Sony A3880087 User Guide

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Startup guide
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
Digital User guide for the environment
As a step toward a more environment-friendly approach we have focused on what you need to get started in this Startup guide, and added a full digital User Guide, one of our GreenHeart™ innovations, in the phone and on our support web. We hope you enjoy our efforts!
Important information
Please read the Important information leaflet before you use your mobile phone.
To remove the battery cover
You may need to press quite firmly when you’re removing the cover.
To insert the SIM card and the battery
To attach the battery cover
Phone basics
1. Light sensor/Proximity sensor
2. Ear speaker
3. Front camera
4. Directional buttons
5. Headset connector
6. Game menu
7. Joystick
8. Touch pad
9. Connector for charger/USB cable
10. Select key
Turning on the phone
To turn on the phone
11. Start key
12. Button
13. Button
14. Button
15. Button
16. Back key
17. Home key
18. Menu key
19. Search key
20. Touch screen
To enter your SIM card PIN code
Tap the numbers on the screen to enter the personal identification number (PIN) for your SIM card.
To correct a mistake made while entering your PIN, press .
Waking up the screen
To activate the screen
Press or press briefly.
To unlock the screen
Drag the icon to the right across the screen.
Using the keys
Back•Go back to the previous screen
Close the on-screen keypad, a dialog box, an options menu, or the Notification panel
Home•Go to the Home screen from any
Menu•Open a list of options available in
Search•Shortcut to Google™ Search
application or screen
Open a window showing your most recently used applications
the current screen or application
Using the touch screen
To open or highlight an item
Tap the item.
To scroll
Drag your finger in the direction you want to scroll on the screen.
To scroll more quickly, flick your finger in the direction you want to go on the screen.
To zoom with two fingers
Place two fingers on the screen at once and pinch them together (to zoom out) or spread them apart (to zoom in).
Use the zoom function when viewing photos and maps, or when browsing the web.
Typing text
To display the keyboard to enter text
Tap a text entry field.
Using the keyboard
1 Change the character case and turn on the caps
lock. For some languages, this key is used to
access extra characters in the language 2 Close the keyboard view 3 Display numbers and symbols. Touch and hold
to display smileys 4 Enter a space 5 Open the input settings menu to change, for
example, the Writing languages or Quick text
settings 6 Enter a carriage return or confirm text input 7 Delete a character before the cursor
To change writing language
When you enter text, tap
if you have already selected more than one
input language.
Tap Writing languages and select the languages you want to use for writing.
If you have selected more than one input language, tap to switch between the selected writing languages.
, or touch and hold
To change quick text settings
When you enter text, tap , or touch and hold
Tap Quick text settings.
Select the desired settings.
To launch the PlayStation® Pocket
From your Home screen, tap PlayStation® Pocket.
From your Home screen, slide out the gaming keypad. The PlayStation® Pocket starts automatically.
If you don't want the PlayStation® Pocket to start when you slide out gaming keypad, you can disable this option in the PlayStation® Pocket menu.
, then find and tap
Set up your phone
The first time you start your phone, a setup guide explains basic phone functions and helps you enter essential settings. You can also access the setup guide later.
To access the setup guide
From the Home screen, tap .
Tap Setup guide.
Android™ – what and why?
An Android™ phone is based on an open source platform, and is pre-loaded with Google™ services. To make the best out of any provided Google™ services, you should create a Google™ account and sign in to it when you first start your phone. With the account, you can extend the functionality of the phone by downloading applications and games from a constantly growing collection at Android Market™. You need to have Internet access for many of the features in Android.
Accounts and services
Use online services in your phone. Sign in with your existing account or sign up and create an account.
Google™ account
Use Gmail™ to send emails, Google Talk™ to chat with friends, and Android Market™ to download applications.
Sony Ericsson account
Store your phone contacts on a secure Sony Ericsson server, and you'll always have a backup online. You can also store your phone calendar and Internet bookmarks in your Sony Ericsson account.
Exchange Active Sync account
Synchronize your phone with your corporate Exchange Active Sync account. This way, you keep your work email, contacts and calendar events with you at all times.
To add an account
From your Home screen, tap .
Tap Settings > Accounts & sync > Add account.
Tap the account type you want to add and then follow the registration wizard.
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Getting contacts into your phone
The first time you open the Phonebook, you get hints on how to start adding contacts to your phone. This is a good time to choose a method that suits your situation and setup. View all import options on
Example of methods:
Synchronize your phone with contacts already stored with an online synchronization service, such as Sony Ericsson Sync or Google Sync™.
