Sony 7130501 User Manual

In the detail view, you can move tracks between your different folders using the folder function, send tracks to other phones or to a PC, using e-mail, multimedia messaging, Bluetooth wireless technology, infrared communication or cable. Here it is also possible to rename and delete tracks saved in your P800.

The detail view displays the name of the track, the artist name, the album title, the track number, the copyright year, the sound file type and the duration of the track.

Note The amount of information displayed depends on how much information is available on the sound file.

Move between the tracks in the current folder using the and buttons.

Audio Edit


Sony Ericsson theme

Artist: Various

Album: Autumn 2002

Track: 01

Copyright: Sony Ericsson

Filename: SEM.MP3











































































































To rename a track

1.Select Audio > Rename track.

2.Enter a track name > Done.

Two or more tracks cannot have the same name.

To delete a track from the P800

1.Select Audio > Delete track.

2.Select Yes.

To send a track

Select Audio > Send as.

See Messaging for further details.

Note You cannot send MP3 or AU sound files in a multimedia message. WAV and AMR sound files can be sent using multimedia messaging.

Audio player



Downloading tracks

When you receive sound files in other applications, such as e-mail and multimedia messages, you activate the viewer in your P800. From the viewer you can then save the sound file to your P800.

To save a track from another application

1.Tap Save or select Audio


2.Select what folder you want to save the track in


Audio Edit


Mah Na Mah Na

WAV 1:34/1:40

Note To create your own

melodies, see the information on the CD for your P800.


Audio player


Audio player



Video player

You can view video clips that you have saved in your P800. The video clips can be downloaded in the P800 from an Internet site or transferred from a PC via cable or from Memory Stick. It is also possible to send these video clips to other phones or PCs, via infrared communication, Bluetooth wireless technology and multimedia messaging.

It is not necessary to download the video clips to be able to view them. You can use the streaming function and view the video clip from the website where it is located. The video clip is played with only a short time delay.

The video player supports files in the MPEG-4 file format, for example name.mp4.

To adjust the volume

Move the Jog Dial up to increase the volume, and down to decrease the volume.

Warning! The volume may be uncomfortably loud at the higher volume levels if the phone is close to your ear. Exposure to excessive volume levels may damage hearing.

List view

In the list view, you get an overview of all the MPEG- 4 video clips in your P800. You can search for specific video clips, zoom the video clip names and sort them by name, date, size or type. At the bottom of the screen you can see how many video clips you have saved in your P800.

To view a video clip

1.Select > .

2.Select a video clip in the list.






















Video Edit



A Beautiful Mind

Panic Room

Spider Man

Diving in the Ocean...

The Time Machine

5 clips

Tip Use the Find function to

locate a certain video clip, and the Zoom function to change the size of the screen fonts.

To sort the video clips

Select Edit and choose how you want to sort the video clips in the current folder.


Video player


When you download a video clip to your P800, it is saved in the download cache memory. When this memory is full, you have to empty it to be able to download new video clips to your P800.

To clear the download cache

1.Select Edit > Preferences.

2.Select Clear cache > Done.

When you view a video clip from a website, using the streaming function, a media buffer is used to provide a steady flow of data. Increasing the size of the media buffer may improve the playback of the video clip.

To change the media buffer size

1.Select Edit > Preferences.

2.Select Custom setting and move the slider left or right.

Detail view

This view is intended for managing one clip at a time. You can play and pause the clip by tapping and .

In the detail view you can send, rename, delete or categorize your video clips. Only the video clips saved in you P800 can be handled in the detail view. To handle a video clip saved on a Sony Memory Stick, you first have to save it to your P800.
























Video Edit










Diving in the Ocean...






















































































































Icon Function

Stop the track that is playing.

Play/Pause the highlighted track.

Rewind the current track.

Forward the current track.

Takes you back to the previous view.

Video player



To rename a video clip

1.Select Video > Rename clip.

2.Enter a video clip name > Done.

Two or more video clips cannot have the same name.

To send a video clip

1.Select the video clip you want to send.

