Sony MDR-XB950BT User Manual

Help Guide
Wireless Stereo Headset
Use this manual if you encounter any problems, or have any questions.
How to Use
Getting started
Making connections
Listening to music
Making phone calls
Important information
List of Topics
How to Use

Table Of Contents

MDR-XB950BT Help Guide i.............................................................................................................
Getting started 1................................................................................................................................
Before first use 10.......................................................................................................................
Read this first 38....................................................................................................................
Features 11.................................................................................................................................
What you can do with the headset 39....................................................................................
Parts and controls 12...................................................................................................................
Location and function of parts 40...........................................................................................
BLUETOOTH function indicator 42........................................................................................
Supplied accessories 13..............................................................................................................
List of the included items 43..................................................................................................
Charging the headset 14.............................................................................................................
System requirements for battery charge using USB 44.........................................................
Charging the headset 45.......................................................................................................
Available operating time 47...................................................................................................
Checking the remaining battery charge 48............................................................................
Making connections 2........................................................................................................................
BLUETOOTH connection 15.......................................................................................................
What you can do with the BLUETOOTH function 50.............................................................
How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices 51.......................................
One-touch connection (NFC) compatible Android devices 16.....................................................
One-touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 4.1 or later) 52...........................
One-touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 2.3.3 or later,
and less than Android 4.1) 54................................................................................................
Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch (NFC) 56.........................................................
Switching the device by one touch (NFC) 57.........................................................................
Android devices not compatible with one-touch connection (NFC) 17........................................
Pairing and connecting with an Android smartphone 58.......................................................
Connecting to a paired Android smartphone 61....................................................................
iPhone (iOS devices) 18..............................................................................................................
Pairing and connecting with an iPhone 63.............................................................................
Connecting to a paired iPhone 66.........................................................................................
Other BLUETOOTH devices 19..................................................................................................
Pairing and connecting with other BLUETOOTH devices 68................................................
Connecting to a paired BLUETOOTH device 70...................................................................
Multi point connection 20.............................................................................................................
Connecting the headset to both a music player and a smartphone or
mobile phone 72....................................................................................................................
Connecting the headset to 2 Android smartphones 73..........................................................
Connecting the headset to an Android smartphone and an iPhone 75.................................
Headphone cable connection 21.................................................................................................
Using the supplied headphone cable 77................................................................................
Listening to music 3...........................................................................................................................
Listening to music via a BLUETOOTH connection 22.................................................................
Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH 78........................................
Controlling the audio device (BLUETOOTH connection) 80..................................................
Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use) 81........................................................
Electro Bass Booster function 23................................................................................................
Electro Bass Booster function 82...........................................................................................
Using the Electro Bass Booster function 83..........................................................................
Sound quality mode 24................................................................................................................
Switching the sound quality mode 84....................................................................................
Checking the sound quality mode 86.....................................................................................
Making phone calls 25.......................................................................................................................
Receiving a call 87......................................................................................................................
Making a call 89...........................................................................................................................
Button functions for a phone call 91............................................................................................
Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use) 81..............................................................
Important information 5......................................................................................................................
Precautions 26.............................................................................................................................
Precautions 92.......................................................................................................................
What is BLUETOOTH wireless technology? 93....................................................................
Trademarks 27............................................................................................................................
Trademarks 95.......................................................................................................................
Support website 28......................................................................................................................
Customer support websites 96..............................................................................................
Troubleshooting 6..............................................................................................................................
Troubleshooting 29......................................................................................................................
What can I do to solve a problem? 97...................................................................................
Power 30.....................................................................................................................................
The headset is not turned on. 99...........................................................................................
Charging 31.................................................................................................................................
Charging cannot be done. 100..............................................................................................
Charging time is too long. 101...............................................................................................
The headset cannot be recognized by a computer. 102........................................................
The remaining battery charge of the headset is not displayed on the
screen of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. 103......................................................................
Sound 32.....................................................................................................................................
No sound 104........................................................................................................................
Low sound level 105..............................................................................................................
Low sound quality 106...........................................................................................................
Sound skips frequently during playback. 107........................................................................
Pairing 33....................................................................................................................................
Pairing cannot be done. 108..................................................................................................
One-touch connection (NFC) 34..................................................................................................
Unable to connect the headset to a BLUETOOTH device with one-touch
connection (NFC) 109............................................................................................................
BLUETOOTH connection 35.......................................................................................................
Unable to make a BLUETOOTH connection 110..................................................................
Distorted sound 111...............................................................................................................
The correspondence distance is short. (Sound skips.) 112...................................................
The headset does not operate properly. 113.........................................................................
Phone calls 36.............................................................................................................................
No voice from callers 114......................................................................................................
Low voice from callers 115....................................................................................................
Resetting or initializing the headset 37........................................................................................
Resetting the headset 116.....................................................................................................
Initializing the headset 117....................................................................................................
How to Use 7.....................................................................................................................................
Troubleshooting 9..............................................................................................................................
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Getting started

