Sony NW-WS413, NW-WS414 Help Guide

Help Guide
Digital Music Player
Use this manual when you have troubles or when you need to know how to use your WALKMAN®.
The color of Walkman sold in some countries/regions may differ from those shown above.
How to Use
Getting Started
Basic Operations
Ambient Sound Mode
List of Topics
How to Use
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation

Table Of Contents

Help Guide NW-WS413/WS414 i......................................................................................................
Getting Started 1...............................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Customer Registration Website 16.........................................................................
Help Guide | Customer registration website 52.....................................................................
Help Guide | Before Use 17.........................................................................................................
Help Guide | Before first use 53.............................................................................................
Help Guide | Walkman instruction manuals 54......................................................................
Help Guide | Enjoying Using Your Walkman 18..........................................................................
Help Guide | 3 steps to listening to music 55.........................................................................
Help Guide | Various ways to enjoy using your Walkman 57................................................
Help Guide | Parts and Controls 19.............................................................................................
Help Guide | Parts and controls 58........................................................................................
Help Guide | About the differences between the two types of earbuds 60............................
Help Guide | Changing the earbuds 61.................................................................................
Help Guide | Power/Charging 20.................................................................................................
Help Guide | Turning the power on 63...................................................................................
Help Guide | Turning the power off 64...................................................................................
Help Guide | Charging the battery 65....................................................................................
Help Guide | Extending the battery life 67.............................................................................
Help Guide | Notes on charging the battery 68......................................................................
Basic Operations 2............................................................................................................................
Help Guide | How to Place Your Walkman on Your Ears 21.......................................................
Help Guide | How to place your Walkman on your ears 69...................................................
Help Guide | Improving the fit 71...........................................................................................
Help Guide | Taking your Walkman off 73.............................................................................
Help Guide | LED Lamp 22..........................................................................................................
Help Guide | Confirming the Walkman status by the OPR lamp 74......................................
Help Guide | Using Your Walkman while Swimming 23..............................................................
Help Guide | Water resistant and dust proofing performance of this
Walkman 76...........................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Liquids that the water resistant performance specifications
apply to 77.............................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Changing the earbuds to Swimming earbuds 78..............................................
Help Guide | How the sound becomes muffled while you are swimming 80.........................
Help Guide | If the sound becomes muffled while swimming 81...........................................
Help Guide | Notes while swimming in a pool or the ocean 83..............................................
Help Guide | Notes on charging the battery after swimming 85............................................
Help Guide | Connecting Your Walkman to Your Computer 24...................................................
Help Guide | Connecting to a computer 86............................................................................
Help Guide | Notes on connecting your Walkman to a computer 88.....................................
Help Guide | Initializing/Updating 25............................................................................................
Help Guide | Restarting your Walkman 89............................................................................
Help Guide | Resetting to the factory settings 90..................................................................
Help Guide | Formatting memory 91......................................................................................
Help Guide | Updating the system software of your Walkman 93.........................................
Help Guide | Displaying your Walkman information 94.........................................................
Help Guide | Using the Contents 26............................................................................................
About the differences between the two types of earbuds 60.................................................
Changing the earbuds 61......................................................................................................
Transferring/Deleting Content 3........................................................................................................
Help Guide | Operation Flow for Transferring Content to Your Walkman 27...............................
Help Guide | Preparing content using a Windows computer 95............................................
Help Guide | Preparing content using a Mac computer 96....................................................
Help Guide | Installing Media Go 28............................................................................................
Help Guide | About Media Go 97...........................................................................................
Help Guide | Installing Media Go 98......................................................................................