2.Select Video > Send as and choose how you want to send it.

Tip Use the Folder function to organize all your video clips.

To copy the current video clip to another folder, select Video > Copy to, then select a folder from the list.

To view the video clip information

• Select Video > Clip info.

To delete a video clip

1.Select the video clip you want to delete.

2.Select Video > Delete clip.

Saving video clips

When you play video clips that you have received via e-mail or multimedia messaging, or that you have downloaded to your P800 from the web, the viewer detail view is automatically launched. From the viewer detail view you can then save the video clip to your P800.

To save a video clip from another application

1.Select the video clip you want to save.

2.Select Video > Save clip.

3.Select what folder you want to save the video clip in > Save.


Video player


Video player



Viewer is an application used to view various types of documents:

Word processing documents



PDF documents



Document viewer has two views in flip open mode:

List view An alphabetical list of files, for selecting a file to view.

Detail view The contents of a file, for viewing and manipulating the file.

In addition to opening documents from the list view, you can also open a document from another application, for example by selecting an attached document in an e-mail.

The functions available differ depending on the document type. General functions are similar between the document types and are therefore described separately.

General functions

In all views there is a menu bar from where you can access some of the functions. This section describes the functions that are common to all document types.

List view





Find file

Search files with a name containing a



specific text.





Sort by name

Sort the file list by name.


Sort by size

Sort the file list by file size.



Set the zoom level of the file list,



small, medium or large.


Zoom in

Set the zoom level of the viewed


Zoom out










Show all files in the list.



Show the files that are not in a folder.


Edit folders

Categorize your files in folders (for



example business or personal).



Detail view








Rename the document.



Send as

Send a document as e-mail,




Bluetooth™ wireless technology, IR




or, multimedia message.



Save (if opened

Save the document in the P800.





from another









Delete the active document.




Show information on the active











Zoom in

Increase the view of the file.



Zoom out

Decrease the view of the file.




Restore to the original size.








Show the contacts that are not in a







Edit folders

Categorize your documents in folders




(for example business, personal and so





To open a document from an e-mail

Select the document link.

The document viewer is started, showing the detail view of the document.


To save the document in the P800

1.Select Document > Save from the menu.

2.Select where to save the document and select Save.

To open a document from the list view

1.Select the Application launcher icon .

2.Select the Document viewer icon .

3.If required, change folder.

4.Scroll to the desired file and select the file name. The document is shown in the Detail view.

To save the document to a different location

1.Select Edit > Copy to from the menu.

2.Select where to save the document and select Save.

Functions specific for different document types

When you open a document, the document type is indicated by the name of the first menu, for example Spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet Edit





Detail view - Document






Search the document for a specific





Find next

Search for the next occurrence of the



search text.


Clear search hits

Remove the search hits.






Copy the selected text or elements of



the document.


Select all

Select the contents of the entire





Draft view

Display the document as formatted text



without graphics, adapted to the





Normal view

Display the document as formatted text



including graphics, adapted to the





Page view

Display the document in print preview,



showing the complete layout.

To copy text from the document

1.Select the text to be copied. To select all text in the document, select Edit > Select all.

2.Select Edit > Copy.

The text is put into the clipboard and a message is displayed.

To search for a text in the document

1.Select Document > Find from the menu.

2.Enter the text to search for.

3.Select find.

4.If required, select Document > Find next.

5.To clear the highlighted search hits, select Document > Clear

search hits.

To change the document view

1.To display the document as formatted text without pictures, wrapped to the screen size, select Edit > Draft view.

2.To display the document as formatted text including pictures, wrapped to the screen size, select Edit > Normal view.

3.To display the complete layout of the document, select Edit >

Page view.



Detail view - Spreadsheets






Search the document for a specific





Find next

Search for the next occurrence of the



search text.


Clear search hits

Remove the search hits.






Copy the selected text or elements of



the document.


Select all

Select the contents of the entire





Draft view

Display the document as formatted text



without graphics, adapted to the





Show gridlines

Turn the gridlines on/off.