Before first use
Parts and controls
Supplied accessories
Charging the headset
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Making connections

BLUETOOTH connection
One-touch connection (NFC) compatible Android devices
Android devices not compatible with one-touch connection (NFC)
iPhone (iOS devices)
Other BLUETOOTH devices
Multi point connection
Headphone cable connection
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Listening to music

Listening to music via a BLUETOOTH connection
Electro Bass Booster function
Sound quality mode
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset
Making phone calls
Making phone calls
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Important information

Support website
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide


Wireless Stereo Headset
One-touch connection (NFC)
BLUETOOTH connection
Phone calls
Resetting or initializing the headset
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
List of Topics
Wireless Stereo Headset

How to Use

Getting started
Before first use
Read this first
What you can do with the headset
Parts and controls
Location and function of parts BLUETOOTH function indicator
Supplied accessories
List of the included items
Charging the headset
System requirements for battery charge using USB Charging the headset Available operating time Checking the remaining battery charge
Making connections
BLUETOOTH connection
What you can do with the BLUETOOTH function How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices
One- touch connection (NFC) compatible Android devices
One- touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 4.1 or later) One- touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 2.3.3 or later, and less than Android 4.1) Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch (NFC) Switching the device by one touch (NFC)
Android devices not compatible with one - touch connection (NFC)
Pairing and connecting with an Android smartphone Connecting to a paired Android smartphone
iPhone (iOS devices)
Pairing and connecting with an iPhone Connecting to a paired iPhone
Other BLUETOOTH devices
Pairing and connecting with other BLUETOOTH devices
Connecting to a paired BLUETOOTH device
Multi point connection
Connecting the headset to both a music player and a smartphone or mobile phone Connecting the headset to 2 Android smartphones Connecting the headset to an Android smartphone and an iPhone
Headphone cable connection
Using the supplied headphone cable
Listening to music
Listening to music via a BLUETOOTH connection
Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH Controlling the audio device (BLUETOOTH connection) Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use)
Electro Bass Booster function
Electro Bass Booster function Using the Electro Bass Booster function
Sound quality mode
Switching the sound quality mode Checking the sound quality mode
Making phone calls
Making phone calls
Receiving a call Making a call Button functions for a phone call Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use)
Important information
Precautions What is BLUETOOTH wireless technology?
Support website
Customer support websites
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
List of Topics
Wireless Stereo Headset
What can I do to solve a problem?
The headset is not turned on.
Charging cannot be done. Charging time is too long. The headset cannot be recognized by a computer. The remaining battery charge of the headset is not displayed on the screen of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
No sound Low sound level Low sound quality Sound skips frequently during playback.
Pairing cannot be done.
One- touch connection (NFC)
Unable to connect the headset to a BLUETOOTH device with one- touch connection (NFC)
BLUETOOTH connection
Unable to make a BLUETOOTH connection Distorted sound The correspondence distance is short. (Sound skips.) The headset does not operate properly.
Phone calls
No voice from callers Low voice from callers
Resetting or initializing the headset
Resetting the headset Initializing the headset
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Before first use

Read this first
View the type of manuals supplied and support information.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset


What you can do with the headset
Check out the main features.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Parts and controls

Location and function of parts
View the names of buttons, connections and indicators on the headset.
BLUETOOTH function indicator
You can check the BLUETOOTH connection status of the headset by the indicators.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Supplied accessories

