Sony SAT-A1, SAT-B1 Installation Guide

Satellite Antenna
for SAT-A 1 and SAT-B1 Satellite Receivers
Installation Manual
SAN-18D1 SAN-18S1
0 1995 by Sony Corporation
Avoid contact with high voltage electrical equipment. Contact with power lines, lights and circuits may prove fatal.
Avoid contact with underground utility lines. Check with your local utility companies before digging in your yard if you are unsure of the location of your electric, telephone, gas, water or
sewer lines.
O Read through the entire manual before you
attempt any installation and keep this document for future reference.
O Do not use power tools to tighten the bolts.
Hand tighten only.
_1 Check zoning codes, covenants and community
restrictions in your area before installation.
O Choose an installation site that is structurally
sound and able to withstand severe storm conditions.
O Do not attempt to install the antenna in rainy or
windy conditions.
Owner's Record
The model and serial numbers are located on the back of the satellite antenna. Record the numbers
on the spaces provided below and refer to them whenever you call your sales and/or service representative regarding this product.
Model No.
Serial No.
Customer Support
To arrange for the installation of your DSS system, call the dealer from whom you purchased your
system. For general information, or to resolve problems
related to the operation of your satellite receiver or antenna, contact your Sony DSS dealer. If your dealer is unable to answer your questions, call the Sony DSS Customer Support line at
1-800-838-SONY (7669). Signal Seeker is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
DIRECTV _ and DSS®are registered trademarks of
DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of GM Hughes Electronics.
_1 Do not install the antenna where it can be
bumped or jarred because this might cause
bodily injury and damage the antenna.
O Installation on aluminum or vinyl siding is not
O Installation on composite materials is not
0 Installation on a chimney should be used only
when no other locations are available.
O Ground the antenna and cables to prevent
possible damage from electrical charges and
lightning strikes. Grounding and installation should comply with local cedes and the
appropriate sections of the National Electrical Code (NEC). Refer to the National Electrical
Codes in the Appendix for specific information on grounding requirements.
Introducing the Satellite Antenna
Welcome 6 Installation Overview 7
Unpacking the Satellite Antenna 8
Selecting an Antenna Location
Locating the Satellite 10 Choosing an Installation Site 13
Installing the Antenna
Installing the Mast or a Pole 16 Installing the Antenna 31 Installing the Cables 33 Aiming the Anterma 36 Grounding the Antenna and Cables 43
Other Information
National Electrical Code 48 Specifications 50
Limited Warranty 51 Glossary 53
Index 55
Introducing the Satellite
This chapter introduces the satellite antenna.
The sections covered in this chapter are:
Q Welcome 6 Q Installation Overview 7
_1 Unpacking the Satellite Antenna 8
Congratulations on your purchase of the Sony brand Digital Satellite System (DSS®). This product will enhance your overall entertainment experience.
This installation manual is provided to help you plan and complete
the installation of your satellite antenna. The step-by-step instructions are organized in sequential order for your convenience. Read through
the entire manual once before you attempt to install the antenna.
0 ©
6 Chapter 1: Welcome
Installation Overview
The satellite antenna can be installed in a few hours. You may choose to install it yourself, or you may prefer to have it professionally installed. If you plan on installing the antenna yourself, you should
be able to:
Q Use a power drill, magnetic compass and bubble level. UI Drill a hole through an exterior wall of your house. l:l Locate plumbing, electrical utilities and support beams hidden in
your walls.
O Comply with local building and electric codes.
Route cable under floors and through walls.
Have your antenna professionally installed if you do not feel
comfortable performing any of these functions. Your authorized
Sony retailer can provide a referral to a professional contractor in your area who has been trained to install the Sony brand Digital
Satellite System (DSS).
If you decide to install the antenna yourself, use this manual to help
you plan and complete the installation. To further assist you, Sony has an Installation Kit which is sold separately. The kit contains an installation video and an assortment of cables, bolts, grounding
supplies and other items needed for most installations.
