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Kingfisher Draft 2
Congratulations on your purchase of this Sony VAIO® computer, and
welcome to the VAIO User Guide.
This User Guide prov ides detailed information on all aspects of using
your new VAIO computer, from keyboard functions to preinstalled
software applications.
In the left navigation window, click the topics you want to learn more
about, and that information will be displayed in this main window.
✍ Click here to find the latest updat es and supplemental information about your
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Using Your VAIO Computer
Kingfisher Draft 2
This section describe s the following aspects of your new computer:
❑Using the Keyboard
❑Using the Touchpad
❑Using the Center Jog Dial Control
❑Using the Optical Disc Drive
❑Using PC Cards
❑Using Memory Stick Media
❑Using the Multipurpose Bay
❑Using Power Saving Modes
❑Using a Telephone Cable
❑Using a Lo ca l A r ea Ne tw o r k
❑Using Wi reless LAN
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the Keyboard
Your computer’s keyboard is v ery simila r to th at of a t ypewrite r , b ut t he key board
has additiona l keys that perform specific computer-related tasks.
Function keys
$%&( )
Prt Sc
Scr Lk
F1 F2 F3F4 F5 F6F7 F8F9F10 F11 F12
Caps Lock
Fn key
Windows key
Numeric keypad
Numeric keypadContains the keys found on a typic al calculator. Use the
numeric keypad area to type numbers or to perform
mathematical calculations such as addition and subtraction.
Note that you must pre ss the Num Lock key to activate the
numeric keypad. (When you do so, the Num Lock light wil l
be on.) Press the Num Lock key again to deactivat e it.
Navigation keysThe Left/Ri ght/ Up/Down arrow ke ys a re devoted to move the
cursor on the screen, and al so function as the Home, End,
Page Up, and Page Down keys, respectively.
Correction keysThe Insert, Back Sp ac e, and Delete keys enable you to make
corr ectio ns in your docum ents.
Using the Keyboard
Kingfisher Draft 2
Function keysThe 12 function keys along the top of the keyboard are used
to perform designated tasks. For example, in many
applications, F1 is the Help key. The task associated with
each functi on key may vary from one application to the next.
Escape keyThe Esc (Escape) key is used to cancel commands.
Print Screen keyThe Print Screen key takes an elec tronic snapshot of th e
screen and plac es it in the Windows ® Clipboard. You can
then paste the screen shot into a document and print it.
Operator keys
(Shift, Ctrl, Alt
Windows keyThe key with the Windows logo displays the Windows Start
Fn keyThe Fn key is used in combin ation with other keys to iss ue
Applications keyThe Applications key displays a shortcut menu of context-
Several keys a re always us ed wit h at le ast one othe r key: C trl ,
Alt, and Shift. When held down with another key, the Ctrl
(Control) and Alt (Alternate) keys offe r another way to give
commands. For e xample, in many applications, instead of
choosing the Save command from a menu, you can hold
down Ctrl and pres s S (referred to as Ctrl+S). The Shift ke y
operat es th e same wa y as on a typew r it er ; it is u s ed to
produce capital letters or special symbols such as @ and $.
menu; it is the eq uivalent of clicking the Start button on the
taskbar. See “Combinations and functions wi th the Windows
key” for more information.
commands. See “Combi nations and functions with the Fn
key” for more information.
sensitive choices. Pressing this key is the equivalent of
clicking the right mouse button.
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Combinations and functions with the Windows key
+ F1Displays the VAIO Help and Support Center window.
+ TabSwitches the se lected button on the taskbar.
+ DDisplays the desktop.
+ EDisplays the My Computer windo w.
+ FDisplays the Search window to find a file or folder. This is
the equivalent of selecting Sear ch from the Start menu.
+ Ctrl + FDisplays the Search Results: Computers window where you
can locat e othe r compu ters. T his i s the eq uivale nt of s elec ting
Search an d then Computers from t h e Start menu.
