Sony SLV-KS1 User Manual


Follow Ни* Slops Ih’Iow to гопп«ч:1 усжг TV to Нж VCR.
5 0G2-072-11(i;
Vlel0o i^ssette
Step 1
Using (ho sti{i|>Hod audJo/vidcocibJc. connect one of the yellow plugs to VIDEO of LINE OUT on this VCR. and the оНкт yellow plug to VIDEO of LINE IN on yourTVA
Step 2
Connect both of (ÍKMrd and white plugs, hi any order, to Hie black AUDIO LINE OUT jacks on iJiis VCR. aiKl (he oHtci cixls to (he AUDIO LINE IN jacks on your TV. If your TV is monaural (only one AUDIO LINE IN jack), you only m*ed to use one of the red or wtiUe plugs. Just be sure to connect
the same color plug to both the VCR and your TV.
step 3
Plug 1« (he power cord (o an AC ou(Je(.
Using the LINE-1 IN jacks
When you want to use (his VCR (o make a reconiing. connect UNE-1 IN on this VCR to LINE OUT of your other video source (such as a video camera or anotlier video deck) using an audio/
video cable (not supplied). If your olhet' video source has a stereo LINE OUT (three jacks), use die audio/video cable VMC­yiOMS (sold separately). Play tlic original ta|)con the other video source and use this VCR to make the recording. Sec "C Recording and Tapt* Sfxjcd Buttons' on Hie reverse for more information
• fioMoi c >-.»11« rv s LINE OUT Ja«ks lo iIk- LINE I INjw l«.


TIkt power is on but (1к‘ VCR does not ojxirate.
Tlie playback pinurc docs not appear on
yotir TV screen. Tlw picture Is not clear.
The picture has no sound. TTic VCR liuuofis don't work or the
power doesn't turn on. Ybu cannot make a recording. ’ Check (hat (he cassette's safety tab has not been removed.
A tape cannot bo inserted.
You canntrt control oilier TVs.
Moisiure condensation has occurred. Unplug the power cord and leave the VCR to diy for over three liouis.
Make sun* yoei have selected the v'idco Input jack «in your TV
Tl>c vkh» heads are dirty. Clean the video heads using tlte Sony T-Z5CLD. T-25CLDR. or T-25CLW video head cleaning cassette.
If these cieaaing cassettes arc not av'aiUblc in your area, have the heads cleaned at your neatest Sony dealer (a standard service fee will l>e charged). Do not use a conitncrctallv' available liguld type cleaning cassette other than Sony’s . as It may damage the video heads
Check the audio (red or while plugs) ronitections. The Play Timer Is on and tlie VCR has entered (he lock mode.
Set Play Timer to OFF. (see Play Timer)
Tlie Timer Is on. Set Play Hmerio OFF. (see Play TinKr)
• Check (hat a tape Isn't already in the tafie camfiartment.
Clieck that (Im* cassette door is not kicked.
• The Play Timer Is on. Set Play Tlinef io OFF. (see Play Timer) Set )”Our TV's code number. The code number may change
vvlicn you replace (he retnote CiHi/rol's baOerics.


Fonnat VHS NTSC siaiKUfd Wdeo remrdifif; sy stem Rotaiy head helical scanning
Video heads Doubt« «zlinulh four iM-ads
Vkteo signal NTSC.' cnior. HA sUindards
P<iwn rcguirefnenis 120VAC,60Hг
Power ronsuin|Xiou Zt W Oprrailng (emiseraiurr 5‘C to ^IVC I'Fto lOt'F) Dimensions Appmic. 3Sfi x 96 x Zk5.S mm
Mass Appmx 3.6 kg (71b ISoy)
FM system
(AppniK. 14x3 Vix n l/i
indies) iiM'ludiiig (>rajectiog |Kiru and rontruls
Demonstration mode
This VCR has a demonstration mode tltat allows (ho tiser. such as a sak'sperson. to aulomatkally display l|ye animations. To activate demonsiratton mode, jwess the l/(i) POWER button on the VCR for more than five seconds. The animations will start. To deactivate the mode, disconnect (he power coixl fixiin the AC oullet.
