Additional Fonts (Available through Font Cartridges): Orator 2, Letter Gothic, Blippo, Cinema, OCR-B, OCR-A, UPC/EAN, TW-light, Orane, Russian, old style, Firenze, SLQ script
Possible Ribbon Color: Up to six colors (Magenta, Cyan, Violet with Yellow, Orange and Green as optional) Ribbon
Interfaces: Centronics standard parallel port comma buffered also available Serial RS-232 and Parallel port cartridge.
Specifications such as dimensions and weight are: [The information is not mentioned in the manual]
Operating Environment: [The information is not mentioned in the manual]
Power Supply: [The information is not mentioned in the manual]
Other Considerations: Mico-alignment, control panel user friendly, changeable easily ribbon cartridge, software enabling use of Epson and IBM printers is available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Frequently asked, the printer can use what paper formats?
A: The printer can operate with single sheets, fanfold forms and multi-part forms antenna (to 5-ply).
Q: What’s the process of installing a font cartridge?
A: Firstly, the printer is turned off, the front cover is opened, and the connector cover is removed. The cartridge is then inserted into the slot and the connector cover is replaced.
Q: Is it possible for me to print in color?
A: Yes, this can be done using the additional color ribbon cartridge that allows you the option to print in six stark colors.
Q: What’s the process of changing the ribbon cartridge?
A: You can accomplish this through the following steps: opening the front cover, turning the tension knob for ribbon tightening, and finally guiding the ribbon through the print head between the print head shield.
Q: So, this printer is supposed to work with my software?
A: Software that remembers the commands sent by the printer from its Epson or IBM supported says that this printer will work just fine with them.
Q: I have an Rs-232 serial interface connection at my disposal, will that be an issue?
A: No, you can use the optional Rs232 serial interface connection cartridge for hardware connection interfaces.
Q: The printer is functional on a whole, completion of any print jobs undertaken fails though, any suggestions?
A: Ensure a power connection is present in case it is turned on, enough paper has been inserted into the printer, the ribbon has been placed properly, if these things are working, you can follow the other steps available in the troubleshooting section.
Q: Which dimensions of fanfold forms do you recommend for printing?
A: Fanfold forms that are continuous have perforations and it is and recommended not to print at one inch distance from the point of the preferred North and South.
the softwarecommandsusedto drive it. This sectionis of use if you are
in the expectedway. It alsoincludesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance
operationsyoucancarryoutyourself.It isno~however,acompleteservice
manual.Callaqualifiedserviceengineerifyoum unsureofyourabilityto
carryoutanymaintenanceor servicingoperations.
fora personalcomputer.It supportstheEpson/lBMprintercommandsand
charactersets, enablingit to printjust aboutanythingyourcomputercan
Singlesheets,fanfoldforms,and multi-partforms (up to 5-ply)are all
load fanfoldformsfrom the rear with internalpush tractor,or fanfold
printingon otherpaper.
Alignssinglesheets(cutforms) to help
theprinterdetectwhenpaperis inserted.
mustbebackfor fanfoldforms,andforwardfor singlesheets.
Nowunpackthe contentsoftheshippingcarton,andcheckeachiteminthe
be fiveitems).
If anyoftheseitemsaremissing,contactyoursupplier.
making certain that the spindleson the cartridgeholder fit into the
socketsonthe cartridgeitself.
as showninFigure2-4.
dust anddirtandreducestheprinter’soperatingsounds.Openthecoveronly
to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment.
Comect the printerto yourcomputerusinga standardCentronicsparallel
interfacecable.OnaPS/2orPC/AT-typecomputer,thismeansthat youuse
the25-pinD-typecomectoratthecomputerend,andtheAmphenol-type36pinconnectorattheprinterend.Theconjuration ofthe printer’scomector
is given in Chapter11shouldyouneeda cablefor connectingto another
Figure 31. Open thefrontcover,sndswingdownthetransparentpart.
Hgwu 32 *nthe rear rover, snd removeit.
4. AstackerisincludedwiththeAutomaticSheetFeeder.Attachthehook
at thetop of thestackerto theAutomaticSheetFeeder.Thenpushthe
lowersectionof the stackerdownintoposition,andengagethe lower
hookas showninFigure3-3.