Sony SJK-FD71 User Manual

3-864-411-11 (1)
English Français Deutsch Español Nederlands Svenska
Jacket Case
Operating instructions Mode d’emploi Bedienungsanleitung Manual de instrucciones Gebruiksaanwijzing Bruksanvisning Istruzioni per I’uso Manual de instruções PO RRR AAA CCC KKK
Sony Corporation 1998 Printed in Japan
Shutter button/Déclencheur Auslöser/Botón disparado Sluitertoets/Avtryckare
Zoom lever/Levier du zoom Zoomhebel/Palanca de zoom Zoomknop/Zoomspak
POWER switch/Interrupteur d’alimentation Power-Schalter Interruptor de alimentación (POWER) Aan/uit-schakelaar/Strömbrytare (POWER)
Using Jacket case
•This Jacket case is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
•This Jacket case cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
•Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Jacket case cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
•Do not leave Jacket case in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
•If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove Jacket case at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
•When you feel uncomfortable watching the LCD screen with Jacket case due it to the light condition, use the supplied hood.
•Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because it may damage the cover.
•Always keep clean the lens of Digital Mavica or the lens hood of Jacket case with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
•Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol or thinner as it may mar the finish.
Sony does not accept liability for damage to the Digital Mavica, battery, etc. in the Jacket case or cost for the recording if malfunction occurs due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 130 ×
Mass Approx. 200 g (7 oz)
Supplied accessories Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (6
/10 × 2 3/5 inches)
(excluding shoulder strap and hood)
Hood (1)
/2 ×
Putting Jacket case on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Jacket case for the Digital Mavica, MVC-FD71.
Before putting on Jacket case
•Install the battery and the floppy disk.
•Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
•Set FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL on the Digital Mavica to AUTO.
Putting on Jacket case
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into Jacket case. 3 Close the zipper.
Use the supplied shoulder strap when needed.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Check recording before putting the Digital Mavica in Jacket case. Y ou can use all function of Digital Mavica (MVC­FD71) with Jacket case.
Use the supplied hood when the LCD screen is hard to see such as when filming, out doors.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to the back of
Jacket case by using the Velcro.
2 Open the hood and fasten on left and right
with the velcro, as shown.
After using the Digital Mavica
•Take out the Digital Mavica from Jacket case.
•If Jacket case is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
•If Jacket case is wet with mud or sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a soft cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Utilisation de la housse sport
•Cette housse sport est conçue pour une pluie ou neige légère. Elle ne doit pas être utilisée pour une pluie ou neige abondante, ni sous l’eau.
•Cette housse sport ne peut pas protéger l’appareil photo numérique Mavica du froid ni de la poussière.
•Evitez de laisser l’appareil photo numérique Mavica dans un endroit mouillé ou humide, car la housse ne pourra pas le protéger de l’humidité.
•Ne laissez pas la housse sport en plein soleil, par exemple dans une voiture garée au soleil, ni à proximité de sources de chaleur.
Utilisation de l’appareil photo numérique Mavica
•Si de la condensation s’est formée à l’intérieur de l’appareil, enlevez-le immédiatement de la housse. Ejectez la disquette, mettez l’appareil hors tension et laissez le logement de disquette ouvert. Laissez ainsi l’appareil jusqu’à ce que l’humidité se soit évaporée. Reportez-vous au mode d’emploi de l’appareil photo numérique Mavica pour de plus amples informations.
•Si vous ne voyez pas bien l’image sur l’écran LCD avec la housse à cause de l’éclairage, utilisez le parasoleil fourni.
•N’appuyez pas avec les ongles sur les commandes à travers la protection transparente, car vous pourriez l’endommager.
•Essuyez l’objectif de l’appareil photo ou le parasoleil de la housse avec un chiffon doux ou une trousse de nettoyage pour écran LCD (non fournie) pour effectuer correctement la mise au point.
•N’utilisez pas de solvant, alcool ou diluant, qui puisse ternir la finition.
Sony décline toute responsabilité pour les dommages que peuvent subir l’appareil photo numérique Mavica, la batterie, etc. dans la housse, et le coût de l’enregistrement en cas de dysfonctionnement dû à la pluie, à la neige, au sable, à l’eau de mer, etc. ne peut faire l’objet d’aucune compensation.
Dimensions Env. 165 × 130 × 65 mm
Poids Env. 200 g (7 on.) (sans
Accessoires fournis Bandoulière (1)
La conception et les spécifications peuvent être modifiées sans préavis.
(l/h/p) (6 5
bandoulière ni parasoleil)
Parasoleil (1)
/2 ×
/10 × 2 3/5 po.)
Pose de la housse sport sur l’appareil photo numérique Mavica
La housse sport SJK-FD71 a été spécialement conçue pour l’appareil photo numérique Mavica MVC-FD71.
Avant de mettre la housse
•Installez la batterie et insérez une disquette.
