Sony CDX-81 User Manual [en, fr, es]

Compact Disc Changer
Operating Instructions Mode d'emploi Manual de instrucciones
3-759-756-21 (2)
Owner's Record
The model and serial numbers arc located at the rear of the CD changer. Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to these numbers whenever you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this prcxluct.
Model No.CDX-51/71 ________________________________________________
Sony Corporation © 1994 Printed in Japan
The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.
The shielded interface cable recommended ki this manual must be used with this equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
Preparations! Préparatifs! Preparativos!
If the disc magazine does not lock properly
Take out the magazine, and after pressing the EJECT button, reinsert it.
Use the unit with the door closed
Otherwise, foreign matter may enter the unit, and contaminate the lenses inside the changer.
• To listen to an 8 cm (3-in.) CD, use the separately sold Sojiy CD, adapter CSA-K. Be sure to always use the specified adapter, as failing to do so mav cause a malfunction of the unit. If you use any other adapter, the unit may not operate properly. When using the Sony CD adapter, make sure that three catches on the adapter are firmly latched onto tfie 8 cm CD.
• When a disc magazine is inserted into the CD changer or the reset button of the connected car audio is pressed, the unit will be automatically activated and read the informatitin of CDs. When the information of all the CDs in the disc magazine has been read, the unit will automatically stop the operation ÍCDX-71),
Si vous ne pouvez pas fermer le chargeur de disques
Sortez le chargeur et, apres avoir appuyé sur la touche EJECT, réinsérez-le.
Utiliser cet appareil avec la trappe fermée
Sinon, des corps étrangers pourraient pénétrer dans l'appareil et encrasser les lentilles dans le lecteur.
• Pour écouter une disque de 8 cm (3 po.), utilisez l'adaptateur Sony CSA-8, vendu séparément, à l'exclusion de tout autre, pour éviter tout problème de fonctionnement. Si vous utilisez un autre adaptateur, l'appareil risque de ne pas fonctionner ctirrectemont. Quand vous utilisez l'adapatatuer CD Sony, vérifiez que les trois griffes sont bien en sur le CD de 8 cm.
• Quand un chargeur de disques est inséré dans le changeur de CD ou si la touche de réinitialisation do l'autoradio raccordé est enclenchée, l'appareil se met automatiquement en marche et reproduit les CD.
Lorsque t(.>us les CD du chargeur ont été reproduits,
l'appareil s'arrête automatiquement (CDX-71).
Si el cargador de discos no encaja adecuadamente
Extraiga el cargador y, después de presionar el botón EJECT, v'uelva a insertarlo.
Emplee la unidad con la puerta cerrada
De lo contrario podrían entrar objetos extraños \- contaminar los objetivos de interior del cambiador.
• Para reprtxiucir un disco compacto de 8 cm, utilice un adaptador para discos compactos CSA-8 Sony vendido aparte. Cerciórese de utilizar siempre el adaptador especificado, ya que de lo contrario la unidad podría funcionar mal. Si utilizase otro adaptador, es posible que la unidad no funcionase adecuandamente. Cuando utilice el adaptador para discos compactos Sony, cerciórese de que las tres uñas del mismo hayan quedado firmemente
enganchadas en el disco compacto de 8 cm.
• Cuando inserte un disco en el cambiadores de discos compactos o presione el botón de reposición del sistema de audio del automóvil, la unidad se activará automáticamente y leerá la información de los discos compactos. Cuando se- haya leído la información de todos los discos compactos del cargador de discos, la unidad se parará automáticamente (CDX-71).
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Installation/InstaUation/Instalación ílnstailation/^
I Choose~the mounting location carefully,
observing the following: — The fuel tank should not be damaged by the
tapping screws.
— There should be no wire harnesses or
pipelines under the place where you are going to install the unit.
— The spare tire, tools or other equipment in or
under the trunk should not be interfered with
or damaged by the screws or the unit itself.
' Be sure to use only the supplied mounting
hardware for a safe and secure installation.
> Choisir l’emplacement de montage en tenant
compte des observations suivantes. — Vérifier que le réservoir d'essence ne risque
pas d'être endommagé par les vis taraudeuses.
— 11 ne doit pas y avoir de faisceau de fils ou de
tuyaux à l'emplacement du montage.
— Vérifier que l’appareil ou les vis no risquent
pas d'endommager ou de gêner la roue de secours, les outils, ou tout autre objet dans le coffre.
' Pour garantir la sécurité de l'installation, utiliser
uniquement le matériel de montage fourni.
Supplied Mounting Hardware Matériel de montage fourni Ferretería de montaje suministrada
How to Install the Unit!Installation de l'appareil/Forma de ihstalar

Horizontal installation/Installation horizontale/Instalaciôn horizontal/TK?^'

' Elija cuidadosamente el lugar de montaje,
teniendo en cuenta lo siguiente: — El depósito de combustiblepo deberá
dañarse con los tornillos autorroscantes.
— No deberá haber mazos de conductores ni
tubos debajo del lugar donde vaya a instalar la unidad.
— La rueda de repuesto, las herramientas, u
otros equipos situados dentro o debajo del portaequipajes no deberán verse interferidos ni dañados por los tornillos ni por la propia unidad.
' Para realizar una instalación segura, emplee
solamente la ferretería de montaje suministrada.
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Vertical installation/Installation verticale/Instalaciôn vertical/^iS^;£
+ 11 hidden pages