Sony Electron ic s Inc. re serves t he ri ght to mak e
any modification to this manual or the
information contained her ein at any time
without noti ce. T he soft ware des cri bed h er ein is
governed by the terms of a sepa rate user li cense
This prod uct contains so ftw a re owned by Sony
and licensed by third partie s . Use of such
software is s ubject to the term s and conditions
of license agreements enclosed with this
product. Some of the software may not be
transported or used outside the United States.
Software specifications ar e s ubject to change
without notice and may not necessarily be
identical to current retail versions.
Updates and additions to software may require
an additional charge. Subs cr iptions to onli ne
service provi der s may require a fee and credit
card information. Financial services may
requ ire pri o r arra ngements with par ticipatin g
financial institutions.
ST AR® Partner, Sony
Corporation has
determined that this
prod uct me e ts the
guidelines for energy
The International
Equipment Prog ram i s an i nter nat ional pro gram
that promotes energy saving through the use of
computers and other office equipment. The
program backs the development and
dissemin a tio n of prod u cts with fun ctio ns th at
effectively reduce energy consumpti on. It is an
open system in which business proprietors can
participate voluntarily. The targeted products
are office equi pment such as comput ers,
displays, pr inters, facsimiles and copiers . Their
standards and logos are uniform among
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
participating nations. ENERG Y STAR is a U.S.
registered mark.
The Wireless LAN
which is
incorporated into
selected models
only, has passed WiFi certific ation and
complies with the
established by
WECA (Wireles s
* Selected models may come with a PC
Sony, DVgate, Handycam, i.LINK, Mavica,
MagicGate™ Memory Stick, Memory Stick,
MovieShaker, VAIO, and the VAIO logo are
trademar ks of Sony Corpo ration. Mic rosoft,
Windows Media, Windows, Windows NT, a nd
the Windows logo are regis tered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. Intel, SpeedStep, and
Pentium are tra demar ks or registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation. PS/2 is a
registered trademark of IBM. Acro bat Reader,
Photosh op, Photoshop Elements, and Premiere
are trademarks of Ad obe Syst ems In corpo rat ed.
PowerPanel is a trademark of Pho enix
Technologi es Lt d.
This product incorporates copyright protection
technology that is protected by method cl aims
of certain U. S. patents and other intellectu al
property rights owne d by Macrovisi on
Corpo r a tion and other ri gh t s ow n e r s . U s e of
this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Cor poration, and is
intended for home and other limited viewing
uses only unles s otherwise authorized by
Macrovision C orporation. Reverse engineering
or disassembly is prohibited. i.LINK is a
trademark of Sony used only to designate that a
product co ntai ns an IEEE 139 4 co nne ctio n. Th e
i.LINK conne c tion may vary, depending on the
software applications, op er ating system, and
compati bl e i.LI NK devi ces. A ll pro duc t s with
an i.LINK conn ection may not communicate
with each other. Please refer to the
documen ta tio n that cam e with your com p at ible
i.LINK device for information on operating
conditions and proper connection. Before
connecting co mpatible i.LINK PC pe r ipherals
to your system, s uch as a CD-RW or hard disk
drive, confirm their operating system
compatibility and required operating
conditions. Al l ot her t rade marks ar e trade mar ks
of their respective owners.
End User / Product
Activation Requirements
Certain softwar e product(s) i ncluded with this
computer may include features s uch as copy
protection an d con te nt ma nage ment techn ology.
Use of the software product(s) requires
agreement to applicable end user agreements
and full compliance with applicable product
activation pr ocedures. P roduct activation
procedures an d pri vac y poli cies w ill be det ail ed
during initial launch of the software product(s),
or upon certain reinstallations of the software
product(s) or reconfiguration of the computer,
and may be completed by Internet or telephone
(toll char ges may apply).
Owner’s Record
The model number and serial number are
located on the bottom of your Sony VAIO
computer. Refer to the model and s e r ial number
when you call your Sony Service C enter.
Model Numb er : PCG-5 7 1L
Serial Number:_______ _________________
Notice to Users
Draft 1
Safety Information
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
expose your computer to rain or moisture.
