TO: All Spicer Light Axle Dis tributor s
Spicer axles are designed to meet OEM vehicle engineering and performance specifications.
Conversion or alteration of these axles can cause improper per for mance by or damage to the
axles and/or o ther vehicle systems and should not be attempted without co nt acting the OEM
manufacturer for specific directions and guidelines.
For many of the newer Spicer axles, which are designed to accommodate anti-locking
br akes, the follo wing additional safety related consider ation is important. The bills of
materials for some of these axles (for example, Model 60’s and Model 70’s), include a tone
ring that is pressed on to the OD of the ring gear flange on the differential case, a special
differential case that has been machined to accept the tone ring, and a housing with a
provision for locating a sens or r elativ e to t he tone rin g. The loc ation of the sen sor re lative
to the location of the tone ring must be exactly maintained to ensure the functioning of the
anti-locking brake sensors. Ratio changes that require changing the location of the ring gear
flange on the differential case require changing the entire axle housing.
Customers or der ing ring and pinion sets or other part s for a r atio change for Spicer axles
with anti-locking brakes should be advised of the need to change the entire housing in order
to maintain the functioning o the anti-locking brake system. Housings are available only
though the vehicle manufacturer via their dealers.
If you are in doubt abo ut w h ether a specific Spicer axle bill of mater ials includes anti-lo ck ing
brake components, please check with us.
Gene Zavrel
Product Manager