Scale of Sound Pressure Level to comply with ISO 7779 specification of ≤ 70 dB(A).
RFI Protection Mark relates to VDE RFI mark, class B complying with DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89.
2. Paper Handling:
Loading methods include pushing internal tractor fed from the bottom or pulling from the bottom with either vertical or horizontal combination feed.
Accepts single sheets, multi-part and fanfold forms up to 5 portions in width.
With the Paper Parking feature fans that are folded printing can be parked and used together with single sheets.
3. Fonts:
The resident fonts include Draft, High-speed draft, Orator script, Sanserif, Courier among others.
For optional color ribbons 6 colors i.e. red, blue, violet, yellow, orange and green can be used.
4. Components:
The indicators include ON LINE, PAPER together with various function buttonsFONT, MODE, PAPER FEED, SET/EJECT/PARK, PITCH.
Functions available range from print test patterns, micro-alignment, hexadecimal dump, to changing the printer color and storing the macro definition.
5. Accessaries:
Optional purchase of buffered interface cartridge enables increased buffer usage.
RS-232 serial interface available optionally, standard use of Centronics parallel interface.
6. Optional Accessories:
Both single- and dual-bin type Automatic Sheet Feeders.
Two types of color ribbon cartridges, X9CL and pulling tractor unite for the fanfold forms.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I would like to know what types of paper I can use with the device?
The device supports single sheets, fanfold forms and multi-part forms (up to 5-ply).
2. Where Fan Fold Forms are to be loaded?
The fan fold forms can be loaded via a push feed utilizing the internal tractor, bottom feed using the optional pull tractor, or even combine the two were required feed is push/pull.
3. The fonts available in the printer?
The printer has a number of resident fonts including Draft, High-Speed Draft, Sanserif, Courier, Script and Orator.
4. Is it possible to print out in color?
Yes, you can color print in six colors Red, Blue, Violet, Yellow, Orange and Green using the optional color ribbon cartridge that is available.
5. How do I get the printer to communicate with my computer?
The printer can be connected to your personal computer using the normal Centronics parallel interface cable or with the RS-232 serial interface cartridge which is optional.
6. If after loading the paper the printer beeps, what should I do?
The printer beeps when it indicates that ‘No Paper’ is in the Print Position. This shows that the paper was not loaded properly.
7. Is it possible to combine two forms and print them with this printer?
Yes, the printer can process multi-part forms on the condition that they differ by no more than 0.05mm at any side edge.
8. What should I do for the printer to last longer?
Routine maintenance of the printer comprises of ribbon cartridge replacement, cleaning of the head area, and inspection of the paper jam path.
9. Is there a restriction to the length of the fanfold forms I can use?
A normal carriage printer will only take fanfold forms of widths not exceeding 10 inches, while a wide carriage printer will take up to 16 inches.
10. Is it possible to print a test pattern? If yes then how?
Test patterns can be printed using a button on the control panel, for details refer to the operation of control panel section in the user manual.
User Manual
VDE Statement
This device carries the VDE RFI protection mark to certify that it meets the radio interference
requirements of the Postal Ordinance No. 243/1991. The additional marking “Vfg. 243/P” expresses in
short form that this is a peripheral device (not operable alone) which only individually meets the Class
B RFI requirements in accordancewith the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89and the PostaI Ordinance 243/
If this device is operated in conjunction with otherdevices within a set-up, in orderto take advantage of
a“General(Operating)Authorization” inaccordancewith thePostal Ordinance 243/1991, the complete
set-up mustcomply with the Class B limits in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/1 1.89, as well
as satisfy the preconditions in accordance with $2 and the prerequisites in accordance with $3 of the
Postal Ordinance 243/1991.
As a rule, this is only fulfilled when the device is operated in a set-up which has been type-tested and
provided with a VDE RFI protection mark with the additional marking “Vfg 243”.
Machine Noise Information Ordinance 3. GSGV, January 18, 1991: The sound pressure level at the
operator position is equal or less than 70 dB(A) according to 1S0 7779.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in Germany.