Next sheet

Open the view of the next sheet in the





Previous sheet

Open the previous sheet in the




To copy text from the document

1.Select the text to be copied. To select all text in the document, select Edit > Select all.

2.Select Edit > Copy.

The text is put into the clipboard and a message is displayed.


To search for a text in the document

1.Select Document > Find from the menu.

2.Enter the text to search for.

3.Select find.

4.If required, select Document > Find next.

5.To clear the highlighted search hits, select Document > Clear

search hits.

To change the document view

1.To display the document as formatted text without pictures, wrapped to the screen size, select Edit > Draft view.

2.To display the document as formatted text including pictures, wrapped to the screen size, select Edit > Normal view.

3.To display the complete layout of the document, select Edit >

Page view.

To show/hide the spreadsheet grid lines

1. Select Edit > Show gridlines.

To navigate in the workbook

1. To go to the next sheet in the workbook, select Edit > Next


2. To go to the previous sheet in the workbook, select Edit >

Previous sheet.




Detail view - Drawing






Search the document for a specific





Find next

Search for the next occurrence of the



search text.


Clear search hits

Remove the search hits.





Fit to width

Displays the drawing with a width



equal to the screen width.


Fit to window

Displays the drawing with a width and



height equal to the screen width and





Next slide

Open the view of the next slide in



multi-page documents.


Previous slide

Open the view of the previous slide in



multi-page documents.

To search for a text in the document

1.Select Document > Find from the menu.

2.Enter the text to search for.

3.Select find.

4.If required, select Document > Find next.

5.To clear the highlighted search hits, select Document > Clear

search hits.

To navigate in a multi-page drawing

1.To go to the next slide in the drawing, select Edit > Next slide.

2.To go to the previous slide in the drawing, select Edit >

Previous slide.

Detail view - Archive






Open the selected file for viewing in a



Document viewer window.



Extract the selected file to be saved in



a selected folder.


Extract all

Extract all the archive files to be saved



in a selected folder.


Sort by

Allow the user to view files in an



archive by name, date, or size.


Sort order

Allow the user to view files in



ascending or descending order.

To extract documents from an archive

1.To open a file for viewing in the Document viewer, select the file and select Edit > Open.

2.To extract a file and save it in the selected folder, select Edit >


3.To extract all files in the archive and save them in the selected folder, select Edit > Extract all.




To change the archive sort order

1.To sort the documents by name, date or size, select Edit > Sort by and select as desired.

2.To change between ascending and descending order, select

Edit > Sort order.



Online services

Online services is a customized service offered by a network operator.

This symbol indicates that a service or function is networkor subscription-dependent.

On-line services provides a mechanism that allows applications that exist on the SIM to interact and operate with the P800. It may provide services ranging from weather forecasts to the latest information from the stock market.

Online service are placed on your SIM card by your operator.

Note Contact your operator to find out which services are available for your account.

Online services



Online services




The time and date are always displayed in standby mode. You can customize the display of times and dates throughout your P800. You can set your current location and another location of your choice. It is also possible to set three different alarms.















11 12



Current city
































Current date






4th Jan 2003










Fri 11:04:28



Week 01













Other city


Fri 10:04 am



















8:00 a...


Alarm slot




























9:00 p...







































Time and date

To set the current time and date













2. Tap the clock to view the

Time & date




current time and date
















Tap the Date box, then


11:04 am




use the arrows to set the






current year and month.






Then select the current













4. Tap Daylight saving time,






then select the check box





next to the zone that









currently has summer

Time & date



time > Done. This is only





required if you are








currently in a country






with summer time.





5.Tap the time box, then tap the upper half of the hour or minute box to increase the number displayed, or the lower half to decrease the number.



Sony 7130501 User Manual

6.Use the am/pm box to switch between am and pm > . This is only possible if you use the 12-hour time format.

7.Select Done.


You can specify how you want the time and date to be displayed on the screen, and if you want to use the 12or 24-hour time format.

To set the time and date display format









Tap the clock to view the

Time & date



current time and date








Date format:



Select Format.


