Sony ACE2000 Diagram

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Ta ble of Con tents
Im por tant In for ma tion ................................2
Re quired In stal la tion Tools ................................. 2
Stan dard Fea tures of the ACE 2000 ......................... 3
Sys tem Com po nents ................................. 3
Wir ing Dia gram ...................................4
Wir ing De scrip tions .................................5
Pas sen ger Com part ment Con nec tions........................ 5
Con trol Unit and An tenna .................................. 5
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply .............................. 5
Cen tral Door Lock ing Sys tem ................................ 5
Door Locks.........................................6
LED Status In di ca tor.....................................8
Plain View 2 Coded Valet Switch...............................8
Dual- Zone Piezo Sen sor...................................8
Trunk Trig ger........................................8
Park ing Lights........................................8
Aux il iary A with Se lecta ble Out put Type and AutoActivation ................. 10
Starter or Ig ni tion Im mo bi li za tion Cir cuit ..........................10
High Out put Si ren..................................... 10
Hood Trig ger....................................... 11
Fi nal Wir ing Con nec tions..............................11
Smart Powe rUp 2 ..................................11
De layed Cour tesy Lights ..............................11
Re mote Con trol Op era tion .............................11
FACT......................................... 12
Eight- Event To tal Re call...............................12
Pro gram ma ble Fea tures..............................13
Us ing the Cliff Net Wiz ard Pro In stal la tion Soft ware ..................... 13
Pro gram ming the User- Selectable Fea tures ......................... 13
User- Programmable Fea tures ............................... 14
In staller Pro gram ma ble Fea tures .............................. 16
Sys tem Check list and Trou ble shoot ing ....................... 16
Im por tant In for ma tion
1.DO NOT dis con nect the bat tery ca bles! Make bat tery con nec tions by re mov ing the lug nuts from the bat tery clamps with out de tach ing the clamp it self.
2. Turn off the in te rior lights or re move the dome light fuse bef ore start ing the in stal la tion ; oth er wise, leav ing the door(s) open dur ing in stal la tion will drain the bat tery.
3. Use a volt me ter. DO NOT USE A TEST LIGHT! Test lights have a cur rent drain that will dam age the ve hi cle’s on board com puter, and if you probe the wrong wire, could de ploy the ve hi cle’s air bag(s).
4. Make all con nec tions with the sup plied crimp con nec tors or sol der and shrink tube. DO NOT use bite- type con nec tors.
5.Route the sys tem’s ground and power wires di rectly to the ve hi cle bat tery or fuse box.
6. Keep ex ten sion as short as pos si ble. Use same- gauge wire for short ex ten sions, larger gauge for longer ex ten sions. DO NOT USE SPEAKER WIRE!
7. Dis cuss place ment of the LED, valet switch, win dow de cals, etc. with the ve hi cle owner prior to in stal la tion.
8. DO NOT mount com po nents nor route wires near hot or mov ing ve hi cle parts. Clif ford com po nents must not im pede ve hi cle serv ic ing or op era tion.
9. DO NOT mount any Clif ford sen sor in the en gine com part ment (with the ex cep tion of the Om niSen sor sens ing mod ule).
10.Fol low the sys tem’s Se quence of In stal la tion to en sure proper in stal la tion and test ing.
11.Place the own er’s man ual in the glove box.
Note: Clif ford Elec tron ics’ web site for Author ized Clif ford Deal ers has de tailed de scrip tions of wire col ors and lo ca tions for most for eign and do mes tic ve hi cles. In stal la tion dia grams and pro gram ming pro ce dures for older Clif ford prod ucts are also avail able. Just go to www.clif ford deal for as sis tance 24- hours per day.