Import contacts from a SIM card. You may not be able to transfer all information from one phone to another using this method because of limited memory on the SIM card.
The online synchronization method works best for most users. This way, you always have a backup online.
To synchronize your phone contacts with a synchronization account
From your Home screen, tap , then tap
Press , then tap Settings > Accounts & sync.
To set up a synchronization account, tap Add account and follow the on-screen instructions. If
you have already set up a synchronization account and you want to sync with that account, tap the account, press
To import contacts from a SIM card
From your Home screen, tap
Press , then tap Import contacts > SIM card.
If you have set up a synchronization account, you can choose to add the SIM card contacts under that account. Or you can choose to only use these contacts in the phone. Select your desired option.
To import an individual contact, find and tap the contact. To import all contacts, press tap Import all.
, and tap Sync now.
, then tap
, then
Finding your way
Home screen
Your phone's Home screen is the equivalent of the desktop on a computer. It's your gateway to the main features in your phone. You can customize your Home screen with widgets, shortcuts, wallpaper, and other items. The Home screen extends beyond the regular screen display width, so you need to flick left or right to view content in one of the screen's four extensions.
shows which part of the Home screen you are
The items in the bar at the bottom of the screen are always available for quick access.
To go to the Home screen
To browse the Home screen
Flick right or left.
To change your Home screen wallpaper
From your Home screen, press .
Tap Wallpaper, then select a wallpaper.
Widgets are small applications that you can use directly on your Home screen. For example, the Music player widget allows you to start playing music directly and the Sony Ericsson Timescape™ widget displays incoming messages.
To open the Application screen
From your Home screen, tap .
To open an application
From your Home screen or the Application screen, tap the application.
An application is a phone program that helps you perform a task. For example, there are applications to make calls, take photos and download more applications.
Status and notifications
The status bar at the top of your screen shows what's going on in your phone. To the left you get notifications when there is something new or ongoing. For example, new message and calendar notifications appear here. The right side shows the signal strength, battery status, and other information.
Checking notifications and ongoing activities
You can drag down the status bar to open the Notification panel and get more information. For example, open a new message or view a calendar event from the Notification panel. You can also open running applications, such as the music player.
To open the Notification panel
Drag the status bar downwards.
Phone settings menu
View and change your phone settings from the Settings menu.
To access the phone settings
From the Home screen, tap .
Tap Settings.
More basics
To make a call
From your Home screen, tap .
Enter the number of the recipient and tap Call. To delete a number, tap .
To end a call
Tap End call.
To answer a call
To decline a call
Multimedia and text messaging
To create and send a message
2 3 4
to the right across the screen.
If you are using regular headphones without a microphone, you have to remove the headphones from the headset connector to be able to answer the call.
to the left across the screen.
From your Home screen, tap , then find and tap
. Tap New message. Tap Write message and enter your message text. To add a recipient, tap Add recipient, then select a contact or enter the full number manually. If you want to add a media file, tap and select an option. If you want to add or remove recipients before sending the message, press recipient, tap Add recipient. To remove a recipient, tap Edit recipients and tap next to a recipient field. When you are finished, tap Done. To send the message, tap Send.
. To add a
Legal information
Android Market™ is not available in all countries. Some of the services and features described in this Startup guide are not supported in all countries/regions or by all networks and/or service providers in all areas. Without limitation, this applies to the GSM International Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator or service provider to determine availability of any specific service or feature and whether additional access or usage fees apply.
Sony Ericsson R800i/R800a
This Startup guide is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB or its local affiliated company, without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this Startup guide necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this Startup guide.
All rights reserved.
©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2011
Publication number: 1237-1153. Your mobile phone has the capability to download, store and forward
additional content, e.g. ringtones. The use of such content may be restricted or prohibited by rights of third parties, including but not limited to restriction under applicable copyright laws. You, and not Sony Ericsson, are entirely responsible for additional content that you download to or forward from your mobile phone. Prior to your use of any additional content, please verify that your intended use is properly licensed or is otherwise authorized. Sony Ericsson does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any additional content or any other third party content. Under no circumstances will Sony Ericsson be liable in any way for your improper use of additional content or other third party content.
This Startup guide may reference services or applications provided by third parties. Use of such programming or services may require separate registration with the third party provider and may be subject to additional terms of use. For applications accessed on or through a third-party website, please review such websites’ terms of use and applicable privacy policy in advance. Sony Ericsson does not warrant or guarantee the availability or performance of any third-party websites or offered services.
