Sony DNW-A28, DNW-A28P Installation Manual

INSTALLATION MANUAL 1st Edition Serial No. 10001 and Higher: DNW-A28 Serial No. 40001 and Higher: DNW-A28P
Die Anleitung ist nur für qualifiziertes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Alle Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden. Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages, Feuergefahr und Verletzungen zu vermeiden, sind bei Wartungsarbeiten strikt die Angaben in der Anleitung zu befolgen. Andere als die angegeben Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von Personen ausgeführt werden, die eine spezielle Befähigung dazu besitzen.
Ce manual est destiné uniquement aux personnes compétentes en charge de l’entretien. Afin de réduire les risques de décharge électrique, d’incendie ou de blessure n’effectuer que les réparations indiquées dans le mode d’emploi à moins d’être qualifié pour en effectuer d’autres. Pour toute réparation faire appel à une personne compétente uniquement.
Attention-when the product is installed in Rack:
1. Prevention against overloading of branch circuit
When this product is installed in a rack and is supplied power from an outlet on the rack, please make sure that the rack does not overload the supply circuit.
2. Providing protective earth
When this product is installed in a rack and is supplied power from an outlet on the rack, please confirm that the outlet is provided with a suitable protective earth connection.
3. Internal air ambient temperature of the rack
When this product is installed in a rack, please make sure that the internal air ambient temperature of the rack is within the specified limit of this product.
4. Prevention against achieving hazardous condition due to uneven mechanical loading
When this product is installed in a rack, please make sure that the rack does not achieve hazardous condition due to uneven mechanical loading.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Voor de klanten in Nederland
Dit apparaat bevat een (CF) back-up.
-Li batterij voor memory
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturers instructions.
Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem
Austausch der Batterie.
Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einen vom
Hersteller empfohlenen ähnlichen T yp.
Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben
des Herstellers.
Il y a danger dexplosion sil y a remplacement
incorrect de la batterie.
Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du
même type ou dun type équivalent recommandé
par le constructeur.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées
conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
Raadpleeg uw leverancier over de verwijdering van de batterij op het moment dat u het apparaat bij einde levensduur afdankt.
Gooi de batterij niet weg. maar lever hem in als KCA.
Bij dit produkt zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien maar inleveren als KCA.
Lithiumbatteri-Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig
Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri
af samme fabrikat og type.
Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til leverandøren.
1 (P)

Table of Contents

Manual Structure
Purpose of this manual .............................................................................................. 2
Related manuals......................................................................................................... 2
1. Installation
1-1. Installation Procedure..................................................................................1-1
1-2. Supplied Accessories ..................................................................................1-1
1-3. Operating Conditions ..................................................................................1-2
1-4. Power Supply ..............................................................................................1-3
1-5. Installation Space ........................................................................................1-4
1-5-1. Outside Dimensions ...................................................................1-4
1-5-2. Notes on Installation ..................................................................1-5
1-5-3. Rack Mounting........................................................................... 1-7
1-6. Connectors/Cables.......................................................................................1-8
1-7. Signal Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................... 1-9
1-8. Setup Extended Menu ...............................................................................1-12
1-9. Settings for External Editors ..................................................................... 1-13
1-9-1. Time Code Settings for Recorder.............................................1-13
1-9-2. VTR Constant Settings for External Editors ............................1-13
1-9-3. System Phase Adjustment ........................................................ 1-14
1-9-4. Setup Menu Setting of ITEM-701............................................1-14

Purpose of this manual

Related manuals

Manual Structure

This manual is the installation manual of digital videocassette recorder DNW-A28/ A28P. This manual is intended for use by trained system and service engineers, and provides the information that is required to install (environment, connection infor­mation, initial setting, etc.) .
Besides this “installation manual”, the following manuals are available for digital videocassette recorder DNW-A28/A28P.
. Operation Manual (Supplied with the unit.)
This manual is necessary for application and operation (and installation) of the unit.
. Maintenance Manual (available on request)
Volume-1 : Service Instruction Volume-2 : Parts List, Diagrams
These manuals describe the maintenace and service information (service over­view, adjustments, board layouts, schematic diagrams, detailed parts list, etc.) for this unit. If these manuals are required, please contact your local Sony Sales Office/Service Center.
. Protocol Manual of Remote (9-pin) Connector (available on request)
This manual explains the protocol for controlling the VTR via the RS-422A (9-pin serial remote). If this manual is required, please contact your local Sony Sales Office/Service Center.
Section 1
1-3. Operating Conditions 1-4. Power Supply
1-6. Connectors / Cables 1-7. Signal Inputs and Outputs
1-8. Setup Extended Menu 1-9. Settings for External Editors
Determination of installation place
*Initial setup
*Operation check
When the unit is transported, it is required to pack the unit into the specified new packing materials. Do not reuse the packing materials.
1-5. Installation Space



1-1. Installation Procedure

Installation procedure of this unit is shown on the following flowchart. Refer to each section about detail of each flow. The operation manual is also reqruired to do *-marked flow.

1-2. Supplied Accessories

Cap, BNC ........................................................................ 11
Cap, DC OUT .................................................................... 2
Cap, XLR (F)..................................................................... 2
Cap, XLR (M) ................................................................... 5
Cap, DUST ........................................................................1
Operation manual .............................................................. 1
Installation manual ............................................................ 1
After installation, be sure to use the supplied cap for protecting unused connector.
+ 15 hidden pages