Still ECV 10 C, ECV 10i C, ECV 10 Original Instructions Manual

Original instructions
Electric Pallet Stacker
ECV 10 C ECV 10i C ECV 10
0342 0343 0344
50028011505 EN - 03/2018


Address of manufacturer and contact details

STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10 22113 Hamburg, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 40 7339-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 7339-1622 Email: Website:

Rules for the operating company of industrial trucks

In addition to these operating instructions, a code of practice containing additional information for the operating companies of industrial trucks is also available.
This guide provides information for handling industrial trucks:
• Information on how to select suitable industrial trucks for a particular area of application
• Prerequisites for industrial trucks
• Information on the use of industrialtrucks
• Information on transport, initial commis­sioning and storage of industrial trucks
Internet address and QR code
The information c by pasting the add in a web browser or
an be accessed at any time
by scanning the QR code.
28011505 EN - 03/2018 I

Table of contents

1 Introduction
Your industrial truck ................................................... 2
General ............................................................ 2
CElabelling ......................................................... 3
ECdeclarationofconformity ............................................. 4
Information about document
Documentationscope ................................................. 4
Copyrightandpropertyrights ............................................ 5
Explanation of symbols use
Date of edition and latest update of this manual ............................... 7
Listofabbreviations ................................................... 7
Drivedirections ...................................................... 9
Illustrations ......................................................... 9
Environmental considerations .......................................... 10
Packaging ......................................................... 10
Disposal of components and batteries ..................................... 10
Series ............................................................ 10
Technical description ................................................. 1
Use of the truck ..................................................... 12
Intended use of the trucks .............................................. 12
Unauthorised use .................................................... 13
Placeofuse ........................................................ 13
Residual risks ...................................................... 14
Residualrisks ...................................................... 14
Specialrisksassociatedwithusingthetruckandattachments ................... 14
Overviewofhazardsandcountermeasures ................................. 16
Danger to employees . . ............................................... 19
ation ......................................... 4
d ............................................ 6
Definition of terms used for responsible persons ............................. 22
Operatingcompany .................................................. 22
Specialist .......................................................... 22
Drivers ........................................................... 22
Basic principles for safe operation ....................................... 24
Insurance cover on comp
Modificationsandrefitting .............................................. 24
Warning regarding non-original parts ..................................... 24
Damage, faults ..................................................... 25
Medicaldevices ..................................................... 25
anypremises .................................... 24
28011505 EN - 03/2018 III
Table of contents
Vibrations ......................................................... 26
Safety tests ........................................................ 27
Carrying out regular inspecti
Insulationtesting .................................................... 27
Safety regulations for handling consumables ............................... 29
Permissibleconsumables ............................................. 29
Oils .............................................................. 29
Hydraulicfluid ...................................................... 30
Batteryacid ........................................................ 30
Disposalofconsumables .............................................. 31
Safety devices ...................................................... 31
Damage, faults ..................................................... 31
Battery connection cables ............................................. 31
EMC – Electromagnetic compatibility ..................................... 32
onsonthetruck ................................ 27
Drive directions ..................................................... 34
Main Components ................................................... 35
Dataplate and safety labels ............................................ 37
Load label ......................................................... 38
Identification plate ................................................... 38
4 Operation
Intended use of the trucks .............................................. 42
First use .......................................................... 42
Daily checks before use ............................................... 43
Checking the working environment ....................................... 43
General informati
Charging and discharging batteries ...................................... 44
Drive operations .................................................... 46
Description ........................................................ 46
Starting ........................................................... 47
Forwardtravel/reversetravel ........................................... 49
Brake ............................................................ 49
Safetyreverser ..................................................... 51
Steering ........................................................... 51
IV 5
on on batteries ......................................... 44
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
Table of contents
Horn operation ...................................................... 52
Usingthetruckonaslope .............................................. 52
Hydraulic operations ................................................. 54
Useofthemast ..................................................... 54
Workingwithloads ................................................... 55
Emergency lowering . . ............................................... 58
Before leaving the equipment ........................................... 60
Putting the equipment back into operation .................................. 61
Slinging ........................................................... 61
Transporting the truck ................................................ 62
5 Maintenance
General maintenance information ........................................ 64
General ........................................................... 64
Servicing and maintenance personnel training and qualification . ................. 64
Battery maintenance staff .............................................. 65
Maintenance operation
Technical inspection and maintenance data ................................ 65
Maintenance - 1000 hours / every 12 months ................................ 65
Maintenance - 2000 ho
Maintenance work ................................................... 67
Changing the battery . . ............................................... 67
Lubricationpoint .................................................... 70
Checkthehydraulicoillevel ............................................ 71
Topping up the gear oil . ............................................... 72
Checkingthefuses ................................................... 73
Tyre operation ...................................................... 74
Drive Wheel ........................................................ 74
Load Wheels - Removal and I
Caster-RemovalandInstallation ........................................ 76
Malfunction analysis ................................................. 78
s that do not require special training ..................... 65
urs / every 2 years .................................. 67
nstallation ................................... 75
6 Technical data
ECV 10 Technical Datas
ECV 10i C / ECV 10 C Technical Datasheet ................................. 83
heet ........................................... 80
28011505 EN - 03/2018 V


