Collaboration System
Vision Exchange
System Integration & Services Guide
Version 1.2
PEQ-C100, PEQ-C130
© 2017 Sony Corporation

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 5
2. System Configuration ....................................................................................... 6
3. Configuration Examples for Various Use Cases ................................................. 8
Small-Scale Interactive Lecture ................................................................................ 8
Basic configuration ............................................................................................... 8
Extended configuration ......................................................................................... 9
Internet utilization ............................................................................................. 12
Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices....................................... 12
Network bandwidth ............................................................................................ 12
Active Learning...................................................................................................... 16
Proposed application .......................................................................................... 16
Basic configuration of proposed application ........................................................... 18
Configuration with instructor and participants on separate networks ......................... 20
Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices....................................... 21
Extended configuration of multiple Pods ................................................................ 21
Network bandwidth ............................................................................................ 22
Large-Scale Interactive Lecture ............................................................................... 27
Proposed application .......................................................................................... 27
Configuration..................................................................................................... 28
Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices....................................... 31
Maximum number of simultaneous user devices for Personal Note Taker function ....... 31
Network bandwidth ............................................................................................ 31
Skype for Business Integration ................................................................................ 35
Connection and control ....................................................................................... 37
Network bandwidth ............................................................................................ 39
reaming Output .................................................................................................. 40
Connection and control without using RTSP ........................................................... 40
Connection and control using RTSP ...................................................................... 41
Audio streaming ................................................................................................ 42
Network bandwidth ............................................................................................ 42
Plug-in Integration ................................................................................................. 43
Required Network Bandwidth for Comprehensive System ............................................ 43
Active learning................................................................................................... 44
Large-scale interactive lecture ............................................................................. 51
nstallation and Setup .................................................................................... 54
4. I
Supplied Items and Optional Items .......................................................................... 54
Supplied items ................................................................................................... 54
SUP (Software Upgrade Program) ........................................................................ 54
Option software and licenses ............................................................................... 55

Required/Recommended Specifications of Items Available Separately ........................... 56
Pod .................................................................................................................. 56
Pod server......................................................................................................... 58
HDMI capture box .............................................................................................. 59
User device ....................................................................................................... 60
Wireless LAN network and access points ............................................................... 60
Preparation Before Installation ................................................................................ 60
Installing Pod software ....................................................................................... 61
Checking permissions and settings ....................................................................... 62
Registering in SUP and obtaining installation keys for a main unit/Pod ...................... 63
Registering option software and obtaining an installation key .................................. 64
Installing Third-Party Software ................................................................................ 65
Third-party device drivers and applications ........................................................... 65
Installation/Usage Precautions................................................................................. 66
Main Unit .......................................................................................................... 66
Disconnecting/reconnecting cables on the main unit ............................................... 67
Main display, second display, touch panel .............................................................. 67
Pod .................................................................................................................. 69
HDMI capture box .............................................................................................. 69
Notes on Designing the Video System ...................................................................... 70
Deinterlacing ..................................................................................................... 70
Video frame rate and user interface response speed ............................................... 70
Precautions When Using HDCP Content ................................................................. 71
Notes on Designing the Audio System ...................................................................... 72
External microphone .......................................................................................... 74
Notes on Building a Network
IP address settings ............................................................................................. 74
Checking the MAC address .................................................................................. 74
Two LAN connectors ........................................................................................... 74
Wake On LAN .................................................................................................... 75
Windows domain (Active Directory domain) ........................................................... 75
................................................. 74
Content protection and encryption on the network ................................................. 75
Installing and Configuring Additional Input and Display Languages .............................. 75
Installing and configuring a language pack ............................................................ 76
Installing Skype for Business ................................................................................... 77
Downloading ..................................................................................................... 78
Installing .......................................................................................................... 79
Checking the version .......................................................................................... 79
Configuration..................................................................................................... 80
OS Administrator Login ........................................................................................... 80