Supplied accessories
Remote ronimaixW Siic AA fR6) batteries (2) Audio/video cable {3 pharx) io3-pluifKi) (I)
Design aixl sperttk^-Hluos are subierT fa dtange wKhcKtc notice.
ENl'iK.5 SrsK* is a U S n-gistered maili. As an Enijicv Sim<‘ Parmer. Sony Corporation lias determined that this jxoduct meets Ute ENfcitCY Stait*
gukkliiMrs for encrey flhcieticy.
Owners record
TIh- model «tiKl serml TUitni>crsafV lcK<<u-d ;«( tlie ivji of ilMUnit.
K4*cot'd (tiese iiumlx-ts iti the piovi<kst t>el(t\v kefer to thi-ni wlwfHrvei jnutall »HKiii vvhu S<*ny d«*«ler
jvt4**fdin|’ ihis firoditct
Model No
Si iial No.
To prevent fir« or shock (vsianL do not eipose the unit to rain or moisture.
Thh ^'mbnl is (ntended to alert the user to the
presence of urilrwAard 'dattgenjtts voltage' w'ithiri (he produa's enclosure Utat may be of sufTkient magnituiie to consiHute a risk of electric slwirk to persons.
• Tilts symlxjl is intetMled to alert die user to die presence of irnfxxtaMnprM AtingarKl
/ ! \ maimenanre (servidnji imtructlons In the
literature accompanying (he appllame.
To prevent electric sliuck. dunoi use (bis poUrtaed AC l>(ug wKb an extension cord, icoeptacfe or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.
• C^>?rate (he unit only txi tatf AC. 60 Hz.
If anytlilng falls into die cabinet, un|»lug tlie unb and
have It chwkod by <|uaUnedfwsonnel tx-fore nperallrig it any furtlier.
• This unit ts nut disconnected in>m die AC ptmer
source (mains} as long as It isaNHierted in ihe wall
outlet, evsm If (lie unit itselfitos been turned off.
« Unfilug (lie unit from die mnl outbH If you do not
bitend to use it for an extended period of Kinr. lo dtSTonnect the curd, pull It nut Ihe plug, never l>y die cord.
< One blade of die (dug is ividerthan dieodier fur itw
|>uqxfse ol safery and wilHkinro dx* puwrs- (Hitler rwily OTIC way. If you arr unaWe lo insert ilie plug fully in«» the outlet. cont.TCt your Sony dealer.
Operating Instructions
• Allow a«l<-<|uai4' ait i irculation «»p«-v«-nt Imetiwl lie at iiuilthip
' 1X> nut plj<<- the uim un suilaces (rugs. liUiikeis. etc )
neat iiwiteri.tls (< itriaiiis. drafxni-s) itun mny bl<x k
lite venlllaiiuii slots
*■ Do (XX install the unit near beiM sntin es mkIi as
ladiatofs <r ai< duels, nr in a place suliject «■ tbte« i sunbglii. «Lst essivr- dust, rix-vliaruc.'il vrbrarioti or siMxk.
* Du IHH install the unit in an iaxiiiHsI ixfsitkju. b »s
d<-sigixsl «I lx-o(H-f aicd in a li<xiu>ix.-il posit am txiiy
* Keep (Ik- unit aiirl cassettes away from eguipnieiii willi
strung inngiu'ts. such as microwave ovens or Large kxidsfieakets.
• Do tux pl.'u:«' ÍM-avv ubjeris uii dx' unit
- If ilx'unit is bciHigtir directly Awn a mid (<ia «'arm loi'adun. niuistuie tnay cotxtense inside die VCR and
I anse damage to tlx: video licad at id u«|h% When you nirst insiaff tile ntiit. ur ivfwn )sm move •( frciin a mirt to a warm loraikin. wait for alxjul ibiee hours hefure uficfadng die unit
for cwttomcrs in the USA
Tbu ate. caulioixHl di.'K any clianges <x nxMjintatkH« not ex(x«ssly a|)pn>v«<l in this matitial coultf vokl vtxir autlxirky (u u(x;ra(e diis cquiptiiem.