Voltmeter (set to “DC Volt”) Wire crimper Wire stripper Electric drill and bits Phillips screwdriver Crescent wrench Vinyl tubing Rubber grommet Convoluted tubing Shrink tubing (included) Solder gun and solder Heat gun
Re quired In stal la tion Tools
Stan dard Fea tures of the ACE 2000
o Lifetime Warranty o Two ACG™ 2 (Anti-CodeGrabbing™)
Remote Controls
o Audible Low Transmitter Battery
o Built-In Starter or Ignition Immobilizer o FACT — False Alarm Control and Test o Remote Siren Silencing o Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor™ o Dual-Mode “Chirp” Silencing o Patented UltraSecure Coded Valet
o DataPort™ for CliffNet Wizard Pro o Point-and-Click Feature Programming o Complete Online System Diagnostics
o High-Output Siren o Remote Door Locking/Unlocking* o Remote Panic with Smart
o Built-In Dual Parking Light Flasher
with Onboard Relay
o Remote Controlled Courtesy Lighting
o Patented Smart AutoTesting™ o Smart Remote Trunk Release o User-Selectable AutoArming
o AutoArm & Lock o Visual AutoArm Indication o Instant AutoArm Bypass o Patented Malfunction AutoBypass™
with AutoReMonitoring
o Patented SmartPowerUp™ 2 o Multiple-Car Control o Eight-Event TotalRecall™ o Patented Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt
o Patented Remote Control Code
Learning and MultiRemote Recognition
o Clear All Remotes o High-Luminescence LED Status Parking
with Automatic Battery-Saving Mode
o Full-Time SecureAccess™
o Advanced CMOS Microcomputer o Pre-Loomed Wiring o Accessory Output with Selectable
Output Type
o Installer-Selectable Door
Ajar/Delayed Courtesy Lights
o Prewired LED, Sensor and PlainView 2
Switch Connectors
*Programmable (+) or (-), may require relays.
Sys tem Com po nents
The ACE 2000 installation kit contains the following components: One Prewired 20-pin connector harness One PlainView 2 Coded Valet Switch
One Prewired 2-pin connector One High Output Siren One ACE 2000 Control Unit One Prewired LED One Hardware Kit One User’s Manual One Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor Two Clifford Window Decals Two Remote Transmitters 18” Cliffnet DataPort Extension Cable One Antenna
Wir ing De scrip tion for the 2- pin Con nec tor
Pin Wire Color Con nects to
1 White/Red Starter or Ignition Interrupt - key side 2 White/Red Starter or Ignition Interrupt - starter or ignition side
Wir ing De scrip tion for the 20- pin Con nec tor
Pin Wire Color Con nects to
1 Gray Door trigger input (+) or (-) 2 White Valet Switch input (-) 3 Orange Sensor input trigger zone (-) 4 Gray/Yellow trunk and hood trigger input (-) 5 Blue Sensor input warning zone (-) 6 Violet LED output (+) 7 White/Brown Ignition Input
8 Black 9 Black Battery Negative
10 Red Power for the Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor, optional sensor 11 Brown/White Interior light output (-) 12 Gray/Green Door lock output (+) or (-) 13 Gray/Orange Door unlock output (+) or (-) 14 Green Armed output (-) 15 Gray/Violet Auxilliary A output (-) 16 Yellow Siren output (-) 17 Brown Parking light output (+) 18 Brown Parking light output (+) 19 Red/White Battery positive with 20 Amp fuse 20 Red Battery positive with 5 Amp fuse
Ground for the Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor, optional sensor and LED connectors, Valet Switch
Pas sen ger Com part ment Con nec tions
Con trol Unit and An tenna
The ACE 2000 con trol unit must be in stalled in side the ve hi cle. Un der no cir cum stances should the unit be in stalled un der the hood or other simi larly hos tile en vi ron ment.
1. Select an area behind the dash to mount the control unit using wire ties, but do not permanently affix it until all wiring and testing is complete.
2. Plug the 18” CliffNet DataPort Extension Cable into the control unit. Make sure the receptacle end will be easily accessible after the dash has been secured back to its original position. This extension cable ensures ease of service later on.