❑To avoi d electrical shock, do not open the
cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified
perso n ne l on l y.
❑Never install modem or telephone wiring
during a lightning stor m.
❑Never install telephone jacks in wet
locations unless the jack is speci fically
designed for we t loca tio ns.
❑Never touch uninsulated telephone wire
or terminals unless the telephone line has
been disco nnected at the network
❑Use caution when installing or modifying
telephone lin es .
❑Avoid us ing the modem during an
electrical storm.
❑Do not use the modem or a tele phone to
report a gas leak in th e vicinity of the lea k.
❑A socket outlet should be as close as
possible to the unit and easily accessible.
❑i.LINK, PC Card, and USB con nectors are
not supplied with Limited Power Sources.
To change the backup b at tery,
please c onta ct yo ur nea r es t So ny
Service Center.
Caution: The use of optical
instr um e nts w ith t his product
will increase eye hazard. As the
laser beam used in this product
is harmful to the eyes, do not
attempt to disassemble the
cabinet. Refer servicing to
qualified personnel only.
(For CD-RW/DVD Combo
Drive, CD-ROM drive,
DVD-ROM drive) Danger:
Visible and i nvisible laser
radiation when open. A void
direct exposure to beam.
Caution: To redu ce t he ri s k of
fire, use only No. 26 AWG or
larger telecommunication line
Pour prévenir tout risque d’incendie ou
d’électrocution, garder cet app ar e il à
l’abri de la pluie et de l’humidi té.
❑Pour prévenir tout risque d’électrocution,
ne pas ouvrir le châssis de cet appareil et
ne confier son entr etien qu’à une personn e
❑Ne jamais eff e ctue r l’ins tallation d e fil
modem ou téléphone durant un orage
❑Ne jamais eff e ctue r l’ins tallation d ’une
prise télé phonique dans un endroit
mouillé à moins que la prise soit conçue à
cet effet.
❑Ne jamais to uch e r un fil télé pho ni qu e à
découvert ou un terminal à moins que la
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
ligne téléphonique n’ai t été débranche de
l’interface rés eau.
❑Soyez très prudent lorsque vous installez
ou modifiez les lignes téléphoniques.
❑Évitez d’utiliser le modem durant un
orage électr ique.
❑N'utilisez pas le modem ni le téléphone
pour prévenir d'une fuite de gaz quand
vous êtes près de la fuite.
❑L’appareil doit être le plus près possible
d’une prise murale pour en faciliter
❑Des connecteurs i.LINK, PC Card, et
USB ne sont pas fourni s avec des So ur ces
d’Énergi e Limitées.
Pour changer la pil e de
rechange, veuillez contacter
votre centre de service Sony le
plus prè s.
Avertissement: L'utilisation
d'instruments optiques avec ce
produit augmente les risques
pour les y e ux. Puis que le
faisceau laser utilisé dans ce
produit est dommageable pour
les yeux, ne tentez pas de
désassembler le boîtier.
Adressez-vous à un agent de
service qualifié.
(Pour le lecteur Combo de
CD-RW/DVD, le lecteur CDROM, le lecteur DVD-ROM)
Danger: Radiation laser visible
et invisible si ouvert. Évitez
l’exposition directe au faisceau.
Attention : Afin de réduire les
risques d'incendie, n'utilisez
qu'un c ord on de c ommu nica t ion
N0. 26 AWG ou p lus gros.
If you have quest ions about t his product, you
can reach the Sony Cus tomer Information
Service Cen ter at 1-888-4-SONY-PC; or w rite
to the Sony Customer Information Service
Center at 12451 Gateway B lvd., Ft. Myers, FL
33913 or find Sony Customer Service on the
Web at:
Regul ato r y I n fo r mation
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name:Sony
Model No.: PCG-571L
Responsi ble Party: Sony Electr onics
Address:680 Kinderkamack
(For FCC-related
matters only.)
