Sony INT-W100 User Manual

Internet Terminal
Operating Instructions
©1996 by Sony Corporation


Owner's Record


This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating
and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
The model and serial numbers are located at the rear of the Internet Terminal. Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No. INT-WlOO Serial No.

Trademark and Copyrights

WebTV and Around Town are trademarks of WebTV Networks, Inc,


Your Sony Internet Terminal provides access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. Information on the Internet and World Wide Web is created by millions of individuals and organizations. This is what gives the Internet its diversity and value. However, some
information may include material which you find objectionable. WebTV Networks, Inc. provides some methods that you may use to minimize the display of objectionable content. Sony is not responsible for the content of material accessed through your terminal.
To prevent electric shock, do not use this polarized plug with an extension cord, receptacle, or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent blade

Note to the CATV Installer

This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as practical.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.

Smart Card Slot and WebTV Port

Your Internet Terminal is eL]uiped with a Smart Card Slot and a WebTV Port that can be used in the future. To avoid damaging vour Internet Terminal, do not poke, slide, or insert foreign objects into the slot or port.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
4 WebTV Features 5 Package Contents 5 Batteries for the Remote Control
Chapter 2
Connecting Your System
6 Overview 6 Telephone Line Connection Options
7 Connecting to a TV or VCR
7 Connecting to a TV with an S-VIDEO jack
8 Connecting to a TV or a VCR with RCA jacks
9 Connecting to a TV without A/V jacks
Chapter 3
Using the Remote Control and Basic Functions
10 Remote Control Buttons 11 Links 11 Finding Links on an Image Map 12 The On-Screen Keyboard
12 Using the On-Screen Keyboard
Chapter 5
Exploring the Internet on WebTV
16 Connecting to the Internet 17 The Titlebar 17 EXPLORE
24 WEBTV 24 FIND 24 INFO 25 GO TO 25 SAVE 25 SEND 26 Advanced Options
Chapter 4
Signing Up for WebTV
14 Signing Up 15 Completing the Sign-Up Process
Other Information
28 Location and Function of Controls 29 The Remote Control 30 Programming the Remote 31 Limited Warranty 32 FCC Regulations and Information 33 Specifications 33 Troubleshooting 34 Index 35 Important Safeguards
1 Chapter 1
WebTV Features
Welcome! Thank you for purchasing the Sony Internet Terminal. To access the Internet with this product, you need to subscribe to the WebTV Network.
Becoming a subscriber is an easy process once you've connected your Internet Terminal and learned the basic remote control functions described in the following chapters of this manual.
This chapter highlights WebTV features and reviews package contents and battery requirements.
The Internet is a limitless resource for information and entertainment. You can use it to visit a museum in Paris, check local movie schedules, e-mail your relatives across the country, or discuss sociology with a group of students in Spain.
WebTV makes exploring the Internet easy and fun with features such as:
□ Explore - A directory of the most useful and exciting pages on the
Internet. □ Search - An easy way to locate information on almost any topic. □ Favorites - Instant access to your favorite pages on the Internet.
□ E-mail - Electronic messages, which you can exchange with members of
Internet Service.
□ Around Town - Information on services specific to your geographic
□ Multiple accounts - Lets members of your household have private
mailboxes and Favorites lists.
□ Content filtering - Lets you restrict access to e-mail and pages on the
Internet that contain mature material.
The WebTV Network is constantly expanding. Whenever WebTV adds exciting new
features for you to explore, we'll also provide easy-to-follow instructions through the
INSTRUCTIONS icon on the WebTV Home Page. See Chapter 5, Exploring the Internet on WebTV, for details.
Package Contents
Make sure you have received all of the follo^ving items in your Internet Terminal package;
Internet Terminal
A/V (Audio/Video) Cable
Telephone Cable Remote
Telephone Cable
S-Video Cable T Splitter Control
If you are missing any of these items, please contact the store where you purchased your Internet Terminal.
Batteries for the Remote Control
Insert two AA batteries (supplied) into the remote using the following illustration as a guide.
Under normal conditions, batteries zvill last up to six months. If the remote control does not operate properly, the batteries might be worn out. Wizen replacing batteries, replace both of them, and do not mix brands.
When you remove batteries, preset codes may be lost. If this happens, you must reprogram the remote. See Programming the Remote on page 30 for details.