Installation Kit contents:
1RG-6 coaxialcable with weatherproof F-connect_rs and weatherboot (75ft.)
1RG-6 coaxialcable with weatherproof F-connectors and weatherbcot (25ft.)
1Silicon sealant (1 oz.) 4 Cable ties (11 in.)
8Cable clips
4 Double expansion anchors
4 Lag screws (5/16"x 2")
2 Lag screws (1/4"x 3")
4 Machine screws (I/4"- 20 x 3")
4 Washers (5/t6')
1Grounding block (dual) 1Grounding wire (30 ft.) 1Telephone in-line modular coupler 1 Telephone modular T connector 2Telephone line cords with modular connectors (25 ft.) 1 Compass 1 Grounding strap
1 Installation Video Guide
Chapter 1: Installation Overview 7
Unpackingthe Satellite Antenna
Depending on which model you purchased, the carton should contain either an SAN-18S1 single output or an SAN-18D1 dual
output satellite antenna.
LNB with Single Output
Snap-in Cabl e Guides
Base Plate
Snap-in Cable Guides
LNB Support Arm
LNB with Dual Output
LNB Support Arm
8 Chapter 1: Unpacking the Satellite Antenna
Selecting an
Antenna Location
This chapter contains instructions for selecting a location to install the satellite antenna.
The sections covered in this chapter are: [3 Locating the SateLlite 10
Q Choosing an Installation Site 13
Locating the Satellite
* At this stage it is not necessary tofind
the exact location of the satelIite. A
rough estimate is sufficient.
The satellite is located due south of Texas over the equator.
The azimuth is a compass heading.
Before you can select a location to install the antenna, you need to find the direction and elevation of the satellite relative to your house. After you know where the satellite is located, you can find a suitable location to install the antenna. Use the following instructions to identify the directional coordinates and locate the satellite.
Use the map to estimate the directional coordinates:
Use the map below to estimate the directional coordinates of the DSS satellite. You may also obtain the coordinates by using the on-screen
zip code or latitude/longitude features described on pages 36-38.
Magnetic North Azimuth
130" 140" 150' 160_170' 180_190"200_210"220_ 230' 240'
c 4_
u_ 45o
1 Find your location on the map.
2 Use the azimuth and elevation markings on the top and side of
the map to estimate the directional coordinates of the satellite. (For example, the directional coordinates for Los Angeles are:
Azimuth: 135 and Elevation: 45.)
3 Record the dixectional coordinates on the spaces provided
Azimuth: Elevation:
These directional coordinates will be used on the following pages to locate the satellite in the sky. Continue with the instructions on the
next page to find the satellite direction with the azimuth.
10 Chapter 2: Locating the Satellite
The arrow on the compass in this illustration indicates the 135 ° azimuth
from the example on the previous page.
Find the satellite direction with the azimuth:
The azimuth is a compass heading used to determine the direction of
the satellite relative to your house. Once you know where the satellite is located you can choose an installation site that has an
unobstructed view of the satellite.
1 Take a compass outdoors. Hold it level to allow the needle to
rotate freely.
2 Rotate the compass until the dial aligns with the magnetic
needle which is pointing North.
3 The compass dial has numbers ranging from 0° to 360°. Find the
azimuth coordinate you recorded on the previous page on the compass dial.
4 Look in the direction of the azimuth.
The satellite is located in the direction you are facing. Continue with the instnlctions on the next page to find the elevation of the satellite.
Chapter 2: Locating the Satellite 11
Locating the Satellite (continued)
Find the elevation of the satellite:
Use the elevation coordinate you recorded on page 10 to find the elevation of the satellite. Finding the elevation, or angle, of the satellite enables you to choose an installation site that has an
unobstructed view of the satellite.
1 Locate three reference points to help you estimate the location of
2 Use the elevation coordinate you recorded on page 10 and these
the satellite:
121 0° -- located at the horizon in front of you. D 90 ° -- located directly above you.