«OTC; This equipnietK has hecn tested and found lo roni|ily
witfi (he limits Ax a Class R rligbat devkv. pursuant to faníSuTihuFCC Rules. TIxiM* linrilsare rbrsignerl to pmvkle masonalJk: prurcctkwi against harmful intcrfererKe In a rrsidcntial tost alUt ion.
TIhs M)Ui|xiieti( gr-neiaies. uses, and can radiate radio Avqirrtiryetx'rgy aixl. if ixx InsiaKed aixi uses! in arcordante wHIi dx- instniciioiis. may rxust.* Itatmful wterferenre to rarlki communitatioiis.
HmAvs-er. rlxrre is no guManiee that inirxfereyire «'ill ikm «rnir In a prutiruLtr installatiun IfthhequiiMnent rkies cause liamiful interbseiice to radiooi telcviskm aec«-(Xion. wbx ti can Ixr drrtonnined/jy rorcwngdic eigjj|xneiii u(T and uu. die user b encouraged to tiy (u OMTeci (lie Interiwix-e hy orx: or tnore of ilxf fuikiwing measut«»:
• Reurienior lelut aie die receiving antenna.
• Inrrrase ilx- uyxnaixm Ixtvve«! the equ^xiwnt aixl
• Coiwrct dx- emiipnieni into an rxKlet ixi a «ircuit
didetent fiwii ilijii to whk'b (1« receiver is oonnected
• I'cHisull the d<-;<k'( <H an ex|H-rierxv<l ra<li«/T\' K-dinkian i<x licl|)
It ;i*ou iiave any itu<-sn«us abnu* (Ids prudixi. >-ou may call. Sony Castomec Information Center 1-800-222 SONY (7669) or wi tie to: Sony Cortomw Information Center I Sony Olive Mail OiopfTl-l I. Park ftidgi-. N|
■ STOf button
Г)nr 1>1А Uni Ч1 In ЫАр {it^ Un»* vrlmi il Ь
lr«*J4 Ml)« îe» ГиГ.>м.-Ом{ ( ■
t'rerording NÍ Л ' 'i- -
^ 1V I/O uni»«
Um; dm liiiiUNi (>i un n ynui W nri and оП.
T7(cv üutKni »vvtfciifs youi TV U4WWU cvm«la« TV ptu);riiiiis aiK< fi«; vidi'o (П(л1(
U CH ♦/- lRlUoп^;
11н*м: bufiouscliangf ilic
rlwiifMrls fui yout T\/
U VOL*/- iHiilons:
Tl ICM* linuom ( liaiigc d«^ xolunic on your TV.
Y<»u fTKisi fira imigrani >-<Kir iTmou* ccmtrol Ut wm tiw* Ъпоми i thmtmh 4 aixi4-v (scc liclow)
O l/OlH«U<»n:
AI(ÍR)ugli (iiK iiudcKi (fk-
VCR on and off. llw* VCR will lurn on «uumuKically when you inMtit л Ц||)г orpren dir ► PLAY. FF. REW.
• RëC üf PlAY TIMER SET üf'
liultocis. Tl«; VCR will lurn olf л1иол1а(1га11у ii no butions air
pntSMXl for mon; cliaii five
minotvs after the tafx- h siofiped
ó OISRjtY bufion;
ThÎN button wiM lum ou nr off ihr anienatiom ifM appear wfien yuu insert a lape. ne.
Ú PAUSE button:
Press Ibis Ixiimn ta niotnentarily stop die tape.
You can set your remote control to control the power, channel, volume, and video Input of your TV.
First find the manufacturer 's name of your TV. Then, while holding down the TV power button Oiution TV I/O) on tl»e remote control. i>ress iIh* operation buttons in the order shown in the diart.