Remove the battery to see regulatory information such as the CE mark.
All product and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
disclaimer for more information.
All illustrations are for illustration only and may not accurately depict the actual phone.
This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution of such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
Explore more and get support
Support in the phone
User guide
The User guide is available in the support application in your phone and at
Support application
User guide – read and search the User guide.
Phone optimizer – enhance battery and software performance, and improve connectivity.
Educate yourself – read tips and tricks, get the latest news, and watch how-to videos.
Email support – send an email to our support team.
Software updates – download the latest software.
To access the support application
From the Application screen, find and tap
Find and tap the required support item.
Support on the web
Visit from your computer to get the most from your phone.
Contacts center
Contacts center – if all else fails. The relevant number is listed on the web and in the supplied Important information leaflet.
February 23, 2011 22:44:16
January 28, 2011 11:21:22
Application screen
The Application screen, which you open from your Home screen, contains the applications that come installed with your phone as well as the applications you download. The Application screen extends beyond the regular screen width, so you need to flick left and right to view all content.
FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony Ericsson R800a
UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 6 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Important Information United States & Canada
The R800 a Ser ies mobi le ph ones have been des igned to c ompl y wit h app licab le s afety requ irem ents for expos ure t o ra dio w aves. You r wir eless pho ne is a ra dio trans mitt er an d rec eive r. It is des igned to not exceed th e li mits * of exposure to radi o frequen cy (RF ) ene rgy s et b y gov ernme ntal auth orit ies. Thes e li mits esta blis h per mitte d lev els of RF ener gy f or th e gen eral popu lati on. T he gui delin es ar e ba sed o n sta ndar ds th at we re d evelo ped by int ernat ional sci entif ic or gani zatio ns th roug h per iodi c and tho rough eval uati on of scie ntif ic st udies . Th e sta ndar ds in clude a saf ety m argin des igned to a ssur e the safe ty o f all ind ividu als, reg ardle ss of age and healt h.
The radi o wav e ex posur e gui deli nes e mplo y a u nit o f mea surem ent k nown as t he Sp ecif ic Ab sorpt ion Rate (SA R). T ests for SAR are c ondu cted using sta ndard ized meth ods w ith the pho ne tr ansmi ttin g at its h ighe st ce rtif ied p ower leve l in all u sed fre quenc y ban ds. While there may be d iffer ence s bet ween the SAR lev els o f var ious phon e mod els, they are all desig ned to me et th e rel evant guid elin es fo r exp osur e to radio wav es. F or m ore inf ormat ion o n SA R, pl ease refe r to the s afe and e ffic ient use cha pter in th e Us er Gu ide.
The high est S AR v alue as re port ed to the auth oriti es f or th is pho ne mo del w hen teste d for use by t he ea r is 0.60 W/k g*, a nd whe n wor n on the body is 1.06 W/kg * fo r spe ech and 1.44 W/kg * for data call s. F or bo dy-wo rn o perat ion, the phone h as b een t ested whe n pos ition ed a mini mum o f 15 mm f rom t he b ody w itho ut an y met al pa rts i n th e vic inity of the phone or w hen p roper ly u sed w ith an appro priat e So ny Er icsso n ac cesso ry an d wo rn on the body . For devices which inc lude “WiF i hotspot” functionality, body-worn SAR meas ureme nts for o perat ion of th e dev ice opera ting in W iFi hot spot mode were take n usi ng a sepa ratio n di stanc e of 10mm .
Use of t hird- part y acc essor ies may r esult in diffe rent SAR level s tha n tho se re port ed.
**B efore a ph one model is a vail able for sale to th e pu blic in th e US, it m ust b e te sted and certified by th e Fe deral Com munic ation s Com missi on (F CC) that it does not exceed the limit esta blis hed b y the gove rnmen t-ad opted requ irem ent f or s afe e xposu re*. The tes ts ar e per form ed in posi tion s and loc ation s (i. e., by the e ar a nd wor n on the bod y) a s req uire d by the FCC for each mod el. T he FC C has gran ted a n Eq uipme nt Au thor izati on f or th is ph one mode l wit h all repo rted SAR levels evaluat ed a s in complia nce with th e FC C RF exp osure guid elin es. W hile ther e may be d iffe rence s bet ween the SAR leve ls of var ious phone s, a ll mo bile phon es gr anted an FCC equ ipmen t aut hori zatio n mee t th e gov ernme nt r equir ement for saf e exp osure . SA R inf ormat ion on th is ph one model is o n fi le at the FCC and c an b e fou nd un der the D ispla y Gr ant s ectio n of htt p://w ww.fc c.go v/oet /fcci d af ter s earch ing on FC C ID PY7A 38800 87. Addi tiona l in form ation on SAR can be fo und o n the Cell ular Tele commu nicat ions & In terne t As socia tion (CTI A) web site at ht tp:/ /www. phone fact .
