SAR Information
FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity

Important Information
United States & Canada
The G8142 Series mobile phones have been designed to comply with the
app lica ble sa fety r equi remen ts for e xpos ure to r adio w aves. Y our wi rele ss
pho ne is a ra dio tr ansm itte r and rec eive r. It is d esig ned to n ot exc eed the
lim its of e xpos ure to r adio f reque ncy (R F) ene rgy se t by gov ernm ental
aut hori ties . Thes e limi ts esta blis h perm itte d leve ls of RF e nergy e xpos ure
for t he gen eral p opul atio n. The gu idel ines a re bas ed on st andar ds tha t
wer e deve lope d by int erna tiona l scie ntif ic org aniz atio ns thro ugh pe riod ic
and t horo ugh ev alua tion i n scien tifi c stud ies. T he sta ndar ds incl ude a
saf ety ma rgin d esig ned to a ssure t he saf ety of a ll ind ivid uals, r egar dles s of
age a nd hea lth.
The r adio w ave ex posu re gui delin es emp loy a un it of me asur ement
kno wn as th e Spec ific A bsor ption R ate (S AR). T ests f or SAR a re con ducte d
usi ng sta ndar dise d meth ods wit h the ph one tr ansm itti ng at it s highe st
cer tifi ed pow er lev el in al l used fr eque ncy ba nds. W hile t here m ay be
dif fere nces b etwe en the S AR leve ls of va riou s phon e mode ls, th ey are al l
des igne d to mee t the re leva nt guid elin es for e xpos ure to r adio w aves.
The highest SAR value as reported to the authorities for this phone model when
tested for use by the ear is 0.78 W/kg and when worn on the body is 0.44 W/kg
and for WiFi hotspot mode is 0.89 W/kg. For body-worn operation, the phone has
been tested when positioned a minimum of 15 mm from the body without any
metal parts in the vicinity of the phone or when properly used with an appropriate
accessory and worn on the body. For devices which include “WiFi hotspot”
functionality, SAR measurements for the device operating in WiFi hotspot mode
were taken using a separation distance of 10 mm. Use of third-party accessories
may result in different SAR levels than those reported.
Before a phone model is available for sale to the public in the US, it must be
tested and certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that it
does not exceed the limit established by the government-adopted requirement for
safe exposure. The tests are performed in positions and locations (i.e., by the ear
and worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The FCC has
granted an Equipment

Aut hori zati on for t his ph one mod el wit h all re port ed SAR l evel s evalu ated
as in c ompl ianc e with t he FCC R F expos ure gu idel ines . Whil e ther e may be
dif fere nces b etwe en the S AR leve ls of va riou s phon es, al l mobi le phon es
gra nted a n FCC eq uipm ent au thori zati on mee t the go vern ment r equir emen t
for s afe ex posu re. SA R info rmati on on th is pho ne mod el is on f ile at t he
FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of
information on SAR can be found on the Mobile Manufacturers Forum EMF
website at
* In th e Unit ed Sta tes an d Cana da, th e SAR lim it for m obil e phon es use d
by th e publ ic is 1. 6 watt s/ki logr am (W/k g) ave rage d over o ne gra m of
tis sue. T he sta ndar d inco rpor ates a ma rgin o f safe ty to gi ve add itio nal
pro tect ion fo r the pu blic a nd to ac count f or any v aria tion s in
mea sure ment s.
after searching on FCC ID PY7-08618T. Additional