine within and after the warranty period can be performed by any authorized Subaru service dealer. When contacting an authorized Subaru service dealer about parts and service, always supply the complete model num­ber and serial number of the unit as shown on the specifi ca- tion label. The warranty for this engine is included in the back of the owner’s manual.
NOTE: Be sure to read these instructions carefully before attempting to start or operate this equipment. Using old or improper oil or fuel can cause engine damage.
Any attempt to crank or start the engine before
it has been properly serviced with the recommended oil may result in engine damage.
This engine is shipped from the manufacturer
without oil. Check oil level before starting engine. The engine will be damaged beyond repair and will not be covered under warranty if started without oil.
Use only high quality detergent oil rated with an API service classifi cation SJ or higher. DO NOT use oil designated “For Diesel Engines Only”. The use of a multi-weight oil (10W-30) may result in higher than normal oil consumption. Therefore, checking the oil level more frequently may be required. The recommended oil weights include the following:
• During summer months: SAE30. An acceptable substitute is SAE 10W-30. After fi rst oil change, synthetic oil is acceptable.
• During winter months: SAE 5W-30, or after the fi rst oil change, synthetic 5W-30 can be used. DO NOT USE SAE
SAE 30, 10W-30
Synthetic 5W-30
°F -20 0 20 32 40 60 80 100 °C -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Temperature Range of Expected Use
Using the proper type and weight of oil in the crankcase is extremely important. Check the oil before each use and change the oil regularly (see Figure 1). Failure to use the correct oil, or using dirty oil, can cause premature engine wear and failure.
OIL CAPACITY: 1.8 liters (1.9 qts/73.6 ounces)
Figure 1
Use no special additives. Make sure that the unit is level when fi lling with oil. DO NOT OVERFILL.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT OVERFILL. Check and maintain oil level regularly. Change oil and fi lter after fi rst eight (8) hours of operation. Thereafter, change oil and fi lter every 100 hours of operation. Change oil more often if engine is operated in dirty or dusty conditions or if engine is operated under heavy loads or in high ambient air temperatures.
The fuel tank is provided separately from the Equipment manufacturer.
Do not overfi ll the fuel tank. Always allow room for fuel expansion.
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