5. Configuration and Adjustments ...................................................................... 82
6. Before Handover to End User .......................................................................... 83
Changing the Background Picture/Foreground Movie of the Home Screen ..................... 83
Main Unit and Pods............................................................................................. 83
Changing the Default Password ............................................................................... 84
Main Unit .......................................................................................................... 84
Redisplaying the EULA (End User License Agreement) ................................................ 84
Main Unit and Pods............................................................................................. 84
7. Service and Maintenance ................................................................................ 85
Software Update .................................................................................................... 85
Main Unit and Pods............................................................................................. 85
Security ................................................................................................................ 86
Main Unit .......................................................................................................... 86
Pod .................................................................................................................. 87
Backup/Restore ..................................................................................................... 87
Main Unit and Pods............................................................................................. 87
Remote Monitoring using SNMP ............................................................................... 89
Remote Rebooting ................................................................................................. 90
Using the Windows shutdown command ............................................................... 91
Using the Windows Task Scheduler ....................................................................... 91
Using the Windows WinRM remote management function ........................................ 92
Using the WMI command line utility (WMIC) .......................................................... 93
If an Error Occurs .................................................................................................. 93
Log collection .................................................................................................... 93
Receiving remote support using TeamViewer ................................
storing to factory default values ....................................................................... 95
Resetting the Vision Exchange administrator password ........................................... 97
Appendix ........................................................................................................ 98
Connector Layout and Signals of the Main Unit .......................................................... 98
List of Used Ports ................................................................................................. 100
List of Error Codes ............................................................................................... 102
......................... 94
SNMP Event ID List .............................................................................................. 104
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 106
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ......................................................................... 116
Notice to Users ............................................................................................. 117

1. Introduction
This document describes the design of a system that uses Vision Exchange, and required
information for service operations. The document has the following structure.
System configuration
Describes an outline of the whole system.
Configuration examples for various use cases
Describes the configuration of the application and required devices.
Installation and setup
Describes the supplied components and option components, and precautions for
Before handover to end user
Describes the required configuration when installing.
Service and maintenance
Describes the software update, remote monitoring, and backup/restore procedures.
Refer also to the Help Guide.
The Help Guide can be accessed online.
English: https://helpguide.sony.net/peq/c100/v1/h_en/index.html
Japanese: https://helpguide.sony.net/peq/c100/v1/h_ja/index.html
Chinese: https://helpguide.sony.net/peq/c100/v1/h_zh-cn/index.html

2. System Configuration
This section introduces a typical configuration for a system that uses Vision Exchange.
HDMI input devices (such as PCs), USB input devices (such as remote cameras), and user
devices (via wireless LAN connection) can be connected to the main unit.
Multiple content can be displayed and discussions/presentations conducted on output devices
such as HDMI displays and DisplayPort projectors connected to the main unit.
Images from user devices of participants can be displayed on HDMI displays and other output
devices via the main unit, and text and line annotations can be added to the images by the
instructor using the main unit or participants using user devices to create an interactive
Web conferencing with other devices is also supported by installing Skype for Business on the
main unit or Pods.
Content sharing and remote control of the main unit and Pods from a web browser on a
computer or other device are also supported.

The following are supported by adding option functions.
Active learning by adding Mini PCs, called Pods, and connecting them to the main unit to
increase the number of participants
Output streaming of images displayed on the main unit/Pod via the network to external
devices for recording images and viewing images from remote locations
Pods can be used in either Vision Exchange dedicated mode or Windows desktop application
mode formats.
In Vision Exchange dedicated mode, Vision Exchange automatically starts when the Pod PC
If you want to participate using a Pod PC within a domain, such as an organization, you can use
Vision Exchange in Windows desktop application mode on the Pod PC. However, in this case,
Vision Exchange cannot be used in auto startup dedicated mode.
Unlike active learning using Pods, a large-scale interactive lecture can be held with emphasis
on distributing content to many users by setting up a server for the interactive lecture and
installing option software.
New functionality, improvements and features, continuous support for user devices and other
benefits are available by subscribing to the license software update program (SUP) to enable
updates of commercial software.
License trial
Option functions can be used without limitation for a period of 3 minutes from start of use of
the corresponding function.
The function terminates after 3 minutes have elapsed (connection is automatically

3. Configuration Examples for Various Use Cases
This section describes samples of the required system configuration for various use cases. This
is intended as reference information for when designing a system.
Small-Scale Interactive Lecture
Basic configuration
A “small-scale interactive lecture” is a function that can be used with the minimum
configuration. The configuration for an interactive lecture is recommended as the base system
when evaluating the configuration for other extended configurations.
A small-scale interactive lecture configuration is based on a small classroom or conference
room, where the images of computers etc. (user devices) possessed by each participant are
displayed by a projector, and the discussion proceeds while switching between the displayed
images of devices.
System configuration
HDMI display
HDMI input
User device
The required equipment is listed below.
Equipment Quantity Remarks
HDMI display 1 LCD TVs, such as BRAVIA, and projectors can be used.
Main Unit/Pod
More intuitive operation is possible using a touch panel type
HDMI output
USB mouse
USB keyboard
USB mouse 1 Used for operation of the main unit/Pod during installation,
operation, and maintenance.
Not required for operation if using a touch panel device.
However, the mouse is required for maintenance use.
USB keyboard 1 One USB keyboard is recommended for maintenance use.
A software keyboard can be used when it is necessary to
input characters while using the unit.

