Studio Technologies 740 User Manual

Model 740 Audio Mixer
User Guide
Issue 3, May 2004
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M740-00151 and later
© 2004 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50026-0504, Issue 3
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Model 740

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................... 5
System Features ........................................................... 6
Configuration Review .................................................... 8
Installation ..................................................................... 9
Post-Installation Calibration .......................................... 14
Operation ...................................................................... 15
Technical Notes ............................................................. 21
Specifications ................................................................ 24
Block Diagram
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Model 740
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Model 740
Model 740


What This User Guide Covers
This User Guide is designed to assist you when installing, configuring, and using the Model 740 Audio Mixer. Additional background technical information is also provided. A product block diagram is included at the end of this guide.
System Overview
The Model 740 Audio Mixer is expressly designed for use in compact electronic­news-gathering (ENG) vehicles. Many other audio production applications can also be supported. Model 740 features include six mic/line inputs, a monaural output bus, LED metering, and a flexible monitoring section. It’s important to note that the fea­ture set was carefully selected to provide exactly what’s needed —and no more! Keeping it simple was the design mantra. The Model 740 is targeted for use by operators that have a multitude of tasks to perform, and too little time to do them. Using its experience in mobile broadcast
applications, Studio Technologies was able to design the Model 740 to include all the crucial features required to meet the needs of fast-paced news-gathering operations, while still providing the opera­tor with an extremely easy-to-use product.
The hallmarks of the Model 740 are ap­plication flexibility, simplicity in use, audio quality, and long-term reliability. A number of internal configuration jumpers allow the unit’s performance to be tailored to the needs of specific installations. The care­fully selected feature set ensures that the Model 740 will be a “team player” when it’s integrated into an audio system. While there’s flexibility on the inside, the opera­tor is presented with an easy-to-use set of front-panel controls and indicators—the operator never has to access the back panel to operate the unit. In this way the goal of delivering successful on-air and production audio, day-after-day, can best be achieved. The Model 740’s audio quality is “pro” throughout. The compo­nents were carefully selected to deliver low-noise, low-distortion performance.
Model 740 Front Panel
Model 740 Back Panel
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Model 740
Reliability over the long haul was a Model 740 design criteria. To that end the unit’s enclosure is made of steel, combining strength with effective RF rejection. On the inside, all components are mounted on an FR4 (fiberglass-based) circuit board assembly.