•Enlevez la bandoulière de l’appareil photo.
•Réglez FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL de l’appareil sur AUTO.
Pose de la housse sport
(Voir l’illustration A)
1 Ouvrez la fermeture à glissière. 2 Insérez l’appareil photo dans la housse. 3 Fermez la fermeture à glissière.
Au besoin, utilisez la bandoulière proposée en option.
Utilisation de l’appareil photo numérique Mavica
(Voir l’illustration B)
Essayez de filmer avant de mettre l’appareil photo dans la housse pour voir si tout fonctionne correctement. Vous pouvez utiliser toutes les fonctions de l’appareil photo numérique Mavica (MVC-FD71) avec la housse.
Utilisez le parasoleil proposé en option lorsque l’écran LCD est à peine visible, en particulier lors de la prise de vues en extérieur.
(Voir l’illustration C)
1 Vous pouvez fixer le parasoleil à l’intérieur
de la housse sport à l’aide du scratch.
2 Ouvrez le parasoleil et fixez-le sur la droite
et la gauche avec le scratch, comme indiqué sur l’illustration.
Après avoir utilisé l’appareil photo numérique Mavica
•Sortez-le de la housse sport.
•Si la housse sport est humide, faites-la sécher à l’ombre pour éviter l’apparition de moisissure.
•Si la housse sport est sale ou a été mouillée par l’eau de mer, essuyez-la soigneusement avec un chiffon doux.
Cette marque indique qu’il s’agit d’un accessoire d’origine pour les produits vidéo Sony. Lorsque vous achetez des produits vidéo Sony, Sony vous conseille d’acheter des accessoires portant la marque “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
Zur besonderen Beachtung
Verwendung der Kameratasche
•Diese Kameratasche ist zur Verwendung bei leichtem Regen oder Schnee bestimmt. Die Tasche sollte nicht bei starkem Regen oder Schnee oder unter Wasser verwendet werden.
•Die Tasche schützt die Digital Mavica nicht vor Kälte oder Staub.
•Die Digital Mavica niemals an feuchten oder nassen Plätzen ablegen, da die Kameratasche die Kamera nicht vor eindringender Nässe schützt.
•Die Kameratasche nicht an Plätzen mit direkter Sonnenbestrahlung, wie z.B. im einem in der Sonne geparkten Auto, oder in der Nähe von Heizkörpern ablegen.
Bedienung der Digital Mavica
•Falls sich in der Digitalkamera Kondensat gebildet hat, ist die Kameratasche umgehend zu entfernen. Die Diskette herausnehmen und die Kamera bei geöffnetem Diskettenfach ausschalten. Die Kamera liegenlassen, bis das Kondensat verdunstet ist. Weitere Einzelheiten hierzu enthält die Bedienungsanleitung der Digital Mavica.
•Falls die Flüssigkristallanzeige mit einer durchsichtigen Folie abgedeckt ist, sind die Anzeigen je nach der Beleuchtung mitunter schwer zu erkennen. In diesem Fall sollte die getrennt erhältliche Haube verwendet werden.
•Funktionstasten unter der durchsichtigen Abdeckung nicht mit den Fingernägeln drücken, da die Abdeckung hierdurch beschädigt werden kann.
•Zur Gewährleistung akkurater Fokussierung das Objektiv der Digital Mavica oder die Objektivhaube der Kameratasche mit einem weichen Tuch oder mit einem LCD­Reinigungssatz (nicht mitgeliefert) säubern.
•Zum Säubern keine flüchtigen organischen Lösungsmittel wie z.B. Alkohol usw. verwenden, da diese die Oberfläche angreifen können.
Sony übernimmt keine Verantwortung für Schäden an der Digital Mavica, der Batterie etc. in der Kameratasche oder Kosten für verdorbene Aufnahmen, wenn Fehlfunktionen aufgrund von Regen, Schnee, Sand, Seewasser usw. auftreten.
Technische Daten
Abmessungen Etwa (B) 165 × (H) 130 ×
Gewicht Etwa 200 g (ohne
Mitgeliefertes Zubehör
Änderungen von Design und technischen Daten bleiben ohne Vorankündigung vorbehalten.
(T) 65 mm
Tragegurt und Haube)
Tragegurt (1) Haube (1)
Anbringen der Kameratasche an der Digital Mavica
Einlegen der Digital Mavica in die Kameratasche Die SJK-FD71 ist eine speziell für die Digital Mavica MVC-FD71 entworfene Kameratasche.
Vor dem Einlegen in die Kameratasche
•Die Batterie einlegen und anschließend die Diskette einschieben.
•Den Tragegurt von der Digital Mavica entfernen.
•Den Wahlschalter FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL an der Digital Mavica auf AUTO stellen.
Einlegen in die Kameratasche
(Siehe Abbildung A)
1 Den Reißverschluß öffnen. 2 Die Digital Mavica in die Kameratasche
3 Den Reißverschluß schließen.
Den Tragegurt je nach Bedarf verwenden.