Date separator:



Tap the Date Format box

Time format:

12 hour


> choose a format.


24 hour






5.Tap the Date Separator box > choose a separator.

6.Select a Time format.

7.Tap the Time separator box > choose a separator.

8.Select Done.

Time separator: :

Time & date Format

Cancel Done



You can specify what days you work, if, for example, you want to set an alarm that sounds only on workdays. You can also specify the first day of your week to customize the display of both Week and Month views in Calendar.

To specify your workdays

1.Select > .

2.Tap the clock

3.Tap the right arrow key icon twice.

4.Tap the check boxes next to the days you normally work.

5.Select First day of week >

choose a day.

6.Select Done.

Time & date









First day of week: Monday

Format Workdays

Cancel Done





























Specify the country and city you are currently in. The city you select will be displayed next to the clock in Time.

If you are away from home, for example travelling in another country, it can be useful to know what the time is in your home country as well as the country you are in. The city you select as Other City will be displayed below the clock in Time.

To set the locations

1.Tap > .

2.Tap Time > Set location.

3.Tap the Current Country box > the country you are in at the moment.

4.Tap the Current City box > the city you are in at the moment. If the city you are in is not listed, select the city closest to you.

5.Tap the Other Country box > choose a country.

6.Tap the Other City box > choose a city.

7.Select Done.



Current country: United Ki...

Current city: London

Other country: United Ki...

Other city: London

Location Numbers



You can choose how you want the measurements and numbers in your P800 to be displayed in all your applications. Distances can be displayed using the imperial or the metric system and different punctuation marks can be used as separators.

To set the number details

1.Select > .

2.Select Time > Set location.

3.Select Numbers.

4.Tap the distance boxes > choose imperial or metric.

5.Choose separators and symbol position in the same way as in 4.

6.Select Done.


You have the possibility to set up to three different alarms in your P800. You can choose to activate one of the preset alarms, or set a new alarm with your own definitions.

You can choose to set a silent alarm, where only a message is displayed when it goes off, or you can set a sound alert.

To activate an existing alarm

Select the check box in the alarm slot. is displayed on the status bar on the screen.



To set a new alarm

1.Select > .

2.Select one of the alarm slots.

3.Select Time > choose at what time you want the alarm to go off.

4.Select When > choose how often you want the alarm to go off:

Once The alarm will go

off at a time more than 24 hours from now but within the next eight days.

Set alarm


Time: 8:00 am

When: Daily

Alarm sound: Silent

Message: Wake up!


Set alarm



0 0 am

Next 24 hours Within

the next 24 hours.

Daily Every day at the

specified time.

Alarm sound: Silent

Message: Wake up!

Weekly Every week at




the specified time.


Workdays Every workday at the specified time.

5.Select Alarm sound > choose a sound.

6.Select Message > choose a preset message or write a new one.

7.Select Done.


8. Make sure the check box next to the alarm is selected.

When the alarm goes off, select Snooze to postpone the alarm for five minutes or Silence to turn off the alarm sound. To turn off the alarm completely, select Done.





The Calculator is a standard 10-digit calculator. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, calculate square root and percentage. It also has a memory function.

To use the calculator

1.Select > .

2.Enter the calculations by tapping the digits.

All calculations, except percentage calculations, are performed as they are entered, for example: 5+5x5=50, not 30.

Percentage calculations are performed backwards. To calculate, for example, 10% of 50, enter 50x10%. The result is displayed when you tap the %-key.

Key functions


Tap once to store an entered value in the memory.


If you already have entered a value in the memory, tap once


to add the value on the screen to the value in the memory.


Tap once to retrieve a value from the memory and enter it


into the screen.


Tap twice to clear the memory.


Tap once to subtract the entered value from the value in the


memory. The memory is adjusted but not displayed.


Tap once to delete the last digit you entered.


Tap once to reset the screen to 0.

You can copy and paste values to and from other applications by

selecting Calculator > Copy or Paste.

Values stored in the memory are retained while using other applications.