Help Guide | Installing Content Transfer 29.................................................................................
Help Guide | About Content Transfer 99...............................................................................
Help Guide | Installing Content Transfer 100.........................................................................
Help Guide | Importing Content to the Software 30.....................................................................
Help Guide | Importing and transferring content from media using Media
Go 101...................................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Importing content on your Windows computer into Media Go 103...................
Help Guide | Transferring Content to Your Walkman 31.............................................................
Help Guide | Transferring content using Media Go 104........................................................
Help Guide | Transferring iTunes content using Media Go 105.............................................
Help Guide | Transferring content using Content Transfer 106.............................................
Help Guide | Transferring content using Explorer 107...........................................................
Help Guide | Transferring content using the Finder 109........................................................
Help Guide | Notes for transferring content such as music from your
computer 111.........................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Deleting Content from Your Walkman 32...............................................................
Help Guide | Deleting content from your Walkman using Media Go 112..............................
Help Guide | Deleting content from your Walkman using Content Transfer 113...................
Help Guide | Deleting content from your Walkman using Explorer 114.................................
Help Guide | Deleting content from your Walkman using the Finder 115..............................
Help Guide | Operating with Media Go 33...................................................................................
Help Guide | Deleting content imported to Media Go 116.....................................................
Music 4..............................................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Playing Music 34.....................................................................................................
Help Guide | Preparing music 117.........................................................................................
Help Guide | Playing music 118.............................................................................................
Help Guide | Volume operation (Only for countries/areas complying with
European and Korean Directives) 120...................................................................................
Help Guide | Adjusting the volume 121.................................................................................
Help Guide | Skipping to the previous/next song 122............................................................
Help Guide | Fast-forwarding/fast-rewinding the current song 123.......................................
Help Guide | Skipping to the previous/next folder/playlist/album 124....................................
Help Guide | Shuffle playback 125........................................................................................
Help Guide | Repeat playback 126........................................................................................
Help Guide | Repeatedly playing the current song 127.........................................................
Help Guide | Changing the playback order to Folder Play/Playlist Play/
Album Play 128......................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Deleting Songs 36..................................................................................................
Help Guide | Deleting songs 129...........................................................................................
Help Guide | Music Settings 37...................................................................................................
Help Guide | Moderating the differences in volume level between songs 130......................
Help Guide | Limiting the volume 131....................................................................................
Ambient Sound Mode 5.....................................................................................................................
Help Guide | What is Ambient Sound Mode? 38.........................................................................
Help Guide | What is Ambient Sound Mode? 132.................................................................
Help Guide | Using the Ambient Sound Mode 39........................................................................
Help Guide | Selecting an Ambient Sound Mode 134...........................................................
Announcement 6...............................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Precautions 40........................................................................................................
Help Guide | Notes on handling your Walkman 135..............................................................
Help Guide | Notes on headphones 137................................................................................
Help Guide | Notes on the software 138................................................................................
Notes while swimming in a pool or the ocean 83...................................................................
Notes on charging the battery after swimming 85.................................................................
Help Guide | Maintenance of your Walkman 139..................................................................
Help Guide | Customer Support Website 41................................................................................
Help Guide | Customer support website 141.........................................................................
Specifications 7.................................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Specifications 42.....................................................................................................
Help Guide | Specifications 142.............................................................................................
Help Guide | Battery life 144..................................................................................................
Help Guide | Maximum recordable number of songs and time (Approx.) 145.......................
Help Guide | Supported formats 146.....................................................................................