Bedienung der Digital Mavica
(Siehe Abbildung B)
Aufzeichnungen sollten vor dem Einlegen der Digital Mavica in die Kameratasche vorgenommen werden. Sie können alle Funktionen der Digital Mavica (MVC-FD71) mit der Kameratasche verwenden.
Die getrennt erhältlich Haube verwenden, wenn die Flüssigkristallanzeige schwer zu erkennen ist, wie z.B. beim Filmen im Freien. (Siehe Abbildung C)
1 Die Haube kann mit Klettenband an der
Rückseite der Kameratasche angebracht werden.
2 Die Haube öffnen und wie gezeigt links
und rechts mit Klettenband befestigen.
Nach der Verwendung der Digital Mavica
•Die Digital Mavica aus der Kameratasche nehmen.
•Bei Naßwerden die Kameratasche anschließend im Schatten gut trocknen, um Schimmelbildung zu vermeiden.
•Bei Naßwerden durch Schlamm oder Meerwasser die Kameratasche zuerst mit einem feuchten Tuch sauberwischen.
Diese Markierung zeigt an, daß das Produkt ein Original-Zubehörteil für Sony-Videoprodukte ist. Beim Kauf von Sony-Videoprodukten immer darauf achten, daß die gekauften Teile die Kennzeichnung „GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES“ tragen.
Uso de la funda
•Esta funda está diseñada para su uso en condiciones de lluvia o nieve suave. No puede emplearse con lluvia o nieve fuerte, ni debajo del agua.
•Esta funda no puede proteger la Digital Mavica contra el frío ni el polvo.
•Evite dejar la Digital Mavica en lugares mojados o húmedos, ya que esta funda no podrá impedir que se moje en este caso.
•No deje la funda al sol directo, en un coche estacionado al sol ni cerca de fuentes de calor.
Acerca del uso de la Digital Mavica
•Si se produce condensación de humedad en la Digital Mavica, retire la funda inmediatamente. Extraiga el disquete y desconecte la alimentación con el compartimiento del disquete abierto. Consulte las instrucciones de uso de la Digital Mavica para más información.
•Cuando se sienta incómodo al observar la pantalla LCD con la funda debido a las condiciones de iluminación, utilice la visera suministrada.
•No utilice las uñas para presionar los controles a través de la cubierta transparente porque podría dañarla.
•Para asegurar un buen enfoque, mantenga siempre limpio el objetivo de la Digital Mavica o la visera de la funda utilizando un paño suave o un kit de limpieza de pantallas LCD (no suministrado).
•No utilice ningún tipo de disolvente, como el alcohol, ya que podría dañar el acabado.
Sony no se hará responsable por los daños que pueda sufrir la Digital Mavica, la batería, etc. en la funda, ni por el coste de la grabación si se produce un mal funcionamiento debido a la lluvia, la nieve, la arena, el agua del mar, etc.
Dimensiones Aprox. 165 × 130 ×
Peso Aprox. 200 g (excluyendo
Accesorio suministrado
El diseño y las especificaciones están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso.
65 mm (a/a/f)
la correa de hombro y la visera)
Correa de hombro (1) Visera (1)
Instalación de la funda en la Digital Mavica
La SJK-FD71 es una funda especialmente diseñada para la Digital Mavica MVC-FD71.
Antes de instalar la funda
•Instale la batería y el disquete.
•Quite la correa de hombro de la Digital Mavica.
•Ponga FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL de la Digital Mavica en AUTO.
Instalación de la funda
(Consulte la ilustración A)
1 Abra la cremallera. 2 Inserte la Digital Mavica en la funda. 3 Cierre la cremallera.
Utilice correa de hombro cuando sea necesario.
Uso de la Digital Mavica
(Consulte la ilustración B)
Compruebe la grabación antes de meter la Digital Mavica en la funda. Usted podrá utilizar todas las funciones de la Digital Mavica (MVC-FD71) con la funda colocada.
Utilice la visera opcional cuando sea difícil de leer la pantalla LCD cuando, por ejemplo, fotografíe en exteriores.
(Consulte la ilustración C)
1 Usted podrá fijar la visera en la parte
posterior de la funda utilizando la cinta Velcro.
2 Abra la visera y fije sus partes izquierda y
derecha con la cinta Velcro, como se muestra.
Después de utilizar la
•Extraiga la
•Si la funda deportiva está mojada, séquela bien a la sombra para evitar moho.
•Si la funda está húmeda con barro o agua del mar, límpiela cuidadosamente con un paño húmedo.
Digital Mavica
Esta marca indica que este producto es un componente original de nuestros equipos de vídeo. Al realizar la compra de componentes de equipos de vídeo Sony, se recomienda adquirir productos con la marca “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
Digital Mavica
de la funda.