System Features

Mic/Line Inputs
Six input channels are provided for connection to microphone or line-level signals. The electronically balanced circuitry is “ruggedized” for reliability under tough operating conditions. The low-noise, low-distortion, high-headroom audio performance is what’s expected of sophisticated “pro audio” equipment. Features provided for each input channel include an input sensitivity button, rotary level control, and level status LED. For ease of use, the rotary level control sets both the gain of the input circuit and the level being sent to the main audio bus. For convenience the six input sensitivity buttons, like all the Model 740’s operator controls, are located on the front panel. For operator assistance, the bicolor level status LED provides signal present and peak level indication.
Main Output
Signals from the six mic/line input chan­nels combine to create a monaural signal called the main output bus. A rotary con­trol sets the overall level of the main bus. An electronically balanced output circuit is associated with the main output bus. It provides a line-level signal capable of driving balanced or unbalanced loads of 600 ohms and greater. A studio-quality audio compressor circuit is provided to
control the dynamic range of the main au­dio bus. An LED indicator lights whenever the compressor circuit is actively control­ling the signal. Far from a simple “clipper,” the compressor circuit utilizes a sophis­ticated laser-trimmed voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) integrated circuit for quiet, low-distortion operation. To help minimize operator error, no compressor on/off switch is provided on the Model 740’s front panel. An internal 3-position configuration jumper determines the compressor circuit’s oper­ating mode. From the factory the jumper is set so that the compressor’s operat­ing threshold is 6 dB above the nominal +4 dBu output level. This is an excellent general-purpose setting for broadcast use where voice signals are the primary audio content.
To meet the needs of other installations, a technician can change the jumper to make the threshold 2 dB above the nomi­nal +4 dBu. This could prove useful when using the Model 740 with level-sensitive RF transmission systems. For other applica­tions a technician can set the jumper to a third position which completely disables the compressor function.
Monitor Section
The Model 740’s monitor section provides a line-level monitor output, along with two headphone outputs. Associated with the monitor section is a rotary level control and a 3-position source select switch. The monitor output is compatible with a variety of monitor amplifiers and amplified loud­speakers. For flexibility, two headphone output jacks are provided, one on the front panel and one on the back. Each headphone jack is supported by an inde­pendent output circuit. A 3-position toggle switch is used to select the audio source
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Model 740
to be monitored. This allows monitoring of the main audio bus, along with two external monaural audio sources. These external monitor inputs are intended to be connected to devices such as off-air, microwave, or satellite receivers. Alternate­ly, other mobile broadcast support equip­ment, such as a PC-based editing system, can be connected.
Unique to the Model 740 is the ability to configure the monitor output to meet the needs of the “real world.” This is accom­plished by using an internal 3-position configuration jumper to select the monitor output mode. From the factory the monitor output is configured to “follow” the setting of the front-panel level control. In addition, the monitor output mutes whenever a pair of headphones is plugged into the front­panel jack. A technician can change the jumper position so that the monitor output still follows the setting of the front-panel level control, but is not impacted by use of the front-panel headphone jack.
A third jumper position allows a technician to configure the monitor output such that it is electrically before (“pre”) the level control. As with the previous mode, the output isn’t impacted by use of the head­phone output. This mode is very useful when an amplified loudspeaker that con­tains a user-accessible level control is connected. Examples of amplified speak­ers that contain user level controls include the popular Fostex® 6301-series. With the jumper in the pre-level-control position, only one level control—the one on the amplified speaker—would be used to set the speaker level. This can greatly minimize operator confusion while still utilizing the resources of the Model 740’s monitor section.
A 10-segment LED meter provides an indication of audio-signal level. An internal selection jumper determines the audio source for the meter. From the factory the meter is set to monitor the signal level of the main audio bus. A technician can change the configuration so that the meter monitors the source selected by the moni­tor section’s 3-position switch. In this way the level of the main audio bus, as well as the two external monitor sources, can be displayed by the meter.
Reference Tone
A sine-wave audio tone is provided for alignment and reference use. From the factory the tone is configured for 400 Hz. If required, a technician can revise the frequency to be 1 kHz. A button on the Model 740’s front panel allows the tone to be connected to the main audio bus. In addition, a dedicated reference tone output is also provided. This continuous source of sine-wave signal is accessed by means of a balanced line-level output on the back panel. The dedicated reference tone output is intended to provide a setup or test signal that is available at all times, and without interfering with normal opera­tion of the main audio bus.
Mounting, Connectors, and Mains Power
The Model 740 requires one space in a standard 19-inch rack. Industry-stan­dard XLR-type and ¼-inch 3-conductor audio connectors are used for all audio interconnections. To maximize reliability, all connectors were selected to be pre­mium grade. For example, the XLR-type connectors feature metal shells and are manufactured by Neutrik. AC mains power
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Model 740
is connected directly to the Model 740 by way of a standard 3-pin detachable IEC cord set; no external power supply is used. AC mains power is factory config­ured for 100, 120, or 220/240 V, 50/60 Hz.

