The mudel and serial numbers are lucated
on the bottom. Record the serial number in
the space provided below. Refer to these
numbers whenever yuu call upon your Sony
dealer regarding this pruduct.
Model No. DSC-T2
Serial No.
To reduce fire or shock hazard, do
not expose the unit to rain or
Fur your protection, please read these safety
instructions completely before operating
the appliance, and keep this mamml lk)r
future rellereuce.
Carel]flly observe all warnings, precautions
and instructions on the appliance, or the one
described in the operating instructions and
adhere to them.
I " Ill" I I"
alert the u_r to the presence
of uninsulated '_dangerous
voltage" within the
This synlbol is imended to
prodtlct's enclosure that
nlay be of sufficient
nlagnimde to constitute a
ri_k of elec_ic shock to
a]ert the u_r to the presence
of h/lportanl operathlg and
nlaintenance (se]wicing)
This synlbol is imended to
instructions ill tile literature
accompanying the
Power Sources
This set should be opera,ted only flom the type el
power source indicated on the marking label. If
you m'e notsure oltile type olelectrical power
supplied toyour home, consult your dealer or
local power conlpany. For those sets designed to
operate lronl batt_]'y power, or other sources, reler
m tile operalillg illstructions.
This set may be equipped with a polarized ac
power cord plug (a plug having one blade wider
lhan the oilier).
This plug will fit into tile power outlel only one
way. This is a salely leature. If you m'c unable to
insert file plug fully inlo file outlet, try reversing
file phlg. lfthe ph/g should still hul 1()fit, conlact
your electrician to have a suilable outlet installed.
Do not del_at tile salcly purpose of tile polarized
plug by Iorcing it in.
Do not overload wall outlets, exlension cords or
con', enience receptacles beyond their capacily,
since this can rcsull in I]rc or electric shock.
Object and Liquid Entry
Never push objects el any kind into the set
tim)ugh openings as they may touch dangerous
voltage pohas or S]lOrt OIll parts thai cou]d restdt
in a lire or eleclric shock. Never spill lk]ukl el any
kind on the set.
Do nol rise attachlnenls not recollllnellded by ltle
l/lanlllacturer, as riley l/lay catlse hazards.

Unplug the set li'oln tile wall omIet belore
cleaning or polishing it. Do not use liquM cleaners
or aerosol clemlers. Use a cloth lightly dampened
with water [or cle+ming tile exterior of tile set.
long periods of tinle, unplug it ffonl tile wall
oul]el and disconnect the antenna or cable systenl,
This will prevent danlage to the set clue to
ligblning and power-line surges.
° • It •
Water and Moisture
Do nol use power-]hie oper_lted sets ne_lr w_lter
Ior example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen
sink. or lmmdlT tub. in a wet basement, or near a
swimnling pool, etc.
Power-Cord Protection
Ro/lle tile power cord so that it is llOl likely to be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or
against lhem, paying particular attention to the
plugs, receptacles, and the point where the cord
exits l]om the appliance.
Do not place tile set on an illlslable c_lrl, stand,
tripod, bracket, or table. The set may 1all.causing
serious inju W to a child or an adult, and serious
d_,nlage to the set. Use only a carl, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table reconlnlended by tile
Tile slots and openings in tile cabinet m'e pro_ ided
lor necessmy ventilation. To ensure reliable
operation of tile set. and to protect it h'oll/
overheating, these slots and openings must never
be blocked or covered.
Never cover the sh)ls and openings wJlh a cloth
or other malerials.
Never block the slols and openings by placing
the set (in a bed, solh, rug. or olher sinlilar
Never place the set in a confined space, such as
a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
ventilation is provided.
Do not place the sel near or over a r*,diator or
Ileal register, or where il is exposed lo direct
For added protection lor this sel during _tlightning
storm, or when it is left unattended and unused lor
Damage Requiring Service
Unplug the set li'oln tile wall outlet and relcr
sel_ icing to qualified selvice personnel under the
lollowing conditions:
When tile power cord or phlg is damaged or
If liquid has been spilled or objects have Iallen
into tile set.
If lhe set has been exposed to rain or waler.
If the sel has been subject to excessive shock by
being dropped, or the cabinet has been
If the set does not operale nornlally when
lollowing the operating instructions. Ac/just
only lhose controls that are specified in lhe
operating instructions. Improper adjuslmenl of
other conlrols may resull in damage and will
often require extensive work by a qtmlified
technician 1orestore tile set to nornla] operalion.
When the set exhibils a distinct change in
pertormance this indicales a need Ior selvice.
Do nol illtenlpt lo ser_,ice tile sel yourselI its
opening or rcnloving covel _, lll_lyexpose yoll lo
dangerous voltage or other hazards.
Reicr all selwicing to qualified service personneh
Replacement parts
When replacenlent parts arc required, be sure llle
service technician has used replacement parts
specified by lhe manuthcturer that have the sanle
characteristics as the original paris.
Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire,
electric shock, or other hazards.
Safety Check
Upon completion o1any serxice or rep_firs to tile
seL ask tile service technician tO perl_llnl ro/it ine
salcty checks (as specified by tile lnanutaclurcr)
to detcrnline that die sel is hl sale operating