A network environment is not required to use the minimum configuration.
HDMI outputs of devices, such as laptop computers and cameras, can be connected directly to
the HDMI input connectors of the main unit.
Up to four HDMI output devices can be connected with the PEQ-C130, and up to two with the
The main unit supports HDCP, enabling connection of a DVD or Blu-ray Disc player to the HDMI
input of the unit.
For details about HDCP, see “Precautions When Using HDCP Content” (page 71) in the
“Installation and Setup” section.
When using HDMI input on a Pod, you can connect one HDMI output device using an HDMI
capture box.
For details about HDMI capture boxes, see “HDMI capture box” (page 59) in the “Installation
and Setup” section.
Extended configuration
This section introduces a sample configuration that provides more enhanced functionality.
In addition to the base configuration, two displays can be connected to the DISPLAY PORT
connectors. The second display can display a different image than the first display. For
example, different presentations can be shown on the two displays to support large-scale
lectures or meetings.
A second HDMI display can be connected when a DisplayPort-to-HDMI adapter is connected to
the DISPLAY PORT connector.
Touch panel displays are used, which allows the presenter to conduct a smooth dynamic
session by simply swiping on the screen to switch the displayed image.
If a wireless LAN access point is available, wireless LAN compatible user devices (such as
laptop computers and mobile devices) can connect to support control of the main unit/Pod and
mirroring (transfer of screen image of user devices to main unit/Pod). A simple system can be
constructed using a wireless LAN access point that supports the DHCP function in a small-scale
configuration. The LAN connectors of the unit are auto MDI/MDI-X ports, enabling direct
connection of a wireless LAN access point using a single LAN cable.

display. This provides more intuitive operation
System configuration
Wireless LAN
access point
User device
Touch panel
HDMI display
HDMI output
DisplayPort display
Main Unit/Pod
HDMI input
User device
Touch panel
DisplayPort output
USB keyboard
* For Pods, it is necessary to select a PC that meets the required specifications.
The required equipment is listed below.
Equipment Quantity Remarks
HDMI display 1 Supports connection of an HDMI display.
DisplayPort display 1 Supports connection of a DisplayPort display.
USB-type touch panel 2 By associating two displays with a USB type touch
panel, you can operate by touching the screen of
than using a mouse.
USB mouse 1 Used for operation of the main unit/Pod during
installation, operation, and maintenance.
Not required for operation if using a touch panel
device. However, the mouse is required for
maintenance use.
USB keyboard 1 One USB keyboard is recommended for maintenance
A software keyboard can be used when it is necessary
to input characters while using the unit.

Equipment Quantity Remarks
Wireless LAN access
User device 6 Used for mirroring or remote control of the main
Vision Exchange App
(available for free)
1 Connect to wireless LAN compatible user devices
used for remote control of the main unit/Pod and
mirroring (transfer of screen image).
Each user device can operate using a fixed IP
address, but an access point that supports a DHCP
server function is recommended for more
streamlined operation.
Mirroring and remote control of the main unit/Pod are
supported by installing Vision Exchange App. Remote
control of the main unit is also supported from a web
b r o w s e r.
of user
This dedicated software is for installation on user
devices to enable participation with Vision Exchange.
Used for mirroring or remote control of the main
The software can be downloaded for free from the
following URL. For details about the devices
supported for installation of this software, visit the
following URL.