Help Guide | System requirements 147.................................................................................
Help Guide | Contents 148....................................................................................................
Troubleshooting 8..............................................................................................................................
Help Guide | What Can I Do to Solve a Problem? 43..................................................................
Help Guide | What can I do to solve a problem? 149............................................................
Customer support website 141..............................................................................................
Q&A 9................................................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Operation 44...........................................................................................................
Help Guide | Your Walkman does not operate or the power does not turn
on. 150...................................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Your Walkman does not work properly. 151.....................................................
Help Guide | Your Walkman power turns off or on automatically. 152..................................
Help Guide | A drink (water, coffee, etc.) was spilled on your Walkman, or
the Walkman was washed in the washing machine. 153......................................................
Help Guide | The earbuds supplied with the headphones are missing. 154..........................
Help Guide | You want to back up the content such as music stored on
your Walkman. 155................................................................................................................
Help Guide | You want to find the product name (model name) of your
Walkman. 156........................................................................................................................
Help Guide | The voice guidance “Check the volume level” is heard. 157...........................
Help Guide | Sound 45................................................................................................................
Help Guide | There is no sound. 158.....................................................................................
Help Guide | Content such as music suddenly stops during playback. 159..........................
Help Guide | Noise is generated. 160....................................................................................
Help Guide | Volume cannot be turned up, or the volume remains low
when the playback volume is turned up. 161.........................................................................
Help Guide | Sound is interrupted or skips. 162....................................................................
Help Guide | Power 46.................................................................................................................
Help Guide | You cannot charge your Walkman. 163............................................................
Help Guide | How long is the life of the built-in rechargeable battery? 164...........................
Help Guide | The rechargeable battery needs to be replaced. 165.......................................
Help Guide | The battery life is short. 166.............................................................................
Help Guide | How long is the standard battery duration? 167...............................................
Help Guide | How long does it take to charge the battery? 168............................................
Help Guide | Connection to a Computer 47.................................................................................
Help Guide | The computer does not recognize your Walkman. 169....................................
Help Guide | You cannot install software to your computer. 170...........................................
Help Guide | The progress bar on the install screen does not proceed
while installing the software. 171...........................................................................................
Help Guide | Your Walkman is not recognized by Media Go. 172.........................................
Help Guide | Content such as music cannot be transferred from the
computer to your Walkman. 173............................................................................................
Help Guide | Playing/Deleting Content 48...................................................................................
Help Guide | You cannot play content such as music transferred to your
Walkman. 174........................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Playback progresses to the next album when repeat
playback is set. 175...............................................................................................................
Help Guide | Songs are only played within a limited range such as within
one album. 176......................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Sound becomes muffled when using your Walkman in
water, such as when swimming. 177.....................................................................................
Help Guide | Water Resistant Performance 49............................................................................
Sound becomes muffled when using your Walkman in water, such as
when swimming. 177.............................................................................................................
Help Guide | You dropped your Walkman in water. 178........................................................
Help Guide | Fitting 50.................................................................................................................
Help Guide | The headphones are not firmly seated on your ears. 179................................
Help Guide | The neckband part does not fit. 180.................................................................
Help Guide | The earbuds do not fit. 181...............................................................................
Help Guide | Other 51..................................................................................................................
Help Guide | Your Walkman gets warm. 182.........................................................................
How to Use 10...................................................................................................................................
Troubleshooting 14............................................................................................................................
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player

