When using a computer that has an Ethernet interface other than the Wireless LAN PC Card
When using the Wireless LAN PC Card, you must stop the use of Ethernet interfaces other than the Wireless LAN PC Card.
When running the Window s 98 Second Edition
When running the Window s Me
When running the Window s 2000
When running the Windows 98 Second Edition:
From the Start m enu, s e le ct Settings, the n Control Pane l.
Double-click Sys te m .
Select the De vice M anage r tab and then double-click Ne twork adapte rs.
Double-click the netw ork adapte r that you w ant to s top.
Select the che ck box for "Dis able in this Hardw are Profile" in the dialog box that is displayed, then click OK.
An "X" w ill appear for the device that has been stopped.
Click OK.
The System Properties dialog box closes.
When running the Windows Me:
From the Start m enu, s e le ct Settings, the n Control Pane l.
Double-click Sys te m . (If all of the control panel options are not displaye d, click "vie w all Control Panel Options", the n double -click
System .)
Select the De vice M anage r tab and double-click Ne twork adapters.
Double-click the netw ork adapte r that you w ant to s top.
Select the che ck box for "Dis able in this Hardw are Profile" in the dialog box that is displayed, then click OK.
An "X" w ill appear for the device that has been stopped.
Click OK.
The System Properties dialog box closes.
When running the Windows 2000:
From the Start m enu, s e le ct Settings, the n Control Pane l.
Double-click Sys te m .
Select the Hardw are tab and then click the De vice M anager.
The Device Manager w indow is displayed.
Double-click Ne twork adapters.
Double-click the netw ork adapte r that you w ant to s top.
Select "Do not use this device (disable )" from the De vice usage drop-dow n m enu, the n click OK.
An "X" w ill appear for the device that has been stopped.
Click .
The Device Manager w indow closes.
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