Internet utilization
Connection to the Internet is required for Skype for Business integration,
service/maintenance, and for online update of software.
WAN / Internet
Layer 2 switch
Wireless LAN
access point
Wireless LAN
User device
Main Unit/Pod
Connect to the Internet using NAT (Network Address Translation) or via a firewall, depending
on the appropriate settings according to the network infrastructure.
When configuring NAT and firewall ports, see “List of Used Ports” (page 100) in the Appendix.
For details, consult the system administrator.
Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices
The maximum number of user devices for simultaneous mirroring to the main unit/Pod is six.
Network bandwidth
This section describes how to calculate the required network bandwidth.
Specifically, calculate the network bandwidth that the wireless LAN access point must
Types of mirroring
There are the following two types of mirroring from a user device to the main unit/Pod.
Content display mirroring
Thumbnail display mirroring

The image quality for mirroring thumbnail display from a user device is fixed.
Mirroring from a user device
Content display mirroring is high image quality/high throughput mirroring for display of the
image of the user device in the content area on the main unit/Pod.
Thumbnail display mirroring is low image quality/low throughput mirroring for display of the
image of the user device in the thumbnail area on the main unit/Pod.
These two types are dynamically switched by user operation. Moving the user device image
displayed in the thumbnail area on the main unit/Pod into the content area by drag & drop
dynamically switches the user device image from thumbnail display mirroring to content
display mirroring. Subsequently, moving another image into the content area by drag & drop
replaces the user device image display in the content area, and switches the user device image
from content display mirroring to thumbnail display mirroring.
Maximum number of content display mirrored images
The maximum number of content display mirrored images is the same as the number of
displays connected to the main unit/Pod. When two displays are connected to the main
unit/Pod, up to two content display mirroring sources can be used for the two content areas on
both displays.
Mirroring throughput
After calculating the number of simultaneous mirroring devices using the equation in
“Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices” (page 12), calculate the total
throughput of user devices as described below and ensure there is sufficient network
When the main unit/Pod and user devices are using Internet resources other than Vision
Exchange, such as streaming from the Internet, also take that load into account to ensure
there is sufficient network bandwidth.
Always check system requirements beforehand as the number of devices to connect and
network bandwidth will vary depending on the model of wireless LAN access point and the
operating environment.

Display on main unit/Pod
User device 1 image
Content area
User device
1 image
Content display mirroring:
6 Mbps (max.)
Wireless LAN access point
User device 1
User device
2 image
Main Unit/Pod
Thumbnail area
Thumbnail display mirroring:
1 Mbps
User device 2
The user device image quality settings and maximum throughput values are given below.
Allow a margin as these values are empirical values only.
The actual throughput will also vary depending on the content matter. Estimate the image
quality setting and network bandwidth that needs to be maintained for the intended use.
Throughput when mirroring from a user device to the main unit/Pod
Content display mirroring
As shown in the preceding diagram, content display mirroring simultaneously generates and
displays images in the content area and thumbnail area.
The image quality for content display mirroring from a user device to the main unit/Pod is set
in [Setting] screen – [Mirroring] page – [Vision Exchange App. Setting] on the main unit/Pod.
For details about operation, refer to the Help Guide.

Image quality Resolution Throughput max. value
(when playing video)
High (default setting) Same as display on
Mid 4 Mbps
transmitting device
6 Mbps
Low 1 Mbps
Includes video and audio throughput.
Thumbnail display mirroring
The throughput when an image is displayed in the thumbnail area is a maximum of 1 Mbps
when playing video (includes both the video and audio).
Required network bandwidth calculation equations
Number of user devices is greater than the number of displays connected to the
main unit/Pods
Required bandwidth (T
Throughput when content
display mirroring from a user
Number of displays connected to
the main unit/Pod
Throughput when thumbnail
display mirroring from a user
× N
+ T
Number of user devices –
Number of displays
× (N
) – (N
– N

Number of user devices is less than or equal to the number of displays connected to
the main unit/Pods
Required bandwidth (T
Throughput when content
display mirroring from a user
Number of user devices (N
× N
For reference, a sample calculation is described for the following conditions.
User devices: 2 (with image quality set to [High])
Number of displays connected to the main unit/Pod: 1
Margin: 30%
Required bandwidth = 6 Mbps × 1 + 1 Mbps × (2 – 1)
= 7 Mbps
Adding the margin of 30%, 7 Mbps × 1.3 = 9.1 Mbps
Note that if a presentation is predominantly composed of still images, the throughput will be
lower and hence the required bandwidth will also be lower. Estimate the network bandwidth to
match the intended use.
Active Learning
The unit supports lectures conducted in an active learning form.
Proposed application
“Active learning” encompasses a wide range of activities. A proposed application using the unit
is given below.
For details about functions, refer to the Help Guide.
Term Definition / Description
Classroom A classroom is a room in which active learning takes place. The active
learning system using the unit basically is conducted within a classroom.
Lectern Represents a stand or dais used by a lecturer. A display (touch panel) for
operating the system, keyboard, mouse, computer/tablet used for
lectures are placed here.