Readthis first
Replace tile battery with the specified type only.
Otherwise, tim or inju W may result.
Do not expose the batteries to excessive heat such
as sunshine, fire or the like.
Lithium-Ion balteries are
You can help preserve our
environlllent by returning your
used rechargeable batteries to
the collection and recycling
location ne_ffcst you.
For more inlormation regarding recycling of
rcchargeable batteries, c_dl toll fl'ee
1-800-822-8837, or visit hltp://www.rbrc.org/
Caution: Do not handle dmnaged or leaking
Lithium-kin batteries.
-=, " . I"
This power unit is intended to be correctly
orientated ill it verticid or floor lnount position.
J " ill" I I" ._
If you have any questions about this producL you
may c;,ll:
Sony (-'uslolner Inlorlllalion ('enter
1-800-222-SONY (7669)
The number below is Ior file FCC related matters
Regulatory Information
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model NO.: DSC-T2
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo.
San Diego, CA 92127U,S.A,
Telephone No,: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of tile FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the lollowing
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmfld interlemnce, and (2) lllis device must
accept any interlerence received, including
inlerlerence that may cause undesired
You are cautioned tbal ally changes or
modifications not expressly apprm ed in this
manu_d could _oid your authority to operate this
This equipment has been tested and Iound to
comply with tile limits lor aClass B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 otthe FCC Rules.
These limits nre designed to provide reasonnble
protection against harnltul interlPrence in _L
residential installatkm. This equipment gener_tcs,
uses. and can r_diatc r_Ldiofl'equency energy mid.
it not inst_dled and used in uccordance with the
inslruclions, ulay ciluse h_ll-llltul inlert_rellce to
radio colnlllunic;itions. However. there is no
guarantee thai inlerlerence will not occur in a
particular installation. If Ibis equipment does
cause harmflfi inlerlerence to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to
IIT to correct tile inlerl_:rence by <)lieor lllOrCof
the lbllowing measures:
Reorienl or relocale the receiving anlenna.
Increase tile separation belween lbe
equipment and receiver.

