Sony PICTURE GEAR V4.1 User Manual

3-060-458-11 (2)
Version 4.1 Lite
User’s Guide
Руководство пользователя
© 2000 Sony Corporation
PictureGear, Memory Stick is a trademark of Sony Corporation. Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
(USA) in the USA and in other countries. This product contains the software product of FUJIFILM "Exif Toolkit For Windows
Ver.2.3" (Copyright © 1998 FUJI PHOTO FILM CO.,LTD.). Exif is the image file format standard for digital still cameras stipulated by JEIDA (Japan Electronic Industry Development Association).
This software uses Microsoft DirectX® Media Runtime (© 1998 by Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved)
This application uses the MGI, Inc. enhanced Toolkit for the FlashPix™ format. FlashPix is a trademark of Digital Imaging Group.
Portions copyright Digital Imaging Group, 1996 and copyright MGI, 1996. This FlashPix format uses Microsoft's OLE Structured Storage. Portions are copyrighted by Eastman Kodak Company, 1996 Portions are copyrighted by Hewlett-Packard, 1996 Other system names and product names appearing in this document are generally
registered trademarks or trademarks of their manufacturers, although ™ and ® marks are not shown in this document.
Before using this software, please read the Software License Agreement that is displayed during the software's installation.
Copying all or part of the contents of this software and Operating Manual,
or renting the software without authorization are prohibited by copyright laws.
The Company cannot accept liability for damage or loss resulting from the
use of this software, or for any claim from a third party.
The Company assumes no responsibility aside from the replacement of the
media due to manufacturing fault.
This software must not be used in a system other than that specified.The software specifications may be subject to change without notice.
Table of Contents
Before Use
Programme Features................................................................................... 4
Precautions for Use ..................................................................................... 6
About the Operating Environment .................................................... 6
About Colour Display Settings........................................................... 6
How to Use this Manual ............................................................................ 7
Installing PictureGear ................................................................................. 8
Installing the Movie Support Library .............................................. 10
Basic Operation
Starting the Programme ........................................................................... 11
Closing PictureGear ........................................................................... 12
Viewing Slides ........................................................................................... 13
Displaying Sample Slides in the View Area ................................... 13
Display Slides other than the Samples ............................................ 14
Viewing a Slide Enlarged .................................................................. 15
Playing a Movie .................................................................................. 15
Using with External Devices
Using a Video Camera.............................................................................. 16
Connections and Settings .................................................................. 16
Using the First Time ........................................................................... 18
Storing Images .................................................................................... 18
Using a Digital Still Camera or Memory Stick Serial Port Adaptor
(for Handycams)........................................................................................ 19
Using the Memory Stick Slot ................................................................... 20
Loading Images................................................................................... 20
Saving Images ..................................................................................... 20
Storing Images from External Devices ................................................... 21
How to Uninstall PictureGear ................................................................. 22
In Case of Trouble ..................................................................................... 23
Before Use
Programme Features
PictureGear Version 4.1 Lite (hereafter referred to simply as PictureGear) is a software application that makes it easy to list, manage, and display image files stored in “Memory Stick” or on a computer’s hard disk. In PictureGear, each displayed image is called a slide.
The example screens in this document are for the English version. However, to use this software, the language selected during installation should match the language of the operating system installed on the PC.
Languages that can be selected during installation are as follows. Japanese / English / German / French / Italian / Spanish If the language of your operating system is other than the above, select a language from
among the above. The default selection is English.* * Please note: Operation is not assured with operating systems for languages other
than the above.
List View and Zoom View
Slides within a selected folder are displayed in the List View. The List View can be zoomed in and out between 12 and 800% using the Zoom Bar, so any slide can be quickly selected.
As long as a slide is in an image format that can be handled by PictureGear, even if its format differs from other slides, it appears in the same List View together with the other slides. Slides in the List View can be displayed in order by date, name, etc.
Copy and Move Slides
Slides can be copied and moved by simple operations in the PictureGear window.
Zoom Display of a Slide
A slide selected in the List View can be displayed zoomed in a separate window (Single-Image View). Slides displayed in Single-Image View can be magnified, reduced and scrolled.
