Sony SRX-T615 Installation Manual

INSTALLATION MANUAL 1st Edition (Revised 1)
このマニュアルは,サービス専用です。 お客様が,このマニュアルに記載された設置や保守,点検,修理などを行うと感電や火災, 人身事故につながることがあります。 危険をさけるため,サービストレーニングを受けた技術者のみご使用ください。
This manual is intended for qualifi ed service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, fi re or injury, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualifi ed to do so. Refer all servicing to qualifi ed service personnel.
Die Anleitung ist nur für qualifi ziertes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Alle Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von qualifi ziertem Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden. Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages, Feuergefahr und Verletzungen zu vermeiden, sind bei Wartungsarbeiten strikt die Angaben in der Anleitung zu befolgen. Andere als die angegeben Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von Personen ausgeführt werden, die eine spezielle Befähigung dazu besitzen.
Ce manual est destiné uniquement aux personnes compétentes en charge de l’entretien. Afi n de réduire les risques de décharge électrique, d’incendie ou de blessure n’effectuer que les réparations indiquées dans le mode d’emploi à moins d’être qualifi é pour en effectuer d’autres. Pour toute réparation faire appel à une personne compétente uniquement.
安全のために,周辺機器を接続する際は,過大電圧を持 つ可能性があるコネクターを以下のポートに接続しない でください。
: NETWORK コネクター
For safety, do not connect the connector for periph­eral device wiring that might have excessive volt­age to the following port. : NETWORK connector Follow the instructions for the above port.
For kundene i Norge
Dette utstyret kan kobles til et IT-strømfordelingssystem.

Table of Contents

Manual Structure
Purpose of this manual ............................................................ 2 (E)
Related manuals ...................................................................... 2 (E)
Trademarks .............................................................................. 2 (E)
1. Installation
1-1. Outline ....................................................................... 1-1 (E)
1-1-1. Installation Flow .............................................. 1-1 (E)
1-1-2. Required Equipment/Tools ..............................1-2 (E)
1-1-3. External Dimensions ........................................ 1-3 (E)
1-1-4. Installation of Carrying Handle .......................1-5 (E)
1-1-5. Connection ....................................................... 1-9 (E)
1-2. Installation of Duct .................................................. 1-10 (E)
1-3. Installation of Lens .................................................. 1-11 (E)
1-4. Installation of 3D Lens Filter (In the Case of
LKRA-005) .............................................................1-13 (E)
1-5. Installation of Lamp ................................................ 1-16 (E)
1-6. Connection of Power Cord ......................................1-18 (E)
1-7. Adjustment of Projector Tilt ....................................1-20 (E)
2. Adjustment
2-1. SRX Controller .......................................................... 2-1 (E)
2-1-1. Specifi cations of Personal Computer (PC) ......2-1 (E)
2-1-2. Connection ....................................................... 2-1 (E)
2-1-3. Startup ..............................................................2-2 (E)
2-1-4. Control Window ...............................................2-3 (E)
2-1-5. Function Memory ..........................................2-13 (E)
2-1-6. Log Function .................................................. 2-13 (E)
2-2. Setting of This Unit .................................................2-14 (E)
2-2-1. Operation Method of Setting .........................2-14 (E)
2-2-2. Owner Information ........................................2-15 (E)
2-2-3. Network ......................................................... 2-16 (E)
2-2-4. PC Communication ........................................ 2-17 (E)
2-2-5. Profi le ............................................................. 2-18 (E)
2-2-6. Signal Input from Optional Board ................. 2-18 (E)
2-3. Lens Adjustment ......................................................2-19 (E)
2-3-1. Position Adjustment .......................................2-19 (E)
2-3-2. Position Adjustment (Electric Shift
Using SRX Controller) ..................................2-22 (E)
2-3-3. Position Adjustment (Adjusting the
Projector Tilt and Direction) .......................... 2-23 (E)
2-3-4. Brightness Adjustment ...................................2-24 (E)
2-4. Image Adjustment (3D Lens) ..................................2-25 (E)
2-4-1. Optical Axis Adjustment ................................2-25 (E)
2-4-2. 3D Lens Filter Adjustment (In the Case of
LKRA-005) .................................................... 2-27 (E)
2-4-3. Zoom/Focus Adjustment ................................2-29 (E)
2-4-4. Position Adjustment (Adjust Image
Using SRX Controller) ..................................2-30 (E)
2-4-5. Position Adjustment (Adjusting the
Projector Tilt and Direction) .......................... 2-30 (E)
2-4-7. Image Mapping ..............................................2-33 (E)
2-4-8. Brightness Adjustment ...................................2-34 (E)
2-5. Registration Adjustment .......................................... 2-35 (E)
2-5-1. Fine Adjustment of Registration .................... 2-35 (E)
2-6. Color Space Conversion (CSC Adjustment) ...........2-36 (E)
2-6-1. Correcting the Color Space “sRGB (709)” .... 2-37 (E)
2-6-2. Correcting the Color Space “Single 3D” ....... 2-38 (E)
2-7. Edge Blending Adjustment......................................2-39 (E)
2-7-1. Edge Blending Setting ................................... 2-39 (E)
2-7-2. Correction of Distortion after Edge
Blending Adjustment .....................................2-41 (E)
2-7-3. Color Matching of Edge Blending ................. 2-43 (E)
Alignment of the Horizontal Position of
Image for Right Eye and Image for
Left Eye ..........................................................2-31
1 (E)

