Sony PEG-TH55 - Personal Entertainment Organizer, PEG-TJ37 - Personal Entertainment Organizer User Manual

Picsel Viewer
for Sony CLIÉ User Guide
: : a d e m o c r a c y o f a c c e s s : :
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Copyright © Picsel 2003
Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this document may be used, sold, transferred, adapted or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in any media except with the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The product described in this document is subject to continuous development and improvement. All particulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by Picsel in good faith. However, the content of this document is provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind with regard to its accuracy or reliability, and specifically excluding all implied warranties, for example of merchantability, fitness for purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Picsel be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use of this document. Picsel reserves the right to revise the document or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.
No licence is granted (nor any rights of whatsoever nature granted), express or implied, to any intellectual property by this document. Picsel, the Picsel cube device, IFV, Picsel Browser and ePAGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Picsel Technologies Ltd.
Throughout this document, the trade names and trademarks of some companies and products have been used. No such uses are intended to convey endorsement of or other affiliations with the document.
This document is proprietary to Picsel.
Document number
December 2003
Picsel EMEA Office Picsel Technologies Ltd Titanium House Braehead Business Park Kings Inch Road Glasgow, G51 4BP, UK
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Introduction 4 Getting Started 5
Panning and Zooming a document 6 Opening Documents 7
Using Picsel Viewer 8
Document View 8 Folder View 11 Document Format Restrictions 13 History View 15 Bookmark View 16 Other Options 17
Configuring Picsel Viewer 18
Acknowledgements 21
Questions and Answers 23
Picsel Viewer User Guide
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Picsel Viewer is a revolutionary product for document browsing on thin­client computing platforms. Its leading edge technology allows you to view documents on your CLIÉ without any file-conversion or loss of content. Powerful real-time zooming and panning of documents using intuitive gestures allows close examination and broad overviews with equal ease.
Picsel’s patented ePAGE
document display environment is the core technology which brings new levels of satisfaction to your experience. It allows you to view almost all documents in almost all permutations.
Central to its appeal is ePAGE’s ability to read files from desktop environments in their native form. No conversion from the original format or compromise is required.
Picsel Viewer’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents easier than ever. Simply by touching the stylus to the device’s screen, you can pan (scroll) your document sideways or vertically to view larger pages on a smaller screen. With a gesture of the stylus you can zoom in or out to view intricate details or overviews. Moving to the next page is as simple as turning a leaf in a book and a sophisticated yet attractive menu is available with a tap on the icon in the corner of the screen.
Picsel Viewer supports HTML and all significant image formats (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, etc.), as well as most popular document types including PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. These prove the package as a leading-edge multimedia and document environment
Picsel Viewer User Guide
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Getting Started
Now that you have a Sony CLIÉ handheld powered by Picsel Viewer, you’re ready to see it in action! It is available from the CLIÉ Application Launcher screen, so to begin, tap the Home icon at the bottom of your CLIÉ’s screen. Your device may differ slightly from the pictures shown here. Please consult the “Read This First” operating instructions for details of your model.
CLIÉ application launcher showing Picsel
Tap the ‘Picsel Viewer’ icon in the application launcher. This will launch the application, briefly showing its starting screen. After launching, you should open a document using the Folder View, described later in this user guide.
Home icon
Picsel Viewer User Guide
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Panning and Zooming a document
The document you wish to see is normally larger than the screen space available. There are two ways to see more of it.
To pan (or ‘scroll’) to a different part of the document, simply stroke your stylus across the screen in the direction you would like the page to move. To pan the page up, touch and hold your stylus somewhere near the middle of the screen and draw a line towards the top, then take your stylus off the screen. You can do this repeatedly so that you can view any size of document. Further, you can ‘throw’ the document across the screen, and it will continue moving after you have released the stylus. This gives you time to start another stroke. This inertia can be used to save time while you pan around the document.
You can change the size of the document, so that more or less of it is visible at a different size. Simply tap on the “+” magnifying glass icon in the top right corner to zoom in, or on the “-” to zoom out. You can also zoom in or out with a stylus movement; the tap-and-stroke gesture for this is to tap your stylus briefly near the middle of the screen then tap and hold it again in the same place. Now stroke your stylus up to zoom in or down to zoom out. Release your stylus when you reach the scale you like. Using this, you can view small print details on diagrams or get an overview of a whole page.
The zoom box, showing in pink the area
that will be expanded using the horizontal
tap-and-stroke gesture.
A further method for zooming into a specific area of the document is available in Picsel Viewer, called ‘Zoom Box’. Use the same tap-and-
Pan (Scroll):
1. 2.
Picsel Viewer User Guide
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stroke gesture as above, starting at the top-left corner of the area you would like to fill the screen. However, you should then stroke your stylus to the right instead of vertically. A coloured box will appear showing the area that will be enlarged. Move your stylus to make this cover the area of interest, and release it.
While you hold your stylus down on the screen, the quality of the image may be poorer. This is to make the zooming more responsive to your movement. When you release your stylus, the quality will improve.
You can also pan the document up and down using the Jog Dial Navigator on your CLIÉ. If you briefly press and release the Jog Dial, you will then be able to pan horizontally by turning it again. Press it once more to return to vertical panning. You can also zoom in and out by pressing and holding the Jog Dial in and turning it at the same time.
Opening Documents
You can create documents on your desktop PC and copy them to storage media. Picsel Viewer can read your favourite document formats such as HTML, PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint without any re­processing.
To look at files on your storage media, tap the Picsel Viewer carousel icon and then tap the Folder View icon, from where you can select documents to view. Tap your stylus on any of the files and after a moment it will appear on screen. You can move it around, and zoom in or out, using the stylus gestures you learnt earlier.
Picsel Viewer carousel icon
Folder View icon
Picsel Viewer User Guide
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Using Picsel Viewer
The main place for controlling Viewer is the carousel, which you can open by tapping the Picsel logo in the bottom right corner of the screen or by pressing the ‘Back’ button on your CLIÉ twice. The table on page 10 lists keys to press. Your CLIÉ may not have a Back button. From here you can go to the Folder View, the History View or return to your document. You can also change your preferences for the way the system operates. If you tap and hold your stylus on any of the options, a tool-tip will appear to explain its purpose. The carousel will close after an option has been selected.
Document View
Rotate Screen
Add Bookmark
Refresh page
History View
Folder View
Bookmark View
The carousel
Document View
Most of the time, you are looking at the ‘Document View’, in which you see the content of your chosen document. There are, however, four different views in Picsel Viewer. If you want to return to the document view when you are in a different mode, you can choose the document view icon on the carousel, as shown.
While in this view, you can pan (scroll) around the page simply by stroking your stylus over the page in the direction you want it to move.
Document View icon
+ 16 hidden pages