V oorzorgsmaatregelen
Gebruik van de camerahoes
•Deze camerahoes is ontworpen voor gebruik in lichte regen of sneeuw. De hoes is niet waterdicht, dus niet geschikt voor gebruik bij zware regen- of sneeuwval en vooral ook niet onderwater.
•Deze camerahoes kan de digitale Mavica niet afdoende beschermen tegen hevige kou of veel stof.
•Laat de digitale Mavica niet in deze camerahoes achter op een plaats met veel water of vocht, want de kans is groot dat de digitale Mavica dan toch nat wordt.
•Laat de camerahoes niet in de volle zon of dicht bij een warmtebron liggen en niet in een auto die in de zon geparkeerd staat.
Bediening van de digitale Mavica
•Als er vocht uit de lucht in de digitale Mavica gecondenseerd is, neemt u het apparaat dan onmiddellijk uit de camerahoes. Verwijder de diskette en schakel de stroom uit, met de diskettehouder open. Laat het apparaat daarna ongebruikt liggen totdat het condenswater geheel verdampt is. Zie voor nadere bijzonderheden de gebruiksaanwijzing van de digitale Mavica.
•Als de beelden op het LCD scherm niet goed zichtbaar zijn achter het plastic venster van de camerahoes, gebruik dan de bijgeleverde uitklapbare regen/zonnekap.
•Druk de toetsen achter het plastic niet met uw vingernagels in, anders kan het plastic beschadigd worden.
•Veeg de lens van de digitale Mavica en het lensvenster van de camerahoes regelmatig schoon met een zacht doekje en zonodig met de LCD-schermreinigingsset (niet bijgeleverd), om te zorgen dat de scherpstelling goed blijft werken.
•Gebruik voor het schoonmaken geen oplosmiddelen als spiritus e.d., want dit kan de afwerking van de hoes aantasten.
Sony aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade aan de digitale Mavica, de batterij e.d. in de camerahoes; ook verloren gegane opnamen of storing ten gevolge van regen, sneeuw, zand of zeewater e.d. kunnen niet worden vergoed.
Technische gegevens
Afmetingen Ca. 165 × 130 × 65 mm (b/h/d) Gewicht Ca. 200 gram (zonder
Bijgeleverd toebehoren
Wijzigingen in ontwerp en technische gegevens voorbehouden, zonder kennisgeving.
schouderband of regen/zonnekap) Schouderband (1)
Regen/zonnekap (1)
Aanbrengen van de camerahoes over de digitale Mavica
De SJK-FD71 camerahoes is speciaal ontworpen voor de digitale Mavica, model MVC-FD71.
Voor het aanbrengen van de camerahoes
•Plaats eerst de batterij en dan de diskette in de digitale Mavica.
•Verwijder de schouderband van de digitale Mavica.
•Zet de FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL schakelaar van de digitale Mavica in de AUTO stand.
Aanbrengen van de camerahoes
(Zie afbeelding A)
1 Open de ritssluiting. 2 Plaats de digitale Mavica in de camerahoes. 3 Doe de ritssluiting dicht.
Desgewenst kunt u de camerahoes dragen aan de bijgeleverde schouderband.
Bediening van de digitale Mavica
(Zie afbeelding B)
Probeer eerst even of het opnemen met de digitale Mavica goed verloopt, voor u het apparaat in de camerahoes plaatst. Alle functies van de digitale Mavica (MVC-FD71) zijn te bedienen met het toestel in de camerahoes.
Gebruik de bijgeleverde regen/ zonnekap als het LCD scherm bij buitenopnamen e.d. niet duidelijk zichtbaar is.
(Zie afbeelding C)
1 U kunt de regen/zonnekap met het klitband
aan de achterkant van de camerahoes vastmaken.
2 Klap de regen/zonnekap open en maak
deze links en rechts vast met het klitband, zoals in de afbeelding aangegeven.
Na gebruik van de digitale Mavica
•Neem de digitale Mavica uit de camerahoes.
•Als de camerahoes nat geworden is, laat deze dan in de schaduw grondig opdrogen, om schimmel te voorkomen.
•Als er modder of zeewater op de camerahoes is gespat, veeg de camerahoes dan eerst zorgvuldig schoon met een vochtig doekje.
Dit beeldmerk geeft aan dat dit product een originele accessoire is, bestemd voor gebruik met Sony video-apparatuur. Het is aanbevolen voor Sony video-apparatuur uitsluitend de originele accessoires aan te schaffen, die zijn voorzien van ditzelfde “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” beeldmerk.
Att observera
Angående sportskyddet
•Detta sportskydd är avsett att användas i lätt regn och snöfall. Det kan inte användas när det regnar eller snöar mycket. Det kan inte heller användas vid dykning som ett undervattenshus.
•Sportskyddet skyddar inte den digitala stillbildskameran Mavica mot kyla och damm.