Chapter 1: Introduction 5

Chapter 2

Connecting Your System

Read this chapter while setting up your Internet Terminal for the first time.
Before you can connect to WebTV, you must connect your Internet Terminal
to each of the following:
□ Your TV (either directly or through your VCR) □ A telephone line
□ An AC power outlet
The type of connection you choose depends on whether your TV:
¡fyou use an answering sewicc or voice message service, you must listen to all your messages before you can connect to the WebTV Network.
□ Has S-VIDEO, RCA-type A/V (audio/video), or RF coaxial jacks.
□ Is connected to a VCR.
An S-VIDEO connection provides the best picture quality of all the connection options.
For optimum audio performance, consider integrating the Internet Terminal
into your home entertainment system.
Telephone Line Connection Options
.If possible, connect your Internet Terminal to a telephone jack that isn't
connected to a telephone. If you have only one telephone jack, use the
T Splitter to share the line. This will enable you to keep both the Internet Terminal and your telephone plugged in at the same time. The T Splitter must be plugged into the wall jack to operate properly.
If you don't ha\'e Call Waiting, a person trying to call you while you're connected to WebTV gets a busy signal.
If you have Call Waiting and you want your Internet Terminal to temporarily
disconnect from the WebTV Network when you receive a call, see "Select dialing options" on page 23. This setting will allow your telephone to ring so you can take the call the way you normally do. When you're finished with the call, push the button on the remote to reconnect to the WebTV Network. You will be reconnected to the page you were visiting when the call came in.
You may find you don't want to be interrupted when you are on the Internet.
WebTV makes it easy for you to temporarily turn off Call Waiting while you're connected. For information on disabling Call Waiting, or on disconnecting from the WebTV Network to make a telephone call, see SETUP on page 22.
If the telephones in your house are generally busy, you might consider using a separate, or dedicated, telephone line for WebTV Network. Contact your local telephone company to order a separate telephone line.
Connecting to a TV or VCR
Connecting to a TV with an S-VIDEO jack
(Best picture quality)
ifi/OK connect your Internet Terminal to
a projection TV, prolonged use of your
Internet Terminal may degrade your projection TV's picture tube, by causing an imprinted image to remain on the screen.
Internet Terminal
If yon ehoose this setup, use the remote
control that came with your TV to set the video inpul, when viewing WebTV, to S-VlDEO IN.
1 Connect the AUDIO jacks on the Internet Terminal to your TV's AUDIO
IN jacks, using the supplied A/V cable. Do not connect the VIDEO A/V jack.
2 Use the supplied S-VIDEO cable to connect the S-VIDEO jacks from your
Internal Terminal to your TV.
3 Connect one end of the telephone line cable to the Internet Terminal's
TEL LINE jack. Connect the other end to your home's telephone outlet.
4 Connect one end of the AC power cord to the Internet Terminal's AC IN
jack. Connect the plug end to an AC outlet. Only use the supplied AC power cord.
Chapter 2: Connecting Your System 7
Connecting to a TV or a VCR with RCA jacks
If you connect your internet Terminal to a projection TV, prolonged use of your
Internet Terminal may degrade your projection TV's picture tube, by causing an imprinted image to remain on the screen.
Internet Terminal
If you choose this setup, use the remote control to set the video input, lohen viewing WebTV to VIDEO IN.
If you connect through i/our VCR, the VCR must be turned on with the external input selected, when you arc connected to the Internet.
8 Chapter 2; Connecting Your System
jacks on your VCR or TV, matching like colors. If there is only one audio jack, connect the white plugs.
Connect one end of the telephone line cable to the Internet Terminal's TEL LINE jack. Connect the other end to your home's telephone outlet.
Connect one end of the AC power cord to the Internet Terminal's AC IN jack. Connect the other end to an AC outlet.
Only use the supplied AC power cord.
If connecting through your VCR, connect the VCR's A/V OUT jacks to the TV's A/V IN jacks. If you use a coaxial cable for this connection, connect the OUT jack on your VCR to the VHF/UHF jack on vour TV.
Connecting to a TV without A/V jacks
If you connect your Internet Terminal to
a projection TV, prolonged use of your
Internet Terminal may degrade your projection TV's picture tube, by causing an imprinted image to remain on the screen.
If your TV does not have A/V jacks, you must use an RFU adaptor (optional accessory) to connect the Internet Terminal to your TV.
Internet Terminal
Audio is monaural with this adaptor.
Refer to your RFU adaptor manual for
more information.
Set the channel switch on the RFU adaptor to VHF channel 3 or 4, whichever does not receive a broadcast station in your area.
1 Connect the RFU adaptor to the VIDEO and AUDIO jacks on the Internet
2 Connect the OUT plug on the adaptor to the ANTENNA jack on the back
of your TV. You may need to disconnect the antenna cable from your TV
to make this connection. Connect the antenna cable or cable line to the
ANT jack on the RFU adaptor.
3 Connect one end of the telephone line cable to the Internet Terminal's
TEL LINE jack. Connect the other end to your home's telephone outlet.
4 Connect one end of the AC power cord to the Internet Terminal's AC IN
jack. Connect the plug end to an AC outlet. Only use the supplied AC power cord.
5 Set your TV Channel to 3 or 4 , depending on which channel the RFU
adaptor is set to, when using the Internet Terminal. When you are watching TV, make sure your Internet Terminal is turned off.
Chapter 2: Connecting Your System 9
Using the
Remote Control and Basic
Remote Control Buttons
Although your remote control is preset to operate Sony brand TV's, you can program your WebTV remote control to operate other manufacturer's TV's. This will enable you to operate your TV when viewing regular broadcast TV using the WebTV remote. For information, see Programming the Remote on page 30.