1 Introduction

Your industrial truck

Your industrial truck
The truck described in these operating instruc­tions corresponds to the applicable standards and safety regulations.
If the truck is to be operated on public roads, it must conform to the existing national regula­tions for the country in which it is being used. The driving permit must be obtained from the appropriate office.
The truck has been fitted wit art technology. Following instructions will allow t safely. By complying with these operating instruct and the approved features retained.
Get to know the technology, understand it and use it safely - these operating instructions provide the necessary information and help to avoid accidents and to keep the truck ready for operation beyond the warranty period.
– Before commissioning t
the operating instruct instructions.
– Always follow all of the safety information
contained in the operating instructions and on the truck.
h state-of-the-
these operating
he truck to be handled
the specifications in
ions, the functionality
of the truck will be
he truck, read
ions and follow the
028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Your industrial truck
CE labelling
The manufacturer uses CE labe cate that the truck complies w and regulations valid at the t This is confirmed by the issued of conformity. The CE labelli the nameplate.
An independent structural change or addition to the truck can compromise safety, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration of conformity must be carefully stored and made available to the responsible authorities.
ith the standards
ime of marketing.
EC declaration
ng is attached to
28011505 EN - 03/2018 3
1 Introduction

Information about documentation

EC declaration of conformity
STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10
22113 Hamburg Germany
We declare that the machine
Industrial truck
conforms to the latest version of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Personnel authorised to compile the technical documents:
See EC compliance declaration
EC declaration of conformity
The manufacturer declares that the truck com­plies with the requirements of the EC machin­ery directive and any other EC directives, if applicable, that are valid at the time of plac­ing on the market. This is confirmed by the EC declaration of conformity and by the CE labelling on the nameplate.
The EC declara is delivered w
tion of conformity document
ith the truck. The declaration
ion about documentation
according to these operating instructions
according to these operating instructions
shown explains the conformity with the re­quirements of the EC machinery directive.
An independent structural change or addition to the truck can compromise safety, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC decla carefully s responsibl also be handed truckissoldo
tored and made available to the
e authorities if applicable. It must
ration of conformity must be
over to the new owner if the
• Opera
• Operating instructions for attachment parts (special equipment)
tation scope
ting instructions
• Spare
• VDMA rules for the proper use of industrial trucks (EU countries only)
These operating instructions describe all mea­sures necessary for the safe operation and
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parts list
Introduction 1
Information about documentation
proper maintenance of the truck in all possible variants at the time of printing. Special de­signs to meet customer requirements are doc­umented in separate operating instructions. If you have any questions, please contact your service centre.
Enter the production number and the year of production located on the nameplate in the field provided:
Production no. ...........
Year of production ..........................................
Please quote these numbers for all technical enquiries.
Operating instructions a truck. These instruction carefully and must be avai and operator at all times.
re provided with each smustbestored
lable to the driver
Copyright and property rights
This manual - and any excerpts thereof - may not be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form to third parties without the express written permission of the manufacturer.
If the operating instructions are lost, the oper­ator must immediately request a replacement from the manufacturer.
The operating instructions are included in the spare parts list and can be reordered there as asparepart.
Personnel responsible for o maintaining the equipment m with these operating instru
The operating company (see ⇒ Chapter "Def­inition of terms used for responsible per­sons", P. 22) must ensure that all operators have received, read and understood these instructions.