3. Run the antenna either up the window pillar or under the dash, away from metal. Do not fold the excess cable or antenna wire. Do not make hard, sharp bends.
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply
Door triggers on most autos are negative (except most Rolls-Royce and Ford autos). To determine door trigger polarity, use the following procedure:
1. Find the wire coming off the rear of the vehicle door switch.
2. Connect the negative voltmeter lead to ground.
3. Find the one wire that shows +12 volts when the switch is pressed in and 0 volts when released. This is a negative trigger door wire.
4. If you don’t get the indications noted in step 3, find the one wire that shows 0 volts when the switch is pressed in and +12 volts when released. This is a positive trigger door wire.
5. Connect the system’s thin GRAY wire to the door wire.
6. If the door trigger is negative, no further installation is required.
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply (Con tin ued)
7. If the door trigger is positive, program for positive using the Installer-Programmable features matrix on page 14.
8. If dome light supervision is desired, connect the relay as shown in the ACE 2000 diagram.
n Con nect the BROWN/WHITE wire to ter mi nal 86 n Tap a wire in to the RED/WHITE wire (+12V) and con nect it to ter mi nal 85. n Tap a wire into the GRAY wire and con nect to ter mi nal 30. n Con nect ter mi nal 87 to posi tive if the door trig ger is posi tive (+12V RED/WHITE
wire), or con nect ter mi nal 87 to nega tive if the door trig ger is nega tive.
NOTE: Clif ford Elec tron ics’ web site for Autho rized Clif ford Deal ers has de tailed de scrip tions of wire col ours and lo ca tions for most for eign and do mes tic ve hi cles. In stal la tion dia grams and pro gram ming pro ce dures for older Clif ford prod ucts are also avail able. Just go to www.clif ford deal for as sis tance 24- hours per day.
Cen tral Door Lock ing Sys tem
Please refer to the Door Locks section below for information on circuit types and connections. When adding an IntelliStart 4 to the ACE 2000, it is recommended that RPM-dependent door locking be selected. The RPM-dependent door locking feature is only available with the addition of the IntelliStart 4.
Door Locks
WARN ING: If the power door locks do not op er ate prop erly when the sys tem is armed and dis armed, DO NOT USE THE VE HI CLE’S DOOR LOCK SWITCH! If the con trol unit’s door lock wires are mis wired, per ma nent dam age to the con trol unit or to the car’s elec tri cal sys tem and door lock ser vos will re sult. If you re quire as sis tance, call the Clif ford Tech ni cal Sup port Helpline PRIOR to wir ing the door locks.
If the ve hi cle is not equipped with power door locks, you may op tion ally add up to four #60- 516 Door Lock Ser vos. Some systems may require adding relays.
De ter min ing the Door Lock Sys tem Type
1. Remove the door lock switch on the driver’s side of the vehicle to reveal the switch wires.
a. If there are four or more wires, make the connections shown in Diagram 4 for reverse
b.If there are three wires, proceed to step 2. c. If the vehicle is a Nissan and it does not have a door lock switch, find the single wire in
the driver’s kick panel that shows ground when the locks are unlocked and “open” when the locks are locked. Cut this wire and make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 3.
2. Connect the negative voltmeter lead to ground and probe each wire while locking/unlocking. If the voltmeter show +12v while activating the switch, make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 1 for positive trigger. Otherwise, go to step 3.
a. On systems without lock/unlock relays (Arrow 3, etc.) you must program for positive
door locks (factory setting is negative)when the system has been powered up.
3. Repeat step 2 with the negative voltmeter lead connected to +12v. If the voltmeter shows +12v while activating the switch, make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 2 for negative trigger.
4. Locks controlled from the driver’s door key require installation of just one #60-516 servo in the driver’s door. Vehicles without factory power locks require a servo in each door. Mount the servo(s) and make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 5 for adding servos.
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