Personalizing your P800

There are a number of ways you can give your P800 a personal touch and change its settings to suit your requirements.

Changing your application shortcuts

The standby screen displayed when the flip is closed shows five short-cuts to applications.

From the Control panel you

can change them, rearrange them as you prefer, or even hide them, if you wish. See

“Application shortcuts” on page 23.

Displaying the Area Code in the

Standby Screen

If your network operator provides CBS (Cell Broadcast Services) with cell information you can set your P800 to display the area code below the network name in the standby view. See “CBS tab” on page 140.

Setting a background picture

From the Control panel you can set a background picture for the stand-by screen. See “Wallpaper” on page 127.

You can obtain suitable background picture files by downloading, beaming using Bluetooth or Infrared, or transferring them from your PC.

Background picture images are 208 x 144 pixels and the picture can be seen in the standby screen.(Any chosen picture will be scaled to fit well on the screen).The images can be JPEG, GIF, BMP, WBMP, MBM or PNG format.

Setting a Screen Saver

You can set a screen saver picture to be displayed after a period of inactivity. From the Control panel you can also turn this facility on and off and select the delay period before the screen saver is displayed. See “Display” on page 127. Key lock and device lock may be used in combination with the screen saver. When you press a key or touch the screen, you will be prompted to activate keys and/or enter the device lock code.

Personalizing your P800



Picture format for the screen saver is 208 x 320 pixels.

Adding images to your Contacts

You can store a picture with each entry in Contacts. See

“Managing contacts” on page 55.

Pictures are easily taken using the CommuniCam (see

“CommuniCam and Pictures” on page 94) though of course other images can be used.


John Smith +4613244500

End call

If your network operator provides a CLI (Calling Line Identity) service, your P800 can display the contact's picture together with the other information when an incoming call is received with a CLI matching that contact (not all numbers can be displayed). The contact's picture is also displayed when making a call.

To show the contact’s picture when receiving an incoming call

1.Select Phone > Edit >Preferences > Incoming call picture

2.Select the Show picture for incoming calls check box.

3.Tap Done.

Ring signals

Your P800 can play both iMelody format and polyphonic ring signals (WAV, AU, AMR, and MIDI sound file formats). You can add as many ring signals as desired, subject only to available file space.

A ring signal may be selected for an entry in Contacts, so that the caller can be identified by the ring signal that is played.

You can use a recording as a ring signal. See “Voice memo” on page 92. Choose between a recording you have made yourself, and a recording you may have downloaded, transferred from your PC, or received via e-mail, EMS message or MMS message.


Personalizing your P800


The recommended format for WAV files is PCM, 22,050 Hz, 8 bit, Mono, often called 'radio quality'. This format requires approximately 22 kilobytes of space for each second duration. Many PC audio applications support WAV.

Alarm tones and sound notification

You can choose different sounds for alarms and notifications in these applications:





See“Alarms” on page 118





Set a sound for reminder alerts, see “Customize the











calendar” on page 81)







Set a sound for reminder alarms. See “Settings” on








page 85





Set a different sound for each type of message as








notification of a new message:





See “Alerts” on page 141

Master reset

In the Control panel you can reset all the settings in your P800 to the way they were when you originally bought it. See “Master reset” on page 136 for more details.

Personalizing your P800


Control panel > Set groups.

Control panel

The Control Panel is the location for all the main settings on your P800 that are system-wide and affect more than one application. This is the main place to go to initially set up your P800, and to change settings at any point thereafter. To access it,

select Control Panel in Applications.

Tip You can find settings that apply to a single appliction in the Preferences menu of the application, for example: Phone > Edit

>Preferences, Communicam > Preferences, Internet > Preferences

To make the Control panel settings easier to find, they have been grouped into three groups shown on separate tabs: Device,

Connections and General:

Device tab

Connections tab

General tab


Certificate Manager






Time & date


Flip closed shortcuts




Flip removed

Internet accounts



Format disk

IP security manager




Messaging accounts



Master reset

Secure tokens



Storage manager

WAP accounts



System sounds




Text input




User greeting




WIM management




To see a list of all control panel settings and the groups to which they have been assigned, select

To sort the list of settings by group name: at the top of the list, select Group.