This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC rules. Ope ratio n is subj ect to the
following two conditions:
(1) This devi ce ma y not cause harmful
interference, and
(2) this device mus t accept any interference
received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipmen t has been tested an d fo und to
comply with the lim its for a Clas s B digi tal
device, purs uant to Part 15 of the R ules. These
limi t s are designed t o pr o vide re as onable
protection against harmful interferenc e in a
residen tial installation . Thi s equip me nt
generates, u ses, an d can rad iate radi o frequen cy
energy and, if not installe d and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause
Oradell, NJ 07649
Notice to Users
Draft 1
harmful interference to radio communications.
However , t her e is no gua rant ee tha t inte rfer ence
will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful int erference to
radio or televi s io n r ec e p t ion, whic h can be
determin ed by turning the equipment of f and
on, the user is encou ra ged to try to correc t th e
interference by one or more of the following
❑Reorient or relocate th e receiv ing ant enn a.
❑Increase the separa tion between the
equipment and the receiver.
❑Connect the equipment to an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
❑Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
You are cautioned that any changes or
modif icati ons to the co m puter not exp r e s s ly
approved i n this manual cou ld void your
authority to operate this equipment.
Only peripherals (computer input/output
devices, te rminals, printers , etc.) that comply
with FCC Class B limits may be attached to this
computer product. Operat ion with noncompliant peripherals is likely to result in
interference to radio and television reception.
All cables used to connect per ipherals must be
shielded and grounded. Operation with cables
connected to peripherals that are not shiel ded
and groun ded may resu lt in int erfe renc e to r adio
and televi s ion reception.
FCC Part 68
This equipment complies with Par t 68 of the
FCC rules and the requirements adopt ed by the
ACTA. On the bottom of this equipment is a
label that contains, among other information, a
product identifier in the format
US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. If requested, this
information must be provided to the telephone
This modem uses the USOC RJ11C telephone
A telephone plu g and ja ck use d to conn e ct this
equipment to th e pre mis es wir ing a nd te lep hon e
network must comp ly with th e applic ab le FCC
Part 68 rules and requiremen ts adopted by the
The REN is used to determine the number of
devices whic h ma y be connected to the
telephone l ine. Excessive RE N s on a telephone
line may result in the devices not ringing in
response to an incoming call. In most, but not
all areas, the sum of RENs s hould not exceed
five (5.0). To be certain of t h e nu mber of
devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact the
telephone company. For product s approved
after July 23, 20 01, th e REN fo r this pro d uct is
part of the product identifier that has the format
US: AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits represented
by ## are the REN without a decima l po int
(e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3). For earlier products,
the REN is separately shown on the label.
If this equipme n t cau ses har m to th e tele pho ne
network, the telephone company will notify you
in advance that temporary discontinuance of
service may be required. But if advance notice
is not practical, the telephone company will
notify the customer as soon as possible. Als o,
you will be advis ed of you r right to file a
complaint w ith the FCC if you believe it is
The telephone company may make changes in
its facilitie s , equ ip men t, ope ra tio n s, or
procedure s that c ould affect the op erat ion of the
equipment. If t his happens, the tel e phone
company will provide advance notice in order
for you to make the necessary modifications in
order to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment,
for repair or warranty information, please
Draft 1
VAIO® Computer Quick Start
contact 1-888-4-SONY-PC (1-888-476-6972),
or write to the Sony Customer Information
Service Center, One Sony Drive, Park Ridge,
NJ 07656. If the equipment is causing harm to
the telephone network, the telephone company
may request that you disconnect the equipment
until the problem is resolved.
Repair of this equipment should be made only
by a Sony Service Center or Sony authorized
agent. For the Sony Service Center nearest you,
call 1-888-4-SONY-PC (1-888-476-6972).
Connection to party line service is subject to
state tariffs. Contact the state public utility
commission, public service commission, or
corporation commission for information.
If your home has specially wired alarm
equipment connected to the telephone line,
ensure the installation of this equipment does
not disable your alarm equipment. If you have
questions about what will disable alarm
equipment, consult your telephone company or
a qualified installer.
