VAIO Z505 SuperSlim Pro
Notebook Read Me First
This pr oduct contains software owned by Sony and licensed by third
parties. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of
license agreements enclo sed with this product. Some of the software may
not be tr a nsport e d or used ou tside th e United States. So ftware
specifications are subject to change without notice and may not
necessarily be identical to current retail versions.
Updates and additions to software may require an additional charge.
Subscriptions to online service providers may require a fee and credit
card information. Financial services may require prior arrangements with
participating financia l institutio ns.
Sony, DVgate, i.LINK, Mavica, Media Bar, PictureGear, Z505 SuperSlim
Pro, VAIO, and the V AIO logo are trademarks of Sony. Windows and the
Windows 98 logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Celeron, Intel, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation. K56flex
is a trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc.
All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respe ctive owner s.
Welcome ............................................................................................4
Unpacking Your Notebook Computer..........................................5
Supp le m e n t a r y In f o rm a t i o n .... ... .. ......... ......... ......... ................ ....... 7
About the Software on Your Computer......................................12
For Answers to Your Software Questions ..................................17
VAIO Notebook Computer Read Me First4
Congratulations on your purchase of the Sony VAIO® Z505 SuperSlim
Pro™ notebook. Sony has combined leading-edge technology in audio,
video, computin g, and communications to provide you with state-of-theart personal computing.
For a c omplete des cripti on of t he speci ficati ons of yo ur VAIO Z505 SuperSlim Pro Notebook,
see .page 19.
Exceptional performance
or Intel® Pentium® II processo r* an d a V.90 compatible
The high-capacity lithium- ion battery provides hours of
: Your notebook includes a fast Intel
use without AC power.
Sony audio and video quality:
High-quality MPEG1 video, whic h
supports full-screen disp lay (12. 1-in ch Ac tive M atri x LCD screen)
and enables you to take advantage of today’s advanced multi media
applicati ons, games, and e ntertainment sof tware.
Windows® 98:
Your system include s the latest operating system
from Microsoft .
Access popular on line servic e s, send e-ma il,
browse the Internet, and use fax features.
100 free hours of Internet access:
Use the Internet for up to 100 free
hours when you sign up with GTE (no credit card required). Free
access expires after 100 hours of use or 60 days after signing up—
whichever occurs f irst. Sign up when you register you r computer
with Sony, or use the Easy Inte rnet Access icon on the desktop. On ce
you have signed up, the icon launches the Easy Inter net Access
* Model PCG-Z505S has a Celeron processor, and model PCG-Z505SX has a Pentium II processor.
Actual upload and download speeds may vary due to line conditions, ISP support, and government
Unpacking Your Notebook Computer 5
Unpac king Your Notebook Computer
Remove the following hardware items from the box:
Main unit
i.LIN K™ port replicat or
RJ-45 network cable adapter
USB cable
Rechargeabl e batte ry pack
AC adapter
Power cord
Mini- USB cabl e
USB floppy disk drive
Phone cable
❑ Read Me First (this manual) contains specifications, software
descriptions, and quick ti p s on specific hardware and software issues.
❑ The VA I O
to set up and use your notebook computer.
❑ The Microsoft
use the basic features of the Windows operating system.
Z505 SuperSlim Pro™ Notebook Use r Guide de s cr ib es ho w
Windows®98 Getting Started manual explains how to
VAIO Notebook Computer Read Me First6
Recovery CDs
❑ System Reco ve ry CD(s)
❑ Application Recovery CD(s )
To use these recovery CDs, you need to purchase the PCGA-CD5 or PCGA-CD 51 CD-ROM
❑ Setting up your VAIO
❑ Packet containing special product offers
Z505 SuperSlim Pro™ Notebook (poster)