Sony A3880121 User Guide

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Xperia™ active
Startup guide
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
Important information
Please read the Important information leaflet and the Water resistance leaflet before you use your mobile phone.
To remove the back cover and the battery cover
Use a thumb nail so that you can lift up the back cover with more force.
Memory card may not be included with purchase in all markets.
To attach the battery cover and the back cover
Correctly attaching the back cover and the battery cover can keep your phone resistant to water. The phone is not resistant to water when the micro USB port cover or the headset connector cover is open, for example, when the phone is charging or when it's connected to a wired headset.
Phone basics
Phone overview
1. Light sensor
2. Notification LED
3. Ear speaker
4. Proximity sensor 1
5. Proximity sensor 2
6. Volume key/Zoom key
7. Touch screen
8. Camera key
9. Menu key
10. Strap hole
11. Home key
12. Main microphone
13. Back key
14. Second microphone
15. Camera LED light
16. Power key/Screen lock
17. Speaker
18. Camera lens
19. Micro USB port cover
20. Headset connector cover
21. Micro USB port
22. Headset connector
Turning on the phone
To turn on the phone
Set up your phone
Transferring contacts from your old phone
What is Android?
It may take a while for the phone to start up.
Waking up the screen
To activate the screen
Briefly press the key.
To unlock the screen
Drag the icon to the right across the screen.
Using the keys
Go back to the previous screen
Close the on-screen keypad, a dialog box, an options menu, or the Notification panel
Go to the Home screen
Press and hold to open a window showing your most recently used applications
Open a list of options available in the current screen or application
Android is your phone's operating system. Since it's developed by Google™, your phone is preloaded with several Google™ services, such as Google Maps™ and Google™ web search. To use some of the services provided by Google™, you need a Google account. With a Google account you can access Android Market™ – an application store providing both free and paid applications for easy download to your phone.
What is different about Android?
Android™ is an open system, which means that you're not limited to using applications and services from only one provider.
Google™ account
Use Gmail™ to send emails, Google Talk™ to chat with friends, and Android Market™ to download applications.
To add an account
From your Home screen, tap
Tap Settings > Accounts & sync > Add account.
Tap the account type you want to add and then follow the registration wizard.
Basic settings
The first time you start your phone, a setup guide explains basic phone functions and helps you enter essential settings. You can also access the setup guide later.
To access the setup guide
From the Home screen, tap .
Find and tap Setup guide.
When you buy a new phone, one of the first challenges is to transfer your contacts and phone numbers from your old phone. This procedure can sometimes be complicated. In this section we give you the big picture and outline solutions based on the type of your old phone. We also tell you where you can find detailed step-by-step instructions.
My old phone is a non­Android™ phone
Sony Ericsson
Transfer the contacts from your old Sony Ericsson phone to your new phone in a few steps:
New phone: Connect your new phone to an
Internet-connected PC using a USB cable.
New phone: If prompted, tap the screen to launch
the installation of PC Companion on the PC.
PC: In PC Companion, select the option to
transfer or synchronise your contacts.
With your old phone and its USB cable at hand, follow the instructions on the PC screen to transfer your contacts from the old phone to your new one.
To view detailed step-by-step instructions, visit
Transfer the contacts from your old Nokia Symbian™ phone to your new phone in a few steps.
This method only works for Nokia phones using the S60 platform.
New phone: Connect your new phone to an
Internet-connected PC using a USB cable.
New phone: If prompted, tap the screen to launch
the installation of PC Companion on the PC.
PC: In PC Companion, select the option to
transfer or synchronise your contacts.
With your old phone and its USB cable at hand, follow the instructions on the PC screen to transfer your contacts from the old phone to your new one.
To view detailed step-by-step instructions, visit
July 29, 2011 17:12:29
Jan 6,
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Transfer your iPhone™ contacts to your new phone via a Google™ account:
Connect your iPhone to a PC and start the iTunes™ application. Click the Info tab in iTunes™ and select to sync the phone with Google™ Contacts. If you use a Mac® computer, you need to export your contacts in vCard format from the Mac® Address Book into a vCard file, and then import the vCard file into your Google™ account.