+ MMinimizes al l displayed windows.
Shift + + MReturns all minim ize d windows to their previous si ze.
+ RDisplays the Run window. This is the equivalent of selecting
Run from the Star t menu.
Fn + + InsertDisplays the Properties window. This is the equivalent of
selecting Control P anel and then System f r o m the Start menu.
Using the Keyboard
Kingfisher Draft 2
PowerLight is green when the power to the computer is turned on,
flashes amber in Standby mode, and turns off when the
computer is in Hibe rnate mode or powered off.
BatteryIndicates the status of the battery inserted in the battery bay.
Memory StickIndicates that the Memory Stick® slot is in use.
Hard diskThis indicator will light when data is being read from or
written to the ha rd disk. Do not enter Standby mode or turn
off th e computer when this in d icator is o n .
Indicator lights
Num Lock The n u mber keys in the numeric
keypad are active.
Caps Lock The letters appear in uppercase as
you type. The Shift key lo wers the
case of typed letters when Caps
Lock is on.
Scroll Lo ckTh e scr e en s cro lls differe n tl y.
(Exactly how it scrolls depends on
the specific application. It has no
effect in many applications.)
The alphanumeric character keys
in the key p ad ar ea ar e act ive.
Lette r s appear in lower case as
you type (unless you hol d down
the Shif t key).
Information moves across the
display normally .
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Combinations and functions with the Fn key
✍ If you switch user ide ntities during a computing session, the Fn+F7 and Fn+F8 key
functionality (if available on your computer) will be interrupted. To switch to an
external display or monitor, see “Selecting the Display Mo de” for more information.
Fn+ (F3)
Mute On/Off
Fn+ (F4)
Speaker volume
Fn+ (F5)
Brightness cont rol
Switch to t he
Toggles the built-in speaker off and on.
Adjusts the built-in speaker volume.
To increase vol ume, press Fn+F4, then or .
To decrease volume, press Fn+F4, then or .
Adjusts the brightness of the LCD.
To increase light inten sity, press Fn+ F5 and then or .
To decrease li ght intensity, pres s Fn+F5 and then or .
Toggles through the LCD, external display (c onnected to the
Monitor port) and both LCD and exte rnal display.
Only LCD
Select one display at a time to playback DVDs. Connect the
cable before you turn on the notebook, otherwise Fn + F7
will not work.
LCD and external display
Only external display
Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the Keyboard
Control AV Out
Fn+ (F12)
Toggles between LCD-only and dual LCD/TV display
Only LCD
Select one display at a time to playback DVDs. Connect the
cable before you turn on the notebook, otherwi se Fn + F8
will not work. You cannot use the Fn + F8 fun ction to switch
between LCD and TV once a DVD is inserte d int o the opt ical
disc drive.
Provides for the lowest level of power consumption.
When you run this command, the sta te of t he system a nd st ate
of the peripheral devices are writt en to the hard disk and the
system power is turned off. To return the system to its
original state, use the power button to turn on power.
Puts the system into Standby mode, a power management
state. To return the system to the activ e state, pr ess any key.
LCD and external display
Only external display
✍ You can also carry out these functi ons using the center Jog Dial™ Control. Some
functions are not available until Windows® launches.
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the Touchpad
The keyboar d contains a cursor-pointing device c alled a touchpad. You can point
to, select, drag, and scroll objects on the screen using the built-in touchpad.
Left andRightbuttons
PointSlide one finger on the touchpad to place the pointer on an
item or object.
ClickP ress the left button once.
Double-clic kPress the left button twice.
Using the Touchpad
Kingfisher Draft 2
Right-clickPress the right button once. In many applications, this action
displays a sh ortcut menu of context-sensitive choices.
DragSlide one finger while pressing the lef t button.
ScrollMove your finger alon g the right edge of the touchpad to
scroll vertically. Move your finger along the bottom to scroll
horizontally. (The scroll functi on is available only with
applicat ions that support a touchpad scroll feature.)
