
FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony Ericsson M1a
UMTS HSPA band 1 2 5 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900

Important Information
United States & Canada
The M1a Serie s m obile phon es ha ve been desig ned t o c omply
wit h app licab le safet y req uirem ent s for expo sure to radio wave s.
You r wir eless ph one i s a r adio tra nsmit ter a nd re cei ver. It is
des igned to not exc eed t he limit s* of ex pos ure t o r adio fre quenc y
(RF ) ene rgy s et by g overn menta l a uthor ities . The se li mit s est ablis h
per mitte d lev els of R F ene rgy f or the g enera l pop ulati on. The
gui delin es ar e b ased on st andar ds that were devel oped by
int ernat ional sc ienti fic o rgani zat ions throu gh pe riodi c a nd
tho rough eval uat ion o f sci entif ic studi es. T he st andar ds inclu de a
saf ety m argin de signe d to assur e t he sa fety of al l ind ivi duals ,
reg ardle ss of ag e and heal th.
The radi o wav e e xposu re gu ideli nes empl oy a unit of
mea surem ent k now n as the Specifi c Abs orp tion Rate (S AR). Test s
for SAR are c ond ucted usin g sta nda rdize d met hods with the
pho ne tr ansmi tti ng at its highe st certi fied power leve l i n all used
fre quenc y ban ds. Whil e the re ma y b e dif feren ces b etwee n t he SA R
lev els o f var iou s pho ne mo dels, th ey ar e all desi gned to meet the
rel evant guid eli nes f or ex posur e t o rad io wa ves. For m ore
inf ormat ion o n S AR, p lease refe r t o the safe and effic ien t use
cha pter in th e U ser G uide.
The high est S AR value as r eport ed to th e aut horit ies f or this
pho ne mo del w hen test ed fo r use by the ear i s 1.2 7 W/k g*, and
whe n wor n o n the body is 0.99 W/ kg* f or speec h and 1. 22 W/ kg*
for data call s. Body w orn meas ureme nts a re made w hile the phone
is in us e and wo rn on the body wit h a S ony E ricss on ac ces sory
sup plied with or des ignat ed for use with this ph one . It i s theref ore
rec ommen ded t hat only Eric sson and Sony Eric sson origi nal
acc essor ies b e u sed i n con junct ion with Sony Eric sson pho nes.
**B efore a ph one mode l is avail abl e for sale to t he pu bli c in the
US, it m ust b e t ested and cert ified by t he Fe der al Co mmuni catio ns
Com missi on (F CC) that it d oes n ot exce ed the limit esta blish ed by

the gove rnmen t-a dopte d req uirem ent for safe expos ure*. Th e
tes ts ar e per for med i n pos ition s a nd lo catio ns (i .e., by the ear a nd
wor n on the bo dy) a s r equir ed by the FCC fo r e ach m odel. The FCC
has gran ted a n E quipm ent A uthor iza tion for this ph one m odel with
all repo rted SAR le vel s eva luate d as in complianc e wit h the FC C RF
exp osure guid eli nes. While ther e m ay be diff erenc es betwe en th e
SAR leve ls of va rious phon es, a ll mobil e pho nes g ran ted a n FCC
equ ipmen t aut hor izati on me et th e g overn ment requi rem ent f or
saf e exp osure . S AR in forma tion on this phone mode l i s on file at
the FCC and c an be fo und u nder the Disp lay G rant sec tion of
htt p://w ww.fc c.g ov/oe t/fcc id af ter sear ching on F CC
ID PY7 A3880 062. Add ition al infor mat ion o n S AR can be foun d on
the Cell ular Tel ecomm unica tions & Inter net A ssoci ati on (C TIA)
web site at ht tp: //www .phon efact s.n et.
* I n the Unit ed State s and Cana da, the SAR l imit for m obi le
pho nes u sed b y t he pu blic is 1. 6 w atts/ kilog ram ( W/k g) av erage d
ove r one gram of tiss ue. T he st and ard i ncorp orate s a marg in of
saf ety t o giv e a dditi onal prote cti on fo r the publ ic and t o acc ount
for any varia tio ns in meas ureme nts .
**T his p aragr aph is o nly a pplic abl e to auth ori ties and custome rs
in the U nited St ates.