To change the group to which a setting is assigned: select the name of the setting in the list.

The sections below, arranged in alphabetical order, describe the settings available for each of the default items in the Control



Bluetooth™ wireless technology uses radio waves to enable wireless connections between your P800 and other Bluetoothenabled devices. This method of linking works well at a range of up to 8-10 metres. Obstructions between the transmitting devices will have an effect on the performance.

Control panel


Bluetooth settings are shown on two tabs:

Devices A list of all the Bluetooth-enabled devices that your P800 is paired (bonded) with.

To change the name of a device, select the name in the list.

To remove a device from the list, select the name and select Remove.

Settings • A “friendly” device name for your P800. Security-related settings:

Its Bluetooth wireless technology operation mode.

How it should act when receiving a beamed entry.

Tip You will probably find that the preset name of your P800, and of devices you pair it with, are not very meaningful or easily recognizable. It is a good idea to change these names to something more useful. The name you choose for your P800 appears on any devices you pair it with.

To locate other Bluetooth-enabled devices in the vicinity

Select Add. The Available Bluetooth devices dialogue opens:

All enabled devices that are discoverable within range are shown with their name and icon. You can use Show: to restrict the list to one category (only PC, for example).

Paired devices that are within range are shown with regular text.

Non-paired devices that are within range are shown with their names in italics.


Devices that are within range but unknown are shown with a preset name.

If a device you want to pair with your P800 does not appear in the list, check that:

It is on and within range.

Bluetooth function on the device has been activated and that it is in discoverable mode.

To pair a device to your P800

1.Select the device in the Available Bluetooth devices list.

2.If the device requires a passkey, you will be asked to enter it.

3.Select Done.

Note The other device (a PC, for example) may require that you enter the same passkey in its own dialogue.


On the Settings tab you can make the following security-related settings:

• You can set your P800 to different operation modes:


All Bluetooth wireless technology functionality from


your P800 works. Your P800 is connectable, paired



devices can access it.


All Bluetooth wireless technology functionality from


your P800 works. Your P800 is not connectable.




Control panel




Bluetooth wireless technology is turned off.

Discoverable Other Bluetooth-enabled devices can find and connect to your P800. To pair with another device, your P800 must be Discoverable.

You can also set how your P800 should act when receiving beamed items:

Always receive

Receives the entry automatically.

Ask first

You will be shown a Connection request that you


can accept or reject.

Never receive

Rejects the item automatically.


Use Cable to set the cable connection mode and the connection parameters used when communicating through your P800's cable port.

Select Control Panel > Connections and select Cable to:

Choose the cable connection mode: when connecting via cable the P800 must be set in PC connect mode or Modem mode, see table below.


PC connect mode

Modem mode





• Synchronization

• P800 as a modem





• Installation of software

• Phone Book Manager (PC



• Backup and restore



Set the baud rate, parity, number of stop bits, character length and type of flow control required for the connection. When connecting your P800 via the desk stand to a USB port on your PC, use the following (default) settings:

Baud rate




Stop bits


Character length


Flow control


Tip You can set the cable connection mode when the flip is

closed by selecting Applications> Connections >


Certificate manager

Digital certificates ensure that the web or WAP pages you visit, or any software you install, really are created by the person you expect.

Certificates may be present on the pages that you view or the software that you download. Your P800 compares these certificates with a set of certificates that are stored in Certificate manager to ensure the authenticity of the page or software. If the certificates do not match, your P800 informs you, and gives you the following choices:

Prevent the page being loaded or the software being installed.

Continue at your own risk.


Control panel

Certificate manager

The certificates on your P800 have been created and issued by an independent organisation that ensures their authenticity.

Security information

Security information is displayed when Certificate manager cannot be sure of the origin of the page or software. For example, security information will be displayed if:

The certificate on a page has expired.

The identity of a software manufacturer cannot be verified.