Akaí/AíXr/EíiKfTVKi/Goííl Star / J.C.Penny/Мйглсмг/МСА/ Mitsiitilshi/MEiVPhilcu/RCA/ Wirds
OnturkMi/Curtbi-M«il>es/ Dayiron/J.C.Penny/Magnavux/ MCA/Mlisubislii/NEC/Sampo/
Scüu/Sylvania/W^ids/YorV Conxiado/Eini'ivm/Gold Star/
Hicadh/KMC/Magiwvox/Philaj/' Portbiifl/Shai^i/Tcknlka/Wardv
Dnervon/Radio Sluck/Teknika Fishei/Sanyu/Staj^
Cenriat £кч1г1г/ f'iin»vonic/
Press ►- (hen ■ ► fliffi II
► i!«n
•<-< |j«*n ►­►>- ihcii ►
■ flM-n *«4
Manufacturer Press Gene ral Ekctcic/fff A.^Sears Cold Siar/MCA/Miisiiblsiii
Hiuichi ► liten ►► JVC
Klagna vox / РЫЦа / S y1 vai lis / Tcknlkx
Marani^/MCA/Miisuhlsld PaiutMinIr 11 titeo
Radio Shack/Stwp ■ liten Srarx/TtAhlUi Z/4iiih
•^then II II ilicn ►-
■ liten ^
•4^ (lien II
•^4 irten II liten
■ tltnill
After you select the playing time, press the PLAYTIMER SET UP biiiion
The ON/OFF row of the ^ (repeal) option is Itighliglitcil.
Press the ►► (fast forward) or (rewimi) button so (liât ON is selected.
By selerting ON. ilïe 30 minute tape will rew'iixi aiKl playautomaticaily vvlicn it nvjc^n’i iIm-i ihI.
5 Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button again
The set up screen will disappear and the tinKn' will start. Follow ihc steps atxive to start watching a video.
Wlicn your diHd is watching a vidt* *o. all of the buttotis (except tlic • REC (rc'corcl) bidton) will
work. After the set playing time has elapsed, (he fKiwer will torn off and all of the buiions will lx*
locked for one hour. If you press a button while the VCR is locked. iImlight on the |X)Wci iuittnn
will flash for five scHronds.
To check the remaining time
Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button once. Tl»e reinainir^ tiiiK* will appear on yout TV si rc-en.
When five minutes are left, the remaining time wilt automadcatly ajipoar on your TV screen
To cancel the Play Timer
Press the PLAY TIMER SET UP button for more tiian five seconds. When the set up scivett appears on your TV. use the ►► (fast forward) or ■« (rewind) buuom to set the timer to OFF.
• A.1 soon n you nMiipl<4<- si«*p S above, «hr Unier will sian co i ijhcv«i ify«>u turn off tlx* V'CR. This nH'aris <lwt iIh.-
VCR may ener die lock niode wliile die power Is off. ot lliitl you (uro tlic VCR biick oo. die Play Time« will mum In tlie last v<Ui^ you mnde. Follow the «xpUnatioiis aUn» to dung«; orcaorid fhi; f’Uy Tiro«.
• The Re|)eat TuncikKi wiff rewind die Upe no mare dun five dnin.fvganlkei.sordM’ ui|)ek-n);di oriliiwseUlop
You can lock the cassette door to prevent your child fixMU inserting or Reefing tassrffe tapes. To Jock the door, press dow'n the PUSH button and move the DOOR LOCK slide to (he left until it dicks in place.
1b unlock the door, press down (he PUSH button and move (tie IXX)R LOCK slide (o the right.
You can use this VCR to record images input tlirougli the LINE-1 IN jacks. For example, let s say you want to record images of your child that you took with your video caiucra.
1 Connect your video camera’s LINE OUT Jacks to tfte LINE-J IN jacks on the back of this
VCR, and inseit a blank tape with Its safety lab intact into this VCR. 2 Start playing the tape in your video camera. 3 Press the • REC (record) button on this VCR
Tlie REC mark aixi tape speed (EP or SP) apfiear on your TV screen.
EP Extended Play) {>rovkíes recording time thivc times as ioi^ as SP (Stanciard Play). However. SI’
produces better picture and audio quality. To stop «ecfwding. laess ■ STOP. Note
' Tlte • REC bullón will m« function wlien llw PUy Ttn«*r (i rtOivantl I .m<< ( ««• I’liiv Tinici li.-hin- y<Ki tn.iK<- n