Creating an Alias Component key by combining existing function keys
You can create an Alias Component key, by combining existing function keys.
An Alias Component key allow s you to create a multi-component key that can operate multiple AV components in one Component display. For example, to
control a DVD, create an Alias key to operate your DVD, RCVR (Receiver), and TV (all of w hich are needed to w atch a DVD). You can then operate these
three components in one display w ithout sw itching to each component display.
NAVITUS Design provides an Alias Component key (multi-component key) w ith combination of AV components you often use, by default.
Click the EDIT sw itch in the cente r of the dis play to sw itch to the EDIT mode.
Click the page on which you w ant to create a Com ponent k ey from the Page tre e vie w on the left.
The selected page appears on the editor in the center of the display.
You can create a Component key on a new page. To create a new page, click "Edit," then "Add Blank Page."
Click the "Add" tab in the upper right of the display.
The Component key icon appears in the upper right of the display.
Drag and drop the Com ponent ke y icon w here nothing is as signed.
The "Add component" w izard appears.
You cannot drag and drop a Component key icon w here a Component key is already assigned.
Click "Alias com ponent," then "Ne xt."
The "Create alias component" display appears.
The "Original component" (source component) page is displayed on the left side of the "Create alias component" display, and the "Alias component"
(reference component) page is on the right side.
Click of "Page" of "Original component" to sele ct the page that include s the function ke y of the original compone nt.
The function keys of the selected page appear on the left side of the display.
Select the function key of the original component, then drag and drop it on the page of "Alias com ponent."
The selected function key appears on the "Alias component" page.
If you click "Add new page," you can add a new page in "Alias component." Click of "Page" to select the new page from the drop-dow n list.
If you select an image file for the w allpaper from the drop-dow n list by clicking of "Wallpaper," you can change the w allpaper of "Alias
component." The new w allpaper is applied to all pages of "Alias component."
From the drop-dow n list of "Wallpaper," you can also select the w allpaper for the multi-component (w allpaper divided into tw o or more.) How ever,
the selection of the divided w allpaper does not affect the assignment of the function keys.
If you select the function key on the "Alias component" page and click "Key clear," you can delete the function key.
To add a function key from another AV component, return to step 6.
You cannot select a Zapping view er or LIST key as a reference.
Click "Next."
The "Label input" display appears, w hich allow s you to set the label of the Component key.
Enter the characters to be displayed as the label. You can enter up to 32 letters and can start a new line.
Furthermore, you can enter symbols such as (record) or (stop) in the "Symbol select" dialog box. The "Symbol select" dialog box can be
displayed by clicking "Symbol." (One symbol is counted as four standard letters.)
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one letter.
You cannot set the same label as an existing Component key.
You can copy and paste text in the text box of "Label" by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or by using the shortcut keys.
Font size
Select the font size from the drop-dow n list by clicking .
You can select "Small," "Medium," or "Large." The default setting is "Large."
Text color
The text color is displayed in the text color box. You can select another color for the label by clicking "Change color" to display the "Color select"
dialog box.
Text align
Select the alignment of text in the Component key from the drop-dow n list by clicking .
You can select either "Center" or "Top - Left." The default setting is "Center."
Pres s gap
Select the Component key gap (the direction/distance the label moves to w hen the Component key is pressed) from the drop-dow n list by clicking
. The gap value ranges from -5 to 5. If the value is below zero, the label moves to the upper left w hen the Component key is pressed. If the value
is above zero, the label moves to the low er right w hen the Component key is pressed. The default setting is 2.
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