
Important Information
United States & Canada
The F5122 Ser ies m obi le ph ones have bee n des igned to
com ply w ith a ppl icabl e saf ety r equ ireme nts f or ex pos ure t o
rad io wa ves. You r wir eless phon e i s a r adio trans mit ter a nd
rec eiver . It is desig ned t o not ex ceed the l imits of e xpo sure to
rad io fr equen cy (RF) energ y set by gove rnmen tal a uthor iti es.
The se li mits est ablis h per mitte d l evels of R F ene rgy f or the
gen eral popul ati on. T he gu ideli nes are based on s tanda rds
tha t wer e dev elo ped b y int ernat ion al sc ienti fic o rgani zat ions
thr ough perio dic and thoro ugh e val uatio n of scien tific st udies .
The stan dards in clude a sa fety mar gin d esign ed to assu re the
saf ety o f all in divid uals, rega rdl ess o f age and healt h.
The radi o wav e e xposu re gu ideli nes empl oy a unit of
mea surem ent k now n as the S pecif ic Absor ption Rate (SAR ).
Tes ts fo r SAR ar e con ducte d usi ng stand ardiz ed me thods wi th
the phon e tra nsm ittin g at its h igh est c ertif ied p ower lev el in all
use d fre quenc y b ands. Whil e the re may b e dif feren ces
bet ween the S AR level s of vario us phone mode ls, t hey a re all
des igned to m eet the relev ant g uid eline s for expo sure to radio
wav es.
The high est S AR value as r eport ed to th e aut horit ies for this
pho ne mo del w hen test ed fo r use by the ear i s 0.97 W/ kg,
and when worn on the body is 0.9

acc essor ies m ay resul t in diffe ren t SAR leve ls th an th ose
rep orted .
Bef ore a phon e m odel is av ailab le for s ale t o the publ ic in
the US, it mu st be te sted and c ert ified by t he Fe deral
Com munic ation s C ommis sion (FCC) th at it does not excee d
the limi t est abl ished by t he go ver nment -adop ted r equir eme nt
for safe expo sur e. Th e tes ts ar e p erfor med i n pos ition s a nd
loc ation s (i. e., by t he ea r and wo rn on the body) as r equ ired by
the FCC for e ach mode l. Th e FCC ha s gra nted an Eq uipme nt
Aut horiz ation fo r thi s pho ne mo del with all repor ted S AR level s
eva luate d as in compl iance with th e FCC RF e xposu re
gui delin es. W hil e the re ma y be dif feren ces b etwee n the SA R
lev els o f var iou s pho nes, all m obi le ph ones grant ed an FC C
equ ipmen t aut hor izati on me et th e g overn ment requi remen t f or
saf e exp osure . S AR in forma tion on this phone mode l is on file
at the F CC an d c an be foun d und er the D ispla y Gra nt se cti on
of http: //tra nsi tion. fcc.g ov/oe t/e a/fcc id af ter s earch ing on F CC
ID PY7-PM 0931. Ad dit ional info rmati on on SA R can be f ound
on the M obile Ma nufac turer s For um EMF w ebsit e at
htt p://w ww.em fex plain ed.in fo/.
In the U nited St ates and C anada , t he SA R lim it fo r mob ile
pho nes u sed b y t he pu blic is 1. 6 w atts/ kilog ram ( W/kg)
ave raged over on e gra m of tissu e. The s tanda rd in corpo rat es a
mar gin o f saf ety to g ive a dditi ona l pro tecti on fo r the pu blic and
to accou nt fo r a ny va riati ons i n m easur ement s.