Use a surge arrestor to protect against electrical
FCC Radio Frequency
Exposure (United States)
The available scientific evidence does not show that any
health problems are associated with using low power
wireless devices. There is no proof, however, that these
low power wireless devices are absolutely safe. Low
power Wireless devices emit low levels of radio
frequency energy (RF) in the microwave range while
being used. Whereas high levels of RF can produce
health effects (by heating tissue), exposure to low level
RF that does not produce heating effects causes no
known adverse health effects. Many studies of low level
RF exposures have not found any biological effects.
Some studies have suggested that some biological
effects might occur, but such findings have not been
confirmed by additional research. The Notebook
Computer (PCG-571L) has been tested and found to
comply with the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) guidelines on radio frequency energy (RF)
exposures. The maximum SAR levels tested for the
Notebook Computer (PCG-571L) has been shown to be
0.0285 W/kg at Body in condition of right side of display
at a middle channel of band.
Users are not permitted to make changes or
modify the system in any way.
IC RSS-210 (Canada)
Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that
may cause undesired operation of the device.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed
service, this device is intended to be operated
indoors and away from windows to provide
maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit
antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to
The term “IC:” before the
certification/registration number only signifies
that the Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the
antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit
RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general
population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from
Health Canada’s website
L’utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée
seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne
doit pas produire de brouillage et (2)
l’utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à
accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique reçu,
même si ce brouillage est susceptible de
compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.
Pour empêcher que cet appareil cause du
brouillage au service faisant l’objet d’une
licence, il doit être utilisé à l’interieur et devrait
être placé loin des fenêtres afin de fournir un
écran de blindage maximal. Si le matériel (ou
son antenne d’émission) est installé a
l’exterieur, il doit faire l’objet d’une licence.
L’expression “IC:” avant le numéro
d’homologation/enregistrement signifie
seulement que les spécifications techniques
d’Industrie Canada ont été respectées.
The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that the
antenna is located or pointed such that it does not emit
RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for the general
population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from
Health Canada’s website**
Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991
(United States)
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of
1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a
computer or other electronic device, including
FAX machines, to send any message unless
such message clearly contains in a margin at the
top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the
first page of the transmission, the date and time
it is sent and an identification of the business or
*[ product name (model name) ],
[ value ], [ position ] will be
**Above Gray lines will be
translated to French.
Notice to Users
Draft 1
other entity, or other individual sending the
message, and th e tele p hon e num b er of the
sending machine or such business, other entity,
or individual. (The telephone number provided
may not be a 900 number or any other number
for which charg es exce ed l ocal or lo ng-d istan ce
transmission charges.)
In order to program this information into your
facsimile machine, see your fax software
Telephone Consumer
Guidelin es (Canad a)
Please refer to your tel ephone directory under
‘Privacy Issues’ and/or ‘Terms of Service.’ For
more detailed information, please contact:
Ter rasses de la Chaudière, Tour centra le
1 promenade du Portage, 5 étage Hull
PQ K1A 0N2.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian I CES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
batteries are
You can help
preserve our
environment by
returning your used
batteries to the
collection and
recycling location
nearest you.
For more information regarding recycling of
recharge able batteries , call toll free 1-800822-8837, or visit
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking
Lithium-Ion batteries.
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
Les accumulat e ur s
aux ions de li thium
sont recyclables.
Vous pouvez
contribuer à
l’environnement en
rapport ant les pile s
usées dans un point
de collecti on et
recyclage le plus
Pour plus d’informations sur le recycl age
des accumulate u rs, té lé pho nez le numé ro
gratuit 1-800-822- 8837 (Etats-Units et
Canada uniquement), ou visi tez
Avertissment: Ne pas utilise r de s
accumulateurs aux ions de lithium qui sont
endommagées ou qui fuient .
Do not handle damaged or
leaking lithium ion batteries.
Danger of explosion if battery is
incorrectly replaced. Repl ace
only with the same or equivalent
type recommended by the
manufa c turer. Discard used
batteries according to the
manufactur er’s instructions.
The battery pack used in this
device may present a fire or
chemical burn haza rd i f
mistreated. Do not disassemble,
heat above 140°F (60°C) or
incinerate. Dispose of used
battery promptly. Keep away
from children.
