BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions 5.1
TToouucchhssccrreeeenn FFuunnccttiioonnss
5.2 BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions
GGeenneerraall SSyynnttaaxx
The touchscreen on Broadway contains all the information required to sceneset and configure even the largest Broadway system.
Beside the touchscreen are a number of main page switches. These present the top-level screens of the automation system. Within each of these pages, square, named buttons are drawn at the bottom of the screen. Pressing these areas on the touchscreen will press those buttons, the function of which varies from screen to screen. These are referred to in this document as soft keys, and a named soft key will be referred to as [NAME], where NAME is the wording within the soft key.
In some pages, areas of the screen may be pressed for direct access to parame­ters. Once selected, some parameters are set up from a list of options presented on selection of the parameter, others by moving the jog wheel followed by touch­ing the screen, or simply pressing the jog wheel.
Naming functions are performed via a QWERTY keyboard, which is presented on the screen whenever appropriate.
Some of the functions described in the following pages are explained in much more detail in the section Playing Back Cues and Mixing.
BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions 5.3
CCuuee LLiisstt
(BOLD TEXT denotes a hard switch beside the screen, [BRACKETS] denote touch­screen switches)
Once a performance is underway, this is the main operational page of Broadway.
Pressing [REPLAY SCOPE] will bring up a page showing which elements of the con­sole are to be recalled with automation. Once cues have been created, the user may select a scope for each cue independently by toggling each parameter on or off (achieved by touching the appropriate parameter). Fader positions, for example, may be eliminated from some or all cues.
The replay scope areas available for selection or deselection are:
Channel: Source A/B, Phantom Power,Gain
Faders + Mutes Fader levels and mutes
Insert + Pre/Post Insert switch and Pre/post EQ switch Routing Main Outputs & Pan
Sends Sends to all GrAuxes
EQ EQ settings and switches, including filters
5.4 BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions
Graux: Faders + Mutes Fader levels and mutes
Inserts GrAux inserts
Routing Main Outputs & Pan
Sends Sends to all Matrices
Matrix: Faders + Mutes Fader levels & mutes
Miscellaneous: VCA Faders Fader levels
VCA Mutes Mutes
MIDI + Events MIDI messaging and eveny relays
I/P Surface Assignments Assignments of inputs to faders
BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions 5.5
CCuuee PPrreesseettss
[PRESET] will bring up a list of the 8 CUE PRESET switches, which appear physi­cally on the left hand side of the Master Surface. Against each of these entries in the list is the number and name of a cue. Pressing the cue name will bring up a list of all the cues on the system, and one of these may then be chosen for assignment to the appropriate Preset switch.
The Preset switches just recall the cue - no more, no less. They are, of course, autocancelling, and cannot be layered (just as only one cue may be recalled to the system at any time).
This page allows the user to remove the highlighted cue permanently from the Cue List. Since this function cannot be undone, the console will ask the user to confirm deletes.
Cue Presets
1 2 3 4
cue #
cue name all muted opening
set change... scene 2
clear entry
5.6 BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions
MMIIDDII EEvveenntt LLiissttss ((MMEELL''ss))
Pressing [MIDI PARAMS] on the cue list page will bring up the MIDI programming page.
The MIDI Event Lists are the heart of the MIDI control system. Each cue carries an associated MEL; if the MEL contains anything, an M appears to the right of the timecode in the listing on the Cue List page. A typical MEL would be:
CCUUEE xx..xx
1 CC IS1:1 07 Main Volume
2 PGM IS1:15 42 Big Rev
3 SYSEX IS2:n/a NEWREV.syx
4 PGM MS:14 12 Chorus
All surfaces and racks on the Broadway network have their own independent MIDI IN, OUT and THRU. MIDI information can be sent to any of these ports exclusively, so any Broadway system will actually support up to X x 16 MIDI channels, where X is the number of network devices.
A new MIDI event may be added to a cue at any time. A requestor box will appear, showing all the possible MIDI event types available. Each event may have an associated name, which is solely for user notes, and has no MIDI function.
Pressing the NEW MIDI EVENT switch on the touchscreen brings up a callout box containing a list of all possible MIDI event types. Pressing one of these options will select that type of event, and the desk will prompt the user for an output from which to send the event. This may be any unit on the system: all surfaces and racks have their own MIDI IN, OUT and THRU.
Once the output has been selected, the system will show the new event in the list. The console still needs more information: pressing the value in the data column allows the user to set up the value of the event, i.e. CC number if the event is a continuous controller, NOTE value (including velocity) if the event is a NOTE ON, etc.
Finally, a NAME may be added to the event by pressing the entry in the NAME column.
