Sony KD-65X7505D, KD-55X7005D, KD-49X7005D Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
KD-65X7505D / 55X7005D / 49X7005D
• Read the manual before using the TV.
• Keep this manual for future reference.
• For more information, see your electronic manual by pressing the HELP button on the remote control.
Sony Customer Support
Please Do Not Return the Product to the Store
Table of Contents
IMPORTANT NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Introducing Your BRAVIA® TV . . . . . . . . . . 7
Parts and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Controls and Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Remote Control Parts Description. . . . . . . . 10
Connection Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Installing the TV to the Wall . . . . . . . . . . 14
Detaching the Table-Top Stand from
the TV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Installing the TV against a wall or
enclosed area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Troubles and Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Term of Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover
Thank you for choosing this Sony product. Before operating the TV, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
• Images and illustrations used in Setup Guide and this manual are for reference only and ma y differ from actual product.
• This device is intended for domestic use and not p rofessional.
The 65” class has a 64.5 inch (163.9 cm) viewable image size, the 55” class has a 54.6 inch (138.8 cm) viewable image size and the 49” class has a 48.5 inch (123.2 cm) viewable image size (measured diagonally).
Location of the Setup Guide
Setup Guide is placed on top of the cushion inside the TV carton.
Help Guide
Help Guide explains the information on how to use the TV's features. To display Help Guide on the TV, press HELP on the remote control and select [Help Guide].
Location of the identification label
Labels for the TV Model No. and Power Supply rating are located on the rear of the TV.


Owner’s Record
The model and serial numbers are located at the side and rear of the TV. Record these numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding thi s TV.
Model Name
Serial No.
Dúvidas & Informações Adicionais
Se após a leitura deste manual de instruções ainda tiver dúvidas relacionadas ao uso da TV Sony®, entre em contato com a Central de Relacionamento, fone: 4003 SONY (7669) para capitais e regiões metropolitanas / 0800 880 SONY (7669) para as demais localidades, ou com um Serviço Autorizado Sony.
Modelo : J20H084ac
Para evitar o perigo de faísca ou choque elétrico, não exponha o televisor à chuva ou umidade.
Este símbolo tem o propósito de alertar o usuário sobre a presença de “tensões perigosas” não isoladas, dentro do gabinete do produto, as quais podem ter intensidade suficien te para constituir risco de choque elétrico para as pessoas.
Este símbolo tem o propósito de alertar o usuário quanto à presença de instruções importantes de operação e manutenção (serviços) no Manual de Instruções que acompanha o aparelho.
Para Clientes
• Para instalar este aparelho são necessários instaladores experientes. Assegure-se de contratar o serviço de instalação recomendado pelos revendedores Sony, e verifique todos os itens de segurança durante a instalação.
Nota sobre ENCE
Esta TV está de acordo com o Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem – PBE do Inmetro, conforme Portaria Inmetro/MDIC N Março de 2009, sendo que a Etiqueta Nacional de Consumo de Energia – ENCE informa o consumo de energia em modo de espera (standby), e também que o produto cumpre os requisitos de segurança estabelecidos em normas nacionais e/ou internacionais além de informar a diagonal visual.
85 de 24 de
Para Segurança
O aparelho não deve ser exposto a líquido, inclusive na forma de pingos; nem coloque sobre o aparelho objetos contendo líquido, como vasos e copos, pois poderá danificar o aparelho e expor o consumidor a riscos desnecessários.
Para reduzir o risco de choque elétrico, não utilize o cabo de alimentação CA com um a extensão ou outro tipo de tomada em que o plugue não seja inserido completamente.
• Opere a TV somente em 110V ~ 220V CA, 60Hz
• Use o cabo de alimentação CA especificado pela Sony e apropriado para a tensão de a limentação local.
• Se algum líquido ou objeto cair dentro do gabinete, desconecte a TV imediatamente da tomada e procure o Serviço Autorizado Sony antes de operar o aparelho novamente.
• Se você não for utilizar a TV por um período longo, desconecte o cabo de alimentação da tomada, puxando-o pelo corpo do plugue e nunca pelo cabo.
• Para obter mais informações sobre precauções de segurança, veja “Folheto de Instruções de Segurança” (fornecido).
• A TV deve ser instalada próxima a uma tomada da rede elétrica de fácil acesso.
• Para evitar o superaquecimento interno, não bloqueie as aberturas de ventilação.
• Nã o instale a TV em um local quente ou úmi do, nem ond e fique exposto à quantidade excessiva de poeira ou vibrações mecânicas.
• Se a TV for transferida diretamente de um local frio para quente, ou se a temperatura ambiente mudar repentinamente, a imagem poderá ficar borrada ou apresentar cores de baixa qualidade devido à condensação de umidade. Neste caso, espere algumas horas para que a umidade se evapore antes de ligar a TV novamente.
• Para obter uma imagem de melhor qualidade, não exponha a tela diretamente a uma iluminação ou à luz solar direta. Recomenda-se usar um refletor de teto direcionado para baixo ou cobrir as janelas que ficam voltadas para a tela com uma cortina opaca. É desejável a instalação da TV em uma sala onde o piso e as paredes não sejam de material refletivo.
This equipment operates o n a secondary basis and, consequently, is not entitled to protection against harmful interference, even of the same type stations , and cannot cause interference to systems operating on a primar y basis.
Evite o uso prolongado do aparelho com volume alto (potência superior à 85 decibéis), pois isto poderá prejudicar a sua audição (Lei Federal N A seguir, incluímos uma tabela com os níveis de intensidade sonora em decibéis e os exemplos de situações correspondentes para a s ua referência .
Nível de Decibéis
Informação cedida pela Deaf ness Research Foundation, por cortesia.
30 Biblioteca silencios a, sussurros leves
40 Sala de estar, refrigerador, quarto longe do
50 Trânsito leve, conversação normal, escritório
60 Ar condicionado a uma distânc ia de 6 m,
máquina de costura
70 Aspirador de pó, secador de cabelos, restaurante
80 Tráfego médio de cidade, coletor de lixo, alarme
de despertador a uma distância de 60 cm
90 Metrô, motocicleta, tráfego de caminhão,
cortador de grama
100 Caminhão de lixo, serra elétrica, furadeira
120 Show de banda de rock em frente às caixas
acústicas, trovão
140 Tiro de arma de fogo, avião a jato
180 Lançamento de foguete
Pilhas e Baterias Não Recarregáveis
• Verifique as instruções de uso do aparelho certificando-se de que as polaridades (+) e (-) estão no sentido indicado. As pilhas poderão vazar ou explodir se as polaridades forem invertidas, expostas ao fogo, desmon tadas ou recarregadas.
• Evite misturar com pilhas de outro tipo ou com pilhas usadas, transportá-las ou armazená-las soltas, pois a umenta o risco de vazamento.
• Retire as pilhas caso o aparelho não esteja sendo utilizado, para evitar possíveis danos na eventualidade de ocorrer vazamento.
• As pilhas devem ser armazenad as em local seco e ventilado.
• No caso de vazamento de pilha, evite o contato com a mesma. Lave qualquer parte do corpo afetado com água abundante. Ocorrendo irritação, procure auxílio médico.
• Não remova o invó lucro da pilha.
• Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças. Em cas o de ingestão procure auxílio médico imediatamente.

