Model 72
Level Meter / Interface
User Guide
Issue 2, July 2004
This User Guide is applicable for serial numbers:
M72-00151 and later
Copyright © 2004 by Studio Technologies, Inc., all rights reserved
50023-0704, Issue 2
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Model 72
Level Meter / Interface
The Model 72 Level Meter/Interface is
a compact, portable device that plugs
directly into an IFB or intercom circuit and
provides two useful functions: audio level
meters and line-level audio outputs. IFB
(interruptible foldback) circuits are used in
broadcast applications, providing one or
two channels of talent cue audio. Intercom
circuits are used by production personnel,
supplying one or two channels of “partyline” communications.
Two 5-segment LED meters allow direct
observation of the audio signal levels
present on the connected IFB or intercom
circuit. The display range is optimized for
the signal levels found on typical “wet”
(DC with audio) IFB and intercom circuits,
rather than traditional “VU” scaling.
Two audio outputs provide transformercoupled “dry” signals, one output associated with each IFB or intercom channel.
These pro-audio-quality outputs are useful
for a variety of production and testing applications. For example, the outputs can
serve as the interface between a traditional
“wet” IFB system and a wireless in-ear
monitor or IFB system. The Model 72’s
outputs can also be connected to linelevel inputs on an audio console, allowing
View showing IFB/intercom input and power present
LED indicator
View showing level meters and audio outputs
IFB or intercom audio signals to be combined and/or routed to other local or remote
talent or production personnel cue systems.
Other applications may arise where an amplified speaker needs to be used to monitor
an IFB or intercom circuit. The Model 72’s
audio outputs will make achieving this fast
and simple.
Power for the Model 72 is provided by the
connected IFB or intercom circuit. Active circuitry ensures accurate level metering and
excellent audio performance. The compact
device is housed in a rugged aluminum
enclosure. All inputs and outputs interface
using industry-standard 3-pin male and female XLR-type connectors. The connectors
are manufactured by Neutrik® and feature
gold-plated contacts and metal housings.
The Model 72 is compatible with virtually
all single- and dual-channel IFB and intercom circuits used in broadcast, theatrical,
and industrial applications. IFB circuits,
typically provided by Studio Technologies’
IFB interface units or the RTS® 4000-series,
can be directly connected. Industrystandard party-line intercom circuits are
also compatible. Whether a single-channel
system from Clear-Com® or a dual-channel
TW-series system from RTS, direct connection to the Model 72 is supported.
Model 72 User Guide Issue 2, July 2004
Studio Technologies, Inc. Page 3