The Mouse Properties dialog box lets you customize your mouse and touchpad
features, such as touch sensitivity, motion, and buttons.
To open the Mouse Properties dialog box
1Click Start on the Windows® taskbar, and then Control Panel.
2Click Printers and Other Hardware, and then Mouse. The Mouse Properties
dialog box opens.
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Kingfisher Draft 2
VAIO Action Setup
VAIO Action Setup manages the settings for your notebook’s center Jog Dial™
Cont r o l, Me mory Stick® me dia, an d i. L I N K ®
interface. An overview of some
of the functions controlled by VAIO Action Setup is provided in this section. For
more information on changing the settings using VAIO Action Setup, right-cli ck
the Jog Dial Utility icon or in the taskbar and cl ick Help Topics.
* i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used to desi gnate that a product contains an IEEE 1394 con-
nection. The i.LINK connection may vary, depending on the software applications, operating
system, and compatible i.LINK devices. All products with an i.LINK connector may not
communicate with each other. Refer to the documentation that came with your compatible
i.LINK device for information on operating conditions and proper connection. Before connecting co mpatible i.LINK PC perip her als to your system, such as a CD-RW or hard disk
drive, confirm their operating system compatibility and required operating conditions.
Using the Center Jog Dial Control
Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the Center Jog Dial Control
Your notebook is equipped with a center Jog Dial™ Control located below the
left and right buttons. The center Jog Dia l Control enables you to ope n an
application, folder, or document from a predefined lis t by rotating and pressing
the center Jog Dial Control. In additio n, when you pr es s the center Jog Dial
Control, you can turn on your notebook automatically and start the selected
applicati on or document.
Center Jog Dial Control
The center Jog Dial Control window always appears in the display. It is either in
the launcher mode or in the guide mode.
Using the center Jog Dial Control
This section explains how to use the center Jog Dial Control . For information on
how to change th e sett ing s of the ce nter Jog Dial Con trol , rig ht-c lick th e Jo g Dial
Utility icon or in the taskbar and click Help Topics.
CenterJogDial Control
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Launcher mode
The center Jog Dial Control window is in launcher mode until a software
applicati on is launched or the Jog Dial Control window becomes active. When
you select an ite m in the Jog Dial Control window and it is displayed between
orange bars, you can press the center Jog Dial Control to view a submenu of that
Using Launcher mode
To use the center Jog Dial Control, click the Jog Dial Control window or the Jog
Dial Utility ic on in the taskbar. Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl key and the
center Jog Dial Control while the Jog Dial Control window is active to switch to
launcher mode.
Jog Dial Launcher
To select a desired item, proceed as follows:
Using the Center Jog Dial Control
Kingfisher Draft 2
1Rotate the center J og Dial Cont rol to s ele ct the it em you want, a nd then press
the center Jog Dial Control. The Jog Dial Launcher window switches to
guide mode and shows the function of the center Jog Dial Control.
Jog Dial Guide
2Rotate or press the center Jog Dial Control to use the desire d function.
3To select another item, repeat ste ps 1 through 3 above.
Guide mode
The Jog Dial Control window is in the guide mode when software is in use and
the soft ware window is active. Depending on the software you are using, you can
select items from the displayed list using the center Jog Dia l Control. You can
switch between guide mode and launcher mode by press ing the Ctrl key and the
center Jog Dial Control.
Using Guide mode
The Jog Dial Control window displays the funct ion of the center Jog Dial
Center Jog Dial back button
The center Jog Dial Control includes a back button located to the ri ght of the
control. Pressing this butto n br ings you back to the previou s scre en.
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the center Jog Dial Control with Sony software
If Sony software that supp orts the center Jog Dial Control is active, you can use
the functions of the c enter Jog Dial Control tha t are allocated to that software.
For more information on functions all oca ted to software, see the software
application’s Help.