Connecl tile equipment into an outlet on a
circuil dillcrent from thal to whic]l file
receiver is connected.
Consult file dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician R)r help.
Tile supplied interl*_ce cable nmst be used with tile
equipmem in order to comply with tile limits lot a
digital device pursuanl to Subparl B of Part 15 of
FCC Rules.
Pcrchlorate Material - special handling [nay
apply, See
Pcrchlorate Material: Lithium battery conlahls
I Ill " I I! "
This product has been tested and lbund compliant
with the limits set oul in the EMC Directive lot
using connection cables shorter than 3 meters
(9.8 lPet).
The electromagnetic lieMs at the specilic
Irequencies may influence the picture and sound
of this unit.
If static electricity or electronlagnelisnl ca/ises
data lranstPr to discontinue mklway (laiD, restart
tile applicatkm or disconnect and connect lhe
conmnmication cable (USB, etc.) again.
Notice for the customers in the
countries applying EU Directives
Tile manul, Lcmrer of this product is Sony
Corporalion, I-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-
0075 Japan. Tile Authorized Representative Ior
EMC and product salcty is Sony Deutschland
GmbH, Hedelfinger Strasse 61, 70327 Stuttgart,
(_3ernlany. For any selwicc or gtlaranlee lnalters
plea_ relPr to the addresses given in separate
service or guarantee docunlenls.
Disposal of Old Electrical &
Electronic Equipment (Applicable
in the European Union and other
European countries with separate
collection systems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging
indicates thai this product shall not be treated as
household waste, lnslead il shall be handed over
to the applicable collection poim lor the recycling
of electrical and electronic equipment. By
ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help prevem potential negative consequences
k)r tile environment and human health, which
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste
handling of this product. The recycling of
materials will help to conserve natural resources.
For more detailed inlbrmafion about recycling of
this product, please contact your local Civic
Oflke, your household waste disposal service or
the sllop where you purcba_d the product.
Disposal of waste batteries
(applicable in the European Union
and other European countries with
separate collection systems)
This ',ynlbol on tile battery or on the packaging
indicates lbal the battery provided wilb Ibis
product shall not be treated as housellold waste.
By ensuring these batteries are disposed of
correctly, you will help prevent potentially
negative consequences lor tile en'_'ironnlenI and
human health which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of the battery. Tile
recycling of tile materials will help to conserve
natural resources.
In case of products that lor salcty, perlormance or
data imegrity reasons require a permanent
connection wilb all incorporaled baltely, this

howtorclnovetilebatteryti+oIn tile producl
salely. Hand tile battery over to the applicable
collection point tier the recycling of waste
For morn detailed inlormation aboul recycling of
lhis product or balteW, please contact your local
Civic Office, your household waste disposzd
service or file shop where you purchased file
A moulded plug complying with BS 1363 is tilted
to this equipment lor your salcty and
Should tile tilse ill the plug supplied need to be
replaced, a tilse of the same rating as the supplied
one and approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362,
(i.e., marked wilh an @ or _ mark) musl be
If the plug supplied with this equipnlent has a
det*lchable tilse cover, be sum tvl attach the luse
cover after you change the luse, Never use file
phlg wilhout file tilse cover, lfyou should lose tile
tilSe cover, please contact your nearesl gony
service station.

Table of contents
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS .................................................................... 2
Read this first ............................................................................................ 4
Notes on using the camera ...................................................................... 8
Getting started ................................................................................. 9
Checking the accessories supplied ......................................................... 9
1 Preparing the battery pack .................................................................. 11
2 Inserting the battery pack ................................................................... 12
3 Turning the camera on/setting the clock ............................................. 14
Shooting images easily ................................................................. 16
Image size/Self-timer/Shooting mode/Flash/Macro/Display ................... 17
Viewing/deleting images ............................................................... 19
Selecting how to play back images ....................................................... 20
Using the SCRAPBOOK ......................................................................... 22
Learning the various functions - HOME/Menu ........................... 23
Using the HOME screen ......................................................................... 23
HOME items ............................................................................................ 24
Using the menu items ............................................................................. 25
Menu items .............................................................................................. 26
Enjoying your computer ............................................................... 28
Connecting the camera to your computer ............................................. 28
Viewing "Cyber-shot Handbook". ........................................................... 29
Enjoying the supplied software .............................................................. 29
Indicators on the screen ............................................................... 31
Battery life and memory capacity ................................................ 34
Batterylifeand number of imagesthat you carl record/view ................. 34
Numberof still images and recording time of movies ............................35
Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 36
Batterypack and power ......................................................................... 36
Shootingstill images/movies..................................................................37
Viewing images ......................................................................................37
Precautions .................................................................................... 38
Specifications ................................................................................ 39

