Maps provided courtesy of Google Maps.
STEP 5: Enjoy an online “Map View” of your photos,
courtesy of the Google Maps™ mapping service.*
* Map coverage scale may differ depending on area. The online map service is currently provided
courtesy of Google, and it is subject to change or termination without notice. Internet connection
© 2007 Sony Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is prohibited. Sony, like.no.other, Cyber-shot, the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony.
All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. CA#XXXXX
Map your memories.
Record the exact location of every picture
you take with the Sony® GPS Unit.

STEP 1: Turn on the Sony
GPS unit. It will begin
communicating with satellites worldwide to
determine your precise gobal position.
STEP 2: Once the GPS unit has pinpointed your
location, begin taking pictures.
(compatible with virtually any camera/camcorder)
STEP 3: Back home, download your photos to
your PC using the supplied Picture Motion Browser
STEP 4: Transfer your GPS log fi le to your PC via
supplied USB cable. Your photos automatically get
matched to your GPS log fi le.