Thank you for reading and complying with these operating instructions. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, or if you have found any faults, please contact your service centre.
perating and
ust be familiar
28011505 EN - 03/2018 5
1 Introduction
Information about documentation
Explanation of symbols used
Compulsory procedure that must be followed to avoid danger to life or physical harm.
Compulsory procedure that must followed to avoid injury.
Compulsory procedure that must be followed to avoid material damage and/or destruction.
For technical requirements that require special attention.
To prevent environmental damage.
028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Information about documentation
Date of edition and latest update of this manual
The publication date of these operating instructions is printed on the cover sheet.
The manufacturer makes continuous efforts to improve its industrial trucks, and therefore reserves the right to implement changes and to accept no claims concerning the information provided in this manual.
To receive technical assis contact the service centre closest manufacturer.
tance, please authorised by your
List of abbreviations
This list of abbreviations applies to all types of operating instructions. Not all of the abbre­viations that are listed here will necessarily appear in these operating instructions.
DC Direct Current Dire
Display operating unit
Berufsgenossenschaftlicher Grundsatz
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift German accident prevention regulations
Commission on the Rules for the Approval of the Electrical Equipment
Deutsches Institut für Normung German standardisation organisation
European Community
enossenschaftliche Regel
nauté Européenne
German implemen tional health and
German implementation of the EU working equipment directive
German insurance company for the com­pany and employees
German principles and test specifications for occupational health and safety
German ru
tional health and safety
Confirms conformity with product-specific European directives (CE mark)
International commission on the rules for the approval of electrical equipment
ct current
ote data transmission
tation of EU occupa-
safety directives
les and recommendations for
28011505 EN - 03/2018 7
1 Introduction
Information about documentation
European standard
Fédération Européene de la Manutention
maximum Force
European Federation of Materials Han­dling and Storage Equipment
Maximum power German authority for monitoring/issuing
GAA Gewerbeaufsichtsamt
regulations for worker protection, environ­mental protection, and consumer protec­tion
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
Transfer of data packets in wireless networks
ID no. ID number
International Organization for Standard­ization
International sta
ndardisation organisation
LAN Local Area Network Local area network
Max. Maxi
Uncertainty of measurement of sound pressure levels
Light Emittin
g Diode
Light emittin
g diode
Sound pressure level at the workplace
Average c in the dri
Load centre of gravity
Maximum workplace concentration
ontinuous sound pressure level
ver's compartment
e of the centre of gravity of the load
e front face of the fork backs
from th Maximum permissible air concentrations of a substance at the workplace
Highest value of an amount
Lowest value of an amount
Personal Identification Number Personal identification number Personal protective equipment
Super-Elastic Superelastic tyres (solid rubber tyres)
Snap-In Tyre
Technische Regel für Gefahrstoffe
Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik
Tyres for simplified assembly, without loose rim parts
German regulations for approval of vehi­cles on public roads
Ordinance on hazardous materials appli­cable in the Federal Republic of Germany
German technical/scientific association
028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Information about documentation
WLAN Wireless LAN Wireless local area network
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und
Anlagenbau e.V.
German technical/scientific a German Mechanical Enginee
Drive directions
The drive directions of the vehicle are forward (1), reverse (4), left (2) and right (3).
ring Industry
At many po (mostly s ons or ope illustrate sentations
ints in this documentation the
equential) operation of certain functi-
rating procedures is explained. To
these operations, schematic repre-
of an truck are used.
These schematic representations do not represent the design state of the documented truck. They only serve to illustrate operating procedures.
28011505 EN - 03/2018 9
1 Introduction

