Move.Me User's Guide
© 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
SCE Confidential

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Samples and libraries ................................................................... .................................................... 3
Reference Materials .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 Using the Move.Me Server .......................................................................................... ................... 5
System Configuration ...................................................................................... ................................. 5
Startup .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Display Elements ............... ......... ..... .... .......... .... ..... .... ......... ..... ..... ......... .... ..... ......... .... .................... 7
User input ............................................................... .......................................................................... 7
©SCEI Move.Me User's Guide
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The Move.Me server is a software application for the PlayStation®3 that opens an easier path to
developing applications on the PlayStation®Move platform.
The PlayStation®Move is a combination of the PlayStation®3 system, the PlayStation®Eye camera, and
the PlayStation®Move motion controller. The sphere at the end of the motion controller allows the camera
to pinpoint your movement and position within the room.
Figure 1 PlayStation®Move Motion Controller
Move.Me hooks up your PC to the PlayStation®Move platform: with the Move.Me server you can use the
PlayStation®Move motion controller as an input device to supply sensor data to your PC application.
The Move.Me server resides on a PlayStation®3, but Move.Me allows you to use the rich controls and
processing power of the platform without the need for access to the PlayStation®3 SDK, an NDA, or
Game developer license.
Move.Me provides a streamlined development system to support academic, student, and research use,
lending itself particularly to in-house and prototype applications. We are excited about the possibilities
for the PlayStation®Move platform to enrich projects as diverse as:
Human-computer interaction
Motor skills rehabilitation
Research into game and user-interface design
Research into augmented reality
Interactive multimedia
Non-commercial game development
Other non-game applications
Samples and libraries
Move.Me sample programs are available in C# and C from:
C# Samples
The C# samples include a PSMoveSharp library that handles the network communication and can be
reused by other C# applications. The C# samples also include an Augmented Reality demo, a diagnostic
application, and a mouse driver allowing you to move the cursor by pointing the PlayStation®Move
motion controller at the screen as a laser pointer.
C Samples
The C samples include a library that handles network communication and can be reused by other C
applications. These samples work both under Windows and Linux.
©SCEI Move.Me User' s Gui de