* I n the Unit ed S tates and Cana da, t he SA R li mit f or m obile pho nes u sed b y th e pub lic i s 1. 6 wat ts/ki logr am (W /kg) aver aged ove r one gram of tissu e. Th e st andar d inc orpo rates a ma rgin of saf ety t o giv e ad ditio nal p rote ction for the publi c and to accou nt for any varia tion s in measu reme nts.
**T his p aragr aph is o nly appl icab le to aut horit ies and customer s in the U nited Sta tes.
Renseignements importants États-Unis et Canada
Les télé phone s mo biles de l a R8 00a o nt ét é co nçus pour rép ondre aux norm es de sécu rité en v igue ur en mati ère d'e xposi tion aux ondes radi oéle ctriq ues. Votr e tél épho ne sa ns fi l est un é mette ur e t un réce pteur radi o. I l est conç u de mani ère à ne pas dépa sser les limit es* d 'exp ositi on à l'én ergie des fréq uence s rad io (R F) ét abli es pa r les aut orité s gou vern ement ales . Ces limi tes fix ent l es ni veau x max imaux d'é nergi e RF auxq uels peut être sou mis l e gra nd p ublic . Ces lig nes d irec trice s son t ba sées sur des nor mes q ui on t ét é éla borée s pa r des orga nisa tions scie ntif iques int ernat ional es p ar le biai s d' évalu ation s pé riodi ques et app rofon dies des études scientifi ques . Ces normes prévoient une mar ge de sécu rité visa nt à assu rer l a pro tect ion d e tou s le s ind ividu s, pe u im porte leur âge et l eur é tat de sa nté.
Les lign es di rect rices rela tive s à l 'expo siti on au x on des rad ioéle ctriq ues utili sent une unité de m esur e app elée « Ta ux d'a bsorp tion spéc ifiqu e » ( TAS) . Les test s de TAS sont effe ctués sel on de s mét hode s sta ndard isée s dan s les quel les l e tél épho ne éme t dan s tou tes les b andes de fréqu ences uti lisée s, à la p lus for te pu issa nce p our l aque lle i l a été homol ogué . Bie n que le TAS pui sse ê tre d iffé rent d'un modè le d e tél éphon e à un a utre, tous les app areil s son t co nçus pour resp ecter les lign es di rect rices rel ative s aux ond es ra dioél ectr iques . Po ur en savo ir p lus s ur le TAS , rep ortez -vou s au chapi tre sur l 'uti lisat ion e ffic ace e t san s dan ger d u gui de d e l'u tilis ateu r.
Le TAS l e pl us él evé r elev é par les auto rités pou r ce modè le de tél éphon e est de 0.60 W/kg* lor squ'i l es t tes té en uti lisat ion p rès de l'ore ille, et de 1. 06 W/ kg* pour les appel s voc aux et de
1.4 4 W/k g* po ur l es tr ansmi ssio ns de don nées lorsq u'il est porté sur le c orps. En mode d’u tili satio n por té s ur le corp s, l e tél éphon e a été te sté lorsqu’il est à au moin s 15 mm du corp s et à l’écart de tou te pi èce e n mé tal, ou lo rsqu ’il e st u tilis é de faço n adé quate
ave c un acces soir e Son y Eri csso n et porté sur le c orps . Pou r les app areil s mun is d e la fonct ionn alité « po int d'acc ès W iFi » , en mod e d'u tilis atio n por té su r le corp s, le s me sures du TAS d e l'a ppare il en mod e WiF i ont été pris es à une dista nce de sé curit é de 10 mm . L'u tili satio n d'a cces soire s tie rs p eut p rodu ire d es niv eaux de TA S di ffére nts d e ce ux re levés .