Once your iPhone contacts are moved to your Google™ account, you need to synchronise your new phone with your Google™ account.
To view detailed step-by-step instructions, visit
Other phone
Transfer the contacts from your old phone to a computer and then use Google Sync™ to transfer the contacts to your new phone.
Old phone: Transfer the contacts from your old
phone to a computer. The most practical way to do this is by using a memory card.
Make a note of where you copy the contacts file. This kind of file is usually in vCard (.vcf) or a .csv format.
Computer: Go to and
sign in, or create a new Google™ account. Click Import and browse to the location of the contacts file, then click Open. Your contacts are now stored in your Google account.
New phone: Set up your Google account to work
in the phone and then synchronise your contacts.
You can also use a mobile phone management software application to transfer the contacts to a computer.
To view detailed step-by-step instructions, visit
My old phone is an Android™ phone
Transfer the contacts from your old Android phone directly to your new phone with Google sync™:
Synchronise the contacts from your old phone with your Google™ account, if you haven't done so already. You can only synchronise contacts that are saved as Google™ account contacts.
Set up your Google account to work in the new phone. As part of the setup, your contacts get downloaded to the phonebook application in the phone.
If you have contacts in your phonebook that are not saved as Google™ account contacts, you must first export them to a memory card and then import them again and save them as Google™ account contacts in your phone.
To view detailed step-by-step instructions, visit
Finding your way
Home screen
Your phone Home screen is the equivalent of the desktop on a computer. You can customise your Home screen with widgets, shortcuts, folders, themes, wallpaper and other items. The four corners on the Home screen help you access applications or web page shortcuts quickly. The Home screen extends beyond the regular screen display width, so you need to flick left or right to view content in one of the screen's four extensions.
Jan 6, 1980
To go to the Home screen
Press .
To browse the Home screen
Flick right or left.
To change your Home screen wallpaper
From your Home screen, press
Tap Wallpaper, then select a wallpaper.
Widgets are small applications that you can use directly on your Home screen. For example, the Music player widget allows you to start playing music directly and the Sony Ericsson Timescape™ widget displays incoming messages.
Application screen
The Application screen, which you open from your Home screen, contains the applications that come installed with your phone as well as the applications you download. The Application screen extends beyond the regular screen width, so you need to flick left and right to view all content.
To open the Application screen
From your Home screen, tap .
To open an application
From your Home screen or the Application screen, tap the application.
An application is a phone program that helps you perform a task. For example, there are applications to make calls, take photos and download more applications.
Status and notifications
The status bar at the top of your screen shows what's going on in your phone. For example, new message and calendar notifications appear here.
Checking notifications and ongoing activities
You can drag down the status bar to open the Notification panel and get more information. For example, open a new message or view a calendar event from the Notification panel. You can also open running applications, such as the music player.
To open the Notification panel
Drag the status bar downwards.
Phone settings menu
View and change your phone settings from the Settings menu.
To access the phone settings
From the Home screen, tap
Tap Settings.
More basics
To make a call by dialling
From your Home screen, tap
Find and tap Phone.
Enter the number of the recipient and tap Call. To delete a number, tap .
To end a call
Tap .
To answer a call
Drag to the right across the screen.
Multimedia and text messaging
To create and send a message
From your Home screen, tap , then find and tap
Tap New message.
Tap Write message and enter your message text.
To add a recipient, tap Add recipient, then select a contact or enter the full number manually.
If you want to add a media file, tap and select an option.
If you want to add or remove recipients before sending the message, press . To add a recipient, tap Add recipient. To remove a recipient, tap Edit recipients and tap recipient field. When you are finished, tap Done.
To send the message, tap Send.
next to a
Legal information
Sony Ericsson ST17i/ST17a
Android Market™ is not available in all countries. Some of the services and features described in this Startup guide are not supported in all countries/regions or by all networks and/or service providers in all areas. Without limitation, this applies to the GSM International Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator or service provider to determine availability of any specific service or feature and whether additional access or usage fees apply.
This Startup guide is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB or its local affiliated company, without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this Startup guide necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this Startup guide.
All rights reserved.