Getting Started

Customer Registration Website
Before Use
Enjoying Using Your Walkman
Parts and Controls
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player

Basic Operations

How to Place Your Walkman on Your Ears
LED Lamp
Using Your Walkman while Swimming
Connecting Your Walkman to Your Computer
Using the Contents
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Operation Flow for Transferring Content to Your Walkman
Installing Media Go
Installing Content Transfer
Importing Content to the Software
Transferring Content to Your Walkman
Deleting Content from Your Walkman
Operating with Media Go
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player


Playing Music
Deleting Songs
Music Settings
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player

Ambient Sound Mode

What is Ambient Sound Mode?
Using the Ambient Sound Mode
4-580 -541-11(1)
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player


Customer Support Website
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player


4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide


Digital Music Player
What Can I Do to Solve a Problem?
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
Digital Music Player
Connection to a Computer
Playing/Deleting Content
Water Resistant Performance
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
List of Topics
Digital Music Player

How to Use

Ge tt ing St arte d
Cust om e r Re gist ra tion We bsit e
Customer registration website
Be fore U se
Before first use
Walkman instruction manuals
Enjoying U sing Y our Walk ma n
3 steps to listening to music
Various ways to enjoy using your Walkman
Pa rt s a nd Cont rols
Parts and controls
About the differences between the two types of earbuds
Changing the earbuds
Pow e r/Cha rging
Turning the power on
Turning the power off
Charging the battery
Extending the battery life
Notes on charging the battery
Ba sic Ope ra tions
How to Pla ce Y our Wa lk ma n on Y our Ea rs
How to place your Walkman on your ears
Improving the fit
Taking your Walkman off
LED Lam p
Confirming the Walkman status by the OPR lamp
Using Your Walk man w hile Sw imm ing
Water resistant and dust proofing performance of this Walkman
Liquids that the water resistant performance specifications apply to
Changing the earbuds to Swimming earbuds
How the sound becomes muffled while you are swimming
If the sound becomes muffled while swimming
Notes while swimming in a pool or the ocean
Notes on charging the battery after swimming
Conne c ting Y our Wa lk ma n to Y our Com put er
Connecting to a computer
Notes on connecting your Walkman to a computer
Init ia lizing/U pda t ing
Restarting your Walkman
Resetting to the factory settings
Formatting memory
Updating the system software of your Walkman
Displaying your Walkman information
Using the Cont ent s
About the differences between the two types of earbuds
Changing the earbuds
Tra nsfe rring/De le ting Cont ent
Ope ra tion Flow for T ra nsferring Cont e nt t o Your Wa lk ma n
Preparing content using a Windows computer
Preparing content using a Mac computer
Inst a lling Me dia Go
About Media Go
Installing Media Go
Inst a lling Cont ent T ra nsfer
About Content Transfer
Installing Content Transfer
Im porting Cont ent to t he Softw a re
Importing and transferring content from media using Media Go
Importing content on your Windows computer into Media Go
Tra nsfe rring Conte nt t o Y our Walk man
Transferring content using Media Go
Transferring iTunes content using Media Go
Transferring content using Content Transfer
Transferring content using Explorer
Transferring content using the Finder
Notes for transferring content such as music from your computer
De le ting Cont e nt from Y our Wa lk ma n
Deleting content from your Walkman using Media Go
Deleting content from your Walkman using Content Transfer
Deleting content from your Walkman using Explorer
Deleting content from your Walkman using the Finder
Ope ra ting w ith M e dia Go
Deleting content imported to Media Go
Pla ying M usic
Preparing music
Playing music
Volume operation (Only for countries/areas complying with European and Korean Directives)
Adjusting the volume
Skipping to the previous/next song
Fast-forwarding/fast-rewinding the current song
Skipping to the previous/next folder/playlist/album
Shuffle playback
Repeat playback
Repeatedly playing the current song
Changing the playback order to Folder Play/Playlist Play/Album Play
De le ting Songs
Deleting songs
Music Se tt ings
Moderating the differences in volume level between songs
Limiting the volume
Am bie nt Sound M ode
Wha t is Am bie nt Sound M ode ?
What is Ambient Sound Mode?
Using the Am bie nt Sound M ode
Selecting an Ambient Sound Mode
Announc eme nt
Pre ca ut ions
Notes on handling your Walkman
Notes on headphones
Notes on the software
Notes while swimming in a pool or the ocean
Notes on charging the battery after swimming
Maintenance of your Walkman
Cust om e r Support We bsit e
Customer support website
Spe cific a tions
Spe cific at ions
Battery life
Maximum recordable number of songs and time (Approx.)
Supported formats
System requirements
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
The progress bar on the install screen does not proceed while installing the software.
Help Guide
List of Topics
Digital Music Player