Purpose of this manual

Related manuals

Manual Structure

This manual is the installation manual of 4K Digital Projector SRX-T615. This manual is intended for use by trained system and service engineers, and de­scribes the information for installation of this unit.
The following manuals are prepared for this unit.
. Safety Regulations (supplied with this unit)
This manual describes the information required to safely use this unit.
. Operating Instructions (available on request)
This manual is necessary for application and operation of this unit.
. Maintenance Manual (available on request)
This manual describes the information about the maintenance of this unit (periodic check, cleaning, etc.)


. Service Manual (available on request)
This manual describes the information that premise the service based on part re­placement of this unit.
Trademarks and registered trademarks used in this manual are follows.
. The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Defi nition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI
Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
. Windows and Windows Vista are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-
tion in the United States and Other countries.
. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
Other system names, product names, and company names appearing in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
2 (E)
Section 1


1-1. Outline

1-1-1. Installation Flow

The installation procedure for this unit is shown in the flow chart. For the details of each flow, refer to the corresponding item.
Basically there is no problem even if Sections 1-2 to 1-5 are not performed in sequential order. However, do not connect the power cord in Section 1-6 before Sections 1-2 to 1-5 are completed.
Start the installation.
. 1-2. Installation of Duct
Install this unit.
Install the SRX Controller in a personal computer (PC). (Refer to the Operating Instructions.)
. 1-3. Installation of Lens . 1-4. Installation of 3D Lens Filter (In the Case of LKRA-005) . 1-5. Installation of Lamp . 1-6. Connection of Power Cord . 1-7. Adjustment of Projector Tilt
Set this unit. (Refer to Section 2-2.)
Only a 2D lens is used.
Perform lens adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-3.)
Perform registration adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-5.)
Perform gamma and uniformity adjustments using a Projector Color Adjustment Tool.
Perform color space correction (CSC adjustment). (Refer to Section 2-6.)
Perform edge blending
(Refer to Section 2-7.)
Perform gamma and uniformity adjustments before installation when using only a 3D lens.
Only a 3D lens is used.
Perform gamma and uniformity adjustments using a Projector Color Adjustment Tool with the 2D lens installed.
Install the 3D lens, then perform image adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-4.)
Perform registration adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-5.)
Perform color space correction (CSC adjustment). (Refer to Section 2-6.)
2D and 3D lenses are used.
Perform lens adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-3.)
Perform image adjustment.
(Refer to Section 2-4.)
Perform registration adjustment. (Refer to Section 2-5.)
Perform gamma and uniformity adjustments using a Projector Color Adjustment Tool with the 2D lens installed.
Perform color space correction (CSC adjustment). (Refer to Section 2-6.)
1-1 (E)