•Utsätt inte den digitala Mavica för väta eller fukt. Detta beroende på att sportskyddet inte skyddar Mavica när kameran är fuktig.
•Utsätt inte sportskyddet för solsken eller värme.
Angående den digitala kameran Mavica
•Ta genast av sportskyddet när det uppstått fuktbildning i Mavica. Ta ur disketten och slå av strömmen med diskettfacket öppet. Låt Mavica vila tills fukten har avdunstat. Vi hänvisar till bruksanvisningen för Mavica angående detaljer.
•När LCD-skärmen skyddas av transparent skyddsfolie av plast, kan det under vissa omständigheter bli svårt att se bilden. Använd i detta fall det medföljande motljusskyddet.
•Använd inte en fingernagel för att trycka på knapparna under det transparenta skyddet. Det kan skada skyddet.
•Torka objektivet på Mavica eller objektivskyddet på sportskyddet med en mjuk trasa eller använd rengöringssatsen för LCD­skärmen (tillval) för att garantera bra bildskärpa.
•Använd inte kemiska lösningar som alkohol. Det kan skada ytbehandlingen.
Sony ersätter inga skador på grund av fel på Mavica som orsakats av regn, snö, sand, havsvatten m. m.
Tekniska data
Dimensioner Ca. 165 × 130 × 65 mm
Vikt Ca. 200 g (exkl. axelrem
Medföljande tillbehör Axelrem (1)
Rätt till ändringar förbehålles.
(b × h × d)
och motljusskydd)
Motljusskydd (1)
Isättning av Mavica i sportskyddet
SJK-FD71 är specialdesignat för den digitala kameran Mavica MVC-FD71.
Förberedelser innan sportskyddet sätts på
•Sätt in det laddningsbara batteriet och disketten.
•Ta loss axelremmen från Mavica.
•Skjut FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL på kameran till läget AUTO.
Hur sportskyddet sätts på Mavica
(ill. A)
1 Dra upp blixtlåset. 2 Sätt in Mavica i sportskyddet. 3 Dra fast blixtlåset.
Använd vid behov den medföljande axelremmen.
Fotografering på digital Mavica
(ill. B)
Gör en provfotografering innan du sätter in Mavica i sportskyddet. Samtliga egenskaper som den digitala kameran Mavica (MVC-FD71) äger kan utnyttjas också när sportskyddet används.
Använd det medföljande motljusskyddet när det blir svårt utomhus att se bilden på LCD-skärmen.
1 Fäst motljusskyddet på baksidan av
sportskyddet med kardborrlås.
2 Öppna motljusskyddet och använd
kardborrlås för att fästa vänster respektive höger sida som visas på illustrationen.
Efter avslutad fotografering
•Ta av sportskyddet.
•Torka noggrant sportskyddet, om det blivit vått, för att skydda sportskyddet mot mögel.
•Använd först en fuktig trasa för att torka bort all lera och allt havsvatten från sportskyddet.
Denna etikett anger att tillbehöret ifråga är ett äkta tillbehör till Sonys videoprodukter. Vi rekommenderar efter inköp av våra videoprodukter också inköp av tillhörande tillbehör som märkts med detta märke eller med etiketten GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES.
Português Po RRR AAA CCC KKK
Uso della fodera sportiva
• Questa fodera sportiva è realizzata per l’uso sotto pioggia o neve leggera. Non è possibile usarla sotto pioggia o neve fitta o sott’acqua
• Questa fodera sportiva non può proteggere la Digital Mavica dal freddo e dalla polvere.
• Evitare di lasciare la Digital Mavica in luoghi bagnati o umidi, perché questa fodera sportiva non può tenere asciutta la Digital Mavica se viene lasciata in posti del genere.
• Non lasciare la fodera sportiva dove batte il sole, come in un’auto parcheggiata al sole, o vicino a fonti di calore.
Uso con la Digital Mavica
• Se umidità si condensa sulla Digital Mavica, togliere subito la fodera sportiva. Estrarre il dischetto e spegnere la macchina lasciando aperto il comparto dischetto. Attendere che l’umidità evapori. Vedere le istruzioni per l’uso della Digital Mavica per maggiori informazioni.
• Se a causa delle condizioni di luce è difficile vedere lo schermo LCD con la fodera sportiva, usare il paraluce in dotazione.
• Non usare le unghie per premere i tasti attraverso la copertura trasparente altrimenti si potrebbe danneggiare la copertura.
• Pulire l’obiettivo della Digital Mavica o il paraluce dell’obiettivo della fodera sportiva con un panno morbido o un corredo di pulizia per schermi LCD (non in dotazione) per assicurare una buona messa a fuoco.
• Non usare alcun tipo di solvente come alcool o trielina perché potrebbe rovinare la finitura.
La Sony non si assume alcuna responsabilità per danni alla Digital Mavica, al blocco batteria, ecc. inseriti nella fodera sportiva; eventuali problemi di funzionamento dovuti a pioggia, neve, sabbia, acqua marina, ecc, non possono essere compensati.