**A vant qu'un modèle de t éléph one ne soit mi s en v ente aupr ès du publi c aux Éta ts-Un is, l a Co mmiss ion f édér ale d es com munic ation s (C FC) d oit l e te ster et ce rtif ier q u'il resp ecte les lim ites fixée s da ns le s exi genc es go uvern emen tales d'e xposi tion san s dan ger*. Pou r cha que m odèl e, le s tes ts s ont e ffec tués en pos ition et a ux e ndroi ts d' usag e (c. -à-d. prè s de l'or eille et p orté sur le c orps) , te l que requ is p ar la CFC. La CFC a acc ordé une aut orisa tion d'éq uipem ent p our ce mo dèle de t éléph one, aprè s que tous les nive aux d e TAS ind iqués aien t ét é éva lués et con sidér és conformes aux l ignes directri ces de la CFC en ma tière d'e xposi tion aux radio fréqu ence s. Mê me s' il p eut y avo ir de s dif féren ces e ntre les nivea ux d e TAS des diff érent s té lépho nes, tou s les télé phon es mo biles aux quels la C FC a acco rdé une aut orisa tion d'éq uipem ent r épon dent aux n orme s gou verne menta les en ma tière d'e xposi tion sans dang er. La CF C con serve dans ses doss iers l'in forma tion rela tive aux TAS r elevé s pou r ce modèl e de télé phone . Vo us po uvez la c onsul ter au htt p://w ww.fc c.go v/oet /fcci d so us la rubr ique « Di spla y Gra nt », apr ès av oir e ffec tué u ne re cher che s ur CF C ID PY7A 3880 087. Vou s tro uvere z de s ren seign emen ts su pplém enta ires conc ernan t le TAS sur le site Web de la Cellular Te leco mmuni cati ons & Inte rnet Ass ociat ion ( CTIA ) au http: //ww w.pho nefac ts.n et.
* A ux Ét ats- Unis et a u Ca nada , la limi te de TAS des tél éphon es mob iles utilisés pa r le publ ic e st de 1,6 watt /kg ( W/kg) en m oyenn e sur un g ramme de tissu s. Ce tte norme comp orte une marg e imp ortan te de séc urité afin d'a ssure r une pro tecti on sup pléme ntair e et de t enir comp te de tout e va riati on d ans l es mes ures.
**C e par agrap he n e con cerne que les auto rité s et les clie nts d es Éta ts-Un is.
Información importante Estados Unidos y Canadá
Los telé fonos móv iles de la Ser ie R8 00a h an s ido d iseña dos seg ún lo s req uisi tos d e seg urid ad ap lica bles para la e xposi ción a ond as de radi o. S u tel éfono ina lámbr ico es un tran smis or y rec eptor de r adio . Est á dis eñad o par a no supe rar l os l ímite s* de exp osici ón a ener gía d e rad iofr ecuen cia (RF) fijad os p or la s aut orida des g uber namen tales . Es tos l ímit es es table cen los niveles per mitid os de ene rgía de RF par a la pobla ción gene ral. Las esp ecifi cacio nes se ba san e n lo s est ándar es d esarr olla dos p or org aniza cione s ci entíf icas inte rnaci onale s me diant e ev aluac iones per iódic as y minu ciosa s de estu dios cient ífic os. L os e stánd ares inc luyen un m arge n de segur idad dest inado a g arant izar la seg urida d de todas las per sonas , ind epen dient emen te de la e dad y d e la salud .
Las espe cific acio nes d e la expo sici ón a onda s de radi o emp lean una unid ad de med ida c onoci da c omo l a Ta sa es pecíf ica de abs orció n (SA R, p or su sigl a en ingl és). Las prueb as d e SAR se lle van a cabo med iante el u so d e mét odos esta ndari zado s con la tra nsmis ión t elef ónica al m ás a lto n ivel de e nergí a re gistr ado e n tod as las bandas de frecuenc ia u tili zadas . Au nque es posible que hay a dif erenc ias entre los nive les d e SA R de los d ifer entes mod elos de t eléfo nos, todo s est án di seña dos p ara c umpl ir co n las esp ecifi cacio nes corre spond ient es de la e xpos ición a on das de rad io. P ara o bten er má s inf orma ción sobre SAR , con sulte el cap ítulo sobr e us o seg uro y efi caz q ue se enc uentr a en la G uía del usu ario.
