Sony PFD23A/3, PFD50DLA/3, PFD100TLA, PFD128QLW Specifications

Professional Disc™ Media
It’s all about workflow.
The XDCAM® Professional Disc system brings you the efficient workflow of file-based recording, plus the comfort, reliability, and predictability of a medium that you can exchange like tape. It provides the advantages of both conventional VTR operation and cutting-edge IT features like high-speed data transmission and proxy A/V data management. With these advantages comes a highly sophisticated and comprehensive workflow for your content.
A crucial component of the XDCAM HD system is Sony’s Professional Disc media which was co-engineered with XDCAM hardware equipment to assure maximum compatibility, stability, and performance in extreme temperature, humidity, and vibration environments.
High density recording.
Sony’s blue-violet laser technology means extraordinary high density recording. This enables Sony to provide high capacity discs that support
various video recording workflows. The formatted 23GB* single-layer disc (PFD23A/3) holds up to 43 minutes, the 50GB* dual-layer disc (PFD50DLA/3) holds up to 95 minutes, and the 100GB* triple-layer disc (PFD100TLA) holds up to 190 minutes of material at the best quality (HD 422, 50 Mbps). The 128GB* quad-layer write-once disc (PFD128QLW) holds up to 240 minutes of recording capability at 50Mbps.
Affordable, removable, archivable media.
Depending on the feature set of your recorder, Professional Disc media can capture a wide range of video formats, including DVCAM® and MPEG IMX® standard definition, as well as XDCAM HD and XDCAM MPEG HD422. When used with select decks, the entire disc capacity can be used for writing data files of any type. This gives the XDCAM disc format expanded flexibility beyond video content.
Unlike some other tapeless media, Professional Disc media can be used
for everything from acquisition to program exchange, editing, play-to-air, and archiving.
Professional Disc™ Media.
• Quick random access with near-line storage. One of the great benefits of
optical disc is instant access to your clip. There’s no fast forward, no rewind, no need to “cue up” to the end of the last recorded portion.
• Dust- and shock-resistant cartridge. Helps to protect the disc surface from fingerprints and dirt.
• Incredible durability. Thanks to non­contact recording and playback, the disc supports up to 1,000 read/write/ erase cycles (Re-writable disc only).
• Amazing archival life. Professional Disc has an estimated shelf life of 50 years in accelerated testing.
* 1 GB = 1 billion bytes.
Actual formatted capacity will be less.
Hardware compatibility
XDCAM MPEG IMX/DVCAM: PDW510, 530, 1500, R1, D1 OK
XDCAM MPEG HD422: PDW700, F800, F1600, HD1500, HR1, U1 OK OK
XDCAM Content & Archive Solutions: PDWU2, XDS-PD2000 , XDS-PD1000 OK OK OK OK
Pre-Formatted Disc Compatibility:
PDW-510, PDW-F70, PDW-F30, PDW-70MD, PDW-1500, PDW-R1,
take advantage of the pre-formatted benefit and ensure compatibility with the hardware listed to the right. Otherwise, users may not be able to record to this pre-formatted disc.
listed above, without upgrading the equipment firmware version, the disc becomes recordable only after being re-formatted with the equipment being used.
Record Times*
Recording Format Recording Bit Rate PFD23A/3 PFD50DLA/3 PFD100TLA PFD128QLW
High Definition
Standard Definition
* Actual recording times are approximate and may vary depending on number of clips and audio channels. Specifications are subject to change.
XDCAM MPEG HD422 50 Mbps 43 min. 95 min. 190 min. 240 min.
XDCAM HD 35 Mbps 65 min. 145 min. 290 min. 360 min.
25 Mbps 85 min. 190 min. 380 min. 480 min.
18 Mbps 112 min. 248 min. 496 min. 600 min.
MPEG IMX 50 Mbps 45 min. 100 min. 200 min. 240 min.
40 Mbps 55 min. 120 min. 240 min. 300 min.
30 Mbps 68 min. 150 min. 300 min. 360 min.
DVCAM 25 Mbps 85 min. 185 min. 370 min. 450 min.
Disc Type Re-Writable Write-Once
Formatted Capacity 23.3 GB* 50 GB* 100 GB* 128 GB*
Cartridge Dimensions 5-1/8 x 5-1/8 x 3/8 inch (128.6 x 130.6 x 9.1 mm) **
Disc Diameter 4-3/4 inch (120mm) **
Max. Transfer Rate (Write) 86 Mbps 86 Mbps 144 Mbps
Erase/Write/Read Cycles more than 1,000 times
Read Cycles more than 1,000,000 times
Estimated Shelf Life ≥ 50 years***
Estimated Archival Life ≥ 50 years***
Laser Wavelength (nm) 405
Operating Conditions 23 ~ 131°F (-5 ~ 55°C) /10 ~ 90% Relative Humidity
Storage Conditions
14 ~ 131°F (-10 ~ 55°C) /5 ~ 90% Relative Humidity
* A portion of the user data area will be used for data management. The total user area may vary. ** Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate and may vary. *** Estimation from Sony’s accelerated testing using actual drives.
Sony Electronics Inc. 1 Sony Drive Park Ridge, NJ 07656
©2012 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Sony, Professional Disc, DVCAM, HDV, MPEG IMX, XDCAM, and the Sony make.believe logo are trademarks of Sony.
Printed in USA 12/12