Environmental considerations

Environmental considerations
During delivery of the truck, certain parts are packaged to provide protection during transport. This packaging must be removed completelyprior to initial start-up.
The packaging material must be disposed of properly after delivery of the truck.
Disposal of components and batteries
The truck is composed of different materials. If components or batteries need to be replaced and disposed of, they must be:
• treated or
• recycled in accordance with regional and national regulations.
The documentation provided by the battery manufacturer must be observed when dispo­sing of batteries.
We recommend working with a waste mana­gement company for disposal purposes.


The electric Pallet Stacker is suitable for stacking operations in narrow aisles and confined spaces.
This series of electric pallet stacker includes the following models:
10 5
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
• 0342_ECV 10 C: simplex narrow electric pallettruckwithratedloadof1000kg.
• 0343_ECV 10i C: simplex narrow electric pallet truck with initial lift and rated load of 1000 kg.
• 0344_ECV 10 duplex narrow electric pallet truck with rated load of 1000 kg.
Introduction 1

Technical description

Technical description
This product has a compact chassis, 4-point ground contact, balancedtiller and a micropro­cessor electronic control system.The machine is lightweight, highly efficient and easy to han­dle.
The latest ergonomic and practical design, adaptable to all operators and working condi­tions.
The polyurethane cowling p stability and shock resist variety of storage spaces
The frame is made of thick steel plate and is suitable for the harshest working conditions.
rovides superior
ance, and has a
The anti-crush button integrated into the tiller head protects the operator if the vehicle recoils.
The MOSFET electronic control unit ensures comfortable use and lower costs.
Precise control of driving
Jolt-free starting and smooth acceleration to maximum speed.
Simply release or turn the drive direction switch to brake.
Booster circuit prevent when starting on a gradie
s the truck rolling back
Steering system
Extremely smooth steering makes the vehicle easier to manoeuvre in tight spaces.
A gas spring enables th to the vertical positi
e tiller to quickly return
on after it is released.
The composite construction tiller head pro­vides excellent impact resistance.
The ergonomic control layout is suitable for left-handed and right-handed operators.
The horn, lifting and operated using one ha grip.
The walking, lifting and lowering devices, harnesses and components are IP65 dust­and water-resistant.
lowering devices can be
nd without changing
Gear pump driven by fully enclosed air-cooled motor.
Safety valve and lowering brake protect the hydraulic system.
Brake system
The electromagnetic b tion function can be us and parking brake.Br drive controller, the acts on the motor shaft is activated when the t or vertical position (
rake with dust protec­ed as a safety brake
aking is controlled by the
brake's electromagnet
and automatic braking
iller is in the horizontal
end stop brake).
2 x 12 V/85 Ah batteries. The display instru­ment indicates the battery’s remaining charge.
28011505 EN - 03/2018 11
1 Introduction

Use of the truck

Use of the truck
Intended use of the trucks
This machine was designed f storage on racks (pallet packedonpalletsorinin signed for this purpose
The dimensions and cap ner must be adapted to t and must ensure stabi
The table of characte ched to this user man you need to check tha the work being car
Any specific usag site manager; an associated wit place any neces
ried out.
e must be authorised by the
analysis of the potential risks
h this usage will enable him to put in
sary additional safety measures.
or the transport and
stackers only) of loads
dustrial containers de-
acity of the pallet or contai­he load being transported
ristics and performance atta-
ual gives you the information
t the equipment is suitable for
12 5
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Use of the truck
Unauthorised use
Any danger caused as a result of unauthorised use becomes the responsibility of the operator or driver and not that of the manufacturer.
Use for purposes other than those described in these operating instructions is prohibited.
Transporting people is proh
The forklift truck should not be used in areas where there is a risk of fire, explosion or corrosion, or in areas that are particularly dusty.
Stacking or unstacking is not permissible on inclined surfaces or ramps.
Place of use
The truck only can be used i
The sites on which the truck is used must com­ply with the applicable regulations (condition of the ground, lighting etc.).
The ground must have sufficient load capacity (concrete, asphalt).
The truck is suitable fo tures ranging from 5°C t mum operation altitude
n indoors.
r indoor use (tempera-
o +40°C). The maxi-
is up to 2000 m.
The operator (see chapter of terms used for responsi ensure that appropriate available in the vicinit operation.
Depending on the application, additional fire protection must be provided on the industrial truck. If in doubt, please contact the relevant authorities.
entitled "Definition
ble persons") must
y of the truck during
28011505 EN - 03/2018 13
1 Introduction