Seg ún se repo rtó a la s au torid ades , el valor má s al to de SAR de est e mod elo d e te léfon o cua ndo se p robó usán dolo cerc a de l oíd o es de 0. 60 W/ kg* y al usarl o en el c uerp o es de 1. 06 W /kg* para hab lar y 1.44 W/k g* pa ra ll amad as de dat os. P ara s u us o cer ca de l cue rpo, el teléfono ha sido probado para su funci onam iento a un a dis tanci a mín ima de 15 mm ( 0,59 pulg .) d el cu erpo, sin que haya
pie zas m etáli cas cerca del telé fono o cua ndo se ut iliz a cor recta mente con el a cceso rio adecu ado S ony Erics son. En l o que resp ecta a lo s dis posit ivos que cuent an c on la fun ciona lidad “Zo na activa WiFi”, las m edida s SAR del uso cerc a del cuerpo del dis posit ivo, el c ual f uncio na e n mod o de zona acti va W iFi, se tom aron media nte el us o de una dista ncia de s epara ción de 1 0 mm. El u so de acc esori os de ter ceros pued e re sulta r en nive les d e SAR dife rente s a aquel los q ue s e rep ortar on.
**A ntes de qu e un mode lo de tel éfono se e ncue ntre disp onibl e par a la vent a al públ ico e n los Esta dos Unid os, l a Com isión fede ral de telec omuni caci ones (FCC) deb e apr obar lo y certi fica r que no sup era e l lím ite estab lecid o po r el requ isito adop tado por el gob ierno para una expo sició n se gura* . La s pru ebas se l levan a cab o en posi cion es y ubic acion es ( es de cir, cerc a del oíd o y c erca del cuer po) s egún lo r equie re l a FCC par a cad a mod elo. La F CC ha oto rgado una Autorizació n de equi po pa ra e ste m odelo de teléfon o con todo s los niv eles de SA R re porta dos, los cuale s fue ron eva luado s conforme a l as especifica cion es de exposición a RF de la FCC. Aunqu e es posi ble q ue h aya d ifere ncia s ent re lo s ni veles de SAR d e los dif erent es te léfo nos, todos los telé fonos móv iles que cuen tan c on u na au toriz ació n de equip o de la F CC cu mple n con los requisitos gubername ntal es para la exposición segura. La inf ormac ión s obre SAR de e ste mode lo d e tel éfon o est á arc hiva da en la FCC y puede enc ontr arla en la s ecció n Dis play Grant (Most rar sub venci ón) e n ht tp:// www.f cc.g ov/oe t/fc cid d espué s de busc ar la ID PY 7A388 0087 de l a FCC . Pu ede e ncon trar infor maci ón adi ciona l sob re S AR en el s itio Web de l a Aso ciaci ón d e Tel ecomu nicac ione s Cel ulare s e Inter net (CTIA ) en
htt p://w onef acts. net.
* E n los Esta dos Unido s y C anad á, el lími te d e SAR de l os tel éfono s móv iles util izado s po r el públ ico e s de 1.6 watts / kil ogram o (W/ kg) prome diado s so bre u n gr amo d e tej ido. El est ándar incl uye un marge n de segu ridad par a pro porci onar le un a pro tecci ón ad icio nal a l púb lico y pa ra t omar en cu enta cual quier var iació n en las medid as.
**E ste p árra fo se apl ica ú nica mente a au tori dades y c lien tes d e los Esta dos U nido s.
Important Information Latin & South America
Rad io wa ve ex posu re an d Spe cifi c Abs orpt ion R ate ( SAR)
inf ormat ion
The R800 a Ser ies mobi le ph ones have been des igned to c ompl y wit h app licab le s afety requ irem ents for expos ure t o ra dio w aves. The se re quire ment s are base d on scie ntif ic gu ideli nes that inc lude saf ety m argin s de signe d to assu re th e sa fety of al l pe rsons , reg ardle ss of age and healt h.
The radi o wav e ex posur e gui deli nes e mploy a u nit o f mea surem ent k nown as t he Sp ecif ic Ab sorp tion Rate, or SAR. Tes ts fo r SAR are cond ucted usi ng st anda rdise d met hods with the pho ne tr ansmi ttin g at its h ighe st ce rtif ied p ower leve l in all u sed fre quenc y ban ds.
Whi le th ere m ay b e dif feren ces betwe en t he SA R lev els of var ious phone mod els, they are all d esig ned t o mee t th e rel evant gui delin es fo r ex posur e to radi o wav es.
For more information on S AR, please refer t o the safety c hapte r in the U ser G uide .