Caratteristiche tecniche
Dimensioni Circa 165 × 130 × 65 mm
Massa Circa 200 g (esclusi
tracolla e paraluce)
Accessori in dotazioneTracolla (1)
Paraluce (1)
Tasto di otturatore/Tecla do obturador PoPo RRR AAA /CCC / KKK
Leva dello zoom/Alavanca do zoom PoPo RRR AAA /CCC KKK
Interruttore di alimentazione(POWER) Interruptor POWER PoPo RRR AAA /CCC KKK
Disegno e caratteristiche tecniche sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso.
Applicazione della fodera sportiva alla Digital Mavica
La SJK-FD71 è una fodera sportiva realizzata appositamente per la Digital Mavica MVC-FD71.
Prima di applicare la fodera sportiva
•Inserire il blocco batteria e quindi inserire il dischetto.
•Staccare la tracolla dalla Digital Mavica.
•Regolare FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL della Digital Mavica su AUTO.
Applicazione della fodera sportiva (vedere l’illustrazione A)
1 Aprire la cerniera. 2 Inserire la Digital Mavica nella fodera
3 Chiudere la cerniera.
Usare la tracolla in dotazione se necessario.
Uso della Digital Mavica
(vedere l’illustrazione B)
Provare a registrare prima di inserire la Digital Mavica nella fodera sportiva. Con la fodera sportiva è possibile usare tutte le funzioni della Digital Mavica (MVC-FD71).
Uso del paraluce in dotazione quando è difficile vedere lo schermo LCD, come quando si riprende in esterni
(vedere l’illustrazione C)
1 Si può applicare il paraluce al retro della
fodera sportiva usando i nastri velcro.
2 Aprire il paraluce e fissare a sinistra e destra
con i nastri velcro, come illustrato.
Dopo aver usato la Digital Mavica
•Estrarre la Digital Mavica dalla fodera sportiva.
•Se la fodera sportiva è bagnata, asciugarla bene all’ombra per evitare che ammuffisca.
•Se la fodera sportiva è bagnata con fango o acqua di mare, prima passarla bene con un panno umido.
Questo marchio indica che questo prodotto è un accessorio autentico per prodotti video Sony. Quando si acquistano prodotti video Sony, Sony consiglia di acquistare accessori con il marchio “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
Utilização da Capa Desportiva
•Esta Capa Desportiva foi projectada para ser utilizada sob neve ou chuva leves. Não se pode utilizá-la sob neve ou chuva intensa, nem sob a água.
•Esta Capa Desportiva não pode proteger a Mavica Digital do frio e da poeira.
•Evite deixar a Digital Mavica em locais molhados ou húmidos, pois esta Capa Desportiva não pode evitar que a Digital Mavica se molhe, se deixada em tais locais.
•Não deixe a Capa Desportiva sob a luz solar directa, num automóvel estacionado sob o sol ou nas cercanias de fontes de calor.
Acerca do funcionamento da Digital Mavica
•Na ocorrência de condensação de humidade na Digital Mavica, remova a Capa Desportiva imediatamente. Ejecte o disco flexível e desligue a alimentação com o compartimento de disco flexível aberto. Deixe-a em repouso até que a condensação de humidade evapore. Consulte o manual de instruções da Digital Mavica quanto a maiores informações.
•Quando a visibilidade do écran LCD com a Capa Desportiva estiver desconfortável devido às condições de iluminação, utilize a viseira fornecida.
•Não utilize as suas unhas para pressionar os controlos através da cobertura transparente; do contrário, poderá avariar a cobertura.
•Limpe a objectiva da Digital Mavica ou a viseira de objectiva da capa desportiva com um pano macio ou com o jogo de limpeza LCD (venda avulsa) para assegurar boa focagem.
•Não utilize nenhum tipo de solvente, tal como álcool, para evitar avarias no acabamento.
Sony não aceita responsabilidade por avarias da Digital Mavica, bateria, etc. na Capa Desportiva. Ademais, os custos pela gravação na ocorrência de algum mau funcionamento devido a chuva, neve, areia, água do mar, etc. não poderão ser compensados.
Dimensões Aprox. 165 × 130 × 65 mm
Peso Aprox. 200 g (excluindo a
Acessórios fornecidos Correia tiracolo (1)
Design e especificações sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio.
correia tiracolo e a viseira)
Viseira (1)
Colocação da Capa Desportiva na Digital Mavica
A SJK-FD71 é uma Capa Desportiva desenhada especialmente para a Digital Mavica, MVC-FD71.
Antes de colocar a Capa Desportiva
•Instale a bateria e o disco flexível.
•Remova a correia tiracolo da Digital Mavica.
•Ajuste FOCUS AUTO/MANUAL da Digital Mavica a AUTO.