Using the center Jog Dial Control with other software
If the software you are using supports the center Jog Dial Control, you can st ill
use the center Jog Dial Control to scroll the window or adjust the window size.
Using a Dialog box
When a window such as Screen Properties is active, the Dialog box is displayed
in the Jog Dial window. You can select an item in th e window by rotating the
center Jog Dial Control. Pressi ng the center Jog Dial Control is the equivalent of
pressing Enter or Select.
Jog Dial Guide Dialog Box
Using the Optical Disc Drive
Kingfisher Draft 2
Using the Optical Disc Drive
Your notebook comes with a removable optical disc drive located in the
multipur pose bay. See the Specifications sheet for the particular drive installed
on your computer.
The optical disc drive is removable when the power is on, but do not
remove the dr ive when your notebook is in a power savi ng m ode. Any
attempt to do so may result in malfunction and/or data loss.
To insert a disc
1Turn on the notebook.
✍ When the notebook is in Standby or Hibernate mode, you cannot insert a disc. See
“Controlling Power Management” for more infor mation on Standby and Hibernate
2Press the Eject button to open the optical disc dri ve. The tray slides out.
Ejecting the Tray
✍ Avoid using adhesive l abels to ident ify your disc s. Adhesive labels may come off
while the disc is in use in your optical disc drive, and may cause damage to the unit.
3Place an optical disc on the tray with the label sid e facing up. For DVDs that
can played on both sides, the side of the disc facing up is the side that plays.
4Press the disc onto the hub until the disc clicks securely into place.
Eject button
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Inserting an Optical Disc
Labelsidefacing up
5Close the tray by pushing it gently.
To eject a disc
When you finish using a disc, wait until the LED indicat or turns off, and then
press the Eject button to remove the disc.
When the notebook is in a power saving m ode, you cannot remove an opti cal
disc. See “Contro lling Power Management” for more information about power
saving modes.
If the optical disc does not slide out when you press the Eject butto n, turn off the
notebook and insert a thin, pointed object (such as a paper clip) into the manual
eject ho le.
Make sure to seat the disc firmly over the hub fi ngers. If you do not seat
the disc firml y , you cou ld damage yo ur opt ical dis c drive and you may no t
be able to open the tray.
Using the Optical Disc Drive
Kingfisher Draft 2
Manual Eject Hole
To play a DVD
To play a DVD, you may use the optical disc drive and the preinstalled
WinDVD® application. For more information, see the Help menu in the
WinDVD application.
✍ Before you use the optical disc drive to play a DVD, quit any open applications.
Your optical disc drive can read most DVD- R media. When you are ready to pl ay
a DVD, read the suggestions below to maximize your video viewing experience.
❑When playing a DVD on bat tery powe r, set the power management pr ofil e to
DVD. You can also set the power management profile to Automatic Profile
Selection if the display is not clear when usi ng other profiles.
✍ Automatic Profile Selection sets the power management profile to DVD whenever a
DVD is inserted. See “Controlling Power Management” for more information.
❑If you connect your notebook to a TV display, you may need to adjust the
display resolution. Read the suggestions below to set the display resolu tion
to the proper dimensions . Also see “Selecting the Display Mode” for more
❑If the notebook is set to the default display setting, part of the video screen
will not appear. To view the entire screen, adjust the display resolution to
640 x 480.
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Some discs recorded at 20 or 24 bit s m ay produce noise while playing. If
you have audio devices connecte d , this may cause damage to your hearing
and the speakers. Reduce the volume before playing a DVD.
You cannot use the Fn + F8 funct ion to swi tch bet wee n LCD and TV on ce a
DVD is inserted into the optical disc drive.
Do not switch between LCD and the external display while t he DVD is
playing. This may cause a malfunction, and you may need to restart the
DVD software.
Do not switch the power saving modes while you are playing the DVD.
Change the settings to disable the screen saver and the virus checker.