PPrrooggrraamm CChhaannggeess
A Program change value of 0-127 may be sent from any of the units on the net­work. This can be useful for recalling patch, or memory locations in external equipment such as reverb devices, samplers or MIDI playback units.
BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions 5.7
NOTE ON data types send a MIDI note value to the OUT port on the specified port and channel. The default port is that on the Master Surface (MS). The note number and velocity (shown as real piano keyboard note values) are specified in the NUMB. column.
CCoonnttiinnuuoouuss CCoonnttrroolllleerrss
CC events may be generated by any or all of the VCA master faders. A dedicated VCA fader is required for each Continuous Controller. This can be assigned by selecting the event type with the appropriate VCA as a master, e.g. [CC on VCA 2]. The VCA name display blanks in this mode.
[[TTXX]] ((TTrraannssmmiitt))
This page sets up the Transmit settings of the console. The MODE may be either GLOBAL or CUE. In Global mode, the console will Transmit a single Program Change (the number of which will correspond to the sequence number of the recalled cue [0-127]) from all MIDI ports each time a cue is recalled. The Program change will be sent on the channel defined in the TRANSMIT CHANNEL para­meter ([1-16]).
Global Mode requires little setup time on the part of the user, and is useful for quickly driving a rack of MIDI gear, as it will recall a different patch on all outboard MIDI gear per cue.
If the external MIDI equipment has a Program Map, this may be used to map the incoming Program Changes to Patch locations, so the appropriate patch for each cue may be set up.
In Cue mode, the console will apply the MIDI Event List (MEL) associated with each cue.
5.8 BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions
[[RRXX]] ((RReecceeiivvee))
Via the RX page, it is possible to assign a receive channel for the console - i.e. the channel on which Broadway will listen for program changes from some external master device. The value may be 1-16 or OMNI (any channel).
Incoming program changes may be mapped to cues via one of the program maps. These program maps are constructed in the MAP page, and Broadway can store 16 of these maps at any one time. When a new MAP number is engaged, that MAP will be automatically USED.
SSyysstteemm EExxcclluussiivvee ((SSYYSSEEXX))
A sub-page of [RX], the [SYSEX LIBRARIAN] allows MIDI bulk dumps to be sent from any external device into the MIDI IN. The system places this information in memory, and asks for a filename. The file extension will be .syx.
In the MEL, the user can assign any .syx file to be sent out (i.e. associated with a particular cue). Since Sysex carries with it a unit ID number and manufacturer ident, there is no need to implement a channel assignment for this function.
Any .syx file can be selected for instantaneous transmission, should the user wish to load a whole new setup into the outboard systems.
A single .syx file may also be tagged to a project file, which would contain a sequential dump of each rack unit in the chain, allowing a standardised rack to be reloaded identically for each leg of a tour or for a new production of an estab­lished show.
To store a SYSEX dump, connect the MIDI OUT of the device to be dumped to the MIDI IN of the Master Surface. Press [SYSEX LIBRARIAN] in the MIDI [RX] page. The screen will now show a list of the SYSEX files on the hard disk, and three additional switches. The new switches are:
[RECEIVE SYSEX] - Prepares the console for an incoming SYSEX dump. The screen shows an empty rectangle which fills to show progress, and offers an [ABORT].
[SEND SYSEX] - Sends the currently-selected file from the Hard Disk to the MIDI
SYSEX Librarian
num. name size (bytes)
delete sysex
BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions 5.9
[DELETE SYSEX] - Removes the selected SYSEX file from the Hard Disk. The sys­tem asks for confirmation of this procedure, as the delete function cannot be undone.
This page allows the user to define and edit a MIDI PROGRAM MAP for incoming Program Changes. This can be useful if an external device has limited MIDI imple­mentation, and can only send fixed Program Changes per cue. These may be mapped in the Broadway to recall the desired Cue at each point.
Pressing MAP on the MEL page brings up the current remapping assignments (list­ed by PGM CHG number), which dictates the cue to be recalled by different incoming MIDI program changes. Pressing a cue name allows a different cue to be assigned to the appropriate PRG CHG. SET MAP TO DEFAULT will assign all cues in the cue list sequentially to PRG CHG numbers, starting at 0, and ending at x-1, where x is the number of cues.
This is where cues can be created, deleted and edited.
Pressing [Create It] at any time will snapshot the console position and store it as a new cue at the end of the list with a default name of Unnamed Cue. Pressing the "name" box to the top right of the screen will bring up a keyboard, on which the cue may now be named.
Pressing [Cue List] will return the user to the CUE LIST screen.
Pressing [Update Cue] will overwrite the currently-highlighted cue with the cur­rent console setup.
See Creating Cues for more information on the use of this screen.
2 3 4
cue #
all muted
all muted
all muted all muted all muted
tx rx mel map
map 1 set map to default
+ 19 hidden pages