Print Slides
Slides can be printed, either singly or as multiple slides per page.
Play Movies in the Movie Playback Window
MPEG1 and AVI format movie files can be played in separate windows. A corresponding still image appears in the List View.
Use with Video and Digital Still Cameras
By connecting a Sony video or digital still camera to the PC, photographic images can be transferred between PictureGear and the camera.
Use a “Memory Stick”
You can view and save slides on a PC that has been equipped with a Memory Stick Slot. If the PC you are using does not have a Memory Stick Slot, you can view and save slides by connecting a serial port adaptor (for MS) from Sony.
z Hint
The on-line help shows which image formats are supported by PictureGear.
The functions described in this document are only applicable to the devices with which this software is bundled (or with the devices for which the accessory kit bundle is intended).
Before Use
Precautions for Use
About the Operating Environment
The hardware and software requirements for using PictureGear are as follows:
IBM PC/AT or compatible with the following capabilities.
– Minimum 90 MHz Pentium CPU (166 MHz or faster recommended) – Minimum 32 MB main memory (64 MB or more recommended) – Minimum 30 MB available hard disk space (for Standard installation) – Minimum 640 × 480 pixel Hi Color (16-bit colour) display driver
Operating System
Microsoft Service Pack 3 or greater).
About Using with Windows NT4.0
• PictureGear must be installed with a supervisory-level login user name, such as “Administrator”.
• PictureGear may require about 150 MB of real and virtual memory combined. If PictureGear is run under Windows NT4.0 with too little memory, a message such as “Your system is running low on virtual memory. Please close some applications.” may appear. In this case, close PictureGear immediately, login with a supervisory level user name, double click the System icon in the Control Panel and increase the maximum size of virtual memory with the Performance setting.
To view movies with PictureGear Version 4.1 Lite, the Microsoft DirectX Media Runtime Version 5.2 (or later) movie support library is required. If no movie support library is present, it can be installed from the PictureGear CD-ROM. See page 10 for details.
Windows 95/98/98 Second Edition, or Windows NT 4.0 (with
About Colour Display Settings
• When using PictureGear, the colour palette of the screen should be at least Hi Color (16-bit colour) for proper display.
• The display colour settings are made by double clicking the Display icon in the Windows Control Panel.
How to Use this Manual
This manual describes how to get PictureGear up and running. Refer to the PictureGear on-line help to learn more about specific programme operations. Help is accessible by running PictureGear and selecting How to Use PictureGear in the Help menu.
Information too new to be included in the operating manual is available in the ReadMe file located under Start menu - Programs - PictureGear 4.1Lite. Please be sure to read it.
Displaying the Help Contents
PictureGear on-line help is displayed by clicking How to Use PictureGear in the Help menu, or by clicking the
button on the toolbar.
Before Use
• Double click to display the items within it.
• Double click
to display the description of that item.
Installing PictureGear
1 Insert the PictureGear CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
When the CD-ROM drive access lamp turns off, the Choose Setup Language dialog box appears.
If this dialog box does not appear when the CD-ROM is inserted, start the Windows Explorer and double click on the installation file (SETUP.EXE) on the CD-ROM.
2 Click to select the language to use from the displayed
language list, and click [OK].
The Question dialog box appears.
3 Make sure all other applications are closed and then click [Yes].
The Welcome dialog box appears.
4 Click [Next].
The End User License Agreement appears. Please read it before proceeding to the next step.
5 Click [Yes] after reading the End User License Agreement and
agreeing to the terms.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears with “C:\Program Files\Sony\PictureGear4.1Lite” as the installation destination.
6 Click [Next] if the displayed destination folder is acceptable.
If you want to change the destination folder, click [Browse], change the destination folder, and then click [Next].
The Setup Type dialog box appears.
7 Click [Next] if you want to perform the Standard setup.
To change the setup type, click either [Minimum] or [Custom], and then click [Next].
• Custom: either the PictureGear programme or sample data can be selected to be installed.
• Minimum: only the PictureGear programme is installed.
• Standard: the PictureGear programme and sample data are installed.
The Select Program Folder dialog box appears.
