Sony HDR-AX2000 Marketing Specifications

Prosu mer HD
AVCHD™ Flash Media Handycam® Camcorder
The new Sony® HDR-AX2000 HD fl ash camcorder now offers you the convenience of recording directly onto non-linear fl ash media, while maintaining the quality and control of a professional camcorder— all at a fraction of the cost.
1920x1080/60i with Film-like Progressive Recording 24p/30p
Record amazing HD video at full 1920x1080 resolution with the option of fi lm-like Progressive Recording at 24p or 30p. Plus you can record your video at 24Mbps, the highest possible bit-rate for AVCHD
quality video reproduction.
, and enjoy near Blu-ray
G Lens: 29.5mm Wide-Angle to 590mm (20x) Telephoto
Equipped with a 29.5mm wide-angle G Lens made from an advanced 10 group, 15 element lens including Extra-low Dispersion glass. This reduces chromatic aberration caused by light refraction and produces video with extremely low color fringing. The 20x optical zoom (29.5mm-590mm: 35mm conversion) lets you zoom in on faraway subjects with no loss in image quality.
Record high-quality sound using professional-level audio accessories
Professional-quality videos demand professional-quality audio. And that’s just what you’ll get when
3-pin audio connectors (with +48V phantom power) to plug in your external microphones.
you utilize the dual XLR
Optical Steadyshot™ image stabilization with Active Mode
Nothing’s more jarring—and unprofessional— than a shaky video. Smooth things out by taking the next step forward in Sony stabilization technology.
Get the fl exibility you need for maximum shooting versatility.
The Sony® HDR-AX2000 features three independent manual rings—zoom, focus and iris—for superior control and fl exibility.
Excellent versatility in adverse lighting conditions
Whether you’re shooting a wedding by candlelight, a sunny beach, bright ski-slope, or a sunset cruise – the HDR-AX2000 will record superb video down to a 1.5lux rating and has 3 steps of ND fi lters to assist in harsh lighting conditions.
Set up shortcuts to often-used features
Spend more time shooting—and less time scrolling through function menus—by assigning those features you use most to one of seven customizable shortcut buttons.
Put yourself in the director’s chair
Now your videos can appear closer to the look of actual fi lm, thanks to 24p Progressive Recording capabilities plus two ground­breaking video technologies.
Cinematone Gamma™ and Cinematone Color technology
Cinematone Gamma technology deepens colors by allowing users to specify a gamma curve with contrast characteristics similar to those of fi lm. Cinematone Color technology recreates fi lm-like color tones.
Record directly onto fl ash memory for easy editing
The Sony® HDR-AX2000 records video directly onto compact Memory Stick PRO Duo Memory Stick PRO-HG media (all sold separately).
media or SD/SDHC
Additional Features:
• Manual adjustment of the main exposure settings
• Customizable presets
• Smooth Slow Record
• x.v.Color
4. When usi ng movie mo de Memory Sti ck PRO Du o with MAR K2 (M2) logo, Memor y Stick PRO- HG™, SD/SDHC med ia (Class 4 or h igher) are r ecomme nded.
Sony Electronics Inc. | 16530 Via Esprillo | San Diego, CA 92127 | 1.800.222.7669 |
Specifi cations
Imagi ng Devic e 3x 1/3” Exmor™ CMOS sen sor Technol ogy Exmor™ technol ogy Proces sor EIP (Enhanc ed Imag ing Proce ssor) Image r Pixel Gro ss Siz e 3x 1,120 K each (Red, Gree n, Blue)
Lens Type G Le ns 35mm Eq uivalen t 16:9 29.5 - 590mm 35mm Eq uivalen t 4:3 36.1 - 722mm Apert ure F1.6-3.4
Filter D iamete r (mm
Focal D istanc e (mm
Focus S ystem
Shutt er Spee d 1/60 - 1/2000 (60i), 1/30 - 1/2000 (30p), 1/48 - 1/2400 (24p)