List of the included items
Check that all items are packed with the headset before use.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Charging the headset

System requirements for battery charge using USB
Confirm the computer system required to charge the headset via USB connection.
Charging the headset
You can charge the headset using the micro - USB cable supplied.
Available operating time
See the operating time available with a fully charged battery.
Checking the remaining battery charge
You can check the remaining battery charge of the rechargeable battery.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

BLUETOOTH connection

What you can do with the BLUETOOTH function
Check out the headset operations available with the BLUETOOTH connection.
How to make a wireless connections to BLUETOOTH devices
Learn about how to make a BLUETOOTH connection.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

One-touch connection (NFC) compatible Android devices

One-touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 4.1 or later)
By touching the headset with an NFC -compatible smartphone running the Android OS mentioned above, the headset turns on automatically and then pairs and makes a BLUETOOTH connection.
One-touch connection (NFC) with a smartphone (Android 2.3.3 or later, and less than Android 4.1)
By touching the headset with an NFC -compatible smartphone running the Android OS mentioned above, the headset turns on automatically and then pairs and makes a BLUETOOTH connection.
Disconnecting the smartphone by one touch (NFC)
You can disconnect the headset from the connected smartphone by touching the headset with it.
Switching the device by one touch (NFC)
You can switch devices by touching a new device once on the headset (One-touch connection switching).
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Android devices not compatible with one-touch connection (NFC)

Pairing and connecting with an Android smartphone
You can register (pair) an Android smartphone and the headset with each other, and make a BLUETOOTH connection.
Connecting to a paired Android smartphone
You can connect the headset with an Android smartphone that is already paired with the headset.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

iPhone (iOS devices)

Pairing and connecting with an iPhone
You can register (pair) an iPhone and the headset with each other, and make a BLUETOOTH connection.
Connecting to a paired iPhone
You can connect the headset with an iPhone that is already paired with the headset.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Other BLUETOOTH devices

Pairing and connecting with other BLUETOOTH devices
You can register (pair) a BLUETOOTH device and the headset with each other, and make a BLUETOOTH connection.
Connecting to a paired BLUETOOTH device
You can connect the headset with a BLUETOOTH device that is already paired with the headset.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Multi point connection

Connecting the headset to both a music player and a smartphone or mobile phone
You can make a call on a BLUETOOTH smartphone or mobile phone while listening to music from a BLUETOOTH music player.
Connecting the headset to 2 Android smartphones
You can connect 2 smartphones to the headset, one for listening to music and the other for making phone calls.
Connecting the headset to an Android smartphone and an iPhone
You can connect an Android smartphone and an iPhone to the headset simultaneously to use different functions on those devices.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Headphone cable connection

Using the supplied headphone cable
You can use the headset as ordinary wired headphones by connecting the supplied headphone cable.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Listening to music via a BLUETOOTH connection

Listening to music from a device connected via BLUETOOTH
You can enjoy listening to music from a BLUETOOTH device wirelessly via a BLUETOOTH connection.
Controlling the audio device (BLUETOOTH connection)
You can control music playback via a BLUETOOTH connection.
Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use)
After use, disconnect the headset from the BLUETOOTH device.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Electro Bass Booster function

Electro Bass Booster function
Adjust the bass with the Electro Bass Booster function.
Using the Electro Bass Booster function
You can turn on or off the Electro Bass Booster function.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Sound quality mode

Switching the sound quality mode
You can select the sound quality mode when you turn on the headset.
Checking the sound quality mode
You can check the current sound quality mode for music playback.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset

Making phone calls

Receiving a call
You can receive an incoming call to a smartphone or mobile phone using the headset by the hands- free function.
Making a call
You can make a call with a smartphone or mobile phone using the headset by the hands-free function.
Button functions for a phone call
You can operate the smartphone or mobile phone by the headset via a BLUETOOTH connection.
Disconnecting BLUETOOTH connection (after use)
After use, disconnect the headset from the BLUETOOTH device.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
Help Guide
How to Use
Wireless Stereo Headset


Precautions to use the headset, such as where to use, handling, maintenance
What is BLUETOOTH wireless technology?
Learn about BLUETOOTH wireless technology.
Copyright 2014 Sony Corporation
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