S2 Sports™ CD/Tuner
Step-up Feature
New Feature
Ergonomic S2 Sports™ Design
CD Player
CD-R/RW1Playback Capability
Dual Passive Radiator Bass Enhancement System
Digital AM/FM Stereo Tuner
ESP2™ Shock Protection
Water Resistant
Mega Bass® (On/Off) Sound System
30 Station Memory Presets
CD Play Modes (Program/Shuffle/Repeat)
4 Line Dot Matrix Display
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S2 Sports™ CD/Tuner
Ergonomic S2 Sports™ Design includes innovative features such as
easy-to-carry handle spanning the stereo speakers, and has function controls
clustered for ready access while listening.
CD Player Play your favorite CD, CD-R or CD/RW discs on this compact disc
CD-R/RW1Playback Capability plays all CD-R/RW discs burned either in a
PC or a home recording deck. Create custom mixes from your existing music
collection and always have the right music at hand.
Dual Passive Radiator Bass Enhancement System provides dynamic bass
sound without adding additional size to the unit
Digital AM/FM Stereo Tuner provides the most accurate, drift-free tuning of
AM and FM radio stations and lets you choose from the wide variety of radio talk
shows and music programs, with the added enjoyment of stereo sound.
ESP2™ Shock Protection uses advanced technology to provide skip-free
playback in more active uses.
Water Resistant2with high-impact plastic housing is designed for outdoor fun,
with rubber gaskets, bushings and waterproof seals that help keep out water,
moisture and dirt.
Mega Bass® (On/Off) Sound System produces rich, deep, bass tones for
more powerful overall sound.
30 Station Memory Presets uses electronic settings for easy one-button tuning
of your choice of 10AM and 20 FM radio stations.
CD Play Modes (Program/Shuffle/Repeat) lets you hear tracks in multiple
modes; in sequence as recorded in program (RMS) order, all tracks in random
(shuffle) order or a single track over and over
4 Line Dot Matrix Display provides ID3 tag information for fast and easy
identification and location of your ATRAC or MP3 selections and makes it easy to
search all music files even in another folder layer
Digital Filter: 8X Oversampling
Digital-to-Analog Converter: 1 Bit
Frequency Response: CD: 20-20000Hz, 1,-2dB
Tuner Frequency Range: AM: 530-1710kHz; FM: 87.5-108MHz
Tuning: FM20/AM10
Antenna System: AM: Built-in Ferrite Bar Antenna; FM: Telescopic Antenna
Mega Bass: 2 Position
Display Menu: Volume, Function, Mega Bass, Total Play Time, Radio Band, Track Number,
Playing Time
Display: LCD
Input(s): DC In
Output(s): Headphone (stereo mini jack)
Output Power: 2.3W 2.3W
Power Requirements: "C" x 6 Batteries (optional); AC 120V, 60Hz
Battery Life (Approx.): FM Tuner: 40 hrs; CD Playback: 6 hrs
Speaker Unit: 4" (8cm) x 2
Weight: 8 lbs 8 2/3 oz (3.5kg) w/batteries
Dimensions (WHD): 16 7/8" x 6 3/4" x 11 1/4" (511 x 154 x 244mm)
Color: White
Supplied Accessories: AC Power Adaptor
UPC Code: 0272426640050
1. CD- R-RW med ia/fo rmats ar e not un ivers ally com patib le.
2. Not me ant t o be imm ersed or co me in co ntinu ous c ontac t wit h wat er.
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc .
Rep roduc tion in who le or in pa rt wi thout wr itten pe rmiss ion i s pro hibit ed. A ll ri ghts res erved . Son y, ES P,
Meg a Bas s, S2 Sp orts and it s log o and Wa lkman ar e tra demar ks of So ny.
Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e
app roxim ate.
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-04-15