Do not use memory-resident u tility softwar e to speed up disc access. This
may cause the notebook to malfunction.
To play an audio CD
To play an audio CD, make sure the audio function is turned on. To do this,
complete the followin g pr ocedure.
1Click Start, and click Control Panel, and Performance and Maintena nce, and
System. The System Propert ies window appears.
2Select the Hardware tab, and click Device Manager. The Device Manager
window appears.
3Double-click DVD/CD-ROM drives to open a list of the optical disc drive
devices installed on your computer.
4Right-click the particul ar optical disc drive device installed on your
computer, and select Properti es from the drop-down list. A properties
window appears.
5Select the Properties tab, and check the “Enable digital CD audio for this
CD-ROM device” box, if it is not already checked.
6Click OK.
Notes on CD and DVD discs
❑Do not drop or bend the disc.
Using the Optical Disc Drive
Kingfisher Draft 2
❑Do not touch the sur fac e of the d isc. Finge rpri nts and dus t on the surfa ce of a
disc may cause read ing errors . Pro per care of the disc is essent ia l to mainta in
its reliability. Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, commercially
availab l e cleaner s or a n ti -s t at ic sp ray, as they may cau se d am a g e to th e d is c .
❑For normal clean ing, hol d t he dis c by it s edge and use a soft c loth t o wipe the
surfa ce from the center o u t.
❑If the disc is badly soiled, moisten a soft cloth with water, wring it out well,
and use it to wipe the surface of the disc from the center out. Wipe off any
remaining m o isture with a dry, soft cloth.
To write data to a CD-RW or CD-R disc
You can use Sony SonicStage and Microsoft® Windows® XP to write data to a
CD-R or CD-RW disc. To create a CD-R disc that is readable in a CD-ROM
drive, make sure tha t you finish the writing proce s s be fore ejecting the disc . For
more information, see the instructions included with Windows® XP.
Do not strike or shake the notebook while writing data to a disc .
Always use the AC adapter as the power source for your notebook if you are
writing data to a CD-RW or CD-R disc. Using battery power may result in
data transfer failure.
To avoid writing errors, remove the compact woofer or do not play music
while writing data to a CD-RW or CD-R disc.
Note s on writin g d ata to a CD-RW or CD-R di sc
❑For optimal writi ng sp eed, deactivate the sc ree n sa ver and exit anti-virus
software before writing data to a disc.
❑For best results, us e CD-Rs that are compatible with 16x s pee d.
❑Your notebook does not support 1x or 2x writing speed.
❑Memory-residen t disc utilities ma y cause unstable operation or data loss.
Deactivate these utilities before writing data to a disc.
❑If your notebook computer has preinstalled Microsoft® Office applications,
such as Excel, Word, and Outlook, turn off the FindF as t application.
* For noteboo k m odels equipped with a CD-RW/DVD Combo D rive.
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Kingfisher Draft 2
Using PC Cards
Do not strike or shake the notebook while writing data to a disc.
Always use the AC adapter a s the power source for your notebook if you are
writing data to a CD-RW or CD-R disc. Using battery power may res ult in
data tr ansfer fa il u re.
Your notebook includes two PC Card slots . PC Cards enable you to connect
portable exte rnal devices such as anothe r hard dis k drive, or a PC Network
Inter face Card ( NIC) to connect to a networ k.
✍ The PC Card slots can accommodate two Type I/II PC Cards, or one Type III PC
Card. These slots are compatibl e w ith CardBus. Use the lower slot for Type III PC
Cards. You do not need to shut dow n your notebook before ins erting or removing a
PC Card.
To insert a PC Card
1Insert the PC Card into the PC Car d s lot. Make sure the front label of the PC
Card is facing up.
Inserting a PC Card
Insertwiththearrow facing toward theslot
2Push the PC Card gentl y into the slot . T he PC Car d is auto mati ca lly dete ct ed
by your system. The Unplug or Eject Hardware icon appears in the
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