Sonex Wheel and Brake Assembly Installation Instructions

Sonex Aircraft
© 2006 All Rights Res
Wheel and Brake Assembly and Installation
1. The wheel halves must mate together without a gap. If a
he stamped Azusa brake drums are typically
brake drum, part number ACV-W01-10. These steel brake
help prevent brake fade.
not always fi t fl ush against the face of the wheels. Placing the
Above: Flash on the bolt hole will prevent the wheel halves
from seating.
2. Insert all three bolts
bolts must pass through
bore, the bolt holes must
be redrilled with a 21/64"
smooth. If it is not,
bolts. If the bolts
holes in the brake drums can be updrilled with a 23/64" or
© 2006 All Rights Res
Wheel and Brake Assembly and Installation
Assembling the Wheels
wheels can be assembled with the tires and tubes.
a. Dust the inside of the tire and the outside of the tube with
baby powder
b. Install the wheel assembly bolts with the heads against the
brake drums and the nuts on the outside of the wheel.
c. Before tightening the bolts, make sure the axle bore is in
proper alig
nment. If a "step" is noted between the wheel
redrill the bolt holes so proper alignment can be achieved.
d. Slightly infl ate the inner tube and then release the air.
e. Infl ate the tubes to approximately 50 psi. 30 psi provides
nched tu
be if fl ying off a hard surface runway.
f. Grease and install the wheel bearings. Use a high-quality
bearing grease.
use white lithium grease.
shoes and backing plates. The shoes are held in place
with spring tension.
1. Remove the brake pads from the backing plate
2. Remove the brake actuating cam from the backing plate.
3. Round all four corners of the cam with a fi le. Be sure to
round all corn
cover the brake backing
plate. The brake drum will
plate and the brake drum.
being mounted perpendicular to the axle. This is easy to check
by placing a small draftsman's triangle against the axle in the
plate with a mallet to square it to the axle.
Wheels on the Axles
5. Lightly grease the lobes of the cam and re-install the
brake shoes.
Round the cam lobes to achieve smooth br
supposed to cover the brake