Ne pas utiliser des ba tte ri es au
lithium ionisé qui sont
endommagées ou qui fuient.
Une batterie non conforme
présente un danger d' explosion.
La remplacer seul ement par une
batterie iden t iq ue ou de type
équivalent re c ommandé pa r le
fabricant. Évacuer les batteries
usées selon les directives du
La manutenti on incorrecte du
module de batterie de cet
appareil présente un risque
d'incendie ou de brûlures
chimiques. Ne pas démont e r,
incinér er ou exposer à une
température de plus de 60°C.
Évacu e r prompteme nt la
batterie usée. Garder hors de
portée des enfants .
Notice to Users
Draft 1
NOTICE: The Industry Canada label ident ifies
certified equipment. This certification means
that the equi pment meets certain
telecommunications net w ork protective,
operational and safety requirement s a s
prescribed in the appropriate Terminal
Equipment Technical Requirements
document(s). The Department does not
guarantee th e equip m ent w ill ope ra te to the
user’s satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should
ensure that it is permissible to be connected to
the facilities of the local telecommunications
company. The equipment must also be instal led
using an acc eptable method of connection.
The customer should be aware that compliance
with the abo ve conditions may not prevent
degradat ion of service in some si tuations.
Repairs to certified equipment should be
coordinated by a representative designated by
the supplier. E quipment malfunctions or an y
repairs or alterations made by the user to this
equipment may give the tele comm unications
company cause to request that the user
disconnect the equipment.
Users should ensure for their own protection
that the electr ical ground connections of the
power utility, telephone lines and internal
metallic water pipe system, if present, are
connected together. This precauti on may be
particularl y imp ort an t in rur al are as.
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such
connections themselve s , but should contact the
appropriate electric i nspection authority, or
electricia n, as appropriate.
NOTICE: Th e Ri n ge r E q uivalency Num b e r
(REN) assigned to each termina l device
provides an indica tion of the maxi mum number
of terminals allowed to be connected to a
telephon e inter fa ce. Th e term in atio n on an
interface may consist of any combination of
devices subj ect only to the requirement that the
sum of the RENs of all t he devices does not
exceed 5. The REN for this equipment i s 0.2.
AVIS: L’étiquette d’Industrie Canada identifie
le matériel homologué.
Cette étiquette certifie que le mat ériel est
conforme aux normes de protection,
d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de
télécommunications, comme le pres crivent les
documents concer nant les exi gences techn iques
relatives au matériel terminal. Le Ministère
n’assure toutefois pas que le matériel
fonctionnera à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur.
Avant d’installer ce maté rie l, l’u til is a teur do it
s’assurer qu’il est permis de le raccorder aux
installations de l’entreprise locale de
télécommunication. Le matériel doit également
être installé en suivan t une méthod e acc eptée d e
raccordement. L’abonné ne doit pas oublier
qu’il est pos s ible que la conf ormité aux
conditions én onc ées ci-d essus n’emp êche pas la
dégradation du service dans ce r taines
Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent
être coordonnées par un représ entant désigné
par le fournisseur. L’entreprise de
télécommuni cations peut demander à
l’utilisateur de débrancher un appareil à la suite
de réparations ou de modifications effectuées
par l’utilisateur ou à cause de mauvai s
Pour sa propr e prot ection, l’utilis ate ur do it
s’assurer que tous les fils de mise à la terre de la
source d’énergie électrique, des lignes
téléphoniques et des canalisations d’eau
métalliques, s’il y en a, sont raccordés
ensemble. Cette précaution est particuli èrement
importante dans les régions rurales.
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
Avertissement: L’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter
de faire ces raccordements lui-même; il doit
avoir recour s à un service d’i ns pection des
installations électriques, ou à un électricien,
selon le cas.
AVIS: L’ indice d’équivalence de la sonnerie
(IES) assigné à chaque disposi tif terminal
indique le nom bre maxim al de term inaux qu i
peuvent ê tre raccordés à une interface.
La terminai son d’une interface téléphoni que
peut consis ter en une combination de quelques
disposi ti fs, à la seule condition que la somme
d’indices d’ équivalenc e de la sonnerie de tous
les dispositifs n’excède pas 5. L ’in dice
d’équivalence de la sonnerie de ce matériel es t
de 0.2.