Security information is also displayed when a certificate on your P800 has:


Been revoked by the independent organisation that issued it.

Adding and removing certificates

Your P800 handles certificates automatically so, most of the time, you can browse the Internet securely without using Certificate manager. If you do need to add or remove a certificate, you will usually be informed by your network operator or system administrator. You should remove a certificate from

if you are informed, or suspect, that:

• The certificate does not belong to the person who supplied it.


The certificate was issued incorrectly by the independent organisation that created it.

Type of certificate

The type can be either Certificate Authority or User.

Certificate Authority certificates contain server details. This

type of certificate is handled by your P800 when the server only requires server authentication. This means that your identity remains anonymous.

User certificates contain your identity. This type of certificate

is used when the server asks for client authentication. The client application requests you to identify yourself by choosing a user certificate.


Use the Display settings to control the screen and power functions of your P800.


You can set a picture to be the background for the standby screen. (See“Flip closed - overview” on page 22 for details on the standby view.) Select Browser from the drop-down list to see picture files available on your P800. Read more about background pictures in “Personalizing your P800” on

page 121.

Control panel


lock protected


Screen saver

You can set a screen saver picture to be displayed after a period of inactivity. You can also turn this facility on and off and select a delay period of up to 15 minutes before the screen saver is displayed. Read more about screensaver images in

“Personalizing your P800” on page 121.

If you select the Phone lock protected check box the Device lock will activate when the delay runs out. Read more about locks and security in “P800 locks” on page 33.

Power save

You can set a power saver to switch off the screen after a period of inactivity (2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 30 minutes). When the power saver activates, the screen will be switched off.

If you set times for both screen saver and power saver, the power saver setting will automatically be set higher.


You can set the screen light settings for car use and handheld use.

Auto Light switches on when you tap the screen, press a key, or receive an incoming call

On Light is always on

Off Light is always off


Select Lock to activate the screen saver immediately. If the Phone check box has been selected, this will also activate

the Device lock.


Occasionally you may find that you tap one item (for example a button or menu option) but another is activated. Calibrating the screen ensures that the correct item is activated. To restore calibration to the factory settings, press the Jog Dial.

Flip closed shortcuts

Use this dialogue to configure the application shortcuts shown in the Flip Closed Standby view, see “Standby view” on page 23. You can change the five shortcuts shown. If you feel that the shortcuts obscure your background image, you can choose to have them hidden when you do not need them. By default these shortcut icons are displayed:

Messages Contacts Call list Calendar Applications


Control panel

for 10 minutes.

To change an application shortcut in the Standby view

1. In the Flip closed shortcuts dialogue, select the icon you wish to change. The name of the application is shown in the Set

Application pick list.

2.Choose the application you want to replace it with from the list.

To hide the application shortcuts when your P800 is inactive

3. Clear the Shortcuts always displayed check box.

Flip removed

When you use your P800 with the hardware flip removed, you can use the keys on the virtual flip instead. Use this setting to turn it on or off (see “Virtual flip” on page 26).

Format disk

This dialogue primarily lets you rename and format any Sony Memory Stick Duo that you install in your P800. Your P800 comes with one Memory Stick Duo.

When you format a disk, you delete all the information on it, including any applications that you may have installed.

Your P800’s internal ROM drive is also listed in the dialogue, so that you can rename it to give it a more meaningful name if you wish.



Use this setting to control the state of the infrared communications port of your P800. You can set it On, Off or On

Read more about connecting to other devices using infrared in “Connection via infrared port” on page 151.


Use these settings to set the locations shown in Time, as well as the units for distances, numerical separators, and how currency values should be shown.There are two tabs: Locations

and Numbers.

On the Locations tab

Set Current country and Current city to your current location.

Set Other country and Other city to an alternative location (for example your home location if you are abroad).

If the city you want is not listed, select another city in the desired time zone.

On the Numbers tab

Set Long Distance and Short distance to Imperial or Metric.

Long distances are those that are displayed in and are measured in miles or kilometres. Short distances are those that are measured in metres or and centimetres, or feet and inches.

Control panel


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