©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2011
Publication number: 1250-0557.1 Your mobile phone has the capability to download, store and forward
additional content, e.g. ringtones. The use of such content may be restricted or prohibited by rights of third parties, including but not limited to restriction under applicable copyright laws. You, and not Sony Ericsson, are entirely responsible for additional content that you download to or forward from your mobile phone. Prior to your use of any additional content, please verify that your intended use is properly licensed or is otherwise authorized. Sony Ericsson does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any additional content or any other third party content. Under no circumstances will Sony Ericsson be liable in any way for your improper use of additional content or other third party content.
This Startup guide may reference services or applications provided by third parties. Use of such programming or services may require separate registration with the third party provider and may be subject to additional terms of use. For applications accessed on or through a third-party website, please review such websites’ terms of use and applicable privacy policy in advance. Sony Ericsson does not warrant or guarantee the availability or performance of any third-party websites or offered services.
Remove the battery to see regulatory information such as the CE mark.
All product and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
disclaimer for more information.
All illustrations are for illustration only and may not accurately depict the actual phone.
This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
Explore more and get support
User guide
A full-length User guide is available in the support application in your phone and at
Support in the phone
Get user support directly in your phone using the support application.
To access the support application
From your Application screen, find and tap .
Find and tap the required support item.
Support on the web
Visit to access a range of support and get the most from your phone.
Customer support
Customer support – if all else fails. Access the relevant support number on the Sony Ericsson website by clicking the Contact us link at the bottom of the page.
July 29, 2011 17:12:30
SAR Information
FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony Ericsson ST17i
UMTS Band 1 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Important Information United States & Canada
The ST17i S eries mobile phone s have b een d esign ed to co mply wit h app licab le sa fety requi remen ts fo r exp osure to r adio waves . You r wir eless phon e is a rad io tr ansmi tter and r eceiv er. I t is des igned to not excee d the li mits* of exposu re to ra dio f reque ncy (RF ) ene rgy s et by gove rnmen tal a uthor ities . The se li mits esta blish per mitte d lev els o f RF energ y for the gener al po pulat ion. The gui delin es ar e bas ed on stan dards that were deve loped by int ernat ional scie ntifi c org aniza tions thro ugh p eriod ic an d tho rough eval uatio n of scien tific stud ies. The s tanda rds i nclud e a saf ety m argin desi gned to as sure the s afety of a ll in divid uals, reg ardle ss of age and h ealth .
The radi o wav e exp osure guid eline s emp loy a unit of mea surem ent k nown as t he Sp ecifi c Abs orpti on Ra te (S AR). Test s for SAR are c onduc ted u sing stand ardiz ed me thods with the pho ne tr ansmi tting at i ts hi ghest cert ified powe r lev el in all used fre quenc y ban ds. W hile there may be d iffer ences betw een t he SA R lev els o f var ious phone mode ls, t hey a re al l des igned to m eet t he rel evant guid eline s for expo sure to ra dio w aves. For more inf ormat ion o n SAR , ple ase r efer to th e saf e and effi cient use cha pter in th e Use r Gui de.
The high est S AR va lue a s rep orted to t he au thori ties for t his pho ne mo del w hen t ested for use b y the ear is 1. 26 W/ kg*, and whe n wor n on the b ody i s 0.4 8 W/k g* fo r spe ech a nd 1. 31 W/ kg* for data call s. Fo r bod y-wor n ope ratio n, th e pho ne ha s been t ested whe n pos ition ed a minim um of 15 m m fro m the body with out a ny met al pa rts i n the v icini ty of the phone or wh en pr operl y use d wit h an appro priat e Son y Eri csson acce ssory and worn on th e bod y. For devices which i nclud e “ WiFi hot spot” functio nalit y, body-wo rn SAR meas ureme nts f or op erati on of the devic e ope ratin g in WiFi hot spot mode were taken usin g a s epara tion dista nce o f 10m m.
Use of t hird- party acce ssori es ma y res ult i n dif feren t SAR leve ls tha n tho se re porte d.
