Sony PCG571Z Users Manual

Intel Mini PCI Wireless Card Specification Revision 1.0c July 2, 2002
Intel Mini PCI Wireless Card
Lonnie McAlister
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Intel Mini PCI Wireless Card Specification Revision 1.0c July 2, 2002
THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANT IES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARR ANT Y OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.
This document is an intermediate draft for comment only and is subject to change without notice. Readers should not design products based on this document.
Copyright © Intel Corporation (appropriate year). *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
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Intel Mini PCI Wireless Card Specification Revision 1.0c July 2, 2002
Table of Contents
1. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY.................................................................................4
2. REFERENCES..............................................................................................................4
3. PURPOSE....................................................................................................................4
4. B
5. M
6. MINI PCI SYSTEM CONNECTOR PINS .......................................................................5
7. LED INDICATORS AND SWITCH..................................................................................7
8. MECHANICAL ............................................................................................................10
INI PCI V1.0 DEFINED FUNCTION-SPECIFIC CONNECTORS ..................................5
6.1 Sparks/Calexico Mini PCI Pino ut Dev iat ion to Sys tem Conn ec tor Pins :.....................6
6.1.1 LEDs....................................................................................................................6
6.2 Other Deviations on the Mini PCI edge connector ...................................................7
7.1 WLAN LINK Indicator ............................................................................................7
7.2 WLAN Activity Indicator.........................................................................................8
7.3 Radio Transmitter Disable Switch...........................................................................8
7.4 Spectrum Indication Control Signal.........................................................................9
7.5 Bluetooth Coexistence ........................................................................................10
8.1 PCB Card Design................................................................................................10
8.2 Antenna Connection............................................................................................11
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Intel Mini PCI Wireless Card Specification Revision 1.0c July 2, 2002
1. Document Revision History
Revision Date Comments
0.1 Dec 28, 2001 First draft
0.8 Jan. 08, 2002 Released to Engineering
0.85 Feb. 11, 2002
0.90 11 March 11, 2002
0.95 March 14, 2002 Updated Mini PCI edge connector
0.99 March 18, 2002 Draft release. Need Dual LED circuit
1.0 April 12, 2002 Updated LED reference circuit.
1.0b May 20, 2002 Updated edge connector pin-out for
Updated for OEM customizations:
Added antenna mechanical
tolerances for type 3A and type 3B card.
Updated pinout table Updated LED configuration (again)
deviations section. Simplified LED function description.
implementation yet. Updated H/W Kill switch implementation Bluetooth co-existence
Updated manufacturing bevel design requirements
2. References
This addendum is based upon the Mini PCI Specification, Revision 1.0, October 25th, 1999. Additional information can be found in the PCI 2.2 specification.
3. Purpose
This document is intended for PC OEM custom ers designing for a wireles s Mini PCI solution the opportunity to review Int el’s Calexico Mini PCI pin ou t connections, mechanical requirements, and custom interfaces and be able to design their platform(s) to support the Calexico Mini PCI card.
4. Background of this Mini PCI Specification Addendum
The Mini PCI specification is an industry-standard specification whose intent is to provide system/platform designers and card d esigner s with t he abili ty to us e a stan dards -based i nterf ace to design to while stil l prov iding s ome f lexibilit y/options in system and car d designs. The or iginal Min i PCI specification did achieve its goal but at the time only LAN and modem technologies were envisioned for this form-factor. Since the release of the first Mini PCI specification, wireless technology has appear ed in the market and is now appearing on Mini PCI cards, which intr oduces unique challenges to both the s ystem and card m anufacturers. The purpos e of this document is to define the “custom ” pinout configuration used by Calexico to ach ieve the proper perf ormance and unique feature set that Intel is providing with this generation of wireless Mini PCI card.
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