Residual risks

Residual risks
Residual risks
Despite careful operation and compliance with all applicable standards and regulations, the possibility of other dangers when using the truck cannot be entirely excluded.
The truck and additional equipment comply with applicable safety regulations. However, residual risks cannot be excluded even if the truck is used correctly and instructions are carefully followed.
Even beyond the danger area itself, residual risks re area around the truck must caution. They must react i event of malfunction, inc
They must be informed of the risks associated with the use of the forklift.
These operating instructions also contain additional safety instructions.
Residual risks can incl
main. Persons in the
exercise particular
mmediately in the
ident, breakdown etc.
– Escape of consumables due to leakages or
the rupture of lines, hoses or containers.
– Risk of accident when driving over difficult
ground such as gradients, smooth or irregular surfaces, or with poor visibility etc.
– Risk of falling, tripping o
movement of the truck, espe icy surfaces or in the event leaks.
– Risk of fire and explosion due to the battery
and electrical voltages.
– Human error.
– Disregarding the safety
– Risk caused by unrepaired damage.
– Risk caused by insufficient maintenance
and testing.
– Risk caused by using un
r slipping during
cially on wet or
of consumable
suitable consum-
Special risks associ
The manufacturer's soon as:
• The truck is used differently from its normal use
• The driver is not sure if he can use the truck correctly and without risk of accident
14 5
ated with using the truck and attachments
approval is required as
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Residual risks
28011505 EN - 03/2018 15
1 Introduction
Residual risks
Overview of hazards and counter­measures
This table is intended to help evaluate the hazards in your facility and applies to all drive types. It does not claim to be complete.
– Observe the national regulations for the
country in which the truck is being used.
Hazard Measure
Truck equipment does not comply with local regulations
Lackofskillsand qualification of driver
Usage by unauthorised persons
Truck not in a safe condition
Risk of falli using working platforms
Impaired visibility due to load
Contamination of respiratory air
ng when
Driver training (sit-on and stand-on)
Access with key only for authorised persons
Recurrent testing and rectification of defects
Compliance wi national regul (different nat
Resource planning
Assessment of diesel exhaust gases
Assessment of LPG exhaust gases
ional laws)
Check note √ Complete
- Not applicable O If in doubt, consult
O BGG 925
O German Ordinance on
O German Ordina
O German Ordi
O German threshold limit
competent factory inspectorate or employers' liability insurance association
VDI 3313 driver permit
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
nce on Industria and Health (B and employer's insurance assoc
Industri Health (B
Techn for Ha Sub 554 Ord
afety and Health
values list (MAK-Liste) and the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
l Safety
nance on
al Safety and
ical Regulations
zardous stances (TRGS) and the German
inance on Industrial
16 5
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Residual risks
Hazard Measure
Impermissible usage (improper usage)
When fuelling
a) Diesel Note the German
b) LPG Note German Social
Issuing of operating instructions
Written notice of instruction to driver
Note the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the operating instructions and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) rules
Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the operating instructions and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) rules
Accident Insurance (DGUV) regulation D34, the operating instructions and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) rules
Check note √ Complete
- Not applicable O German Ordinance on
O German Ordinance on
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and German Health and labour protection law (ArbSchG)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and German Health and labour protection law (ArbSchG)
28011505 EN - 03/2018 17
1 Introduction
Residual risks
Hazard Measure
When charging the traction battery
Note the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), the operating instructions and the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) rules
When using battery chargers
Note the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), employers' liability insurance association regulation 104 and the operating instructions
When parking LPG trucks
Note the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV), employers' liability insurance association regulation 104 and the operating instructions
With driverless transport systems
Roadway quality
Clean/clear driveways O German Ordinance on
Load carrier
Reattach load to pallet
Drive behaviour
Employee training
Driveways blocked Mark driveways
Keep driveways clear
Driveways intersect
Announce right-of-way rule
No person detection
Employee training during depositing and retrieval
Check note √ Complete
- Not applicable O Association for
O German Ordinance
O German Ordinance
O German Ordinance on
O German Ordinance on
O German Ordinance on
O German Ordinance on
O German Ordinance on
Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE) regulation 0510: In particular
- Ensure adequate ventilation
- Insulation value within the permissible range
on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and employers' liability insurance association regulation 104
on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and employers' liability insurance association regulation 104
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV)
18 5
0028011505 EN - 03/2018
Introduction 1
Residual risks
Danger to employees
The operating company must identify and evaluate the dangers involved in using the truck. It must also establish which occupa­tional health and safety measures are required to protect employees. Appropriate operating instructions must be drafted and provided for the driver accordingly. A person responsible for health and safety must be appointed.
Construction and equipment of the truck corre­spond to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and they are therefore identified with the CE symbol. As a result, these factors are not included in the hazard assessment; nor are the attachments, which have their own CE labelling. The operating company must, how­ever, select the type and equipment of the truck so as to comply with the local provisions for deployment.
The results must be published. In the case of truck deployment involving similar hazard situations it is permitted to summarise the results. This overview (see chapter entitled "Overview of hazards and countermeasures") is intended to facilitate compliance with the conditions of these regulations. The overview indicates the main causes of accidents in the event of non-compliance. If other major operational hazards are involved, they must also be taken into consideration.
The working conditions for the trucks are largely similar for many sites. The dangers can therefore be summarised in a single overview. It is recommended that the infor­mation provided by the relevant employers' liability insurance association be observed in this respect.
28011505 EN - 03/2018 19
1 Introduction
Residual risks
20 5
0028011505 EN - 03/2018