Colocação da Capa Desportiva
(Veja ilustração A.)
1 Abra o zíper. 2 Insira a Digital Mavica dentro da Capa
3 Feche o zíper.
Utilize a correia tiracolo fornecida quando necessária.
Utilização da Digital Mavica
(Veja ilustração B.)
Verifique a gravação antes de colocar a Digital Mavica na Capa Desportiva. T odas as funçr es da Digital Mavica (MVC-FD71) podem ser utilizadas com a Capa Desportiva.
Utilize a viseira fornecida quando o écran LCD apresentar difícil visibilidade, por exemplo, em filmagens em exteriores.
(Veja ilustração C.)
1 Pode-se encaixar a viseira na traseira da
Capa Desportiva, mediante utilização do Velcro.
2 Abra a viseira e fixe-a à esquerda e à direita
com velcro, conforme ilustrado.
Após a utilização da Digital Mavica
•Retire a Digital Mavica da Capa Desportiva.
•Caso a Capa Desportiva esteja molhada, seque­a bem, na sombra, para evitar mofo.
•Caso a Capa Desportiva esteja molhada com lama ou água do mar, primeiro limpe-a cuidadosamente com um pano macio.
Esta marca indica que o produto em questão é um acessório genuíno para produtos de vídeo Sony. Na aquisição de produtos de vídeo Sony, a Sony recomenda adquirir acessórios que possuam esta marca «GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES».
Using the Sports Jacket
•This Sports Jacket is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
•This Sports Jacket cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
•Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Sports Jacket cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
•Do not leave the Sports Jacket in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
•If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove the Sports Jacket at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
•In case of since the LCD screen is covered by the transparent sheet, it may be hard to see depending on the light conditions, use the optional hood.
•Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because you may damage the cover.
•Wipe the Digital Mavica’s lens or the lens hood of the sports jacket with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
•Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol as it may mar the finish.
A malfunction of the Digital Mavica due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 120 ×
Mass Approx. 180 g (X.X oz) Supplied accessory Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (X × X × X inches)
Putting the Sports Jacket on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Sports Jacket for the Digital Mavica, MCV-FD71.
Before putting on the Sports Jacket
•Install the battery and then insert the floppy disk.
•Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
•Set AUTO/MANUAL to AUTO on the Digital Mavica.
Putting on the Sports Jacket
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into the Sports
3 Close the zipper.
Using the optional shoulder strap if necessary.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Try recording before putting the Digital Mavica in the Sports Jacket. Y ou can perform all the Digital Mavica (MCV-FD71) operation while in the Sports Jacket.
In case of the LCD screen does hard to see such as outdoors, use the optional hood.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to rear panel of
Sports Jacket by the Velcro.
2 Set up the hood as illustrated.
After using the Digital Mavica
•Take out the Digital Mavica from the Sports Jacket.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet with sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Using the Sports Jacket
• This Sports Jacket is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
• This Sports Jacket cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
• Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Sports Jacket cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
• Do not leave the Sports Jacket in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
• If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove the Sports Jacket at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
• In case of since the LCD screen is covered by the transparent sheet, it may be hard to see depending on the light conditions, use the optional hood.
• Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because you may damage the cover.
• Wipe the Digital Mavica’s lens or the lens hood of the sports jacket with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
• Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol as it may mar the finish.
A malfunction of the Digital Mavica due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 120 ×
Mass Approx. 180 g (X.X oz) Supplied accessory Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (X × X × X inches)
Putting the Sports Jacket on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Sports Jacket for the Digital Mavica, MCV-FD71.
Before putting on the Sports Jacket
• Install the battery and then insert the floppy disk.
• Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
• Set AUTO/MANUAL to AUTO on the Digital Mavica.
Putting on the Sports Jacket
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into the Sports
3 Close the zipper.
Using the optional shoulder strap if necessary.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Try recording before putting the Digital Mavica in the Sports Jacket. You can perform all the Digital Mavica (MCV-FD71) operation while in the Sports Jacket.
In case of the LCD screen does hard to see such as outdoors, use the optional hood.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to rear panel of
Sports Jacket by the Velcro.
2 Set up the hood as illustrated.
After using the Digital Mavica
• Take out the Digital Mavica from the Sports Jacket.
• If the Sports Jacket is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
• If the Sports Jacket is wet with sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Using the Sports Jacket
•This Sports Jacket is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
•This Sports Jacket cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
•Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Sports Jacket cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
•Do not leave the Sports Jacket in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
•If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove the Sports Jacket at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
•In case of since the LCD screen is covered by the transparent sheet, it may be hard to see depending on the light conditions, use the optional hood.
•Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because you may damage the cover.
•Wipe the Digital Mavica’s lens or the lens hood of the sports jacket with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
•Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol as it may mar the finish.
A malfunction of the Digital Mavica due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 120 ×
Mass Approx. 180 g (X.X oz) Supplied accessory Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (X × X × X inches)
Putting the Sports Jacket on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Sports Jacket for the Digital Mavica, MCV-FD71.
