Sony MZ-N1 Software, MZ-N10, MZ-N505, MZ-N707, MZ-S1 Quick Reference Manual

Sony Electronics Inc. One Sony Drive Park Ridge, NJ 07656
©2003 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Sony, Net MD, Walkman, Musiclub, Music Marker, and SonicStage are trademarks of Sony. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Walkman is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent headphone stereo products. is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. RealOne is a trademark of Real Networks Inc. MoodLogic™is a trademark of MoodLogic, Inc.
Net MD™Walkman®Recorder
Part # 3-254-917-01
This reference guide contains brief
descriptions of the software applications
compatible with your Net MD Walkman
recorder. For more detailed operational
steps, please consult the respective
owner’s manuals or visit
Register Your Net MD Walkman Recorder Now!
Registered Net MD Walkman product customers will receive:
1 Communication of software upgrades and updates 2 Customized product support via Sony’s Musiclub web site 3 Access to valuable interactive applications exclusive for Net MD recorder
users (ex: Moodlogic, Music Marker)
4 Free ID3 tag cleaning of your MP3 files
Please visit to register your Net MD recorder online.
Registration Tip: The serial number is located inside the MiniDisc compartment lid
For Net MD product technical support, including software updates:
• Visit at
• Contact Sony Network Portable Audio Support at (866) 456-7669.
Net MD Simple Burner is a CD dubbing
application that enables you to quickly
copy your CD tracks directly to your Net
MD Walkman recorder via your PC’s CD-
ROM drive. The application does not
record music to your hard drive, saving you
valuable time and disk space. Features such as CDDB2 CD titling access, on-screen editing
capability, and high-speed USB connectivity make Simple Burner an easy-to-use solution for
transferring CD tracks to your Net MD Walkman recorder.
The Simple Burner application is
contained on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Refer to the enclosed Net MD Simple Burner “How to Install” guide for installation steps.
Refer to the enclosed Net MD Simple Burner “Operating Instructions” guide for operation steps.
A FREE plug-in is available to enable your Net MD
Walkman recorder to be compatible with RealOne
Player. RealOne Player is a popular, easy-to-use
application that supports most audio formats
including MP3, WMA, WAV, and CD Digital Audio.
Utilize RealOne Player to find, play, organize, and
transfer audio content stored on your hard drive.
RealOne Player also offers access to thousands of radio stations,
advanced CD burning, visualizations, and more.
SonicStage must be installed prior to the RealOne Player plug-in for Net MD Walkman recorders.
For more information, or to download the FREE RealOne Player plug-in for Net
MD Walkman recorders, visit
SonicStage is a music management application
that enables you to rip CDs to your hard drive,
import MP3s, and transfer your custom mixes to
your Net MD Walkman recorder. You can use
SonicStage to create playlists, manage and sort
your digital music files stored on your hard drive,
and listen to music from your PC. Utilize the sup-
plied USB cable and transfer your music mixes to
your Net MD recorder at high speed!
The SonicStage application is contained on the enclosed CD-ROM.
Refer to the enclosed Portable Minidisc Recorder “Operating Instructions” for
more details on operational steps.
EXCLUSIVE BONUS for Net MD recorder customers only! Moodlogic software enables you to:
1 Properly re-title all of your music files automatically
– no typing required!
2 Make music mixes by Mood, Tempo, Release
Year, and more – transfer them to your Net MD
Walkman recorder!
3 Interact with your music via Sony’s
Music Marker™feature – built right into your
Net MD Walkman recorder!
To download Moodlogic software, or for additional usage details,
please visit www
Sonicstage™music management software
Net MD
Simple Burner