Notes on usingthe camera
Internal memory and "Memory
Stick Duo" back up
Do nol turn o|| tile camera, relnove tile battery
pack, or remove tile "Menlo U Stick Duo' while
lhe access lamp is Ill. Ofllerwise, lhe internal
nlemory dala or "Memo W Stick Duo" nlay be
damaged. Be sure 1o nlake a backup copy 1o
protect your dala.
Notes on recording/playback
• Belole you start recording, make a trial
rccordillg 1o make sure dial the calnera is
working correctly.
• Tile canlera is neither dust-prooL nor splash-
prooL nor water-prool. Read ' Precauflons"
(page 38) belore operating the canlera.
• Avoid exposing the camera to water. If water
enters inside file camera, a nlalfimcflon nlay
occur. In some cases, file camera cannot be
• Do not ainl the camera al tile sun or other brigbl
light. It may cause the malhmction of your
• Do nol use lhe canlera near a location that
generates strong radk! waves or enlils radiation.
Otherwise, the canlera nlay not properly record
or play back images.
• Using the canlera in sandy or dusty locations
nlay cause lnalfllnclions.
• If [noisturc condensaflon occurs, renlove il
beR)rc using the canlera (page 38).
• Do not shake or strike the camera. It nlay cause
a nlalhmction and you may not be able to record
images. Furthernlore, the lecording media nlay
become unusable or image data may be
• Clean the flash surl,*ce beR)re use. The heal of
flash emission may cause dirt on the flash
surlace to become discolored or to stick to tile
flash surl_,ce, resulting ill insullicienl ]igbl
Notes on the LCD screen
• Tile LCD screen is manuh_cturcd using
extrenlely lligll-precision technology so over
99.99% ol lhe pixels are operational lot
ellective u_, However, sonic tiny black and/or
bright dots (while, red, blue or green) nlay
appear on lhe LCD screen. These dots ale a
nornlal result of tile manul, tcturing process, and
do not afllrct tile recording.
• If water droplets or other liquids splash on the
LCD screen and make it wet, immediately wipe
off the screen with a soil clofll. Leaving liquids
on tile LCD screen surlace call harnl lhe qualily
and cause a ii/all/lnclion.
On image data compatibility
• This camera colllbnns wilh DCF/Design rule
lot Canlera File systenl) universal standard
established by JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Intornlatkm Technology Industries
• golly does llOI g/liffalltce that tile cilnlera will
play back inlages recorded or edited with other
equipment, or that ofller equipnlent will play
back images recorded with the canlera.
_Warning on copyright
Television progranls, lihns. _ ideotapes, and other
nlaterials may be copyrighted. Unauthorized
recording of sucll materials may be conmu y to tile
pro_ isions of the copyrighl laws.
+No compensation for damaged
content or recording failure
Solly Callnot c'.)lllpensate lor |qil/ire to rt:c,ord or
loss or dalnage ol l_2corded content dlle to a
[llilllunctiOll of lhe canlera or rccordillg nledia,

Checking theaccess0riessupplied
• Battm_y charger BC-CSD (1) • USB adaptor t_w Multi connector (l)/
• Power cord (mains lead) (1)
(not supplied in the USA and Canada)
• Rechargeable battery pack NP-BD1 (1)/
Battery case (1)
• Painl pen (1)
• Adaplor plate (I)
You can place lhe camera on lhe Cyber-shot
Statioll (not supplied) using tile adaptor plate.
USB adaptor cap (1)
• USB cable (long) (I)/USB cable (short) (l)
• Wrist strap (1)
• CD-ROM (1)
Cyber-shol application software
"Cyber-shot Handbook"
"Cyber-shot Slep-up Guide"
• Instruction Manual (this manual) (1)
About the paint pen
• You c_mpaint or pul st_mlps on still images with
the painl pen.
• Attach the paint pen to tile wrist strap (shown
• Do not c+u'lT the camera by holding the paint
pen. Tile camera may tall off.