2 Safety
Definition of terms used for respons
ible persons
Definition of terms used for responsible persons
Operating company
The operating company is the natural or legal person or group who operates the truck or on whose authority the truck is used.
The operating company must ensure that the truck is only used for its intended purpose and in compliance with the safety guidelines set out in these operating instructions.
A specialist is deemed t
• A person whose experience and technical training has allowed him to develop relevant knowledge of industrial trucks
• A person who is also familiar with national health and safety regulations and gener­ally recognised technical directives and
The operating company must ensure that all users read and understand the safety information in these instructions.
The operating company is responsible for the scheduling and correct performance of regular safety checks.
It is recommended that thes with national performance
conventions (standard technical regulations Union member states or c signatories to the trea European Economic Area allows him to assess the trial trucks in terms o
e checks comply
s, VDE regulations,
of other European
ountries that are
ty that established the
). This expertise
condition of indus-
f health and safety
This truck may only be driven by suitable per­sons who are at least 18 years of age, have been trained in driving, have demonstrated their skills in driving and handling loads to the operating company or an authorised rep­resentative, and have been specifically in­structed to drive the truck. Specific knowledge of the truck to be operated is also required.
The training requirements Health and Safety at Work Ac plant safety regulations been satisfied if the drive accordance with BGG (Gene Liability Insurance Asso Observe the national regu country.
Driver rights, duties an haviour
The driver must be trained in his rights and duties.
22 5
under §3 of the
t and §9 of the
are deemed to have
r has been trained in
ral Employers'
ciation Act) 925.
lations for your
d rules of be-
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