Minim um Illu minati on
Optica l Zoom 20x Digita l Zoom 30x app rox. (When Di gital Ex tender “ON”)
Video Act ual 16:9 3x 1,037K each (Red, Gree n, Blue) Video Act ual 4:3 3x 778K each (Red, Gree n, Blue)
Video Resolution (Movie Quality
Video S ignal S ystem NTSC col or, EIA stand ards
Video Fo rmat(s) Suppo rted
Media Typ e
Record T ime*
Audio Re cordin g Forma t
Microp hone Built- in Stereo Microp hone, Dua l XLR inputs
Displ ay 3.2” Xtra Fin e LCD™ (16:9) LCD displa y (921K pixels) View Find er 0.45” Xtra F ine LCD™ (16:9) Wide LCD (1,227K pixels)
Dual Me mory C ard Slot s Yes Manua l / Auto Lens C over Manual S/S & Zoom But ton On Han dle Yes (Zoom See saw/ Ring/ Han dle see saw
72mm (G Lens
4.1 - 82mm AF/MF selecta ble, 10 mm to infi nite (Wide), 800 mm to i nfi nite (Tele)
1.5 lux (at 1/30 fi xed shutter s peed wi th auto ir is and auto gain)
1920x1080/60i 1920x1080/24p
1920x1080/30p 1440x1080/60i 720x480/60i
HD: MPEG -4 AVC/H.264 (AVCHD SD: MPEG -2 (MPEG -2 PS Memor y Stick SD / SDHC / S DXC M emory Card HD Movie, F X mode: 32 GB Memo ry Card: 180 min 16 GB Memor y Card: 90 min
SD Movie, H Q mode: 32 GB Memo ry Card: 475min 16 GB Memor y Card: 235m in
HD: Dolby D igital SD: Dolby D igital 2c h, 16bit, 48kHz
2ch, 16bit, 48kH z /
AVCHD™ Flash Media Handycam® Camcorder
VIDEO O UT jack Yes (Pin conn ector x1) AUDIO OU T jack Yes (Pin conn ector x2) S jack ­COMPO NENT OU T jack Yes (Mini- D jack) HDMI OU T jack Yes (HDMI co nnector) Headp hones ja ck Yes (Stereo -minijack Ø 3.5 mm) INPUT1 / I NPUT2 j acks Yes (XLR 3- pin x2) USB jac k Yes (mini B / Hi -Spe ed) i.LINK j ack ­Remote ja ck Yes (Stereo -minijack Ø 2.5 mm) DC IN jack Yes
Image S tabil izatio n
x.v.Color White Ba lance Auto / Outdo or / Indoo r / One-push (A/B Fader E ffect s OFF, Bla ck, White Pictur e Profi le Yes (PP1 - PP6, OFF Scene S elect ion Mode(s Multi ple Lan guage D ispla y Yes Smooth S low Rec ord Yes (6 sec HD / SD
Power Con sumpt ion HD: 6.7W / SD: 5.9W Suppl ied Bat tery Typ e InfoL ITHIU M Power Req uirem ents 7.2V (batte ry pack); 8.4V (AC Adaptor)
Dimen sions (Approx.
Weight (Approx.
AC adaptor AC-L100 USB cab le Yes Large eye cup Yes Applic ation S oft ware(CD- ROM)Yes Rechar geabl e Batt ery Pac k InfoLIT HIUM® Recharg eable Batter y (NP-F 570) Remote Commander® control unit Wireless Remote Commander® Remote Control (RMT-845) Compon ent Vid eo Cabl e Yes Compos ite Vid eo Cabl e Yes Lens Ho od Lens hoo d with len s cover Media Operat ion Manu al
Warrant y infor matio n 1 Year Part s; 90 Days La bor
*Capacity w ill vary based on type a nd complexity of imag e recorded.
Optica l Steady Shot™ image sta bilization (Steady Shot / Active Steady Shot* / OFF)
Picture P rofi le (up to 6 pre- set conditions
173 x 187x 342 m m (6 7/8 x 7 3/8 x 13 1/2 inch) includ ing protrusi ons w/o gri pbelt
2.1 kg (4 lb 11 oz) w/Lens hood wit h lens cover
Recharg eable Batter y (NP-F 570)
Prosu mer HD
© 2011 Sony Electroni cs Inc. Al l rights re serve d. Reprod uction i n whole or i n part w ithout w ritte n permis sion is p rohibit ed. Sony is n ot respons ible for t ypographic an d photogra phic er rors. Fea tures and specifi cations are subje ct to chang e without notice. A ll TV rec eption, m onitor p ictures a nd print p ictures a re simula ted. Sony, , Bloggi e, Handycam, Clea r Photo, Opti cal Steady Shot, S -Mas ter, TruBlac k, and Xtra Fin e LCD are trade marks of Sony. Microsof t, Windows, and Wind ows Vista are tradem arks of Mic rosof t Corpora tion. HD MI is a trademark of H DMI Licensing L LC. D olby is a reg istered tradema rk of Dolby Lab oratori es. All oth er trade marks are t radema rks of the ir respec tive owne rs.