CI 45° -- located midway between 0° and 90°.
three reference points to estimate the elevation of the satellite.
The position o.fthe satellite in this illustration corresponds to the 45°
elevation from the example on page 10.
Satellite " .-
45 °
2s°-_'.. ".,
0 a _
You should now be able to point to the approximate location of the
satellite. Use this information when you choose an installation site for
the antenna.
12 Chapter2: Locatingthe Satellite
Choosing an Installation Site
You now know where the satellite is located in the sky. Keep the location in mind as you look around your property for a good place to
install the antenna. Use the following suggestions to ease the installation and extend the life of the antenna:
Keep a clear view -- avoid areas where trees, buildings and roof overhangs interfere with the satellite signal. Also consider the effects of future tree growth or building construction.
Protect the antenna -- avoid installing the antenna where it can be bumped or jarred by people, furniture, doors or pets. Also
avoid installing under gutters, due to the possibility of icicles or ice buildup.
Simplify the installation -- try to avoid an installation that
requires the use of a ladder.
Choose a sturdy site -- windy conditions can generate several hundred pounds of pressure on the base plate. To avoid
problems, choose an installation site that is structurally sound and able to withstand severe storm conditions.
0 Choose an accessible site -- if snow falls where you live, you will
need to brush the snow off the antenna.
0 Locate the antenna close to the receiver -- cable run should be
100' or less. If more than 100', you must use Sony brand DSS
Ampifier EAC-DA1.
Chapter2: Choosingan InstallationSite 13
Choosing an Installation Site (continued)
Where to Install the Antenna
This manual provides instructions for installing the antenna on
several surfaces:
Metal Pole
Q Wood
Q Cinder Block
Read through the rest of the manual before you begin installing the antenna. Planning the installation will save you time and help you
avoid mistakes.
14 Chapter 2: Choosing an InstallaUon Site
Installing the Antenna
This chapter provides instructions for installing, aiming and grounding the antenna.
The sections covered in this chapter are: _1 Installing the Mast or a Pole 16
Installing the Antenna 31
Q Installing the Cables 33
Aiming the Antenna 36
_1 Grounding the Antenna and Cables 43
Installing the Mast or a Pole
This section contains four different sets of installation instructions.
Choose and follow one set, depending on the type of surface on which you install the antenna:
UI Metal Pole, on this page.
Q Wooden Surface, on page 19. Q Brick Surface, on page 24. Q Cinder Block Surface, on page 27.
Metal Pole
The antenna can be mounted directly onto a metal pole in your yard. The metal pole should be installed in soi! conditions that provide a
firm foundation. Do not install a metal pole if your soil contains: Q Many rocks, which prevent you from digging a hole.
Q Excess moisture, which prevents concrete from curing properly.
Th_ antermcl can be mounted on an
existing metal polewhich meetsthe
installationand materialspecifications listed in this chapter.
You do not need the mast provided with the antenna for this installation.
However, you should store the mast in case you decide to relocate the antenna
at a later date.
16 Chapter 3: Installing the Mast or a Pole
Tools and materials needed for this installation:
I brick 2 bags ready-mix cement
Container to mix cement Guy wires/wooden stakes
Level Metal pole (6' long rain. x 11/4"- 11/2" galvanized steel pipe)
Do not install the antenna near power lines.
Avoid underground electric, telephone, gas, water and sewer lines when digging in your yard. Contact your local utility companiesfor help locating
underground utility lines.
Do not install the antenna where it could be bumped or jarred by people,
furniture, doors or pets.
Do not attempt any installation in rainy or windy conditions.
Burythe pole6"belowthefrost lineif youlive in anareathat experiences
freezing temperatures.
Installation instructions:
1 Dig a hole at least 8"in diameter and 36" deep.
2 Cut the bottom of the pole at a 45° angle with a hacksaw. This
prevents the pole from rotating after installation.
Chapter 3: Installing the Mast or a Pole 17
+ 39 hidden pages