ive Axles
Carrier-To-Housing Joint Leak Repair Instructions
Subject: This document will explain the recommended repair procedure for a leaking carrier-to-housing joint. This
procedure must be used with original Dana Carrier Installation Kit (P/N 511897) specific contents of this kit are listed
below. Refer to Dana Information Bulletin ABIB-0203 for the proper diagnoses and recommended repair procedure.
Affected Models: D & R 404 Family of Tandem Drive Axles
It is important that you observe all of the normal safety procedures, including wearing proper protection
for every step in this procedure.
Axle Housing Hardware Kit P/N: 511600
rier Installation Adapter Kit P/N: 511897 (no longer available thru Dana)
1- Forward Carrier Adapter Plate - P/N 130840
1- Rear-Rear Carrier Adapter Plate - P/N 130841
4- Guide Pins - P/N 130843
4- Rear-Rear Adapter Plate Capscrew - P/N 130842
1- Instruction Sheet - P/N SHAIS135B
Required Tool List:
Clean Oil Pan ½” Impact Gun
Wire Wheel or Abrasive Pad 14 mm 12 pt. Impact Socket
Transmission Jack 21 mm Impact Socket
Large screwdriver / Pry-Bar 24 mm Impact Socket
Jack Stands 9/16” Combination Wrench
Hammer / Mallet 24 mm Snap-On Adapter P/N SRDH30-2CL
1. Block vehicle tires.
2. Disconnect driveline.
3. Drain axle lube into a clean pan. Lube will be reused at the end of this procedure.
4. Remove axle shaft nuts, washers and shaft.
5. Remove all but one carrier fastener. The remaining capscrew will hold the carrier in place until the transmission jack
and adapter plate are moved in place and secured

Carrier Removal: Forward - Rear Axle
a. Disconnect the IAD shift cylinder air line.
b. Install carrier guide pins at 4:00 and 9:30 positions of housing mounting holes.
Install Carrier Guide Pins 4:00 and 9:30 positions
c. Remove power divider cap screws at 5:30 and 7:30 positions.
d. Position adapter plate. Adjust transmission jack table to align with power divider cover holes.
Note: There are some vehicles that may sit lower than others, if the adapter plate will not line up you may need to
jack the truck up and put it on jack stands.
D-Carrier Adapter Plate Adapter Plate Position On Forward Carrier
e. Reinstall capscrews and snug with impact gun.
Warning: It is important that the adapter plate is properly secured and positioned on the transmission jack before
the carrier is removed.
f. Remove remaining carrier capscrew and carefully remove the carrier assembly. Use a large screw driver or pry bar
to back the carrier off the housing studs.