Diode Properties
Laser Output:XX µW (CD)
XX µ W (DVD)
Wave Length:XX nm (CD)
XX nm (DVD)
The use of optical in s truments
with this product will increase
eye hazard. As the laser beam
used in this product is harmful
to the eyes, do not attempt to
disassemble t he drive cabinet.
Refer servicin g t o qualified
personne l on ly.
Visible and invisible laser
radiation when open. Avoid
direct exposure to beam.
Setting Up
Draft 1
Congratulations o n your p urchase of t he Sony VAIO® c omputer. Sony has
combined leading-edge technology in audio, video, computing, and
communications to provide state-of-the-art personal computing.
❑Unpacking Your Computer
❑Applying Ergonomics
❑Locating Controls and Ports
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
Unpacking Your Computer
Main Unit
AC Adapter
Rechargeabl e BatteryPower Cord
❑VAIO® Computer User Guide — A search ab l e on- s c r een h el p fil e th a t
❑VAIO® Computer Quick Start — Contains information on unpacking and
❑VAIO® Computer Specifications (Windows® XP) — An on-screen file
❑VAIO® Computer Specifications (Windows® 2000) — A printe d sheet
❑Microsoft® Windows® guide — Explains how to use the basic features of
contains detailed information on how to us e your ne w comp uter. See
“Loc ating Your VAIO C omput er User G u id e” on pa ge 33 fo r m o r e
setting up your computer for immediate use.
that deta ils the hardwar e specific ations and lists the installed program s on
your computer. See “Locating Your VAIO Computer User Guide” on
page 33 for more information.
that details your computer's hardware specifications.
the Microsoft® Windows® operating system installed on your computer.
Unpacking Your Computer
Draft 1
Software CDs
❑Depending on the model you purchased, additional program CDs may be
included with your computer.
Recovery CDs
❑Application Recovery CDs — Enables you to re in stall i ndiv idual p rogra ms
and device drivers .
❑System Recovery CDs — Enables you to restore the ope rating system and
programs that shipped with your computer. This CD restores your computer
to its origina l factory settings, so user data and programs inst alled since you
started using your computer will be lost.
VAI O ® Computer Quick Start
Draft 1
Applyi ng Ergonomics
Your co mpu ter is a portabl e device and can be used in a variety of environme nts.
Whenever possible, you should apply the following ergonomic considerations :
❑Position of your computer — Place the computer directl y in fron t of you as
you work. Keep your forearms horizontal, with your wris ts in a neutral,
comfortable position while using the keyboard, touch pad, or external
mouse. Let your upper ar ms hang natu rally at your sides . Take brea ks during
sessions with your computer. Excessive use of the computer may strain
muscles or tendons.
❑Furniture and posture — Sit in a chair with good back support and
armrests. Adjus t the level of the chair so your feet ar e fla t on the floor. A
footrest may make you more comfortable. Sit in a relaxed, upright posture
and avoid slouching forward or leaning far backward.
❑Viewing angle of th e computer’ s display — Tilt the display to find the best
viewing angle. Also try adjusting the br ightness setting of the display.
Following these sug gestions can reduce eye strain and muscle fatigue.
❑Lighting — Choose a locati on where windo ws and lig hts do not create glare
or reflection on the d is play. Use indirect lighting to avoid bright spots on the
display. You ca n purchase accessories for your display that help reduce
glare. Proper lighting adds to your comfort a nd wo rk effectiveness.
❑Placement of an external display — When using an exte rnal display, set
the display at a comfortable viewing distance. Make sure the display screen
is at eye level or slightly lower when you are sitting in front of the monitor.
Locating Controls and Por ts
Draft 1
Locating Controls and Ports
1Comput er s cr e en (L C D )7Spe akers
2Wireless LAN switch8Model number
3PPK buttons???9Scroll lock indicator
4Touch pad10Caps lock in dicator
5Left and right buttons11Num lock indicator
6Keyboard12Hard disk drive indicator
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