Safety Information

Never place a television set in an unstable location. A television set may fall, causing serious personal injury or death. Many injuries, particularly to children, can be avoided by taking simple precautions such as: Using cabinets or stands recommended by the manufacturer of
the television set.
Only using furniture that can safely support the television set.Ensuring the television set is not overhanging the edge of the
supporting furniture.
Not placing the television set on tall furniture (for example,
cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and the television set to a suitable support.
Not placing the television set on cloth or other materials that
may be located between the television set and supporting furniture.
Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture
to reach the television set or its controls. If your existing television set is being retained and relocated, the same considerations as above should be applied.
Before setting up your TV
Some TV models are packaged with a detached Table-Top Stand so you can mount your TV to a wall right away. See page 14 (Installing the TV to the Wall) if you want to mount the TV to a wall. If you are not mounting the TV to a wall, you will need to attach the Table-Top Stand. You will need a Phillips screwdriver (not supplied) and the supplied scre ws to complete the task. Look for the Setup Guide. Be sure to consider the following while setting up your TV:
• Disconnect all cables when carrying the TV.
• Carry the TV with the adequate number of people; larger size TVs require two or more people.
• Correct hand placement while carrying the TV is very important for safety and to avoid damage.
• Ensure your TV has adequate ventilation, see page 15.
• For best picture quality, do not expose the screen to direct illumination or sunlight.
• Avoid installing the TV in a room with reflective wall and floor materials.
• Avoid moving the TV from a cold area to a warm area. Sudden room temperature changes ma y cause moisture condensation. This may cause the TV to show poor picture and/or poor color. Should this occur, allow moisture to evaporate completely before powering the TV on.
Securing the TV
Sony strongly recommends ta king measures to prevent the TV from toppling over. Unsecured TVs may topple and result in property damage, serious bodily injury or even death.
Preventing the TV from Toppling
• Secure the TV to a wa ll and/or stand.
• Do not allow children to play or climb on furniture and TV sets.
• Avoid pl acing or hanging items o n the TV.
• Never install the TV on:
slippery, unstable and/or uneven that can easily be used as steps, such as a chest of
• Install the TV where it cannot be pulled, pushed, or knocked over.
• Rou te all AC power cords and connecting cables so that they are not accessible to curious children.
Recommended Measures to Secure the TV
Angle braces (not supplied)
Screw hole on the rear cover
M6 machine screw (not supplied)
Rope or chain (not supplied)
Screw (not supplied)
8-12 mm
Screw M6
TV’s rear cover
Rope or chain
M6 eye bolts (not supplied)
Wall-mount holes
Rope or chain (not supplied)
Wall-anchor (not supplied)
8-12 mm
M6 eye bolt
TV’s rear cover
Consider the following measures when securing your TV to a Stand (not supplied).
1 Secure the Stand for the TV.
Make sure the Stand can adequately support the weight of the TV. Use two angle braces (not supplied) to secure the stand. For each angle brace use the appropriate hardware to:
• Attach one side of the angle brace to the wall stud.
• Attach the other side to the Stand.
2 Secure the TV to the Stand.
Use the optional hardware listed as follow s (not supplied):
• M6 machine screw (screwed into the TV’s rear cover)
• A screw or similar (attach it to the Stand)
• Rope or chain (strong enough to support the weight of the TV). Make sure that there is no excess slack in the rope or chain.
3 Anchor the TV to the wall by using bolts, wall anchor and chain
(or rope).
Please see below illustration for M6 eye bolt length.
The length of the M6 machine screw differs depending on the rope or chain diameter. Please see below illustration.
• Securing the TV to the stand without securing the TV and the stand to the wall provides minimum protection against the TV toppling over. For further protection, be sure to follow the three measures recommended.


