
Important Information
United States & Canada
The F8132 Series mobile phones have been designed to comply
with applicable safety requirements for exposure to radio waves.
Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is
designed to not exceed the limits of exposure to radio frequency
(RF) energy set by governmental authorities. These limits establish
permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The
guidelines are based on standards that were developed by
international scientific organizations through periodic and thorough
evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a safety
margin designed to assure the safety of all individuals, regardless
of age and health.
The r ad io wa ve ex po sur e gui de lin es em pl oy a un it of
mea su rem ent k no wn as t he Sp ec ifi c Abs or pti on Ra te ( SAR ).
Tes ts f or SA R are c on duc ted u si ng st and ar diz ed me th ods w ith
the p ho ne tr ans mi tti ng at i ts h igh est c er tif ied p ow er le vel i n all
use d fr equ enc y ba nds . Whi le t her e may b e di ffe ren ce s
bet we en th e SAR l ev els o f var io us ph one m od els , the y ar e all
des ig ned t o mee t th e rel eva nt g uid eli ne s for e xpo su re to r adi o
wav es.
The highest SAR value as reported to the authorities for this
phone model when tested for use by the ear is 0.58 W/kg, when worn
on the body is 0.67 W/kg, and for WiFi hotspot mode 0.42 W/kg.
For body-worn operation, the phone has been tested when positioned
a minimum of 15 mm from the body without any metal parts in the
vicinity of the phone or when properly used with an appropriate
accessory and worn on body. For devices which include “WiFi hotspot”
functionality, SAR measurements for the device operating in WiFi hotspot
mode were taken using a separation distance of 10 mm. Use of third-party

acc essor ies m ay resul t in diffe ren t SAR leve ls th an th ose
rep orted .
Bef ore a phon e m odel is av ailab le for s ale t o the publ ic in
the US, it mu st be te sted and c ert ified by t he Fe deral
Com munic ation s C ommis sion (FCC) th at it does not excee d
the limi t est abl ished by t he go ver nment -adop ted r equir eme nt
for safe expo sur e. Th e tes ts ar e p erfor med i n pos ition s a nd
loc ation s (i. e., by t he ea r and wo rn on the body) as r equ ired by
the FCC for e ach mode l. Th e FCC ha s gra nted an Eq uipme nt
Aut horiz ation fo r thi s pho ne mo del with all repor ted S AR level s
eva luate d as in compl iance with th e FCC RF e xposu re
gui delin es. W hil e the re ma y be dif feren ces b etwee n the SA R
lev els o f var iou s pho nes, all m obi le ph ones grant ed an FC C
equ ipmen t aut hor izati on me et th e g overn ment requi remen t f or
saf e exp osure . S AR in forma tion on this phone mode l is on file
at the F CC an d c an be foun d und er the D ispla y Gra nt se cti on
of http: //tra nsi tion. fcc.g ov/oe t/e a/fcc id af ter s earch ing on F CC
ID PY7-PM 0944. Ad dit ional info rmati on on SA R can be f ound
on the M obile Ma nufac turer s For um EMF w ebsit e at
htt p://w ww.em fex plain ed.in fo/.
In the U nited St ates and C anada , t he SA R lim it fo r mob ile
pho nes u sed b y t he pu blic is 1. 6 w atts/ kilog ram ( W/kg)
ave raged over on e gra m of tissu e. The s tanda rd in corpo rat es a
mar gin o f saf ety to g ive a dditi ona l pro tecti on fo r the pu blic and
to accou nt fo r a ny va riati ons i n m easur ement s.