SAR data info rmat ion f or re side nts i n co untri es th at h ave ado pted the S AR l imit recom mend ed by the Inte rnati onal Com missi on on Non -Ioni zing Radi atio n Pro tecti on ( ICNIR P), w hich is 2 W/k g ave rage d ove r ten (10 ) gra m of tiss ue (f or e xampl e Eur opean Unio n, J apan, Braz il a nd Ne w Zea land ):
The high est S AR v alue for t his model pho ne wh en te sted by Son y Eri csson for use at th e ea r is 0.37 W/kg (10g ).
Información importante Latinoamérica y América del Sur
Inf ormac ión a cerc a de la ex posi ción a on das d e rad io y la
Tas a esp ecífi ca d e abs orció n (S AR)
El teléf ono m óvil R800 a ha sido dise ñado para cump lir con l os req uisit os de seg urida d apl icab les d e exp osic ión a las onda s de rad io. D ichos req uisit os se bas an en dire ctri ces c ient ífica s que est ablec en márgenes de seg urida d con el f in de evitar perj uicos a tod as la s per sona s, in depen dien temen te de su edad o es tado de sal ud.
Las dire ctric es d e exp osici ón a onda s de radi o uti liza n una uni dad d e med ida den omin ada c oefi cient e de absorci ón e specí fica o S AR. L as pr ueba s de SAR s e lí evan a cab o ut iliza ndo métod os nor maliz ados, con el t eléfo no t ransm itien do e n el nive l más ele vado de p otenc ia au torid ado e n to das l as ba ndas de f recue ncia uti lizad as.
Aun que p uede exis tir d ifere ncia s ent re lo s ni veles de S AR d e dif erent es mo delo s de teléf ono, todo s ha n sid o dis eñad os pa ra cum plir las d irec trice s per tine ntes sobr e exp osici ón a onda s de rad io.
Par a obt ener más información sob re el SAR, con sulte el c apít ulo sob re se gurid ad e n la guía del usuar io.
Inf ormac ión s obre dato s de SAR para resi dente s de país es en los que se ha ya a dopta do el lim ite d e SA R rec omend ado por l a Int ernat ional Com missi on on Non -Ioni zing Radi ation Pro tecti on (IC NIRP, Comisión internacional de pro tecci ón contra la r adiac ión no ioniz antes (IC NIRP, Inte rnat ional Com missi on on Non -Ioni zing Rad iatio n Pro tect ion), es 2 W/k g pro medi o por cada die z (10) gra mos de tejido (por ejemplo, la U nión Europea, Japón, Bra sil y Nuev a Ze landa ):
El valor de S AR m ás el evado par a est e mo delo de te léfo no cua ndo S ony E rics son r ealiz ó la prue ba p ara s u uso en la o reja era de 0,37 W/kg (10g ).
Informação importante América do Sul e Latina
Inf ormaç ões s obre SAR (Taxa de Absor ção E spec ífica ) e
exp osiçã o à r adio freqü ência
O c elula r R80 0a f oi pr ojeta do p ara c umpri r os requ isito s de seg uranç a apl icáv eis p ara e xpos ição à ra diofr eqüên cia. Esse s req uisit os tê m co mo ba se di retr izes cien tífic as qu e in cluem as mar gens de se gura nça p ara g aran tir a seg uranç a de toda s as pes soas, inde pend entem ente da i dade e da saúd e.
As dire triz es de expo siçã o à r adiof reqü ência usam uma unid ade de medi da co nhec ida c omo S AR o u Tax a de Abso rção Espe cífi ca. Os testes de S AR s ão co nduzi dos por métodos pad roniz ados com a t ransm issão tel efôni ca em seu níve l ce rtifi cado de e nergi a mai s alt o em todas as faixa s de freq üênci a us adas.
Emb ora p ossa have r dif erenç as e ntre os n íveis de S AR de vári os mod elos de te lefo ne, t odos fora m pro jetad os p ara a tende r as dir etriz es re leva ntes de ex posi ção à radi ofre qüênc ia.
Par a obter ma is inform açõe s sobre SA R, consulte o capí tulo de seg uranç a do Guia do U suári o.
Inf ormaç ões sobre os d ados de SA R par a moradores de países que adot aram o li mite SAR r ecom endad o pel o IC NIRP (In terna tiona l Co mmiss ion o n No n-Ion izing Rad iatio n Pro tect ion) que é o limite m édio de 2 W/k g em dez (10) gramas de tecido (por exe mplo, Uniã o Eu ropéi a, Ja pão, Bras il e Nova Zelâ ndia ).