Trademark Acknowledgements
ZA-200/250,FR-10/15, LC-200 Color, LC-10 Color, LZ9~X9CL, IS-8XL, IP-128XL, SF-1ODMIU
15DMII, SF-1ORMIV15RMII,PT-10XM/15XM: StarMlcronics Co., Ltd.
IBM-PC, PS/2, PC-AT, Proprfnter, PC-DOS: International Business Machines Corp.
MS-DOS, Microsoft BASIC: Microsoft Corporation
EX-8OW1OOO,FX-850/1050: Seiko Epson Corp.
● All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without
STAR’s express permission is forbidden.
● The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
● Alleffortshaveheen made toensurethe accuracyofthecontents ofthis manualatthetimeofpress.
However, shouldanyerrorsbedetected, STAR would greatly appreciate beinginformed of them.
● The above notwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual.
useof yourprinteryouareurgedto readthroughchapters2through 6.The
remainingchaptemmay be treatedas a ~ference guidefor programming
operations,etc. It assumesa degnx of acknowledgeof the opemtionof
Thechaptersareas follows:
Chapter6— SettingtheMemorySwitches
This chapterexplainshow to set the MemorySwitchesto make system
the softwarecommandsusedto driveit. This sectionis of use if you are
writingor modifyingprogramstotakeadvantageof theptiter’s featunx.
in the expectedway.It alsoincludesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance
operationsyoucancany outyourself.Itisno~however,acompleteservice
manual.Callaqualifiedserviceengineerif youm
fora personalcomputer.It suppo~ theEpson/IBMprintercommmds~d
charactersets, enablingit to printjust aboutanythingyourcomputercan
Someof mainfeaturesmethefollowing:
● Versatilepaperhandling
Singlesheets,fanfoldforms,and multi-partfor& (up to 5-ply)are all
accepted,andyoucanuseeitherpush/pti tractororfiictionfeed.(Youcan
load fanfoldforms fmm the mar with internalpush tractor,or fanfold
printingon otherpaper.
A firm,level surfacewhichis fairlyvibration-free
Awayfromexcessiveheat(such as directsunligh~heaters,etc)
Supplyitwith“clean”electricity.Donotconnectitto thesamecircuitas
alarge,noise-producingappliancesuchas a refrigerator.
Make sure the line voltage is the voltage specified on the printer’s
To disconnecttheprinter,theplughas to be disconnectedfromthe wall
socket,whichhas to belocatedcloseto theprinter,andeasyto access.
beingfed in or printedout.
If you ate connectingyourprinterwith a Centmnicspamllelinterface,
makesumthatthecable iswithin2m(6ft)oftheprinter.AnRS-232serial
longer distances.
boxagainstFigwe 2-1tomakesumthatyouhaveeverything(the~ should
be fiveitems).
If anyof theseitemsammissing,contactyoursupplier.
F@We?l.Chedtbmake aumyouhavedltiveitenw:1)Pdntw,2) Papof3uido,3)Plat9nknob,4)Ribbon
cwW3e, d 5)user’sInanlld.
For detailsof theoptionalaccessories,referto Chapter3.
Placethe printerin the desiredlocation,and removeallpackingmaterial
ilom insidethe printercover.Thispackingmaterialis intended&prevent
material,alongwiththeprintercarton,in caseyouhavetomovetheprinter
to a newlocatiom
dust anddirtandreducestheprinter’soperatingsounds.Openthecoveronly
to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment.
Connecttheprinterto yourcomputerusinga standardCentronicsparallel
interfacecable.OnaPS/2orPC/AT-typecomputer,this meansthatyouuse
the25-pinD-typecomectorat thecomputerend,andtheAmphenol-type36pinconnectorattheprinterend.Thecontlgurationoftheprinter’sconnector
is givenin Chapter11shouldyouneed a cablefor comecting to another
s Serialinterfacecartridge(IS-8XL)
c Bufferedparallelinterfacecartridge(IP-128XL)
Thischapterdescribeshowto installtheseoptionalaccessories.
NOTE: When youinstallor ~move the optionalaccessories,turnoff the