Before Use
8 Click [Next] if the displayed programme folder name is
If you want to change the programme folder name, enter the new name for the folder, and click [Next].
After the required files are copied from the CD-ROM to the hard disk, the Question dialog box appears.
9 Click [Yes].
The Setup Complete dialog box appears. After Installation is complete a Read Me document is displayed with the
latest information about the programme. Make sure you read this document before running the programme.
10 Click [OK].
The ReadMe document is displayed. After reading the document, close it and click [Finish] in the PictureGear Setup dialog box.
Installation is now complete.
Installing the Movie Support Library
Microsoft DirectX Media Runtime Version 5.2 or later is required to play movies with PictureGear Version 4.1 Lite.
If you have a problem playing movies, install the Microsoft DirectX Media Runtime provided on the PictureGear CD-ROM. Start up the installation programme (ENDUSER.EXE) contained in the DirectX folder on the PictureGear CD-ROM.
Basic Operation
Starting the Programme
PictureGear can be started by the following procedure.
1 Turn on the PC and load Windows. 2 Click the Start button on the task bar.
The Start menu appears.
3 Point to Programs on the Start menu, and click PictureGear 4.1
Lite of PictuireGear 4.1 Lite from the list of programmes.
PictureGear starts and the main window appears. Sample slides are displayed automatically in the View Area.
Tool Bar
View Area
Basic Operation
Tree View Slides
A slide selected on this screen can be magnified by the menu and tool bar, and moved in the Tree View.
Closing PictureGear
PictureGear can be closed by either of the following methods:
• Click File in the menu bar, and then click Exit PictureGear.
• Click the Close button at the top right corner of the PictureGear main window.
z Hint
While running PictureGear you can press the F1 key or select How to Use PictureGear from the help menu, or click to display PictureGear on-line help.
Some time is required before the sample slides appear.
z If the programme fails to run:
Try again from step 1. If the programme still does not run properly, there could be a problem with the
PictureGear programme files on the hard disk. Try re-installing PictureGear.
Viewing Slides
Displaying Sample Slides in the View Area
When PictureGear is run the first time, sample slides installed on the hard disk are displayed automatically.
To display other slides, specify the folder containing the slides you want to view (page 14).
Initial Folder List
The Samples folder icon in the folder list indicates that it is the open folder when PictureGear is run the first time. The slides in the Samples folder are therefore displayed.
Samples folder
Basic Operation
The Samples folder is in the PictureGearLite folder, which is clearly shown to be in the Sony folder.
Display Slides other than the Samples
Locate the folder in the PictureGear folder list in the Tree View containing the slides you wish to display, and click it.
Locating a Folder
Manipulate the folder list as follows to locate the desired folder.
When you click
Scroll Bars
Folder List Indicators
The drive and folder icons are displayed in the folder list.
or mark appears at the left of most icons.
Drives and folders with a mark
Drives and folders with a mark
Drives and folders without a
or mark
The drive or folder contains other folders that are not currently displayed.
The drive or folder contains other folders that are displayed under the drive or folder icon, shifted to the right.
This drive or folder contains only files, or is empty.
Using the Folder List
To display the folders within a drive or folder with a mark, click the mark. It changes to a mark.
To display parts of the list that are not displayed in the folder list, drag the scroll bar up and down or left and right.
• Clicking on the
mark changes it back to as the folders within it are
no longer displayed.
z Contents of the View Area:
Only slides in the folder selected in the folder list are displayed. Other items that may be in the selected folder are not displayed. Also, despite their file
extension, images that cannot be displayed with PictureGear are indicated as non­displayable slides.
z When slides are not displayed
The selected folder may not contain any images that can be displayed by PictureGear. Check the contents of the folder list and select a folder that contains displayable files.
Viewing a Slide Enlarged
Double click the slide image in the View Area that you want to display enlarged. The Single-Image View window opens with the enlarged slide. To close the window, click Close in the File menu, or click the window’s Close button. Refer to Displaying a Single Image in the on-line help for more details.
Up to 8 Single-Image View windows can be opened at one time.
Playing a Movie
Click the movie slide in the View Area that you want to play, and click Play in the View menu. Refer to the on-line help for details.
Basic Operation
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