Qua ndo t estad o pe la So ny Er icss on, o valo r de SAR mais alto par a est e mod elo de te lefon e pa ra us o jun to a o ouv ido foi d e 0,3 7 W/k g (10 g).
FCC Statement
Thi s dev ice c ompl ies w ith P art 15 of the FCC rules . Ope ratio n is subj ect t o the fol lowin g two con ditio ns: ( 1) Thi s dev ice m ay n ot ca use h armf ul in terfe renc e, an d (2) Thi s dev ice m ust accep t any int erfer ence rece ived, incl udin g int erfer ence that may cause und esire d ope rati on.
Any chan ge or mod ifica tion not expre ssly appr oved by So ny
Eri csson may void the user' s au thori ty to ope rate the e quip ment.
Thi s equ ipmen t ha s bee n tes ted and f ound to c omply with the lim its f or a Clas s B d igita l de vice, purs uant to P art 1 5 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are d esign ed to provide reasonable protecti on aga inst harmf ul i nterf erenc e in a re siden tial inst allat ion. This equ ipmen t gen erat es, u ses a nd c an ra diate rad io fr equen cy e nergy and , if not inst alled and used in acco rdan ce wi th t he i nstru ctio ns, may caus e har mful inte rfere nce to ra dio c ommu nicat ions. How ever, ther e is no g uaran tee that inte rfere nce w ill not occu r in a par ticul ar in stal latio n.
If this equip ment does caus e ha rmful inte rfer ence to ra dio or tel evisi on re cept ion, which can be d eterm ined by t urnin g th e equ ipmen t off and on, the u ser is enc ourag ed to try to correct the int erfer ence by o ne or more of the f ollow ing measu res:
Reo rient or r eloc ate t he re ceiv ing a ntenn a.
Inc rease the sepa ratio n bet ween the equip ment and recei ver.
Con nect the equip ment into an outl et on a c ircui t di ffere nt f rom tha t to which the rece iver is c onnec ted.
Con sult the d eale r or an ex peri enced radi o/TV tech nicia n fo r hel p.
Industry Canada Statement
Thi s dev ice c ompl ies w ith R SS-2 10 of Ind ustry Cana da.
Ope ratio n is subj ect t o the fol lowin g tw o con ditio ns: (1) t his dev ice m ay no t ca use i nterf eren ce, a nd ( 2) th is de vice must acce pt any inte rfere nce, incl uding int erfer ence that may caus e und esire d ope ratio n of the devic e.
Thi s Cla ss B digi tal a ppara tus compl ies w ith Canad ian ICE S-003 .
Cet appa reil numé rique de l a cl asse B est con forme à la nor me NMB -003 du Ca nada .
Declaration of Conformity for R800a
We, Sony Eric sson Mobi le Co mmun icati ons A B of Nya Vatt entor net SE- 221 8 8 Lun d, S weden dec lare under our sole resp onsi bilit y tha t ou r pro duct
Son y Eri csson typ e AAD -3880 087- BV
and in c ombin atio n wit h our acc essor ies, to which thi s dec lara tion rel ates is in con formi ty wi th t he ap propr iate stan dard s EN 301 511 :V9.0 .2, E N 30 1 908 -1:V3 .2.1 , EN 301 9 08-2 :V3.2 .1, EN 30 0 328 :V1.7 .1, E N 30 0 440 -2:V1 .3.1 , EN 301 4 89-7 :V1.3 .1, EN 30 1 489 -17:V 2.1.1 , EN 301 489-24:V 1.4.1 , EN 301 489-3:V1 .4.1 and EN 60 95 0-1:2 006+ A11:2 009 f ollo wing the p rovi sions of, Radi o Equ ipmen t and Tel ecomm unica tion Term inal Equi pment dir ectiv e 199 9/5/E C.
Lun d, Fe bruar y 20 11
Dan Redi n,
Cor porat e Vic e Pr eside nt, H ead of De velop ment
We fulfi l the req uirem ents of t he R& TTE D irec tive (199 9/5/E C). Ce produ it es t co nform e aux dir ectiv es de R&T TE (1 999/ 5/EC) .
Cum plimo s con los requ isito s de la D irect iva R&TTE – N ormas sob re eq uipos de terminales de r adio y te lecom unica cione s (19 99/ 5/E C).
Ate ndemo s aos req uisit os da Dir etriz R&T TE (1 999/5 /EC) .
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
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