Configuration Review

In this section you will be reviewing the configuration of the Model 740. Configura­tion changes can be made if required. Any changes should be made prior to install­ing the unit.
As previously mentioned in this guide, four Model 740 operating parameters can be configured to meet the needs of specific applications. These include compres­sor mode, monitor output mode, meter source, and reference tone frequency. While simple to perform, all changes do require the skill of a technician. This per­son must ensure that AC mains power is disconnected prior to removing the unit’s cover. Then the locations of one or more of the configuration jumpers can be moved. In the case of the reference tone frequency, a calibration trim pot must also be adjusted.
Compressor Mode
The compressor can be configured to operate from one of three modes:
• From the factory the compressor is set to have an operating threshold of 6 dB above the main output’s nominal +4 dBu operating level. In other words, the compressor will begin to function when the level of the main output reach­es about +10 dBu. This is an excellent general purpose setting that is appropri­ate for most applications.
• Alternately, the compressor’s threshold can be changed to be 2 dB above the +4 dBu operating level. This may be appropriate for applications where an RF transmission chain places severe restrictions on the audio signal’s dynamic range.
• While not recommended for most applications, the compressor can also be configured to be disabled. With this configuration, no dynamic range control will take place. For most on-air applications it’s unlikely that this would be appropriate.
Monitor Output Mode
The monitor output can be configured to operate from one of three modes:
• From the factory the monitor output is set to follow the position of the front­panel rotary level control. This mode of operation is sometimes referred to as being “post” the level control. In ad­dition, plugging a pair of headphones into the jack on the front panel will cause the monitor output to mute.
• An alternate configuration is available that makes the monitor output follow the rotary level control’s setting. But plugging headphones into the front panel doesn’t cause muting of the monitor output. This allows the monitor output to be active, whether or not the headphones are plugged in.
• A third mode is specifically provided for use in applications where an ampli­fied loudspeaker with built-in user level control is connected. This “pre-level­control” mode allows the user to select the source to be monitored on the Mod­el 740’s front panel. But only the level control on the amplified speaker is used
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Model 740
to adjust its volume. This prevents the confusing situation of having two level controls—the Model 740’s level control and the amplified speaker’s level con­trol—both impacting the speaker level. In this case the Model 740’s front-panel control will only impact the headphone output level.
Meter Source
The meter source can be configured to operate from one of two modes:
• From the factory the meter is selected to always monitor the level of the main output bus. This ensures that the level of the active or “on-air” output is always displayed on the meter. Changing the monitor source will not impact meter operation.
• An alternate jumper setting allows the meter to “follow” the source selected for monitor output. This could prove useful if level metering of the external monitor input signals is desired.
Reference Tone Frequency
From the factory the frequency of the reference tone is configured to be 400 Hz. This is a nice alternative to the more typical 1 kHz, a frequency which can soon become very annoying to a listener’s ears. In most cases 400 Hz will be perfectly acceptable, and actually preferred. But in those situations where 1 kHz is neces­sary, configuration jumpers can shift the frequency range so that the oscillator circuitry can be calibrated for 1 kHz.
Configuration Wrap-Up
If it is determined that any configuration changes are required, they should now have been performed. For specific details
on how to make configuration changes, refer to the Technical Notes section of this guide. The details provided should have made the process simple and relatively painless.


In this section, the Model 740 will be installed in an equipment rack. Input and output connections will be made using the Model 740’s multitude of jacks. Finally, AC mains power will be connected.
System Components
The shipping carton contains a Model 740 Audio Mixer and user guide. Units des­tined for North America and Japan also include an AC mains cord. Your dealer or distributor will provide an AC mains cord for non-North American destinations.
Locating the Unit
Now that the Model 740’s configura­tion has been reviewed and, if required, revised, the unit can be mounted in an equipment rack. Physical access and viewing angles are the primary issues to be considered when choosing a mount­ing location. By its very nature as an audio mixer, an operator will need easy access to all the controls. Also, a good sight line to the 10-segment LED level meter, locat­ed on the right side of the front panel, can be important.
As a device that contains high gain audio stages, hum and noise pickup is possible by way of the chassis and associated ca­bling. Locating the unit away from devices that radiate strong AC fields is an excellent idea. While not likely, it is also possible that the Model 740’s toroidal power trans­former could radiate energy into adjacent
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