Images shown in the content area of a Pod is shared with the main unit,
Term Definition / Description
Table A table is used by several seated participants to promote individual
discussion. Generally, multiple tables may be arranged in the classroom.
Main Unit Represents the unit. The unit is operated mainly by the instructor.
Pod PC Software Software for devices that run on Microsoft Windows to provide some
Vision Exchange functionality. The software is mainly operated by the
Pod A Mini PC placed on each table in which Pod PC Software is installed.
Pod sharing Function for sharing content between the main unit and Pods.
and images shown in the content area of the main unit is shared with the
Images shown in the content area of the main unit are simultaneously
sent to one or more Pods.
In active learning, participants can conduct a discussion while sharing material using the Pod
on each table.
In the same way as the main unit, the screen of a user device, such as a computer or tablet,
of a participant can be displayed on a Pod via the network.
The screen of a laptop computer or camera can also be displayed via an HDMI capture box
connected to a Pod.
In addition, the image of the content area of the main unit can be displayed on a Pod, or the
image of the content area of a Pod can be shared with the main unit.

The system can also display the results of the discussion of each table on a large screen of the
main unit for review.
Basic configuration of proposed application
One main unit and several Pods are required to implement an active learning application.
Connect between the main unit and Pods using a wired LAN. Connect between Pods and user
devices using either a wired LAN or wireless LAN. A wireless LAN is not absolutely necessary,
but a wireless LAN access point is recommended because many devices used by participants
may not have a LAN port.
In this configuration, participants can also mirror devices to the display of the main unit used
by the instructor and perform other functions on the main unit, not just the Pods.
If this is not required, the access control function of Vision Exchange can be used or the main
unit can be configured to limit the number of devices that can connect to the main unit for
mirroring to prevent access by participants.
Using the access control function, you can grant or deny permission for mirroring to specific
Mirroring to the main unit by anyone other than the instructor can also be prevented by
limiting the number of devices that can connect for mirroring to the device used by the
For details about each type of configuration, refer to the Help Guide.

Layer 2 switch
Wireless LAN access point
Main Unit
HDMI input
User device of
(computer, etc.)
User device of participant
User device of
(Wireless LAN
device, e.g. tablet)
User device of participant
The required equipment is listed below.
HDMI input
HDMI display
USB input
USB mouse
For details about the configuration of the main unit, see “Small-Scale Interactive Lecture”
(page 8).
Equipment Quantity Remarks
HDMI display 1 Supports connection of an HDMI display to a Pod. The
use of the display is changeable to accompany each
PEQA-C10 Active
1 License to enable the Pod sharing function.
Learning license
Pod 1 or more A Mini PC on which Pod PC Software is installed. One
per table.
Pod PC Software Number of
Application software that provides the Pod

Equipment Quantity Remarks
HDMI capture box
DarkCrystal 750
(Model name:
USB mouse Number of
USB keyboard Maintenance
Wireless LAN access
1 Box for capturing the HDMI output from a laptop
1 One access point can be used in a small-scale
computer or camera and importing into a Pod via USB
Use this when you want to display an image from a
computer or camera on the Pod display.
Not required for operation if using a touch panel
device, but a mouse is required for system
One USB keyboard is recommended for maintenance
A software keyboard can be used when it is necessary
to input characters while using the unit.
Network bandwidth is discussed in a later section.
Connect to wireless LAN compatible user devices
used for remote control of the main unit and
mirroring (transfer of screen image).
Each user device can operate using a fixed IP
address, but an access point that supports a DHCP
server function is recommended for more
streamlined operation.
Layer 2 switch 1 One access point can be used in a small-scale
Network bandwidth is discussed in a later section.
Configuration with instructor and participants on separate networks
In “Basic configuration of proposed application” (page 18), both the instructor and participants
used the same network segment, which allows the participants to mirror devices to the main
unit and perform other functions on the main unit, not just the Pods.
If this is not required, the access control function of Vision Exchange can be used on the same
network segment, or the main unit can be configured to limit the number of devices that can
connect to the main unit for mirroring to prevent access by participants as described earlier.
Alternatively, the network for instructor and network for participants can be separate.
The configuration is shown below.