7 mm max.
1.5 mm max.
How to care for your BRAVIA TV
Safety is very impor tant. Please read and follow the safety documentation (Safety Booklet) separately provided.
Unplug the TV and other connected equipment from the wall outlet before you begin cleaning your TV.
• Wipe the LCD screen gently with a soft cloth.
• Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth slightly mo istened with a solution of mild soap and warm water.
• If using a chemically pretreated cloth, please follow the instruction provided on the package.
• Never spray water or detergent directly on the TV set. It may drip to the bottom of the screen or exterior parts and enter the TV set, and may cause damage to the TV set.
• Never use strong solvents such as a thinner, alcohol or benzine for cleaning.
• Do not plug in the TV into the wall outlet until the moisture from cleaning has evaporated.
• Do not touch the TV if your hand is covered in any chemical substance such as hand cream or sunblock.
The TV should also be placed on a stable surface to prevent it from toppling over (see page 4). If you have young children or pets at home, check regularly to ensure the TV is securely fastened.
Recommendation for an F type plug
Projection of the inner wire from the connection part must be less than 1.5 mm.
(Reference drawing for an F type plug)

Introducing Your BRAVIA® TV

16:9 (high-definition) source Most HDTV signals use a wide screen aspect ratio of 16:9. The 16:9 fills your BRAVIA screen, maintaining a crisp, clear, vivid picture.
4:3 (standard-definition) source Most standard-definition signals use a boxy 4:3 aspect ratio. When a 4:3 image is displayed on an HDTV, you will see black bars on the sides. The picture quality may not be as sharp as with HD sources.
Experiencing Stunning 4K with Your BRAVIA TV
To experience the stunning detail of your new BRAVIA TV, you need access to high-definition (HD) programming. Your BRAVIA TV can receive and display HD programming from:
• Over-the-air broadcasting via HD-quality antenna
• HD cable subscription
• HD satellite subscription
• Blu-ray Disc™ player or other HD compatible external equipment
Contact your cable, satellite or HD service provider for information on upgrading to HD programming.
The Four Steps to a 4K TV Experience
Set, Sound, Source, and Setup
Along with your BRAVIA TV set, a complete HD system requires an HD sound system, a source of HD programming and a proper connection setup. After you finish HD set up, you are now ready to enjoy with up-scaling the source from HD to 4K.
This TV displays all video input signals in a resolution of 3,840 dots x 2,160 lines.
The following chart shows the high-definition (HD) and standard-definition (SD) video formats supported by your BRAVIA TV inputs.
4K*1 1080/
1080p*1 1080i 720/
720p*1 480p/
Audio L/R
*1 For details of supported formats, refer to the “Specifications” in this manual. *2 For supported PC formats refer to the Help Guide.
Composite video
Audio L/R
• To help you to ensure the highest quality for your high definition experience, use Sony HDMI (High-Definition
Multimedia Interface) cables.
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