1-1-2. Required Equipment/Tools

The equipment and tools required for this unit are as follows.
Equipment/tools Description
Projection lens Prepare the necessary lens(es) in accordance with the installation environment. . LKRL-Z511 . LKRL-Z514 . LKRL-Z519 . LKRL-A502 . LKRL-A503 t Regarding the selection of lens, contact your local Sony Sales Office/Service Center.
3D lens filter LKRA-005 etc.
Lamp Prepare one of the following lamps in accordance with the installation environment. . LKRM-U450 (6 pcs, 450 W) . LKRM-U330 (6 pcs, 330 W) t . If all 6 pcs are not inserted, this unit does not operate. . Regarding the selection of lamp, contact your local Sony Sales Office/Service Center.
Power cable Need to obtain the cable that matches the plug on the installation site.
LAN cable or RS-232C cable For personal computer connection
Exhaust system Connect the duct to the duct connecting portion on the rear top panel for exhausting
the heat inside this unit. In the case of using the 8-inch duct, the following exhaust air volume is required. The exhaust air volume of 450-550 ft
HDMI cable For External reproduction device connection (Refer to “1-1-5. Connection”)
Tool Screwdriver (for installing the lamp)
Carrying handle Handle arm (part number: 4-164-849-02) Pipe (short) (part number: 4-164-850-02) Pipe (long) (part number: 4-164-851-02)
Luminance meter CL-200 or the equivalent
Colorimeter PR-650 or the equivalent
Tripod For the colorimeter and illuminometer
Hexagonal wrench For the 3D lens adjustment: subtense: 2.5, 3.0, 5.0 mm For the lens shift adjustment: subtense: 5.0 mm
Spanner Subtense: 8 mm (supplied with the lens) Subtense: 24 mm (for flexible leveler) Subtense: 30 mm (for nut (M20))
Personal computer (PC) For SRX Controller connection
For detail, refer to Section 2-1-1.
/min (12.7 to 15.6 m3/min) should be secured.
1-2 (E)

1-1-3. External Dimensions

Front view
Left side view
Air Intake
Heat exhaust
1 Z511 258-297 2 Z514 230-283 3 Z519 244 4 A502 462 Including in 3D lens filter 5 A503 462 Including in 3D lens filter
Air Intake
Input/output terminal
(Refer to the optional lens list.)
1-3 (E)
Top view
Right side view Rear view
Bottom view
Air Intake
Air Intake
Air Intake
Air Intake
10-M8 (for fixing the projector)
AC power cable
Air Intake
Air Intake
Heat exhaust
Air Intake
Heat exhaust
1-4 (E)
Unit: mm

1-1-4. Installation of Carrying Handle

When moving this unit to the pedestal after unpacking, attach the carrying handles as required for trans­porting it.
The carrying handles cannot be attached to both back/forth and right/left at the same time.
Parts information
. Handle arm: 4-164-849-02: 4 pcs . Pipe (short): 4-164-850-02: 2 pcs . Pipe (long): 4-164-851-02: 2 pcs . M8 bolt: 2-590-262-02 or -11: 4 pcs
In the case of attaching the pipe (long) to the right and left side of this unit
1. Loosen the nut in the direction of the arrow A, then insert the handle arm in the direction of the arrow B.
2. Tighten the nut to fix the handle arm.
3. Attach the handle arm to the adjuster of other three portions by repeating steps 1 and 2.
Handle arm
1-5 (E)
4. Insert the pipe (long) into the handle arms, then fix the pipe with the two M8 bolts.
5. Attach the pipe (long) on the other side in the same way.
M8 bolts
Handle arm
Pipe (long)
Handle arm
Pipe (long)
1-6 (E)
Pipe (long)
In the case of attaching the pipe (short) to the back and forth of this unit
The procedure is the same as the pipe (long).
1. Loosen the nut in the direction of the arrow A, then insert the handle arm in the direction of the arrow B.
2. Tighten the nut to fix the handle arm.
3. Attach the handle arm to the adjuster of other three portions by repeating steps 1 and 2.
Handle arm
1-7 (E)
4. Insert the pipe (short) into the handle arms, then fix the pipe with the two M8 bolts.
5. Attach the pipe (short) on the other side in the same way.
M8 bolts
Pipe (short)
1-8 (E)
Pipe (short)
Pipe (short)

