5.6 BROADWAY Touchscreens Functions
MMIIDDII EEvveenntt LLiissttss ((MMEELL''ss))
Pressing [MIDI PARAMS] on the cue list page will bring up the MIDI programming
The MIDI Event Lists are the heart of the MIDI control system. Each cue carries an
associated MEL; if the MEL contains anything, an M appears to the right of the
timecode in the listing on the Cue List page. A typical MEL would be:
CCUUEE xx..xx
1 CC IS1:1 07 Main Volume
2 PGM IS1:15 42 Big Rev
3 SYSEX IS2:n/a NEWREV.syx
4 PGM MS:14 12 Chorus
All surfaces and racks on the Broadway network have their own independent
MIDI IN, OUT and THRU. MIDI information can be sent to any of these ports
exclusively, so any Broadway system will actually support up to X x 16 MIDI
channels, where X is the number of network devices.
A new MIDI event may be added to a cue at any time. A requestor box will
appear, showing all the possible MIDI event types available. Each event may have
an associated name, which is solely for user notes, and has no MIDI function.
Pressing the NEW MIDI EVENT switch on the touchscreen brings up a callout box
containing a list of all possible MIDI event types. Pressing one of these options will
select that type of event, and the desk will prompt the user for an output from
which to send the event. This may be any unit on the system: all surfaces and racks
have their own MIDI IN, OUT and THRU.
Once the output has been selected, the system will show the new event in the list.
The console still needs more information: pressing the value in the data column
allows the user to set up the value of the event, i.e. CC number if the event is a
continuous controller, NOTE value (including velocity) if the event is a NOTE
ON, etc.
Finally, a NAME may be added to the event by pressing the entry in the NAME
PPrrooggrraamm CChhaannggeess
A Program change value of 0-127 may be sent from any of the units on the network. This can be useful for recalling patch, or memory locations in external
equipment such as reverb devices, samplers or MIDI playback units.