Psyc® MP3/ATRAC® CD Walkman® Portable Compact Disc
Player with AM/FM/TV/Weather Digital Tuner
Step-up Feature
New Feature
Psyc® Design with Built-in AM/FM Digital Tuner with TV/Weather Bands
3-Line Easy-to-Read LCD
Psyc® Color Walkman® Headphones
Plays Back CD-R/RW1Discs with MP3/ATRAC3®/ATRAC3plus™ Audio
Multi-Language Support for LCD Text
One "AA" Battery Operation (Not Supplied)
5 Direction Control Key
Parametric Equalizer II
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store
Music Management Software Supplied
Skip-Free2G-Protection™ Technology
Off Timer Auto Shut-Off Feature to Conserve Battery Life
18 Playback Modes/Bookmark Playback Function
Digital Mega Bass® Sound
2 Position Automatic Volume Limiter System (AVLS)
Available in "Harmony Blue"
Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at www.sony.com/dn
Download, Rip and Burn
CDs on your PC

Psyc® MP3/ATRAC® CD Walkman® Portable Compact Disc
Player with AM/FM/TV/Weather Digital Tuner
Psyc® Design with Built-in AM/FM Digital Tuner with TV/Weather Bands
provides accurate drift-free tuning of AM, FM, TV and Weather stations.
3-Line Easy-to-Read LCD allows for fast and easy identification and location of
your ATRAC or MP3 selections.
Psyc® Color Walkman® Headphones Matching colored earbuds to match
the Psyc CD Walkman player in their hand.
Plays Back CD-R/RW1Discs with MP3/ATRAC3®/ATRAC3plus™ Audio
For customers who already have extensive music libraries, use the included
software and hardware to manage, burn and playback their collection of MP3s.
ATRAC3plus is an advanced audio compression technology offering multiple bit
rates, allowing you to create music compilations tailored to your listening
preference with the ability to get up to 4902songs on 1 CD-R/RW disc @
Multi-Language Support for LCD Text Displays information on compact discs
that contain encoded text data that can include the artist name, disc name,
and/or track name.
One "AA" Battery Operation (Not Supplied) Advanced Sony DSP technology
provides dramatically extended battery life from predecessor models
5 Direction Control Key Single button control with 5 individual functions
providing an easy and convenient way to control music and navigation.
Parametric Equalizer II allows the user to set not only the amount in dB by
which a certain frequency band is boost or cut, but also the width and/or center
frequency of this band. Providing extremely precise control of the tonal balance.
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store Offers one of the most
extensive music collections online. Unique features such as Moodmix, Connect
Sets and live radio, make this a choice destination for customers looking to
expand their music collection. It's easy to discover, find and purchase single
tracks or entire albums. Choose from top hits and tracks from independent
Music Management Software Supplied is easy to use and allows you to
create your own ATRAC3plus music file compilations on CD-R/RW media using
your PC's CD-ROM drive. The ability to add your own titles and edit your music
groups allows for an element of customization in your portable music
51 Station Preset Preset up to 30 FM, 10 AM, 4 WB, 7 TV radio stations.
Skip-Free2G-Protection™ Technology continues to provide quick recovery
from both horizontal and vertical shock.
Off Timer Auto Shut Off Feature to Conserve Battery Life Maximizes
battery life by powering down the player when not in use.
18 Playback Modes/Bookmark Playback Function offer many
predetermined choices in the playback of CDs, including hearing one track over
and over, hearing a selection of tracks in a desired order, or listening to tracks
Digital Mega Bass® Sound uses digital processing technology to produce
rich, deep, bass tones with extremely low harmonic distortion.
2 Position Automatic Volume Limiter System (AVLS) maintains volume
output at levels below distortion threshold for cleaner sound reproduction.
Frequency Response: 20-20000Hz, 1/-2dB
D/A Conversion: 1 Bit Quartz Time-Axis Control
Digital-to-Analog Converter: 1 Bit
Output(s): Headphone (stereo mini jack)
Input(s): DC-In 4.5V
Battery Life (Approx.): Up to 41 Hours with 1 "AA" Sony Alkaline Batteries x 1 (ATRAC CD
recorded at 48kbps/G-Protection 2); 30 Hours (Radio on)
Power Requirements: DC 1.5V x 1 ("AA" x 1 Batteries)
Weight: 7 oz (196g)
Dimensions (WHD): 5 3/7 x 5 3/7 x 1 3/14" (137.8 x 137.8 x 30.9mm)
Color: Harmony Blue
Supplied Accessories: Walkman Branded Psyc Headphones (MDR-E808LP)
CD-ROM (SonicStage® Software)
Optional Accessories: DCC-E345 Car Battery Cord
AC-E45HG/E45A AC Adapter
RK-G129HG/G136HG Connecting Cord
CPA-9C Car Connecting Pack
DCC-E34CP Car Battery Cord
1. CD- R/RW med ia/fo rmat are no t uni versa lly c ompat ible.
2. Eli minat es or re duces sk ippin g dur ing m any a ctive us es.
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc .
Rep roduc tion in who le or in pa rt wi thout wr itten pe rmiss ion i s pro hibit ed. A ll ri ghts res erved . Son y, AT RAC,
ATR AC3, ATR AC3pl us, C onnec t, G- Prote ction , Meg a Bas s, Ps yc, S onicS tage and Wa lkman ar e tra demar ks
of Son y.
Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e
app roxim ate.
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-03-22