Main Unit
HDMI input
User device of
Layer 2 switch
Wireless LAN access point
User device of
(Wireless LAN
device, e.g. tablet)
Layer 3 switch
Layer 2 switch
(for participants)
Wireless LAN access
point (for participants)
HDMI display
User device of participant
User device of participant
HDMI input
HDMI capture box
USB input
USB mouse
In this configuration, with appropriate routing configured in the layer 3 switch, access to the
main unit from the user devices of participants can be controlled while implementing Pod
sharing between the main unit and Pods.
For details about configuration, consult the system administrator.
Maximum number of simultaneous mirroring user devices
The maximum number of user devices for simultaneous mirroring, using Vision Exchange App,
to the main unit or each Pod is six per main unit and per Pod.
Extended configuration of multiple Pods
Up to 10 pods can be connected to a single main unit. When the maximum number (six) of user
devices are connected to each Pod, network traffic may become a problem.
For details, see “Network bandwidth” below.

Use multiple wireless LAN access points and layer 2 switches according to the required network
Network bandwidth
This section describes how to calculate the required network bandwidth.
Specifically, calculate the network bandwidth that the wireless LAN access point and layer 2
switch must maintain.
For details about mirroring from a user device to the main unit or a Pod, see “Network
bandwidth” (page 12) in the “Small-Scale Interactive Lecture” section.
Pod sharing throughput
In active learning, in addition to the throughput for mirroring, the throughput for Pod sharing
between the main unit and Pods also occurs.
Similar to mirroring of user devices, there are two types of Pod sharing: content display Pod
sharing for display of high quality/high throughput images in the content area, and thumbnail
display Pod sharing for display of low image quality/low throughput images in the Pod sharing
These two types are dynamically switched by user operation. Moving the image displayed in
the Pod sharing area on the main unit into the content area by drag & drop dynamically
switches the image from thumbnail display Pod sharing to content display Pod sharing.
Subsequently, moving another image into the content area by drag & drop replaces the image
display in the content area, and switches the image from content display Pod sharing to
thumbnail display Pod sharing.
Maximum number of content display Pod sharing images from a Pod to the main unit
The maximum number of content display Pod sharing images from a Pod to the main unit is the
same as the number of displays connected to the main unit. When two displays are connected
to the main unit, up to two content display Pod sharing sources can be used for the two content
areas on both displays.
Maximum number of content display Pod sharing images from the main unit to a Pod
Content display Pod sharing is used when displaying the image shown in the content area of
the main unit in full-screen mode on a Pod.
Content display Pod sharing is also used when the [Presentation] button is pressed to display
the image shown in the content area of the main unit in full-screen mode on all Pods.
Therefore, the maximum number of content display Pod sharing images from the main unit to
a Pod is the same as the number of connected Pods.

Thumbnail display Pod sharing
Thumbnail display Pod sharing is used between the main unit and Pods when content display
Pod sharing is not being used between the main unit and Pods.
Network bandwidth diagram for active learning
Dotted arrow: Transfer using wired LAN or wireless LAN
Solid arrow: Transfer using wired LAN
Display on main unit
Main Unit
Pod sharing (Eqn. B)
Content area display: 6 Mbps (max.)
Pod sharing area display: 1 Mbps
Pod sharing (Eqn. C)
Content area display: 6 Mbps (max.)
Pod sharing area display: 1 Mbps
Content display mirroring: 6 Mbps (max.)
Thumbnail display mirroring: 1 Mbps
Pod 1
(Eqn. A) × Number of Pods
Display on Pod
Layer 2 switch
Pod 1
Wireless LAN
access point
Content display
mirroring: 6 Mbps
(Eqn. A) ×
Number of Pods
display mirroring:
1 Mbps
User device 2
image of
main unit
User device
1 image
User device 1 image
User device
2 image
User device 1
Content area
Pod sharing area
Thumbnail area