Before putting on the Sports Jacket
•Install the battery and then insert the floppy disk.
•Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
•Set AUTO/MANUAL to AUTO on the Digital Mavica.
Putting on the Sports Jacket
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into the Sports
3 Close the zipper.
Using the optional shoulder strap if necessary.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Try recording before putting the Digital Mavica in the Sports Jacket. Y ou can perform all the Digital Mavica (MCV-FD71) operation while in the Sports Jacket.
In case of the LCD screen does hard to see such as outdoors, use the optional hood.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to rear panel of
Sports Jacket by the Velcro.
2 Set up the hood as illustrated.
After using the Digital Mavica
•Take out the Digital Mavica from the Sports Jacket.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet with sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Using the Sports Jacket
•This Sports Jacket is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
•This Sports Jacket cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
•Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Sports Jacket cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
•Do not leave the Sports Jacket in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
•If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove the Sports Jacket at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
•In case of since the LCD screen is covered by the transparent sheet, it may be hard to see depending on the light conditions, use the optional hood.
•Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because you may damage the cover.
•Wipe the Digital Mavica’s lens or the lens hood of the sports jacket with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
•Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol as it may mar the finish.
A malfunction of the Digital Mavica due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 120 ×
Mass Approx. 180 g (X.X oz) Supplied accessory Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (X × X × X inches)
Putting the Sports Jacket on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Sports Jacket for the Digital Mavica, MCV-FD71.
Before putting on the Sports Jacket
•Install the battery and then insert the floppy disk.
•Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
•Set AUTO/MANUAL to AUTO on the Digital Mavica.
Putting on the Sports Jacket
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into the Sports
3 Close the zipper.
Using the optional shoulder strap if necessary.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Try recording before putting the Digital Mavica in the Sports Jacket. Y ou can perform all the Digital Mavica (MCV-FD71) operation while in the Sports Jacket.
In case of the LCD screen does hard to see such as outdoors, use the optional hood.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to rear panel of
Sports Jacket by the Velcro.
2 Set up the hood as illustrated.
After using the Digital Mavica
•Take out the Digital Mavica from the Sports Jacket.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet with sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Using the Sports Jacket
•This Sports Jacket is designed to be used in light rain or snow. You cannot use it in heavy rain or snow, or underwater.
•This Sports Jacket cannot protect the Digital Mavica from coldness and dust.
•Avoid leaving the Digital Mavica in a wet or humid location as this Sports Jacket cannot keep the Digital Mavica from getting wet if left in such a place.
•Do not leave the Sports Jacket in direct sunlight, in a car parked under the sun, or near heat sources.
On operating the Digital Mavica
•If moisture is condensed in the Digital Mavica, remove the Sports Jacket at once. Eject the floppy disk and turn off the power with floppy disk compartment open. Leave it until the moisture evaporates. See the Digital Mavica’s operating instructions for further information.
•In case of since the LCD screen is covered by the transparent sheet, it may be hard to see depending on the light conditions, use the optional hood.
•Do not use your fingernails to press the controls through the transparent cover because you may damage the cover.
•Wipe the Digital Mavica’s lens or the lens hood of the sports jacket with a soft cloth or LCD cleaning kit (not supplied) to ensure good focus.
•Do not use any type of solvent such as alcohol as it may mar the finish.
A malfunction of the Digital Mavica due to rain, snow, sand, seawater, etc. cannot be compensated.
Dimensions Approx. 165 × 120 ×
Mass Approx. 180 g (X.X oz) Supplied accessory Shoulder strap (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
65 mm (w/h/d) (X × X × X inches)
Putting the Sports Jacket on the Digital Mavica
The SJK-FD71 is a specially designed Sports Jacket for the Digital Mavica, MCV-FD71.
Before putting on the Sports Jacket
•Install the battery and then insert the floppy disk.
•Remove the shoulder strap from the Digital Mavica.
•Set AUTO/MANUAL to AUTO on the Digital Mavica.
Putting on the Sports Jacket
(See illustration A)
1 Open the zipper. 2 Insert the Digital Mavica into the Sports
3 Close the zipper.
Using the optional shoulder strap if necessary.
Operating the Digital Mavica
(See illustration B)
Try recording before putting the Digital Mavica in the Sports Jacket. Y ou can perform all the Digital Mavica (MCV-FD71) operation while in the Sports Jacket.
In case of the LCD screen does hard to see such as outdoors, use the optional hood.
(See illustration C)
1 You can attach the hood to rear panel of
Sports Jacket by the Velcro.
2 Set up the hood as illustrated.
After using the Digital Mavica
•Take out the Digital Mavica from the Sports Jacket.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet, dry it well in the shade to prevent mildew.
•If the Sports Jacket is wet with sea water, first wipe it off carefully with a damp cloth.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.