Displays different video input settings; switches reception between WebTV and regular broadcast TV.


TV: Turns your TV on and off. WEB: Turns the Internet Terminal on and connects to WebTV; disconnects from WebTV and turns off the Internet Terminal.


CH: When viewing TV, this setting enables you to use the number buttons to select TV channels. NUMBER: When viewing WebTV, this setting enables you to type numbers
on your screen.

0-9 and ENTER Buttons

0-9: Channel selection, or number selection. ENTER: Activates the selected channel on your TV.


Displays the OPTIONS panel.


Slides a panel onto your screen that displays a miniature version of the 12
most recent pages you've visited on WebTV.


Move the page up or down when the page is too long to be displayed on the screen.


HOME: Displays the WebTV Home Page. BACK: Displays the last page viewed, or hides the on-screen keyboard.
Arrow Buttons
Move the yellow highlight box to a different command or activity on the
screen; select different keys when the on-screen keyboard is displayed.


Activates a highlighted link or command; displays the on-screen keyboard; displays a moveable arrow when the currently displayed page contains an image map. See Finding Links on an Image Map on page 11.
Finding Links on an Image Map
Areas on a page that can be highlighted are called links, because they link you
to another page. Links can be words, pictures, icons, or boxes of any shape or color. WebTV finds each link on a page for you when you press the arrow buttons on the remote.

To activate a link:

1 Use the arrow buttons on the remote to highlight the link you want to
2 Presson the remote.
In some cases when you go to a page, the highlight surrounds more than a single link. Several links or possibly the entire page may be highlighted. This indicates the presence of several links in a single highlighted area. This is
called an image map. An arrow will appear in the lower right corner of the highlight when an image map is displayed.

To find links on an image map:

1 Press to activate the arrow. 2 Use the remote control arrow buttons to move the arrow until its point
"touches" the link you want to highlight.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Saturday Sunday
Press to activate the link.
Chapter 3: Using the Remote and Basic Functions 11
+ 25 hidden pages