Pod sharing throughput between main unit and Pods
The video quality settings and maximum throughput values for Pod sharing are given below.
Allow a margin as these values are empirical values only.
The actual throughput will also vary depending on the content matter. Estimate the image
quality setting and network bandwidth that needs to be maintained for the intended use.
When displaying in the content area
As shown in the preceding diagram, content display mirroring simultaneously generates and
displays images in the content area and Pod sharing area.
The image quality for content display Pod sharing is set on the [Setting] screen – [Pod Sharing]
page – [Video quality for Pod Sharing] of the main unit.
For details about operation, refer to the Help Guide.
Image quality Resolution Throughput max. value
(when playing video)
High (default setting)
Same as display on
Mid 4 Mbps
transmitting device
Low 1 Mbps
Includes video and audio throughput.
When displaying in the Pod sharing area
The throughput when an image is displayed in the Pod sharing area is a maximum of 1 Mbps
when playing video (includes both the video and audio).
6 Mbps
Required network bandwidth calculation equations
There are three types of network bandwidth required for Pod sharing.
Network bandwidth that the wireless LAN access point must maintain
Network bandwidth that must be maintained between Pod and layer 2 switch
Network bandwidth that must be maintained between main unit and layer 2 switch
For reference, a sample calculation is described for the following conditions.
User devices: 2 (with image quality set to [High])
Pods: 1
Number of displays connected to the main unit: 1
Margin: 30%
Network bandwidth that the wireless LAN access point must maintain
Calculation equation
Required bandwidth = Total throughput of devices connected to each Pod × Number of Pods

Throughput of devices connected to a Pod
Calculate the throughput corresponding to the red arrow in “Network bandwidth diagram for
active learning” (page 23).
The total throughput of devices connected to a Pod or the main unit is calculated using the
same equations described in “Network bandwidth” (page 12) in the “Small-Scale Interactive
Lecture” section.
The result of the calculation multiplied by the number of Pods (N
) is the network bandwidth
that the wireless LAN access point must maintain.
Total throughput of devices connected to a Pod (Eqn. A)
Number of user devices is greater than the number of displays connected to the
main unit/Pods
= {T
× N
+ T
× (N
– N
Number of user devices is less than or equal to the number of displays connected to
the main unit/Pods
= T
× N
Required bandwidth = (Eqn. A) × Number of Pods (N
= {6 Mbps × 2 + 1 Mbps × (2 – 1)} × 1
= 13 Mbps
Network bandwidth that must be maintained between Pod and layer 2 switch
Calculation equation
Required bandwidth (T
) = Total throughput from wireless LAN access point to Pod (Eqn. A)
× Number of Pods
+ Total throughput from Pods to main unit (Eqn. B)
+ Total throughput from main unit to Pods (Eqn. C)
Use the value calculated in “Network bandwidth that the wireless LAN access point must
maintain” (page 24) for the total throughput from wireless LAN access point to Pod.
Use the following equations to calculate the total throughput from Pods to main unit and the
total throughput from main unit to Pods.
Calculation equation of throughput from Pods to main unit
Calculate the throughput corresponding to the blue arrow in “Network bandwidth diagram for
active learning” (page 23).

Required bandwidth
Number of displays connected to the main
Throughput of content display Pod
sharing from a Pod to the main unit
unit or number of Pods, whichever is smaller
* N
or N
= 0 if user devices are mirroring by
direct connection to the main unit.
Throughput of thumbnail display
Pod sharing from a Pod to the main
Number of Pods – Number of displays
connected to the main unit
– N
× N
+ T
× (N
– N
) ……(Eqn. B)
= 6 Mbps × 1 + 1 Mbps × (1 – 1)
= 6 Mbps
Calculation equation of throughput from main unit to Pods
Calculate the throughput corresponding to the green arrow in “Network bandwidth diagram for
active learning” (page 23).
Required bandwidth = Throughput of content display Pod sharing from main unit to a Pod
× Number of Pods (N
)……(Eqn. C)
= 6 Mbps × 1
= 6 Mbps
From the above calculation equation, the required network bandwidth that must be maintained
between Pod and layer 2 switch is given below.
Required bandwidth (T
) = Total throughput from wireless LAN access point to Pod (Eqn. A)
× Number of Pods
+ Total throughput from Pods to main unit (Eqn. B)
+ Total throughput from main unit to Pods (Eqn. C)
= 7 Mbps + 6 Mbps + 6 Mbps
= 19 Mbps
Adding the margin of 30%, 19 Mbps × 1.3 = 24.7 Mbps