**B efore a ph one m odel is av ailab le fo r sal e to the p ublic in t he US, it m ust b e tested an d cer tifie d by the Fe deral Comm unica tions Com missi on (F CC) t hat i t doe s not exce ed th e lim it es tabli shed by the gove rnmen t-ado pted requi remen t for safe expo sure* . The tes ts ar e per forme d in positio ns an d loc ation s (i. e., b y the ear and wor n on the bo dy) a s req uired by t he FC C for each mode l. Th e FCC has gran ted a n Equipme nt Au thori zatio n for this phon e model w ith all repo rted SAR le vels eva luate d as in compli ance wit h the FCC RF exp osure guid eline s. Wh ile t here may b e dif feren ces b etwee n the SAR leve ls of vari ous p hones , all mobi le ph ones grant ed an FCC equ ipmen t aut horiz ation meet the gover nment requ ireme nt fo r saf e exp osure . SAR info rmati on on this phon e mod el is on f ile a t the FCC and c an be foun d und er th e Dis play Grant sect ion o f htt p://w ww.fc /oet/ fccid afte r sea rchin g on FCC ID PY7A3 88012 1. Additio nal info rmati on on SA R can be foun d o n the Cell ular Telec ommun icati ons & Inte rnet Assoc iatio n (CT IA) web site at ht tp:// www.p honef acts. net.
* I n the Unit ed St ates and C anada , the SAR limit for mobil e pho nes u sed b y the publ ic is 1.6 watts /kilo gram (W/kg ) ave raged ove r one gram of t issue . The stan dard incor porat es a margi n of saf ety t o giv e add ition al pr otect ion f or th e pub lic a nd to acco unt for any varia tions in m easur ement s.
**T his p aragr aph i s onl y app licab le to auth oriti es an d custome rs in the U nited Stat es.
Renseignements importants États-Unis et Canada
Les télé phone s mob iles de la ST17 i ont été conçu s pou r rép ondre aux norme s de sécur ité e n vig ueur en ma tière d'e xposi tion aux o ndes radio élect rique s. Vo tre t éléph one s ans f il est un é mette ur et un r écept eur r adio. Il e st co nçu d e manière à ne pas dépa sser les l imite s* d' expos ition à l' énerg ie de s fré quenc es rad io (R F) ét ablie s par les autorités gouv ernem ental es. C es li mites fix ent l es ni veaux maxi maux d'éne rgie RF au xquel s peu t êtr e sou mis l e gra nd pu blic. Ces lign es di rectr ices sont basé es su r des nor mes q ui on t été élab orées par des o rgani satio ns sc ienti fique s int ernat ional es pa r le biais d'év aluat ions pério dique s et app rofon dies des étud es sc ienti fique s. Ces n ormes prév oient une mar ge de sécu rité visan t à a ssure r la prote ction de t ous l es ind ividu s, pe u imp orte leur âge e t leu r éta t de santé .
Les lign es di rectr ices relat ives à l'e xposi tion aux o ndes rad ioéle ctriq ues u tilis ent u ne un ité d e mes ure a ppelé e « T aux d'a bsorp tion spéci fique » (T AS). Les t ests de TA S son t eff ectué s sel on de s mét hodes stan dardi sées dans lesqu elles le t éléph one éme t dan s tou tes l es ba ndes de fr équen ces u tilis ées, à la plus for te pu issan ce po ur la quell e il a été homo logué . Bie n que le T AS pui sse ê tre d iffér ent d 'un m odèle de t éléph one à un a utre, tous les app areil s son t con çus p our r espec ter l es li gnes direc trice s rel ative s aux onde s rad ioéle ctriq ues. Pour en sa voir plus sur l e TAS , rep ortez -vous au c hapit re su r l'u tilis ation effi cace et sa ns dan ger d u gui de de l'ut ilisa teur.
Le TAS l e plu s éle vé re levé par l es au torit és po ur ce modè le de tél éphon e est de 1 .26 W /kg* lorsq u'il est t esté en ut ilisa tion près de l'ore ille, et d e 0.4 8 W/k g* po ur le s app els v ocaux et d e
1.3 1 W/k g* po ur le s tra nsmis sions de d onnée s lor squ'i l est port é sur le c orps. En m ode d ’util isati on po rté s ur le corp s, le télé phone a été tes té lorsq u’il est à au moi ns 15 mm du corps et à l’é cart de tou te pi èce e n mét al, o u lor squ’i l est util isé d e faç on ad équat e
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