ST STM8S User Manual

STM8S105C6T6 microcontroller, 32 KB Flash,
Powered by USB cable between PC and
Selectable power of 5 V or 3.3 V
Touch sensing button
User LED
Extension header for all I/Os
Wrapping area for users own application
Embedded ST-Link
USB interface for programming and debugging
SWIM debug support
STM8S access Discovery
Data brief
The STM8S-DISCOVERY helps you to discover the STM8S features and to develop and share your own application.
Even though the STM8S-DISCOVERY is built around an STM8S105C6T6, it allows evaluation of the main features of all the STM8S Access line MCUs. It includes an embedded debugger ST­Link, and a touch sensing button.
The STM8S-DISCOVERY simply plugs into a PC through a standard USB cable. Numerous applications are available from the STM8S­DISCOVERY web page.

Table 1. Device summary

Order code Reference
STM8S-DISCOVERY STM8S access Discovery
November 2010 Doc ID 17820 Rev 1 1/3
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
System requirements STM8S-DISCOVERY

1 System requirements

Windows PC (2000, XP, Vista)
USB type A to B cable

2 Development toolchain

IAR, Embedded Workbench® for STM8
STMicroelectronics, ST Visual Develop (STVD)

3 Demonstration software

Demonstration software is preloaded in the board's Flash memory. This demonstration uses the touch sensing feature of the STM8S-Discovery to change the led blinking speed when the touch key is pressed. The latest version of the demonstration source code and associated documentation can be downloaded from

4 Revision history

Table 2. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes
05-Nov-2010 1 Initial release.
2/3 Doc ID 17820 Rev 1
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