Software with some of the features of Vision Exchange is installed and is
Network bandwidth that must be maintained between main unit and layer 2 switch
Calculation equation
Required bandwidth (T
+ Total throughput from main unit to Pods (Eqn. C)
Use the values calculated in “Network bandwidth that must be maintained between Pod and
layer 2 switch” (page 25) for the values of equations B and C.
= 6 Mbps + 6 Mbps
= 12 Mbps
Adding the margin of 30%, 12 Mbps × 1.3 = 15.6 Mbps
) = Total throughput from Pods to main unit (Eqn. B)
Large-Scale Interactive Lecture
Proposed application
A “large-scale interactive lecture” is a lecture in which content, such as the video from devices
of the instructor and some participants or a whiteboard image, is distributed to the web
browsers of 21 to 100 participants.
Images from user devices of the instructor or some participants can be displayed on HDMI
displays and other output devices using mirroring, and text and line annotations can be added
to the images by the instructor or participants to create an interactive lecture.
Participants can also receive content using the web browser of their own user devices. Users
can add their own text memos or line annotations to the received images and can also capture
the images to their user devices.
For details about functions, refer to the Help Guide.
Term Definition / Description
Pod server Server machine running Windows Server OS with Pod PC Software
operated mainly by the instructor.

Pod server as a still picture, and distributes it to multiple participants at
Term Definition / Description
Personal Note
Taker function
There is no limitation on the simultaneously connected user devices, but the recommended
maximum number of simultaneously connected devices is 20, since the main unit and Pods use
the Windows 10 client OS. For details, check the contents of the Microsoft Windows EULA (End
User License Agreement).
To connect 21 or more devices simultaneously, use of a Pod server running Windows Server OS
is recommended
This is a function that captures the image displayed on the display of a
the same time every few seconds.
Participants can receive content using the browser of their own user
devices. Users can add their own text memos or line annotations to the
received images and can also capture and save the images to their user
Typical simultaneous connection of 20 devices
Make sure that the total number of devices connected using the following method is 20 or less.
When a main unit and Pods are connected, the total connections include the mutual devices
connected to each other.
- Main Unit
- Pod
- Vision Exchange App
- Personal Note Taker function using web browser
The maximum number of devices that can be mirrored from Vision Exchange App is six.
In the Windows EULA, the number of devices that can be connected is stipulated under “Device
connections.” For example, if Vision Exchange App and the Personal Note Taker function in a
web browser are both used on a single device, the number of connected devices is counted as
one device.
A large-scale interactive lecture configuration is based on a classroom or conference room,
where the images of computers etc. (user devices) possessed by each participant are
displayed by a projector, and the discussion proceeds while switching between the displayed
images of devices, while those images are distributed to other participants.

each display. This provides more intuitive operation
System configuration
Wireless LAN
access point
User device
Vision Exchange
User device
Web browser
Personal Note
Touch panel
HDMI display
HDMI output
HDMI capture box
Touch panel
HDMI display
HDMI output
Pod server
USB input
USB keyboard
HDMI input
User device
The required equipment is listed below.
Equipment Quantity Remarks
Pod server 1 Windows server on which Pod PC Software is
installed. Prepare a Windows Server license. A
Windows Server Client Access License (CAL) is also
required as a client license.
Pod PC Software 1 Application software that provides the interactive
lecture functionality.
PEQA-C10 Active
1 License to activate Pod PC Software.
Learning license
(available separately)
HDMI display 2 (max.) Use HDMI displays
USB-type touch panel 2 (max.) By associating two displays with a USB type touch
panel, you can operate by touching the screen of
than using a mouse.

computer or camera and importing into a Pod server
Equipment Quantity Remarks
USB mouse 1 Used for operation of the main unit during
installation, operation, and maintenance.
Not required for operation if using a touch panel
device. However, the mouse is required for
maintenance use.
USB keyboard 1 One USB keyboard is recommended for maintenance
A software keyboard can be used when it is necessary
to input characters while using the unit.
HDMI capture box 1 Box for capturing the HDMI output from a laptop
via USB 3.0.
Use this when you want to display an image from a
computer or camera on the Pod server display.
Wireless LAN access
User device 100
Vision Exchange App
(available for free)
1 Connect to wireless LAN compatible user devices
of user
used for remote control of the main unit and
mirroring (transfer of screen image).
Each user device can operate using a fixed IP
address, but an access point that supports a DHCP
server function is recommended for more
streamlined operation.
Used for mirroring or remote control of the main unit.
Mirroring and remote control of the main unit are
supported by installing Vision Exchange App. Pod
server image receiving using the Personal Note Taker
function and remote operation from a web browser
are also supported.
This dedicated software is for installation on user
devices to enable participation with Vision Exchange.
Used for mirroring or remote control of the main unit.
The software can be downloaded for free from the
following URL. For details about the devices
supported for installation of this software, visit the
following URL.