1-1-5. Connection

External reproduction device
External reproduction device
Left side of this unit
HDMI cable
1-9 (E)

1-2. Installation of Duct

Basically there is no problem even if Sections 1-2 to 1-5 are not performed in sequential order. However, do not connect the power cord in Section 1-6 before Sections 1-2 to 1-5 are completed.
Attach the 8-inch duct to the duct connecting portion on the rear side of the top portion of this unit.
n . When attaching the duct, be careful not to bend the duct for exhausting the air smoothly. . For the required exhaust air volume, refer to “1-1-2. Required Equipment/Tools”.
8-inch duct
Duct connecting portion
Rear side
1-10 (E)

1-3. Installation of Lens

n . When performing the installation/removal of lens, be sure to shut down this unit by the SRX Controller,
then turn off the power switch on the rear side of this unit.
. When performing the installation/removal of lens, be careful not to touch the lens board.
3D lens2D lens
Although the illustration used here for description is the 2D lens, the installation procedure for the 3D lens is the same as the 2D lens.
1. Raise the lens fixing lever toward the “ ” side with the lock button pushed all the way in (lock released).
n If you raise the lens fixing lever without pushing the lock button, the lock button and lens fixing lever
will be damaged. Be sure to push the lock button and check that the lock is released before raising the lever.
Lens fixing lever
Lock button
1-11 (E)
2. Attach the lens to this unit while firmly holding the lens not to drop it and aligning the position. n When attaching the lens to this unit, insert it straight.
3. Lower the lens fixing lever to fix the lens.
Lens fixing lever
Lens fixing lever
1-12 (E)

1-4. Installation of 3D Lens Filter (In the Case of LKRA-005)

In the LKRA-005 Installation Manual, the procedure for installing LKRA-005 in SRX-R320S is de­scribed. When installing LKRA-005 in this unit, follow the procedure in this manual.
n . Be careful not to attach the filter bracket (A)/(B) assemblies in the wrong position. . Attach the knob securely to prevent the lens filter from dropping.
1. Attach the three filter bracket (A) assemblies with the six screws supplied with the 3D lens filter.
2. Attach the filter bracket (B) assembly with the two screws supplied with the 3D lens filter.
Filter bracket (A) assembly
PSW6 x 8
Filter bracket (A) assembly
PSW6 x 8
PSW6 x 8
Filter bracket (A) assembly
PSW6 x 8
Filter bracket (B) assembly
1-13 (E)
3. Attach the 3D filter (R) assembly with the two knobs.
3D filter (R) assembly
1-14 (E)
4. Release the lock plate in the direction of the arrow, then hook it on the position pin.
5. Attach the 3D filter (L) assembly with the two knobs.
3D filter (L) assembly
Position pin
Lock plate
1-15 (E)

1-5. Installation of Lamp

For safety, always wear gloves when performing installation.
1. Loosen the screw (with drop-safe), lower the two hooks, and then remove the intake grille (A) in the
direction of the arrow A.
Screw (with drop-safe)
2. Lower the lamp door latch to open the lamp door.
Intake grille (A)
Lamp door
Lamp door latch
1-16 (E)
3. Insert the lamp and close the lamp door.
n . When holding the lamp, be careful not to touch the connector contact portion. . Push near the PUSH mark of the lamp to insert it securely.
4. Attach the remaining lamps by repeating steps 2 and 3.
5. To install the intake grille (A), reverse the removal procedure.
PUSH mark
Connector contact portion
1-17 (E)
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