About the wrist strap
Attach the strap and place your hand
through the loop to prevent the camera from
damage by being dropped.
On attaching the USB adaptor for Multi connector/USB adaptor cap
Depending on when or where you use the camera, attach the USB adaptor lbr Multi connector (o eifl_er
the long or the short cable.
Attach the USB adz_ptor cap on the USB cable when cmTying it in bags, etc,
Be cm'elul not to hmlg or give strong impact Io tile a&Jptor or tile cable. It Inz_y become damaged.
torfor Multi
ada to oap

1 Preparingthebatterypack
0 Insert the battery pack into the battery charger.
0 Connect the battery charger to the wall outlet (wall socket),
Tile CHARGE lamp lighls up. and charging starts.
When the CHARGE lamp turns oil, charging is finished (Practical charge).
If you conlinue charging lhe batlely pack It>l"about one more hour (unli] il is hilly charged), tile charge
will last slighlly longer.
Charging time
• The table above shows the time required to charge a l_dly depleted battery pack at a temperature of 25°C
(77°F). Charging may take longer depending on condilions of use and circumslances.
• See page 34 Ior tile number of images that can be rccorded.
• Connect lhe baltel T charger to the nearest wall oullet (wall sockel),
• Even if file CHARGE lamp is not liL the ballery charger is not disconnected flonl the AC power source
(nlains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet (wall socket). If some trouble occurs while using the
battery charger, inmlediately shut oil the power by disconnecting the plug Irom the wall outlet (wall
• When charging is finished, disconnect the power cord (mains lead) flom lhe wall outlet (wall sockel), and
renlove the battely pack Jl'Oli]the ballery charger,
• Designed lot use with compatible Sony batteries.

2 Inserting the battery pack
_]_Open the battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover.
OInsert the battery pack.
_) Close the battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover,
_To check the remaining battery charge
Press POWER button to turn on and check the remaining batter? charge on the LCD screen.
Remaining \ m/
charge _ _ _ _ _ ;_%_
indicator / i \
Status Sufficient Battery Battery half Battery lox_, Change the battery
• If the NP-FD1 baltely pack (not SUl)plied) is used, tile minute display (_ 6(I Min) is also shown aller
lhe battery remaining indical_lr.
• I1 takes about one minutc unlil the correcl remaining charge indicator appears.
• The remaining charge indicator may not be correct depending on conditions of use and circumstances.
• Tbe Clock Sel screen appears when you turn on the camera liar the ilrst time (page 14).
power ahnost fully full recording/ with filly charged
remaining charged playback one, or charge Ihe
will stop batte U. (The warning
soon. indicator flashes.)

_To remove the battery pack
()pelt the t)attery/"Memory Stick Duo" cm,,'er and remove the battery pack.
Slide the battery eject lever.
Be sure not to drop the battery pack.
• Never remove the baltery pack when lhe access lamp is Ill. This may cause damage to data in lhe
"Memory Slick Duo"/internal memory.
•Use lhe NP-BD1 baltmT pack (supplied) only wilh this canlera.
/To insert a "Memory Stick Duo" (not supplied)
Opeu the battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover to insert a "Memory Stick Duo".
Insert tile "Memory Stick Duo" with tile terminal side
facing the lens.
Access lamp
To remove the "Memory Stick Duo", push the "Memory Stick Duo" in once.
• Never rcmove the "Memoi T Slick Duo" when the access lamp is Ill. This may cause damage to data in the
"Memory Slick Duo"/internal memory.
• Even if "Memol T Slick Duo" is insertcd in file camera, images will nol be saved in "Memol T Slick Duo"
until tile capacity of the imernal memo W is hill. To save images in "Memory Stick Duo"+ copy (exporl)
the inl_,ges in the internal memory to "Memory Stick Duo".