Troubleshoot ing
Wha t Can I Do t o Solve a Problem ?
What can I do to solve a problem?
Customer support website
Q& A
Ope ra tion
Your Walkman does not operate or the power does not turn on.
Your Walkman does not work properly.
Your Walkman power turns off or on automatically.
A drink (water, coffee, etc.) was spilled on your Walkman, or the Walkman was washed in the washing machine.
The earbuds supplied with the headphones are missing.
You want to back up the content such as music stored on your Walkman.
You want to find the product name (model name) of your Walkman.
The voice guidance “Check the volume level” is heard.
There is no sound.
Content such as music suddenly stops during playback.
Noise is generated.
Volume cannot be turned up, or the volume remains low when the playback volume is turned up.
Sound is interrupted or skips.
Pow e r
You cannot charge your Walkman.
How long is the life of the built-in rechargeable battery?
The rechargeable battery needs to be replaced.
The battery life is short.
How long is the standard battery duration?
How long does it take to charge the battery?
Conne c tion t o a Com put er
The computer does not recognize your Walkman.
You cannot install software to your computer.
Your Walkman is not recognized by Media Go.
Content such as music cannot be transferred from the computer to your Walkman.
Pla ying/De le ting Conte nt
You cannot play content such as music transferred to your Walkman.
Content such as music suddenly stops during playback.
Playback progresses to the next album when repeat playback is set.
Songs are only played within a limited range such as within one album.
Wa te r Re sist a nt Pe rforma nc e
Sound becomes muffled when using your Walkman in water, such as when swimming.
You dropped your Walkman in water.
Fit ting
The headphones are not firmly seated on your ears.
The neckband part does not fit.
The earbuds do not fit.
Ot he r
Your Walkman gets warm.
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Customer Registration Website
Customer registration website
View information on websites where you can register your Walkman.
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Before Use
Before first use
Be sure to read this manual before you use your Walkman for the first time.
Walkman instruction manuals
There are a wide variety of instruction manuals available in addition to this Help Guide.
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Enjoying Using Your Walkman
3 steps to listening to music
This section explains how you can start enjoying using your Walkman after purchase in three simple steps.
Various ways to enjoy using your Walkman
Your Walkman can do more than simply play back music. Get to know more about various ways you can enjoy using the Walkman.
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Parts and Controls
Parts and controls
This section introduces the functions of buttons, jacks, and other parts of your Walkman.
About the differences between the two types of earbuds
This section explains the characteristics of the two different types of earbuds.
Changing the earbuds
You can change the earbuds if the initially installed earbuds do not fit your ears correctly.
4-580 -541-11(1)
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Turning the power on
Turn on the power to start your Walkman.
Turning the power off
Turn off the power when not using your Walkman.
Charging the battery
Charge your Walkman by connecting it to a computer.
Extending the battery life
This section introduces various ways to reduce battery consumption such as frequently turning the power off and changing various settings.
Notes on charging the battery
This section contains various notes about charging your Walkman.
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
How to Place Your Walkman on Your Ears
How to place your Walkman on your ears
Place your Walkman on your ears and adjust it to fit you.
Improving the fit
This section explains how to fit your Walkman better on your ears.
Taking your Walkman off
Instructions and notes for when you take your Walkman off your ears are explained.
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Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
LED Lamp
Confirming the Walkman status by the OPR lamp
The OPR lamp indicates the condition of the battery or settings by changing color and blinking patterns.
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Digital Music Player
Using Your Walkman while Swimming
Water resistant and dust proofing performance of this Walkman
This section explains the water resistant and dust proofing performance of your Walkman.
Liquids that the water resistant performance specifications apply to
This section explains the types of liquid that the water resistant specifications of your Walkman apply to.
Changing the earbuds to Swimming earbuds
You can change the earbuds if the initially installed earbuds do not fit your ears correctly while swimming.
How the sound becomes muffled while you are swimming
This section explains the cases where the sound becomes muffled while swimming and how to prevent those from happening.
If the sound becomes muffled while swimming
This section explains how to remove water from your ears and headphone sections.
Notes while swimming in a pool or the ocean
This section contains notes for using your Walkman while swimming.
Notes on charging the battery after swimming
Important notes for charging the battery after swimming are explained.
4-580 -541-11(1)
Copyright 2016 Sony Corporation
+ 159 hidden pages