Model 5202 Interface
to Phones and Line Output
Key Features
Dante™ Audio-over-Ethernet technology
Headphone and balanced line outputs
Excellent audio quality
PoE powered
Audio channel level metering
Standard connectors
Compact, lightweight design
The Model 5202 Interface is a general-purpose audio device
that supports applications utilizing the Dante™ Audio-over-
Ethernet media networking technology. Two Dante-associ
ated audio channels can be assigned to the Model 5202
which provides headphone and balanced line-level outputs.
The audio quality is such that virtually any audio application
can be supported, from simple headphone or loudspeaker
monitoring to interfacing with high-performance on-air
broadcast, stadium AV, or corporate audio systems. Multi-
step LED meters provide confirmation of the level of the
two input audio channels. The compact, lightweight design
allows the Model 5202 to be used in portable or desktop
situations or deployed as a permanent solution in fixed
applications. Standard connectors ensure fast, reliable
deployment. The unit requires only an Ethernet connection
to supply both the data interface as well as Power-over-
Ethernet (PoE) power.
The Model 5202 is perfect for use in conjunction with the
Dante Controller software application. Driving a pair of
headphones or set of amplified speakers, audio flows and
associated channels can be quickly confirmed for content as
well as signal level. For field applications the unit can serve
as both a test tool and a general-purpose source of analog
audio outputs. With level controls associated with both the
headphone and line outputs interfacing with virtually any
analog audio input is a simple matter. For permanent ap
plications there’s no reason why a Model 5202 can’t reside
within an equipment rack or be mounted, using optional
brackets, underneath a table or on-air studio set. The low-
power circuitry is intended for continuous operation.
Headphone Output
A sonically-excellent 2-channel (stereo) headphone output
is provided. It is capable of driving contemporary head
phones, headsets, and earbuds to substantial levels at
very low distortion. A rotary control is used to adjust the
headphone output level. The level knob is a push-in/push-
out type which helps prevent inadvertent adjustment. For
flexibility the headphone output is provided on two separate
3-conductor jacks: a 3.5 mm on the front panel and a ¼-inch
on the back. The audio quality of the headphone output is
such that it can also be used as a 2-channel unbalanced
line output. The output level control will make it a simple
task to optimally interface the headphone output with in
puts on personal computers, portable audio devices, and
“semi-pro” equipment.
Model 5202 Front and Back Views
500275-0514, Issue Preliminary 1

Line Outputs
Ethernet Data and PoE
The Model 5202 provides a 2-channel line-level, electroni-
cally-balanced analog audio output by way of standard 3-pin
male XLR connectors located on the back panel. A rotary
level control allows the nominal (average) level of the
line outputs to be adjusted. Using the push-in/push-out
knob it’s a simple matter to achieve the desired nominal
output levels which include –10, 0, or +4 dBu. And with a
maximum output level of +24 dBu there will always be suf
ficient headroom for “pro” audio performance. Protection
components in the output circuitry help ensure reliability
in field applications.
The line outputs can serve a number of monitoring and
interfacing uses. Audio amplifiers or amplified speakers
can be directly connected. The level control can be used to
adjust the speaker volume or used as a level trim function to
match the speaker’s input sensitivity. The line outputs can
also serve as a source for interfacing with analog inputs on
audio consoles, wireless in-ear or IFB monitor systems, as
well as audio recording devices. The level control will help to
ensure that the nominal level of the line outputs will match
the requirements of the connected equipment.
Two 7-step LED meters provide a real-time level indication
of the two Dante-supplied audio channels. Scaled in dBFS
(decibels referenced to full scale digital) the meters offer a
direct view of the signal levels as they arrive in the digital
domain. Optimal audio performance requires transporting
signals at their proper levels — without an accurate indica
tion this can be difficult to achieve.
The Model 5202 connects to a data network using a
standard 100 Mb/s twisted-pair Ethernet interface. The
physical interconnection is made by way of a Neutrik®
etherCON RJ45 connector. While compatible with standard
RJ45 plugs, etherCON allows a ruggedized and locking
interconnection for harsh or high-reliability environments.
An LED displays the status of the network connection.
The Model 5202’s operating power is provided by way of
the Ethernet interface using the Power-over-Ethernet (PoE)
standard. This allows fast and efficient interconnection
with the associated data network. To support PoE power
management the Model 5202’s PoE interface reports to the
power sourcing equipment (PSE) that it’s a class 1 (very
low power) device. An LED is provided to indicate when
power is being supplied to the Model 5202. Note that no
provision has been made to allow an external power source
to be connected. However, if the associated Ethernet switch
does not provide PoE capability a commonly-available mid-
span PoE power injector can be utilized.
Dante Audio-over-Ethernet
Audio data is sent to the Model 5202 using the Dante
Audio-over-Ethernet media networking technology. As
a Dante-compliant device, two audio channels can be as
signed to the Model 5202 using the Dante Controller soft
ware application. Bit depths of up to 24 and sample rates
of 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz are supported. Two bi-color
LEDs provide an indication of the Dante connection status.
The Model 5202 uses Audinate’s Ultimo™ integrated circuit
for implementing Dante. The integrated circuit’s firmware
can be updated via the Ethernet connection, helping to
ensure that its capabilities remain up to date.
Studio Technologies, Inc.
Model 5202 Interface, Issue Preliminary 1, Page 2