■ Three 5 V power supply options: power jack,
USB connector or daughterboard
■ Boot from user Flash, test Flash or SRAM
■ Audio play and record
■ 1 Gbyte microSD Card™
■ Type A and Type B smartcard support
■ 8 Mbyte serial Flash
■ I2C/SMBus compatible serial interface
temperature sensor
■ Two RS-232 communication channels with
support for RTS/CTS handshake on one
■ IrDA transceiver
■ USB 2.0 full speed connection
■ CAN 2.0A/B compliant connection
■ Induction motor control connector
■ JTAG, SWD and trace tool support
■ 240x320 TFT color LCD
■ Joystick with 4-direction control and selector
■ Reset, wakeup, tamper and user push buttons
■ Four LEDs
■ RTC with backup battery
■ Extension connector for daughterboard or
wrapping board
Table 1. Device summary
Order code Reference
STM32F10x 128 Kbyte evaluation
STM3210B-EVAL evaluation board
Data brief
The STM3210B-EVAL evaluation board is
designed as a complete development
environment for STMicroelectronic’s ARM
Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F10x 128 Kbyte
With a complete range of hardware evaluation
features, the STM3210B-EVAL board is designed
to help deve lop ers evaluate all device peripherals
(such as USB, motor control, CAN, Micro SD
Card™, smartcard, USART) and develop their
own applications.
Extension connectors make it possible to easily
connect a daughterboard or wrapping board for a
specific application.
August 2010 Doc ID 17805 Rev 1 1/3
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office .

Revision history
Table 2. Document revision history
Date Revision Changes
09-Aug-2010 1 Initial release.
2/3 Doc ID 17805 Rev 1