S2 Sports™ Network Walkman™ Digital Music Player
Step-up Feature
New Feature
S2 Sports™ Network Walkman Digital Music Player
256MB1Built-In Memory
Water Resistant2Design
1 "AAA" Battery Provides up to 70 Hours3Continuous Playback (ATRAC3® Playback)
Plays Back In MP34/ATRAC3®/ATRAC3Plus™ Audio Format, Supports WMA and
WAV Audio Formats
Backlit LCD Display with 4 Modes
Armband Style Carry Case Supplied
h.ear Clip-On Style Headphones Supplied
Skip-Proof Design- No Moving Parts
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store
Music Management Software Supplied
Transfer Personal Downloaded Music and CD Recordings
Connects to USB Port for High-Speed Data Transfer
Group/Folder Function
Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at www.sony.com/dn
S2 Sports™ Network Walkman™ Digital Music Player
S2 Sports™ Network Walkman Digital Music Player represents the latest
generation of Sony Sports Walkman players, created to be durable, stylish,and
ready for go-anywhere outdoor fun.
256MB1Built-In Memory Embedded memory provides 170 songs6on the
Water Resistant2Design. The high-impact plastic housing is designed for
outdoor activity, with waterproof seals that help keep out water, moisture, and
1 AAA Battery Provides up to 70 Hours3Continuous Playback Up to 70
hours of continuous playback on 1 "AAA" battery3.
Backlit LCD Display with 4 Modes Depending on the mode chosen, display
will feature track number, bit rate, elapsed time, song title, artist name, spectrum
analyzer, play mode and bass/AVLS/battery life indicator.
Plays Back In MP34/ATRAC3®/ATRAC3Plus™ Audio Format, Supports
WMA and WAV5For customers who already have extensive music libraries, use
the included software and hardware to store and play back their collection of
MP3s. For the customer who is just getting into digital music and downloading,
Sony's ATRAC® format provides higher sound quality with smaller sizes than
many competing formats. This enables the user to store more music and have
longer listening times.
Armband Style Carry Case Supplied Provides comfort and functionality for
your Sports Network Walkman Player and helps you to hold unit more securely
during activity.
h.ear Clip-On Style Headphones Supplied gives you a whole new look in
headphone design, with individual left and right behind-the-earheadphones that
provide maximum comfort for your listening experience.
Skip-Proof Design with No Moving Parts for uninterrupted playback even
while carrying the Network Walkman player during active uses.
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store Offers one of the most
extensive music collections online. Unique features such as Moodmix, Connect
Sets and live radio, make this a choice destination for customers looking to
expand their music collection. It's easy to discover, find and purchase single
tracks or entire albums. Choose from top hits and tracks from independent
Music Management Software Supplied Import, manage and easily transfer
your digital music collections with the supplied music management software.
Transfer Personal Downloaded Music and Recordings between your CDs
and your PC, creating your own music mixes for on-the-go enjoyment.
Connects to USB Port for High-Speed Data Transfer After music mixes
have been created in the jukebox, they are easily transferred at high speed to the
Group/Folder Function Allows for easy navigation between multiple file folders
transferred from playlist.
UPC Code: 0272426608300
1. Use r ava ilabl e mem ory = 26 8,435 ,456 byt es, a po rtion of wh ich i s use d for da ta ma nagem ent f uncti ons
and ap proxi matel y 1MB is de dicat ed to MP 3 Fil e Man ager.
2. Not me ant t o be imm ersed or co me in co ntinu ous c ontac t wit h wat er
3. Up to 70 Hou rs of co ntinu ous p layba ck wi th on e AAA Ba ttery . Act ual b atter y lif e may va ry ba sed o n usa ge
pat terns .
4. Wit h sup plied MP 3 Fil e Man ager sof tware .
5. Sup ports un secur ed fi les w ith c onver sion to ATR AC3 f ormat .
6. Cal culat ed ba sed o n 4 m inute s per so ng @ 48k bps.
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc .
Rep roduc tion in who le or in pa rt wi thout wr itten pe rmiss ion i s pro hibit ed. A ll ri ghts res erved . Son y, AT RAC,
ATR AC3, ATR AC3pl us, C onnec t, Ne twork Wa lkman , S2 Spo rts a nd it s log o, So nicSt age a nd Wa lkman ar e
tra demar ks of So ny.
Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e
app roxim ate.
Input(s): USB
Output(s): Headphone (Stereo Mini Jack)
Battery Life (Approx.): Up to 70 Hours3of continuous playback with one AAA Battery
Power Requirements: AAA Alkaline Battery (not Included)
Weight: 2 oz (40g)
Dimensions (WHD): 3 9/10" x 1 9/10" x 39/50" (78.5 x 48.2 x 20mm)
Color: S2 Sports White
Supplied Accessories: SonicStage® Software
h.ear Headphones
USB Cable
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-04-15